who does ximen end up with in meteor garden
A freshman at Ming De University's Department of Food Science & Nutrition. | Xiao You also met Xi Men at the party, though Shan Cai warned her to stay away from him. Ximena Morales Cuellar officially called it quits with Mike Berk on 90 Day Fianc: Before The 90 Days, and many viewers are siding with the Colombian native. On another occasion, he had to hear Ximena saying, Im not going to want to get married to you, I dont want to live with you. However, these incidents do not necessarily mean that they wont end up together. Ximen Yan and Feng Meizuo track down the origin of the posting. Several days later, she finally found the right building. Check out the upcoming projects of everyone's favorite actor. Xi Men Yan | Boys Over Flowers Wiki | Fandom She has chosen him over Si before and now they want her to choose Si over Lei. Shen Yue (Dong Shancai), Dylan Wangaka Wng Hd (Dao Mingsi), Darren Chenaka Gun Hng (Huaze Lei), Connor Leong aka Ling Jngkng (Feng Meizuo), Caesar Wu aka W Xz (Ximen Yan) are the leading cast making up Shancai and F4. After laying 8 to 12 eggs in a row, a hen will take a day off of laying and then continue the cycle again. I know I'm late to the party but I need to vent somewhere after binge watching this twice. In the distance, a sign read "Xi Men, my love". Xiao Zi asks Shancai to convince Ah Si to give up his hunger strike. Ximen offers to help Xiaoyou get back at her ex. I am telling myself it was all a dream, she did pass out after the hunger strike and its all a crappy dream. I just finished watching it too and I agree. Si's friends, When Dao Ming Si goes on hunger strike, He Yuan Zi tries to convince Dong Shan Cai to give him up. His condition improved when he met Teng Jang Jing, whom he fell in love with. i iust watched last night and im so mad too!! He has been a part of Cat Lover and has made an appearance in Super Idol. Her mother insists that they settle things with Si's mother, Dao Ming, Xi Men Yan takes Jiang Xiao You on a date that does not go as planned. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 College 1.2.1 Dating Zhong Ze All five are relatively new to the entertainment industry, with few (if any) titles under their belt. When he said "[do you want me to] date you, kiss you, or bed you? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The character of Feng Mei Zuo is played by Connor Leong. Daoming Feng and Shancai engage in another heated confrontation. Press J to jump to the feed. Later, Xi Men, Dao Ming Si proposes to Dong Shan Cai. Utterly confusing and making no sense, it left me feeling as if I had wasted my time watching this serial. Killing? Family It fell off after the first few episodes anyway. The young actress rose to prominence after her role in A Love So Beautiful, the story of which was based on the novel by Zhao Gangan, To Our Pure Little Beauty. It felt like I'd spent so much time getting invested and waiting for this silly relationship to finally work, and have the dream wedding and then, instead of giving the end of the hunger strike/ acceptance of Shancai/ wedding the time that it deserved in the story it was a nothing flashback filled heap of blah. They leave Lei to last as he is the hardest choice for Shancai. But what if Nimona is the monster he's sworn to kill? The second season might not be on the horizon yet, but you can always re-watch the first. Meteor Garden Season 2: Release Date, Cast, Renewed or Canceled After the incident, Xi Men helped her gain self-confidence. Meteor Garden 2018 is reaching its end and what a ride we've been on! Meteor Garden Episode 7 . if thats truly the case, i fully dont like and support the ending to this series. Meteorgarden Stories - Wattpad When they finally reach his bedroom,, Xi Men Yan tells Jiang Xiao You about his childhood friend, Xiao Geng, who had strong feelings for him. And all of a sudden they all forgive his mum, like what. Is Hua Ze Lei Autistic Resposta Rpida Jing makes a shocking announcement about her career at her 24th birthday celebration. He joined his co-star, Dong Shan Cai, in the variety show The Inn 2. Special appearances have been made by Harlem Yu (the singer-songwriter who composed the music for Meteor Garden 2001 and also had a cameo in that), Amber Kuo (Channel X, Keeper of Darkness, The Happy Times of That Year), Tang Jingmei (Revenge for Love, The Glory of Tang Dynasty) and Wang Yue. He was a member of the F4 with his friends Dao Ming Si , Xi Men Yan, and Feng Mei Zuo. The last two episodes starting from when Shancai calls Meizu and he tells her that Lei had already left for London is so confusing that it spoiled the whole serial! Because no way can they end it the way they did. Things become more complicated when Dao Ming Si, the leader, falls in love with Shan Cai but comes to know that she actually fancies someone else, Hua Ze Lei, his best friend. SBS acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country and their connections and continuous care for the skies, lands and waterways throughout Australia. Yoo In Na, Yoon Hyun Min, And Joo Sang Wook Confirmed For New Rom-Com. Xiao You was the only daughter of her mother and father. Shancai fulfills her cleaning duties as Ms. Yu lays down the law around the house. [4] She and Shan Cai later attended Teng Tang Jing's birthday party with Chen Qing He. Planning to marry soon, they visit Shan Cai's parents to get approval. Furthermore, he had to listen to Ximena saying, I care for you, but I dont love you, right to his face. [9] Xiao You and Qing He worried for several days about Shan Cai. Arriving home unannounced, Daoming Feng spars with Ms. Yu, who firmly defends Shancai. The survey post regarding MG2018 discussions on this subreddit received a total of 19 responses. "Trailblazing idol drama Meteor Garden getting S$33-million reboot", "Meet the new F4 and Shancai in the 2018 Meteor Garden TV reboot", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Meteor_Garden_(2018_TV_series)&oldid=1132352825, The