who poisoned henriette in versailles show
It can be quite shocking to us, but pretty much most children died before adulthood people mourned, mirrors were covered and a service held, but some didnt wait more than a few days before picking themselves up and going off to the next party or ball or soiree. A hundred years ago. I also read your discussion between yourself and Teresa about episode 10. As for Philippe, I cant make out what he is. I really like him as a character, even though he tortures people. I have one comment / correction on what you wrote on Henriettes death scene. Cassel passes him and bows. Marchal picks up the dropped knife and lunges and he and Montcourt trade a few blows, with Marchal blocking then delivering a punch. Louis meanwhile, is disorientated (and by this time I am wondering where the guards are with all this noise, despite Marchal telling them not to disturb them). What the king wants, the king gets. Also I have to add SPOILER ALERT!!!! Speculation that Henriette had been poisoned began straight away. She actually says I could never love you well which does change the context somewhat. I especially like the pairing of her and Marchal. Henriette is just one more thing Louis takes from Philippe. Point 9: And again, who can blame her. Fashion. Henriette of England | Versailles Wiki | Fandom Versailles (TV Series 2015-2018) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Anyways, he says: we cannot be seen together anymore. And poor Philippe, who is distraught about his wife, its just another snub for him, isnt it? However, the court (and her brother, Charles II) was told she died of natural causes so he could hardly behead anyone for murder after that. Marchal: The King once told me, he warned me quite clearly that his enemies would seek to destroy those closest to him. I love this show <3. (For the record, I am speaking strictly of the characters in this drama, not the historical characters). Moreover, we cant fault her anymore for continuing her relationship with Louis (as if she would have had the power to end it anyway) than we can Philippe for continuing his with the Chevalier. As to fiction I found the ones I did read ended up thrown against the wall. Henriette of England is poisoned during her trip back from England. Louis walks in and replies: because I ask him to do so. Ahhhhh-HA! She is in love with him and, as you say, it seems its been going on for a long time. Louis replies how else was I to keep you close. How can you be scared? (sweet Philippe!) Such an angry king, and rightly so. Louis XIV was born on 5 September 1638 in the Chteau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, to Louis XIII and Anne of Austria. We are back at the sickbed, where Henriette sleeps and Montespan silently weeps at the bed. He cares for her, but anytime he has to choose between Chevalier and her, he always choose the former. And even if not, we see what Philippe is capable of when hes in a jealous snit. Montcourt tried to tell me the same. Oh, Louis most definitely would choose France over his brother. Noemie Schmidt: Yes, totally stuck. Lord. Season Two Mike and the last of Rohans men are massacred in a last stand by the musketeers, led by Fabien Marchal. Last scene, with Louis silent and stoic, standing on a stone that overlooks a glorious view of the forest with Versailles in the distance. In Paris, says Colbert. Snake! Hi, Then, as they both walk through the salon (Vaux de Vicomte again) and to the doors, the guards bar their way and Louis enters. She was merely being used by the man she was in love with. . Now this is fascinating. When we are the kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend. *Another side-note: When the Chavelier mentions that Louis does not look for beauty so much as character, umwas he talking about Henriette? Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. My loyalty still lays with Philippe as her husband, he has a right to lay claim to his wife. Point 6: Not her greatest moment, no. Charming. You went north, I went south and she went west and by the time they righted themselves we found our way down by the mill stream. Ive said this before in comments. Versailles - Season 1 - IMDb Learn how your comment data is processed. What to expect from the future? Stars: George Blagden, Alexander Vlahos, Tygh Runyan Director(s . <3 <3 I love the outfit on the fashion doll that we see when Philippe and Lorraine flounce into the salon full of cloth and trinkets, and later we see that same coat on Philippe as they stroll the gardens :), Your email address will not be published. did the male medicin drink the vial of poison accidentally or on purpose? She is subject to the whims and wishes of her king and lover, of her husband and even of her husbands lover. Not only did they grow up together but they were first cousins and Louis was a devout Catholic. But I said lets make it our