what if wano luffy was at marineford fanfiction
som original - Sr Shanks. Everything should have been great. You bitches already killed Whitebeard? She was right, he shouldnt worry. Luffy said his farewell to the friends who helped him recover, notable Jimbe and Boa Hancock. Throughout the series Shanks has sort of been shown as someone who cares strongly for keeping the peace, interfering in matters that wouldnt really matter to him otherwise, but every time he has interfered it has been closely related to Luffy, and Luffy alone. WB was above both Sakazuki and BB in his extremely weakened state. The Black Dragon Pirates! Its phantasmagorical to such an extent, he was able to stretch his arm to the size of Onigashima. The only saving grace Blackbeard has is Whitebeard's devil fruit, but it matters little when he's slow and not very durable. @mcu-defender333: youre mistaken Blackbeards durability is off the chart bruh, like Island level, He doesnt get intangibility, and feels more pin but his tolerance is higher due to DF too. But this time, with his looney toon walk, he can sort of run in the mid-air, to reach Ace more easily. You are massively underrating BB. IX-0 is under orders to patrol and vet the pirates trying to enter into the New World, and it's been going great. is a One Piece Alternate Universe fanfic co-written by Black' Victor Cachat, writer of Ace Lives, Justice, and Sea Of Souls, and by rose7anne101, who also wrote D Sways the Waves of Time. Oda managed to perfectly implement cartoonish details in manga universes. His father, and Garps only son, was dead. Also, Luffy really struggled with Kizaru to reach the scaffold. He watched as Akainu focused his attention from Ace to him. That Bastard was what Luffy decided on absentmindedly as he grasped the corners of the vivre card. ", The effect was instantaneous and everyone turned to see Luffy running past Oars Jr.'s unconscious body, They tried their best to stop the straw-hatted teen but, of course, Luffy just avoided all of the attacks that were thrown at him, By this time, the fight resumed for the rest of the Whitebeard pirates and marines on the battlefield as well, This time, Whitebeard himself also joined the fight to support his many sons, Luffy sprinted towards Ace with determination in his eyes, He was going to save Ace, no matter the cost, It seemed as if nothing could stop the rubber boy, Attacks were thrown at him non stop, but none of them managed to inflict any damage on the young teen, Eventually, Akainu finally snapped and got tired of watching the marines lose so easily to a mere rookie pirate, When he got close enough, he launched an attack, A wave of magma shaped like a fanged doghead launched at Luffy at an incredible speed, Luffy sensed the attack and jumped out of the way at just the last second, The magma attack proceeded to injure and probably kill some marines that were near him, He turned around to see Akainu bolting toward him, 'He could have retracted the magma as to not hurt his nakama!' Marineford Arc - Works | Archive of Our Own Shanks and Buggy were really fucking young when they joined the crew okay? He didnt want Ace to go after Blackbeard because he knew it would involve Luffy. With the knowledge of the Summit War coming up, they get ready to embark to war, not knowing they'll end up tailing a very interesting man through the New World.Set from the Summit war arc onwards, and is canon-adjacent in a way. FarExamination9787 9 mo. O Fim de Onigashima! But there are other entities in the Wild with agendas of their own, and they don't care about what others want at all. "Go and help your brother!" Then he turned to the crew. He almost killed Ace with like 4 generic punches. 1- he can forcefully deactivate Luffys gears and possibly Haki if its comparable to sea stone. Set in an alternate universe where Marineford takes place after the Strawhats have already been to Wano and Yamato actually joins their crew. He tried to rationalize it in his mind and make sense of it all, but he couldnt come up with a cohesive answer without starting from the very beginning. Like almost all major characters in One Piece, yes, he too has his own dream. Even death will not do them part. To hell. made Luffys head snap up. Then he would have tried to take over WB territories. Well shit. Title says it all. the marines are absolutely terrified.). Guns firing, swords clashing, blood spraying, and bodies falling. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use' And well, the answer has become very very clear, he was waiting for the emergence of Joy Boy. Get The One Piece Manga: https://linktr.ee/OnePieceManga Join The King Pirates Elite: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjmLqiKod6y-Gm4j-NW_n5g/join My Gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/imd.king My FAVORITE Tool For YouTube: https://www.tubebuddy.com/Zack Where I get My Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/y8vyle------------------------------------------------------2ND CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/c/ImDWeeb TWITTER https://twitter.com/ImDZackDISCORD https://discord.gg/4Ehhq78------------------------------------------------------For any business inquiries please contact at me at: ZackJBusiness@gmail.com---------------------------------------------------------Thumbnail Edit by: https://twitter.com/BinhoGfxMusic: https://www.streambeats.com/------------------------------------------------------Timestamps:0:00 - Start here0:37 - How Strong Is Current Luffy?4:33 - Luffy vs Marineford11:12 - The What If#ImDKingLinks included in this description might be affiliate links. Feeling bad that he'd never get to meet the other one, not at the rate his health was deteriorating.What he didn't expect was for his soulmate to come and find him, save him from what would no doubt be a horrible day. is a One Piece Alternate Universe fanfic co-written by Black' Victor Cachat, writer of Ace Lives, Justice, and Sea Of Souls, and by rose7anne101, who also wrote D Sways the Waves of Time. Particularly here, when he inflates, both of his limbs and muscles are extended, as a combined effect of the Gear 3 and Gear 4. The same Ace that fought Jinbei for 5 days. Later on, Luffy acquired the abilities of the so-called. I'd bet on Teach because he seemed to beat Ace without too much trouble and the Quake-Quake fruit ain't nothing you want in contact with you. But there are other entities in the Wild with agendas of their own, and they don't care about what others want at all. You get it: he can become a true giant, for a few moments. pic.twitter.com/sTbsaitGVh, sandman (@sandman_AP) February 28, 2023. Move, Luffy inwardly screamed at himself, MOVE!. First of all, Luffy would be able to protect Whitebeard from the damage some of the fodders dealt him. But he has likely been keeping his distance too, so Luffy can grow on his own terms and unlock his proper potential. Feeling bad that he'd never get to meet the other one, not at the rate his health was deteriorating.What he didn't expect was for his soulmate to come and find him, save him from what would no doubt be a horrible day. Three years later she reunites with Luffy and the Strawhats when they reach Loguetown, deciding to join them as they depart for the Grand Line. By the way, did you ever wonder if Nika was Odas persona in One Piece? | KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! After all, That Bastard was the one who sent Ace to Impel Down. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Its better to wait and see. Marco helps Luffy time travel to save Ace, along with the rest of the Straw Hat Crew. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/LuffysMotherIsWho. Armed with his Devil Fruit power and a regret/wish, he changes as much of the past as he can. probably he gon be acting more gangsta than my main man Shanks did, but will eventually get his ass handed to him. : " ", " ", " " , . Ace was dead. Besides, even Shanks possible arrival in Marineford wont be enough to weaken their resolve. I think it'd be even more amazing if retconned plots miraculously end up working well.*Wonder if Shanks appearing in Wano was retconned as well..? Saving the Flames: Straw hats at Marineford, an one piece fanfic Luffy solos his own verse with "Red Rock". For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Um Anncio de Ventos e Nuvens! The precious card that Ace had given to him before he continued his chase for - what was his name again? Well shit. Kaido is not and was not implied to be stronger than WB. All the statements made about Kaido (strongest creature, strongest pirate best at 1v1s) happened after WB's death which makes it unclear as to whether this included WB or not. @keyrushmeister: I don't recall that happening. One day after the events in the Sabaody Archipelago, where the Straw Hat pirates mysteriously disappeared, the Black Dragon pirates, a group with a 289 Million beli bounty on the Captain's head alone, appears! In contrast to Luffy whose idea of alliance is another name for friendship, he understood the alliance was done for . Its an interesting choice for Oda to go for if nothing else. Ace, believing he'd died at Marineford, wakes up 10 years in the past, right in the middle of the Gray Terminal fire. We dont even know if Kaido felt this. @krisbishop: didn't he match Sengoku's full budha shockwave punch with tremor fruit and then challenge both Sengoku and Old Garp? Can you imagine the whimsical amount of damage that can be dealt in a single strike? For all we know he has large aoe that makes it very hard to deal with him unless you straight up beat him and that 4 top tiers under him would be as pointless as 1 top tier of their level. Please consider turning it on! Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Supernovas ainda sobrevivendo no Novo Mundo. Everything should have been great. made Luffys head snap up. Three years later she reunites with Luffy and the Strawhats when they reach Loguetown, deciding to join them as they depart for the Grand Line. Despite his pure will and unyielding determination, Luffy was weak and failed to rescue Ace from execution. In summary, the Paramount War definitely didn't go as planned. Ator do Dragon no Live-Action de One Piece Revelado, Ator de Yasopp no live-action de One Piece revelado. He looked up at the battle around him, at the thing that killed his Law, and he screamed. Of course, if the good doctor had his way, he wouldnt be dead forever. Hit the Navy hard, cover Whitebeard and protect the . Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. However, a couple of things will make a difference this time. Looks like he's the target now, he thought dimly, as he saw Akainu switch positions and rush at him. TOP 50 Highest Known Bounties Ever in One Piece! "What the shit? Also, Luffy really struggled with Kizaru to reach the scaffold. Battle waged around Garp. Kaido angry.". Shanks has been waiting this entire time for Joy Boy to emerge, because he knows that's the only way he can get the One Piece which is why he had to save Luffy at any cost. With a sharp, deep inhale, Yamato shoved the vivre card back in his kimono and nodded his thanks to Nami. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Portgas D. Ace keeps running, and instead of receiving a magma fist to the chest courtesy of Akainu, he gets to watch a blinding beam of light eradicate Monkey D. Luffy's heart while he stands less than two feet away. Well shit. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The people froze, unable to move even a finger. Monkey D. Garp died at the old age of 146, three years after his grandson is named Pirate King. "Luffy, no!" Ace yelled with equal worry and disbelieve. One Piece belongs to OdaCross posted on Wattpad under patz_paprika. Isso, claro, tambm o caso de Eiichiro Oda. Ace was strong, but even his strength had its limits. Jan 10, 2015. will thus lead to a bloodier and more intense war than what we saw in Marineford. Law just wants to be left alone to live his life. Akainu's defeat and Blackbeard's defeat are completely different, Blackbeard didn't even injure Whitebeard and got completely no diffed, it's also pretty obvious he used the last of his strength to defeat Akainu, lastly he was rage boosted by Ace's death. But, I wonder about their reaction when the Hito Hito no Mi, Model Nika User allegedly appears out of nowhere on the battlefield. Luffy was weak and failed to rescue Ace from execution. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Theres not really a single thing Shanks has done so far that can be explained outside of relating to Luffy. No, death was a roadblock but not permanent, just a little hiccup. and where the fuck where they during Marineford? Yet danger can be found on both land and sea as trust isn't entirely easy to give. "The world seemed to slow down as Luffy laid there, reaching for Aces vivre card. Luffy high diff. Welcome to my personal blog. But then, in a flash, his vision turned white, a searing light burning his eyes. Kaido is likely just fine. And then when Shanks appeared. It takes 3 Yonko crews to beat the Marines. Sona D. Vienna was found by her adoptive mother Wendy on the shores of Dawn Island at only a year old. Kaido and his crew would be severely weakened by their fight with Shanks and wouldn't be able to do much. The precious card that Ace had given to him before he continued his chase for - what was his name again? Changing The Future Chapter 2: The Marine Ford Arc, an one piece fanfic He has closely been monitoring Luffy for a damn reason. Luffy just wants adventure and fun and freedom. Assuming Kaidou and Shanks never crossed paths on his way to Marineford, that would be a whole different matter. "The world seemed to slow down as Luffy laid there, reaching for Aces vivre card. I think either way, finally, we have confirmation of what role Shanks will play in the story, one that some of us probably werent expecting, but an interesting twist all the same. Since my mind loves working overtime and I cannot finish one story before having thousands other ideas for the life of me, maybe by posting them it'll give me the long-awaited boost, who knows? Luffy just wants adventure and fun and freedom. Oda pensou que Kid teria mais MF Teach with two devil fruits: yami & gura-gura, Ace died at MF but Teach make fun of him, so Luffy is bloodlusted. The Marineford arc remains etched in our memories, marked by intense battles and a bitter taste of defeat for piracy. Like WB will still die, One way or another, But Ace would've definitely lived, and Luffy will be capable of decimating the marines. It was a small skirmish in the manga, like Whitebeard vs Shanks material I assume. And the one thing I am 100% sure of is that Shanks was waiting for Luffy, because he had to. Vienna and Luffy face all the battles thrown at them head-on, even facing death to save their loved ones. Terry? (or, a gear 5 fic where luffy goes batshit insane. ATENO!O objetivo do site unir os fs de One Piece do Brasil e para manter um ambiente saudvel, atente-se s regras! Akainu probably being the first. It can be found here or here.. A mindless slaughter that should never have come to be, and he stood in the center of it all, wondering just how things had ended up like this, how they had become so bad. Luffy dodged a generic mace swing from Kaido. Work Search: BB cn take away luffy's immunity from blunt attacks with one hand and slam a quake in his face with the other while punching him with massive power. Portgas D. Ace keeps running, and instead of receiving a magma fist to the chest courtesy of Akainu, he gets to watch a blinding beam of light eradicate Monkey D. Luffy's heart while he stands less than two feet away. Sakazuki was also defeated by WB in the same condition. No, death was a roadblock but not permanent, just a little hiccup. I mentioned the fight with Jnbei just in case you tried to downplay Ace's endurance nothing else. One Piece is a beloved manga and anime franchise that has captivated fans for over 20 years. As Histrias No Planejadas pelo Oda | One Piece Ex half of them are OC because we don't know anything about that crew, Rouge was a pirate i will die on that ship, swearing because they're pirates not nuns. And, he doesnt even need to blow air in his body. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", In case these tags are a little too overboard. Vienna finds herself wanting to get closer brother's first mate, and then her feelings grow even more confused when she meets Trafalgar Law on Sabaody again. Get The One Piece Manga: https://linktr.ee/OnePieceManga Join The King Pirates Elite: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjmLqiKod6y-Gm4j-NW_n5g/join My Ge. The sound of sandals clicking against the frozen floor was heard throughout the entire battleground. Terry? No more WB pirates and more Marine losses. Then the next time we see him, he chose to run from Shanks. Wait WHY DOESNT HE HAVE ANY MEMORIES OF MARINEFORD?? To change past as well as the guilt that ate away at him. After all, That Bastard was the one who sent Ace to Impel Down. and that's not even me making shit up that's actually canon, Ivankov is his own warning and comes with mentions of non-consensual sex changes, he also gets his ass kicked by a lot of people because of this, Tenryuubito | Celestial Dragons | World Nobles, Marineford fix-it but Luffy Scares his Family Shitless: Wano Luffy Edition, Gear 5th is a menace to the world Government, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco & Monkey D. Luffy, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco & Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate. Luffy gets a reward from Toki and he has a chance to save his brother! , , . And he seems to have a little more chance to turn Marinefords War into a successful mission. Ace, believing he'd died at Marineford, wakes up 10 years in the past, right in the middle of the Gray Terminal fire. That should be the end of it, but IX-0 finds itself following them into the New World in search of something it can't explain. And the Whitebeard Pirates most definitely didn't expect for a new, powerful trump card to form from of a battered, beaten body. BB cn take away luffy's immunity from blunt attacks with one hand and slam a quake in his face with the other while punching him with massive power. Despite his pure will and unyielding determination, Luffy was weak and failed to rescue Ace from execution. Didn't MF BB get pimp slapped by everyone on the field? STRAW HAT IS MAKING HIS WAY THROUGH THE BATTLEFIELD! O usurio cita uma fala feita por Oda em que fala sobre seus acrscimos histria, que no foram planejados com muita antecedncia. An undercover RA agent notices something on the battlefield of Marineford that shouldn't be there, something only she can see.She finds life where there should be none. Since my mind loves working overtime and I cannot finish one story before having thousands other ideas for the life of me, maybe by posting them it'll give me the long-awaited boost, who knows? Not underestimating Blackbeard, you're vastly overestimating him. half of them are OC because we don't know anything about that crew, Rouge was a pirate i will die on that ship, swearing because they're pirates not nuns. Vienna grows up with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy running wild on Dawn Island. 