why did solid snake kill venom snake
While initially introduced in-game as long-standing Metal Gear character Big Boss, it is revealed he is actually a former physician and combat medic who underwent facial reconstruction and subliminal brainwashing to serve as Big Boss' body double; via retcon, Venom Snake is also revealed to be the man killed by Solid Snake at the end of the original 1987 game. "Solid Snake is sent on a mission that involves killing the commanding officer of Outer Haven and he kills him". Now consider what the world was like when everything was very good, as God declared it to be (Genesis 1:31). I had the twist to V spoiled for me a while back and I've watched a few "History" videos on YouTube that attempt to sum up the chronological history. Venom Snake (, Venomu Sunku) makes a minor appearance in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes as an unnamed combat medic and then throughout Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain as the player character also known as Punished Snake (, Panishudo Sunku). It could be that Big Boss sent Snake in because of a plan he and Venom cooked up to fool the US into looking the other way. Which came first: Snake fangs or venom? | Live Science Is The African Continent Splitting In Two? Of course, Solid Snake ends up destroying almost entirely the whole operation. It's not a win-win, and while Venom Snake is only one symptom, it's a punishing one. You turned your puppet into a demon and now the puppet wants revenge. A lot of people complained about this, but I think Kojima had a good reason. What Is The Longest Crocodile Ever Caught? A place to discuss theories, head-canon, finds, information, speculation, and observations related to the works of Hideo Kojima. Can Snake Venom Kill Cancer Cells? He further felt that the twist caused the story to become "hollow" and lacking in closure as a result of the "rehash[ing]" of missions during the game's second half and its "slapped in" ending. Both Venom Snake and Ahab die due to their hubris, though Snake did get his revenge. How should we interpret the story of MGSV? How Does Snake Venom Kill You? It takes a pretty confident creature to spend its life with deadlysacs of poison stored right behind its eyes! +20 - Fail thefultonextraction of ananimal. It could easily be fixed or retconned (which is admittedly partially the problem), butpart of it comes down to one character in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, Venom Snake. The Smartest Snakes in Metal Gear - gamerant.com +180 - Kill a Diamond Dogs staff member held hostage using fire damage. Snake finds that the leading man behind this plot is Big Boss, and in a final confrontation with Metal Gear D, Snake defeats Big Boss with a makeshift flamethrower, and leaves him to die; however, Big Boss survives the battle, despite the vast majority of his body being severely burned. How Does Snake Venom Kill You Instantly? Patriots kept him alive with nanomachines (MGS magic), and then somehow EVA used Solidus' and Liquid's body parts to reconstruct Big Boss. How Snake Venom Kills and Saves Lives | Let's - Let's Talk Science . How Much Venom Does It Take To Kill A Sea Snake? They both rebuilt what they had lost in order to get the means to have revenge. Especially knowing that The Phantom Pain was first planned to release on PSP, How do you explain the mirror scene? When human is bitten with hemotoxic venom by a snake, the venom decrease blood pressure and increase blood clotting. It seems his gullibility . Are Giant Insects Larger Than Humans Possible? This time, Solid Snake - the plan would've likely been the same again, just capture him, and it was all going according to plan until Snake escaped his prison cell and followed through with his initial orders, despite Big Boss giving orders that either disrupted his progress or would get him killed towards the end. 1.In Metal Gear. Its stated in the timeline after the credits that during the Outer Heaven Uprising in 1995, Solid Snake kills Venom Snake. +60 - Fail the fulton extraction of an enemy soldier. Snake simply believes that Big Boss somehow survived. After that came the Doomsday arc, where Quackity tried to take over L'manburg. It's just a little too perfect. As such, Venom Snake is the first Snake to die, having living in the shadow of Big Boss for so long the two characters were one in the same all the way to his death. In fact, the proteins in snake venom has been used to treat many conditions. However, looking at the games as a franchise alone without the real-world concerns, another big problem rears its head. Without a doubt, Venom Snake's character arc in Metal Gear Solid 5 is well put together. Venom Snake and Quiet sharing a tender moment. There are plenty of circumstances and strange factors that make Venom Snake's death a bit fishy, and I would love to see him survive. Once the venom is created and stored in these glands, it does not move back through the body, where it could infect other tissues, just as it does in their prey. To me it just doesn't add up. Why Dont All Bisexual Plants Produce Self-Fertilized Fruits? Snake used Venom Snake's death to fake his own death and escape the exploding fortress, and Big Boss was killed as a result. We know Venom was killed by Solid Snake and that Big Boss rescued people from Outer Heaven. Outer Heaven would rise and would destroy the Patriots. The venom from the same species doesn't kill a snake. This is a common question for those fascinated by the mysteries of Nature,as well as those who are deathly afraid of snakes. Does Snake Venom Kill Tumors? How Do Snakes Digest Their Food Without Chewing It First? Pigs also kill snakes out of natural instinct. Copyright 2023 Reptile Questions. That being said, if snake venom is so powerful and deadly, why doesnt it poison the snake? Who is The Boss to Snake? - remodelormove.com Because he had to send someone, or else he would blow his cover. Snake venom is highly toxic, and a singular bite can kill prey almost in an instant. Given the right situation - the right story - anyone can be shaped into Snake. - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001) Venom Snake was initially a project Zero created in order to help Big Boss stay under XOF's radar. Facts You Didn't Know About Venom Snake In Metal Gear Solid - Game Rant From the beginning, the Pentagon was just using you as a vector to spread FoxDie! Sutherland's performance garnered praise from critics, although some were bemused by his relative lack of dialogue. Not really the other way around. The tanker blows up and Solid Snake is framed, just as the Patriots planned. The only moment that Venom actually has a chance to step outside of Patriot control and go off-script is after he's listened to