fort. For once in your life you played along. From the bed, Henriette says pitifully, Dont leave me and straight away, we know who that is aimed at. At a Mass said for her soul, Bishop Bossuet conveyed the sense of shock at her sudden death: Oh, disastrous night; oh, dreadful night, in which resounded like a clap of thunder the unbelievable words Madame is dying Madame is dead!. Ugh) and oh dear, the Chevalier looks so panicked, so worried by the Ducs appearance is it because he thinks people will start accusing him again of treason? At least there is a modicum of decorum. I was never a fan of the character of Henriette, I just cant see how she wronged Philippe more than he did her. Anne, Hi Jules Hell, HIS WIFE is shagging his brother. As her husband, Philippe, rushed to her bedside, Henriette chided him, Alas, Monsieur, it is a long time since you loved me, but this is unjust. Alerted, Henriettes lady-in-waiting watched the duke closely, but he showed no indication of guilt and every sign that he was distressed by his wifes condition. Today, speculation has attributed Henriettes death to intestinal blockage, ectopic pregnancy or tuberculosis affecting the peritoneum. I cannot even imagine his reasoning for this, however I do know historically, Henriette desperately did want to be Queen of France, as did her mother want it, but at the time, she didnt have the pedigree, being the sister to Englands heir who wasnt even on the throne at the time. Philippe has been by her side throughout this. Or twenty, I suppose. When she travelled to England, she was excited at the prospect of seeing her brother, Charles, again. They are singing. Minor detail maybe, but not sure if that doesnt change the meaning of the next bit somewhat? And she is the only one who knew who prepared Henriettes chicory water. Enriched my enjoyment of the show, and got a bit more educated on the courts history as well . That she could feel no affection for the man she was forced to marry, a man who could never feel anything for her and who also raped her, is not at all surprising (even while considering that marital rape was acceptable at that time). the first time we see Henriette is with Louis, and Louis mentions her husband. Get him out! Henriette cries. Its my weekly sin, I confess, Im too addicted to this period to miss it. Art. Philippe is the complete dysfunctional mess he is thanks to Louis (and their mother) and he would have my complete sympathy, were it not for his raping his wife in a fit of anger and jealousy. Hmm. But that was the thinking of the time. I think Teresa is being a bit naive re. forgot to add the bit about similar shows. Still with the playing of games, the half-truth words. She is not indulgent in it. After reading your review on epsiode 10, and reading that it ends with Philippe leaving Versailles, I thought back to epsiode one and the moment he finds Louis at his favorite spot in the woods. First to Henriette, and after she was poisoned, to Elizabeth Charlotte, Princess of the Palatinate. Did not see this one coming! The Henriette thing is just one more on the heaping pile of shit. I could never love you more. Henriette gasps, crying and in pain. Inside Versailles Henriette Sister of King Charles II of England, Henriette - known as Madame - is the wife of Philippe and the mistress of King Louis. She is currently working on a biography of Louis XIV. Philippe and Henriette were forced into a marriage with someone they didnt love or care for. Cats with nine lives. He takes her hand and closes his eyes and for a moment he is vulnerable. Versailles 2015 TV series, shows/cartoon,anime,magma/Documentaries Even Louis at this stage is getting sick of it and announces he is going to war. She is simply besotted with Louis, so in love, that shed do anything he told her to. Kill him, then me, and blame it on him. Around 5pm on 29th June Henriette drank chicory water, then keeled over saying Ah! Jules! Societal expectations do not alter basic human reality. Even though Henriette had a history of pains (since 1667) and drank only milk and basically ate nothing (she was considered quite a stick in the fashion of the day, and some historians suggest she suffered from anorexia), the poison theory stuck. Yet how much pain are you willing to endure before you get what you want? His face may be handsome but now he just reminds me of a ferret. Is it fair? Henriette says to Philippe: Im sorry. We establish right from the start that she has no powershe was forced to marry a man she did not want because the king wants to keep her close. Ive found some interesting, unedited sources about him and I hope to write very soon a book to make some justice to this very, very mistreated character. Apparently de Clermont gave Marchal the names of the conspirators against the king, and all the names of those who shared her allegiance. It was really interesting reading both of your