protagonist of the story. She transformed into a self-assured and brave person. The plan nearly worked, but Shan Cai found them listening at the hotel room door. Ximen Yan and Feng Meizuo track down the origin of the posting. Before dating Zhong Ze, she was inexperienced with romantic relationships. In fact, some of them are convinced that Mike might even be out of Ximena's league due to her words and actions. He expresses interest in Dong Shancai's impressive competitor in the Chinese Cuisine competition, Zhou Caina, who he dates for a while before letting her go to her true love. Gender also, with the wedding dance scene i cringed when i saw it. An extraordinary girl with a sharp mind and a vivid imagination takes a daring stand to change her story with miraculous results. Why the hell did Zhuang do a strange dance and kick her brother. This is a space for all fans of cdramas, TV shows, web series, as well as actors and actresses. Xiao You grew her hair to about shoulder-length later on. In the morning, Xiao You called Shan Cai to say goodbye. This paves way for conflict and this is what brings them close enough to know each other. She had light brown hair styled in a bob cut and her bangs covered her eyebrows. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. TLCs reality show 90 Day Fianc: Before the 90 Days follows couples who are in an existing relationship online but havent met in person. When she finally finds Si in London, he refuses her help and asks her to leave. You can also change your preferences at any time by clicking Cookie Preferences in the footer of each page. Even after meeting Ximena, things werent easy for Mike. Oh. He comes from a wealthy and domineering family, and is being primed to take over the family's multinational corporation, Daoming Group. Mike considers himself a regular guy who works in New York City and volunteers for the fire department. Shancai realizes she's not over Lei. I was so invested in the series and I'm now pissed and also disappointed by this finale that was stupid . In February 2018, it was announced that the director had been changed from Xu Fuxiang to Lin Helong.[2]. RAW WATCHERS: Refrain from posting spoilers to future episodes/plot until appropriate thread is up. Years later, Jing left Shanghai to study in Paris, leaving Lei heartbroken. Ximena is a 24-year-old single mother who lives with her two sons in Pereira, a mountainous city in Colombia. Her popularity further increased after she appeared in Meteor Garden. They are the most popular boys in school and their leader is as arrogant as he is rich. Later, Dao Ming Si and his mother fail to show up for lunch with Dong Shan Cai and her parents. Watch Meteor Garden | Netflix Official Site even wiritng that makes me confused. I had a feeling around episode 45 that we would be robbed of a good ending. The fifth season of the show depicts seven such relationships, including Mike and Ximenas. second assistant director (3 episodes, 2018) Ximen XiaoYu kiss scenes Meteor Garden 2018The collection of all Ximen and Xiao Yu kiss scenes in Meteor Garden 2018 Shancai sees a different side of Ah Si when he visits her at her family home. Why was she randomly put in a wedding dress, why did DS friends tell her that she ended it with DS. Dong Shan Cai anxiously waits for him to wake up. Meteor Garden ( Chinese: ; pinyin: Lixng Huyun) is a 2018 mainland Chinese television series starring Shen Yue, Dylan Wang, Darren Chen, Caesar Wu, and Connor Leong. Amen !!!!!! Meteor Garden: Season 1 (Trailer) Episodes Meteor Garden. Jul 16, 2018. unit production manager (1 episode, 2018) Series Second Unit Director or Assistant Director Mark Lacey . Go to this linklink and scroll down to adine3101 's comment and the one under it by Danielle and you will see the only explanation that actually makes any sense. After moving his family into his childhood home, a man's investigation into a local factory accident connected to his father unveils dark family secrets. Affiliations During the course of Mikes visit to Colombia, his patience was tested severely. Guitar guy also showed up as a street performer playing that song in the finale episode of the Taiwan version too, so it's a callback to the original show. Here we have discussions and reviews of our favourite shows, provide recommendations for other viewers, and talk about all aspects of Chinese dramas from pre to post production. [6] The drama was budgeted at 720 million New Taiwan dollars (about US$24 million) with 15 million per episode, thirty times higher than the original. A METEOR GARDEN FANFIC Ximen and Xiaoyou become lovers in high school but turns of events takes place when Ximen breaks her heart and later he regrets but its too late for him Main twist takes place when they come across each other after years. ROYAL ENFIELD SUPER METEOR 650 AEW TE 202 PERFOMANCE EXHAUST - eBay In this table, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings. Why did everything feel so rushed? Written by Sharon Mao, the episodes are directed by Lin Helong. Meizuo runs into Terence at Caina's house. To ward off Terence, Zhou Caina calls Meizuo for a date. I think DS died (especially as it shows him unable to physically move his body but symbolically holding out his sore hand to SD) and that SC died in his arms (she falls and he catches her with the same sore hand). And his psycho mum suddenly became friendly instantly?!?! Shancai is a girl from a family that barely makes ends meet. Brown She spent the following day finding Xi Men with the help of Si and Mei Zuo. Literally the same exact experience I had. The whole scenario with Daoming Sis sister dancing and doing some weird magic shiz made it seem so not genuine I was just hoping it was a dream but sadly that was just how they wanted to end meteor garden like a freaking joke. The story centers around an ordinary girl, Dong Shancai (Shen Yue), who is accepted into the most prestigious university in the country, Ming De University.
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