2- the quake fruit hits harder than Luffy does. But is it really over? Whatever happens will happen. Soon, he's got several other people along for the ride, and the situation quickly spirals out of control. , , , -. So its no coincidence. He also adopts a few children on the way, as a somewhat brother/uncle figure. Sabo was dead. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Why hasnt he done anything yet? Why has he waited 12 years, for something Luffy has almost achieved in a matter of 2 years? Basically what I am saying is, blackbeard fought WB with enough power to easily defeat an admiral. Oda pensou que pelo menos metade deles desistiria As a long-time fan, its an honor to share my passion with you, a passion fueled by the One Piece series for nearly 15 years. So the only thing at stake for the Marines was Aces execution. Kaido is not and was not implied to be stronger than WB. Contrary to normal events, having Luffy in Gear 5 would be a big advantage thanks to his limitless power. Law treasured the words on his wrist, those little things that told him what his soulmate would be going through that day. grab Kaido, in his full azure dragon form, with a single inflated. He also adopts a few children on the way, as a somewhat brother/uncle figure. D. Luffy, the captain of the Strawhat pirates and the main protagonist of the One Piece manga series, is known for. The second problem is the fact that he still doesnt fully master this Gear. and our In the arc of Wano Country, the exhaling confrontation between Luffy and the Strongest Creature Kaido led to the awakening of an incredible game-changer: Gear 5. COPYRIGHT ONE PIECE EX 2006 - 2023 ~ DESENVOLVIDO POR BARUCH VITORINO, Quem o traidor de Egg Head?! I hate to say it but as a small bonus theory I do also believe Shanks only intervened when he believed Luffy was in danger (and we now know he can observe people from a very far distance, and can likely see into the future also, so he likely knew when and only when Luffy was in danger). Kaido come to Marineford, see WB's dead body and leave as fast as possible to not finish like Newgate. Please consider turning it on! Ace's feats are what exactly? However, when Judge tries to use his men as human shields, Luffy (who was brought along as one of Big Mom's children meant to marry Reiju) knocks them away and keeps Reiju from following Judge's orders, allowing Sanji to unleash every bit of rage against him. That should be the end of it, but IX-0 finds itself following them into the New World in search of something it can't explain. Armed with his Devil Fruit power and a regret/wish, he changes as much of the past as he can. So are you saying that this is if Kaido went all-out and managed to beat Shanks? . Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. A sorta slow burn wholesome love story between One Piece character Sabo and [Name]. At least, that's what the news had reported. Luffy's Mother is WHO?! Soon, he's got several other people along for the ride, and the situation quickly spirals out of control. The world would forget about this place, the island that would be called the Great Kingdom. Blackbeard was beaten by a Whitebeard that by all accounts belonged in a coffin, I don't really see how you can say he'd win here, especially since Luffy at this point has injured and evaded an attack from a Yonko who was in a much better condition than Whitebeard was even at the beginning of Marineford. Leaning towards Luffy but Blackbeard has 2 distinct advantages. BB cn take away luffy's immunity from blunt attacks with one hand and slam a quake in his face with the other while punching him with massive power. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (68), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types (1), | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1), ! Taking a look back to the circling walls which slowed down the swarm of pirates, Luffy can now blow them away with a single oversized punch. - All Media Types (1), Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (Anime) (1), Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms (1), Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate (88), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks (76), Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo (43), Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Portgas D. Ace (35), Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law (23), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Portgas D. Ace (23), Monkey D. Luffy & Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates (22), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Monkey D. Luffy (16), Portgas D. Ace & Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate (15), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (67), Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate Lives (44), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco/Portgas D. Ace, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante, Monkey D. Garp & Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo, Monkey D. Garp & Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate, Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate Lives, Parent Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Minor Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Author Is Basing This Off Of TikTok Edits, Trafalgar D. Water Law & Original Character(s), Portgas D. Ace & Original Female Character(s), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Portgas D. Ace, Roronoa Zoro/Original Female Character(s), Trafalgar D. Water Law/Original Female Character(s), Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace & Sabo & Original Female Character(s), Monkey D. Luffy & Original Female Character(s), Kurohige | Blackbeard | Marshall D. Teach, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Midoriya Izuku & Shirohige | Whitebeard | Edward Newgate, Fushichou Marco | Phoenix Marco & Midoriya Izuku, Past One For All Users (My Hero Academia), Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers, did i make this entire crossover so Ace would live? Relao de sangue de Doflamingo e Corazn , . But, I wonder about what wouldve happened if, at that moment, he had his insane power-up of Wano Country: the Gear 5. Insert Kaido for Wesley Snipes, WB Pirates for the armored vampires and Marco for the guy at the end. He gains the power of the sun god Nika, which allows him to melt the boundaries between imagination and the laws of physics. A single factor that could change the entire history of piracy in the One Piece universe. Provavelmente, at a apario de Shanks em Wano foi resultado de um retcon para promover o filme, mas aqui estamos agora, com o captulo 1076 de One Piece, e aquela cena fatdica que nos fez pensar em como tudo estava realmente conectado desde o incio. This BB was fighting both Sengoku and Garp at the same time, are we really going to pretend as if Current Luffy is equal to those two? Luffy Sobe! With the above said it's not a stomp, Blackbeard will probably walk away hurt. Pre-TS Blackbeard wiping the floor with current Luffy is funny when Blackbeard + his entire crew ran away from Akainu. As for the rest, we will see, but imo this is all highly likely. A importncia de Law como personagem. The Devil fruit users getting fished out by Jinbe and they were all standing on top of the ship. An undercover RA agent notices something on the battlefield of Marineford that shouldn't be there, something only she can see.She finds life where there should be none. 2002 wrx sti for sale.One Piece Fanfiction Luffy Becomes A Yonko A One Piece Peggy Sue fic, D Sways the Waves of Time by rose7anne101,. Therefore, the World Government unleashed the Admirals to proceed with the execution, no matter what. He watched as Akainu focused his attention from Ace to him. And also later, he ran away again when he saw Akainu approaching them. Ace #ace #yamato #portgasdace #luffy #wano #marineford #onepiece #o (or, a gear 5 fic where luffy goes batshit insane. considering if he entered the war in full strength, then Akainu goes down pretty quickly. 105 REGISTRO DOS PIRATAS DO CHAPU DE PALHA. What if current Luffy (Wano) was there in the Marineford war? But he wasn't going to complain as the stranger defended his son and his son's brother from that brat, Akainu. And the Whitebeard Pirates most definitely didn't expect for a new, powerful trump card to form from of a battered, beaten body. One Piece belongs to OdaCross posted on Wattpad under patz_paprika. He wasn't sure what was going on, but it was clear that the group behind him was on the defensive while the group in front of him, all in some kind of uniform, was the aggressor. On a further note, I also believe this is why Shanks went to Marineford, to ensure Luffys survival. Luffy knew that Ace could take on an admiral even if he wasn't in such a horrible condition. What if Kaido arrived at Marineford instead of Shanks Iirc BB only fought Sengoku, Garp jumped and knocked Burgess down with one hit. A Vingana Contra o Rei das Feras, Trailer de lanamento do Vol. Wano Luffy vs Marineford Blackbeard - Battles - Comic Vine
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