viewpoints. Should Claudine be villified for showing up her father? Claudine Masson Fabien Marchal Henriette of England Henriette and Montespan Fabien and Sophie Isabella Braganza Claudine and Fabien Marie-Thrse and Montespan Versailles (series) Sophie de Clermont Philippe of France Henriette and Louis Philippe and Liselotte's Wedding Chevalier and Henriette Categories Montcourt to Marchal: You are a fool. Louis replies: And you are a MURDERER! Montcourt continues with the wrong man thing, but Louis will have none of it. Does she want to end things with Louis? (its only 16mins and 50 seconds in not that I was counting *innocent whistle*) Filmed in the Chteau de Maisons in Maisons-Lafitte, in the Salon dHercule, he strides past Montcourt, demands to know what he is doing. We now see Philippe, so resigned, with tears down his cheeks, then Louis with a no, this is NOT happening. look on his face, eyes still dry. Henriette of England died in Saint-Cloud, not in Versailles. This is such a clever production team impeccable writing, brilliant cast, sumptuous sets and costumes. But his treatment of her does make me think, rather than an actual person, the writers have quite subtly used her as a tool: she is the only person Philippe can take his frustrations out on he knows she loves Louis, and at that point Louis is still very much in love with her Philippe knows this, and punishes Louis the only way he can, but punishing his mistress. Louis turns in slow-mo, the expression on his face revealing nothing. Exactly. Later on, we see the portrait back in Louiss chamber Does all this excuse Philippe raping Henriette? Whew! (We wont even go into whether or not that maid wanted to be drug into the bedroom by Philippe after his jealous strop with the Chevalier or his sneaking into Louises bed. Only honestly acknowledging that Philippes glorious death in battlesomething that would not displease Philippe, himselfwouldnt necessarily break her heart. We now join Rohan with the Dauphin, riding out with the Kings Guard. Of course, nothing happened and the doctors said colic but nine hours later, she was dead. I first read your reviews right after watching the entire series and then again after recently rewatching all 30 ep again. Philippe adds: .or two, perhaps. And he strides off. A brief scene follows, showing Rohan and the Dauphin sword playing and pretending a jolly game of war in the forest, thenwe are back to the Kings bedchamber where Henriette sleeps and Philippe is outside in the antechamber, brooding by the fireplace as Louis walks in. Louis adds, almost contemptuously: you never understood politics. Why is his passion for the man he loves to be forgiven and Henriettes passion for the man she loves to be used against her? It is a controlled grief. Beating your wife was also quite legal, acceptable and, indeed, expected. But unlike Philippe, Henriette never snogged her lover obnoxiously right there in the same room with him. Philippe of course blames Louis for Henriette's poisoning as he was the one who sent Henriette as an ambassador abroad even though everyone begged him not to. Is Philippe a victim? Such an angry outpouring from Louis, however, would have been out of character and no one else reported that he said any such thing. We see this SO MANY TIMES it becomes frustrating and sad. First of all, ladies, stop spewing vitriol. Hi Laura! They talk about whats happening Marchal is questioning people, and Sophie was taken in that morning. Montcourt 10 episodes, 2015 Gilly Gilchrist . We could never invade the entire world but the world can imagine us as their centre. And Philippe is the one who looks tortured, he is the emotional one, while Louis remains stoic. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. *The only voice, your own. There is no change. So Louis sequesters the palace. She is a woman, she is his subject. Back outside, to a view of Versailles under construction (I love these pre-glory shots!) Henriette wasnt asking the king to hire a hit on Philippe. And one day, brother, one day they will. Just airing in the U.S. and Im having surgery Friday so I dont know if Ill catch it. Much kudos to Nomie Schmidt for a brilliantly sad scene, aided by the backing music and the strength and emotion of George Blagden and Alex Vlahos. Except, when hes really angry and he rapes her. It was generally believed that she had been poisoned by one of her husband's friends, but historians have concluded that she died of natural causes, perhaps of a ruptured appendix. Versailles 1x10 - Henrietta is poisoned - YouTube Anne, Hi Jules haha that last message should have ended (I agree with you on all POINTS) not pints . He was distraught when she died, and was fully intent on punishing those responsible (as poison was indeed thought to have killed her). Philippe, despite their mutual loathing, was upset and distraught, so suspicion then fell to the absent Chevalier