the tape, after Snake is already on his way to kill him. Except it does make sense. They are the opposite, actually, like the two sides of a mirror. There are nearly 3,000 different species of snakes in the world, and more than 10% of these are venomous. Now the basic answer is, Solid Snake did not know about Big Boss having a body double, he thought Venom Snake was Big Boss and in a sense, Venom Snake was Big Boss anyway, at least he was partly commanding Outer Heaven. Was Solid Snake Sent In Here To Kill Us? Why would Big Boss send Solid Snake to kill and destroy his own base and his second best in command? You start running into ambushes when venom realizes of what you're doing. Kojima and his own will Konami trying to impose their will on to him? Yes, Venom Snake did survive, until Metal Gear 1, when Solid Snake killed him. Horned Snake: This form appears after obtaining 20,000 points, the first time. As such, Venom Snake is the first Snake to die, having living in the shadow of Big Boss for so long the two characters were one in the same all the way to his death. Venom Snake grinning at being worthy of the title of Big Boss. Your theory from the first para is wrong, sorry. the uprising to overthrow The Patriot's rule of America). Demon Snake: This formappears after obtaining 50,000 points, the first time. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Not in that sense, i think. The solution was venom - a complex chemical cocktail of proteins and enzymes evolved to kill or incapacitate the prey before the snake even begins digestion. +120 - Kill an enemy soldier using fire damage. So why not just shooting him in the head or something. Similarities between Venom Snake and Ahab. His mind and body are probably still recovering. Asserting that Metal Gear has always been a primarily metafictional series, Dave Thier of Forbes praised the game's substitution of a player-created avatar for Big Boss. We must remember Kojima didn't plan out the canon - he miraculously pulled it out of his ass every game for nearly 30 years, of course the details will lose definition over time. He faked his own death in the Manhattan Tanker Incident, though he re-emerged years later to assist Raiden in the Big Shell Incident. Explain The Schrodinger Wave Equation In Simple Words. He managed to defeat Big Boss in Metal Gear 2 and destroy Outer Heaven's organization a second time, thus Big Boss lost everything he built up in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , and later has only a few key allies left as support in Metal Gear Solid 4 where his father . [MGSV 6] Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake had an in-game rumor about Big Boss rebuilt with cybernetic parts after being mortally wounded during the previous game's final encounter;[MGSV 7] this explanation was used for Big Boss' survival in the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database,[MGSV 8] although it has since been retconned with the release of The Phantom Pain. Ishmael is a new character in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. produce tetrodotoxin, which is extremely toxic to even the healthiest adult humans, though the number of actual fatalities they have caused is far lower than the number caused by spiders and snakes, with which human contact is more common. Snake venom is primarily made up of proteins, the vast majority of which are broken down in the stomach, just like the proteins found in meat and beans. How do you let go of someone who doesnt want you. You were sent in here to kill us so they could retrieve Metal Gear undamaged along with the bodies of the genome soldiers. Some of the components of snake venom cause retardation of growth of cancerous cells. He makes his own.". There is a relatively low chance of the snake dying, but definitive research is lacking in this field, given the ethical and logistical complications of researchingsnake fights to the death. -120 - Extract a VIP, a prisoner, or a Diamond Dogs staff member via helicopter. Por que Big Boss matou Venom Snake? Why did Solid Snake kill Venom and Big Boss? : r/metalgearsolid - reddit [MGSV 1] Both Big Boss and the medic fall into a coma for the next nine years. -30,000 - Dispose of ten nuclear weapons. Research has shown that snakes of the same species often do not use their venomous attacks when fighting for territory or mates. [9][10][11] Akio tsuka was unaffected by this casting change and continued to voice the character in the Japanese version, dubbing over Sutherland's facial capture performance (a first for the series). Because he's an idiot. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Instead, he was the one processing. for sites to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. Big Boss (Metal Gear) - Wikipedia Therefore, the speaker is merely credited as Snake. I don't think Solid was sent in there to kill Venom. Venom Snake Solid Snake, 'Metal Gear Solid'. It's quite self-explanatory that this doesn't make sense, yeah. A bit of background on my experience with the game. -60 - Fulton extract a rare animal, Diamond Dogs staff member, or a prisoner. hahaha, but seriously. this has ALWAYS been my interpretation. Solid Snake's official death in the Metal Gear Solid franchise is a bit unclear. He's the one who. If you are bitten by a snake, always seek medical care - whether venomous or non-venomous. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. During the Big Shell Incident in 2009, one of the Les Enfants Terribles children, Solidus Snake, lost his left eye as a result of fighting Solid Snake and Raiden. You were sent in here to kill us so they could retrieve Metal Gear undamaged along with the bodies of the genome soldiers. Because humans have noticed pigs eating and rarely being affected by snake attacks, hogs have garnered a reputation as being immune to snake bites, but this is not entirely true. What Happened To The Alligators And Crocodiles? [24], Ryan Gilliam of Polygon included Venom Snake as one of the best video game characters of the 2010s, writing he was "one of the more complex characters in all of Metal Gear [] The Big Boss character lost a lot with the switch from series regular David Hayter to celebrity voice talent Kiefer Sutherland. Do bull snakes have teeth? Download: https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsolidvtpp/mods/361Liquid Snake's hair is stolen from JinMar's Twin Snakes https://www.nexusmods.com/metalgearsol. Solid Snake's character arc is amazing, so I'd have to say him. How Does Snake Venom Kill A Human? 1 Big Boss (Naked Snake) Yes, the guy who thought eating glow-in-the-dark mushrooms recharged his batteries, and had to be shown how to eat his food is the smartest Snake.
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