de Lorraine, who at the time was still in exile in Rome. Lovely. Just because women were denied their personhood does not mean they were not human beings who felt as any human being might feel. She is a toy left to gather dust on the shelf and which Louis has taken from him just to prove that he can. When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away. But Sophie declares she has no life: what her mother told her was a lie. I let a wolf back into my barn! Montcourts hand slides to his hip, Marchal sees this (good Chief of Police *pets his pretty head*) and Montcourt still denies, Louis accuses him of poisoning Henriette. By this stage both Henriette and Marie Thrse of Spain now knew what it felt like to be jilted and cast aside in your loved ones affections by another attractive court lady. My greatest issue with Henriette is that she seems to lack any personality. Louis just nods, gives Philippe a look (who is standing near the doors, looking so alone and sad, I just wanna hug him!) Absolutely enjoyed your recap of the finale. The characters almost act as it never happened. Bontemps wants to move her she cannot stay in the Kings bed. but Claudine says she cannot be moved. Dieu. Everyone shares a look because, yeah, they know. Henriette and Philippe | Versailles Wiki | Fandom We found an old building a sorry shack made of stone and moss. Marchal commands to clear the room, Louis adds: Not you, Montcourt. and the doors are sealed: no one enters. The camera hovers over the prone Henriette then pans up from the bed, like we are her soul being released from her body. Philippe has no interest in Henriette, is not attracted to her or in love with her. For one thing, Anne of Austria, Henriette and the Comtesse de Scissons and even Louis XIV partly himself were in real life all part of a plan to distract the court and other gossip mongers from spreading further lies, gossip, rumors and to provide a cover up for Louis and Henriettes affair which was more of a fling than an actual full fledged affair. Im leaving. Louis: You would defy me, even in this moment? Philippe: I know what this moment is. Louis steps to his brother and the camera frames them between the crossed pikes, a familiar movie making technique that focuses your eye solely on them, and also creates powerful imagery of two strong men, between weapons, taking opposite views. Yep. She is in such a tizzy that she barely gives her daughter, Sophie, the. She could not affect change herself. He expressed his doubts to the grief-stricken Charles II, who earnestly believed that his sister had been murdered. Coming from the quills of noted showrunners David Wolstencroft and Simon Mirren, both known for gripping series with a conspiratorial bent (i.e. Sorry to jar you There are just some things I couldnt overlook, and I admit I was looking at Henriettes character so closely, to see if the screenwriters would sweeten her up from her historical figure. It INFURIATED Louis), In the show Philippe tries time and again to offer his support and love, but is constantly betrayed or rejected (this happened with the historical figures, too.. (Historical note: mistresses were in competition with each other all the time, poison was effective and the murderer didnt have to deal with the messiness. And that is the problem you face, Montcourt. I will also add that while Louis uses her to hurt Philippe in a very deliberate and calculated manner, I dont believe that is Henriettes intent at all. BRILLIANT acting. Philippe is no more vulnerable to the hurt and damage done to him than she is to the hurt and damage done to her, simply because he is a man with rights and she is a woman with no rights. Close the doors! The Queen adds: we must put her in the bed. Louis nods; in she goes. Once again, Louis behaviour, as reported here, is uncharacteristic. He is genuinely distraught, going to a collapsed Henriette on the floor while Louis is just standing there, seemingly frozen. These scenes are odd for me to watch, but by now, I have totally put aside any frustration when the show deviates from what I know of the actual history. The three remaining lived to be 59, 49 and 68. oh sorry, wrong show). The French musical Le Roi Soleil is always great to watch. Neither of them showed much interest or affection for the other, both clearly preferring their lovers. I neglected to include the phrase in my opinion. But Louis, he just wanted her close, and so married her to his brother. And even after watching both seasons 1 and 2 of Versailles, I wouldnt say that he loved her a lot but on the show it was to a certain degree. To which Marchal says: you are the daughter of a Huguenot conspirator to the King, funded and supported by William of Orange. But Sophie says her mother paid that price, she is merely trying to survive and thought Marchals protection would ensure it. Philippes distress is written all over his face, while Louis just looks angry, eyes flinty, mouth flat, jaw clenched. It is always Louis for her. And Bontemps replies: we are all proud of her, Sire. Louis: And now someone is trying to destroy me, by destroying her. Rohan appears: And they will not succeed I came as soon as I could I wish to offer myself to you as your subject and as your friend. UGGGGGH. Required fields are marked *. A begrudging father/daughter mentor role, and she eventually warms him up a bit? Thanks for the correction I listened to that audio over and over but couldnt quite get the last word! Though only a few actually act on it. Marchal is having a hard time believing Montcourts usual crapabout returning to court because he is a true friend to the king and was his duty to inform him of a threat to Henriettes life. P.S. Louis looks stunned too. The Kings son. Such was the hygiene of 17th century France. Louis looks strained, says: I do not regret sending her. Lets just say, Henriettes jealous behaviour is a far cry less despicable than Philippes.). Especially as her lover was the king. And yes, the Chevalier does live to quite a ripe old age . Ita all so quick, and beautifully choreographed. Louis XIV of France | Versailles Wiki | Fandom Menu. I am waiting eagerly for the second season and I really hope to see you write about it then. the kiss between the Chevalier and Philippe happens after the war, after Philippe has seen Louis bring Henriette to the front. It happened so fast, but did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? Arguably, as a man, it was within Philippes power to end his relationship easily enough whereas Henriette, a woman, would very possibly not have had that same power. Philippe is clearly shocked and my heart is just going HHHHHHHGGGGNNNNN. In between re-watching S1, of course. Which one? Louis asks. And, more importantly, Henriette NEVER RAPED Philippe. All of these things have the power to change a nation from within. But gossip is gossip and it was particularly rife and vicious in those days. Henrietta was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford, who had recently returned to the Royalist side. The first time we see Philippe is with his lover. My thoughts on that notorious Henrietta/Philippe scene in episode one is that it is entirely out-of-character for Philippe as we get to know him through the rest of the series. Hes just having some fun. I enjoyed them very much, I must saymuch more than this series, which is good entertainement, but, God, so FAR from being historically correct, in so many ways. He is genuinely happy to see the Chevalier and shows it. She stays. Philippe: And so do I.. A yellow Spanish topaz, buried in the mud. Finally, a scene with the Chevalier!!! I am sobbing. Henrietta of England and Her Tragic Life of Calamities and Heartbreak Philippe loves and is loyal to his brother and only wants Louis to allow him to support him. Really enjoyed reading your reviews, which I found halfway the show. Dance. The midwife and doctor were horrified but there was nothing she could do!!! But Marchal continues calmly. Of his power, of his country. I like the show, the actors and the plot. No one enters. I hope the surgery went well, Heather! Is he justified in knocking her across the room? Thanks for reading! Much kudos to Nomie Schmidt for a brilliantly sad scene, aided by the backing music and the strength and emotion of George Blagden and Alex Vlahos. The two are not mutally exclusive. So anyways, off we go. Hold onto this moment, I told you. Gaston de Foix was arrested and tortured as the potential poisoner by Fabien. We begged you. Basically he can do what he wants, but she is not allowed to. Nup. Her breath falters: Im scared. And the look on Louis and Philippes faces as they both lean in to comfort her *sobs* Philippe says gently: There is nothing to fear. Henriette: How do you know? Philippe: do you remember before you were born? The writers do it over and over again, in tiny little ways that is infuriating (Philippe with his sad puppy eyes Nooooo!) And so was she. These reactions perfectly suit and says a lot to their characters, plus George Blagden and Alex Vlahos as hugely talented actors. At some stage, Musket Mike (the masked man) is outed as a Kings guard. Then he calls for the Guards. In my opinion, I agree with Teresa. This is clearly frustrating for Bontemps, this is against all protocol, and Bontemps is nothing if a creature who takes comfort (and even enjoys) the routine of protocol. Right away, I am feeling negative towards them both, and yes, judgey about Henriette. Do you believe these women feel less pain and violation because the behaviour is condoned by the society in which they live? He deserves a truly powerful, unpredictable, fun, intoxicating woman who pulls the rug from under him, and he enjoys it. *Disclaimer* I do not own any of the audio or footage included in this. thank you.. Is he justified in his behaviour towards her? He took the bottle to drown his sorrows as it were, after he hit Claudine, feeling remorse, I would think. What a total prick ). Again, so so love your words. Philippe was there in the woods and saved Louis from the wolves, but at the end of season one hes left Versailles. Cultural factors, too, played a part. And silently walks to the window. What shall I do! But it is kept behind closed doors. Another grabs him, covers his mouth, and more appear to shoot a guard. Thank you all! The fact that she could feel anything at all for him (beyond disgust) by the end surprises me. That was your promise to me. I wonder what theyve got in store for us. The first one we ever played in, says Philippe. They grew up knowing what their duty was as prince and princess. She brought honour on herself and glory to our court. Is she a villain for this because of the thinking of the day? However, the bible does say something about a man being expected to marry his brothers widow. And then down by the promontory. And Louis is still on a roll, caught up in his speech about grandeur and nobility and the endurance of a legacy: .the song we sing here, brother, I mean it to be played forever. And suddenly, as he stares at Philippe, his face alight with the emotion of a true believer, the cries of Henriette are heard. I look forward to reading your reviews on the next series, when it comes out. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Check back soon for my overview and wrap up of the entire season. needless to say, all my writing is copyright to me, so don't be a dick and steal it. Is he for or against le roi? Its really sad, she could have been a great queen with Louis (he might not be faithful to her, but they will have live better than now), but the turns of fate, made her his brothers wife instead. IDK??? I have known your website for some time now but hadnt had much time to write a post until now. Philippe turns to the guards, stands patiently at the crossed pikes as Louis stares at his back. Now that *would* be naive. Henriette screams and they both surge to the door then suddenly stop. OMG he hits Marchal across the face with the candlestick, Louis lunges, Montcourt throws him off and the King smacks his head on a table. The flowers theyre singing. and she is gone. Only a year or so to go until a new season arrived on fledgling network Ovation, its U.S. cable home. What about the angels? he asks, after Montcourt nervously says hes been praying for Henriette. Who seeks to harm Henriette? However, lets assume they are both equally dire sins. My heart breaks for him. And Montespan was married too, so in the eyes of the church that was double adultery. He rapes his wife. And she was having an affair with the Comte de Guiche. If anything, his expression pays deference to her status as a princess, hes contemplating his own mortality. Historically, poison was definitely suspected in Henriette's death and briefly, here's how it went down: It was 1670 and Henriette was pissed off she couldn't be with Louis at Versailles, and of course Monsieur knew this, so he ordered her to accompany him to Saint Cloud. And suddenly Philippe is the calm one, says gently, brother and the look on his face, as the tears trickle gently down his cheeks the quiet sadness as Louis stares at him, then his realisation that this is it. Henriette answered Montagu with a shrug: she did not know. He says quietly: She knew what she had to do. You died of a cold, or a simple infection or someone sneezing on you. Louis persists. Back to Henriette, who is now laid out on a bed, hair done, powdered and dressed in her finest gown. Another scene now, with Rohan getting ready for his ride, and a servant girl by the name of Marie entering, demanding her money. No, of course she doesnt. BBC Two - Versailles, Series 1 - Henriette I cant always catch what is being said, particularly if it an aside or a whisper but I know you will tell me . More of an extreme sadness at his wifes pain. I knew hed say that line! In this respect, they are both on fairly equal footing. Louis strolls over to the fireplace and picks up a poker, calmly summarising whats happened on his roads, his people dying, attempts on his own life, and now his beloved Henriette. Louis reels off a list of people who were with Henriette on her journey, people that must be interrogated. Yet even on her deathbed, she reaches for Louiss hand first. Louis: you are grieving. Philippe shakes his head: I grieve alone. Louis swallows then says: You will marry again. Philippe interjects: I simply want to live. Louis: It is your duty. Philippe hisses: I have had my fill of duty. There was an attempt on her life before. Saint-Simon asserted that Louis was so thankful that his brother was innocent of the crime that he decided not to prosecute the perpetrators.
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