what if goku was never sent to earth fanfiction
This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of Banjotron2000. Of course, due to the loss of footage, the world was 21, awoken from her slumber by the androids 17 and 18, seems to form a new barrier between the world peace Gohan and Trunks seek. What if Goku never landed on Earth? - YouTube A rare look of respect entered his eyes, and she treasured it, although it was hard to care about such things in the aftermath of news like that. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of Supersaiyian11. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of Vegito SS3. 22. However, this newly arrived female droi Gohan and Goten were not the only children of Goku and ChiChi. List of Tertiary Characters in The Forgotten, Despite this story collection being started by ExtremeSSJ4, he put very little effort into it and completed zero stories. Escape to Earth 1. Fear and Frustration New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 10 Ways Dragon Ball Would Be Different Is Goku Stayed Dead. Well, if Kakarot was never sent to earth, he would never have been named Goku. Demonic Triumph (never started) (What If King Piccolo had beaten Kid Goku? Majin Piccolo (What If Dabura had turned Vegeta into stone instead of Piccolo? "All I know is that they sent me to Earth when I was just a baby." "Right, right," King Kai replied before he began his tale. Just Another Chance 15. She placed him inside and then stepped back, ready to engage the startup sequence. Kakarot Who? Saiyans Collide (never started) (What If Vegeta won his battle against Goku?). 3. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, 1. WHAT IF GOKU and BROLY were SENT to EARTH? FULL STORY - YouTube ), 2. What if Goku never learned instant transmission? The fact that Goku achieves Super Saiyan status first becomes a major catalyst for Vegetas character. A Force For Justice! The second child. ), 7. Gokus first passing is very early into Gohans life when hes still just an impressionable child. Goku and Goru (never started) (What if Goku and Raditz were twins and were sent to Earth together and both hit their heads?). Daniels work can be read on ScreenRant, Splitsider, Bloody Disgusting, Den of Geek, and across the Internet. Hey there, I'm looking for well-written DBZ fanfics! ), 10. Dragon Ball has never disappeared from the public consciousness. Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock is a What If sequel to the original Bardock OVA, Bardock: Father of Goku where instead of simply meeting his end via Frieza's Death Ball, he is sucked into a time warp. At this point Broly, or Korak, is 17. Her weakness stood out less next to beings who didnt judge their worth in power levels. ]BECOME A MEMBER TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarthusDojo/joinFULL STORY: https://youtu.be/PpmBDoSIBNQ0:00 Zeno \u0026 the Grand Priest give God of Destruction Kakarot a Task1:30 God of Destruction Kakarot visits Champa, Beerus, \u0026 Universe 66:58 God of Destrcution Kakarot MEETS Zamasu!9:49 God of Destruction Kakarot VS Toppo11:58 God of Destruction Kakarot VS JirenIn this Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super What If - I discuss what would happen if Goku had landed on Beerus' Planet. Expecting to move on to the afterlife, but she was contacted by Midoriko who decided to give her a second chance at life. If Gokus death were permanent rather than temporary, this arrangement would have only become more intense, and Gohan would permanently be Piccolos pupil. With Goku gone, Vegeta would likely have been the one to surpass his limits and achieve the milestone. Click here: https://bit.ly/2v3dvVP ADD ME ON . 37. franchise devises some clever ways for its characters to tap into new reservoirs of power, such as, Buu Saga attempts to conjure the magic from the animes early days is when it, A huge plot thread introduced towards the end of, is that a new warrior, Uub, is born. 31. What if Broly had been sent to earth? It doesn't really change until later when Goku and Chi Chi have to travel to Master Roshi's house to get the bansho fan. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of AkurnaSkulblaka. : This scenario involves Goku missing learning the technique during his visit to Yardrat. Goku continues to get more chances, yet the series's trajectory would be considerably different if Goku never returned from the afterlife. But if Bardock was right, Kakarot would never be retrieved from this infant mission. She felt the engines begin to hum to life, but from her upside down position she had no leverage with which to hit the emergency stop button. One of the reasons that the anime connects with so many people is its entertaining characters, like the heroic Saiyan, Goku. Six were not. We know what happened with Goku's ship, crashing in mount Paozu and soon to be raised by Grandpa Gohan. The single story that was started (story #3) was completed. Year on Yardrat. But Tarble's pod goes to another place entirely. Hey there, I'm looking for well-written DBZ fanfics! A year passes and after a q Kagome Higurashi died in the final battle. Seeing Kakarot in a similar pod, under even worse circumstances, made her actually start to tear up. Return to Earth has never disappeared from the public consciousness. "I wasn't born on this planet, I was sent here to [BOOK ONE] [Completed] 14. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of Destructivedisk. "Now, once upon a time, before you were born." [begin music: Shura-Iro no Senshi] ".on the planet called Vegeta, there were 2 tribes who lived there. ), 6. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of SSJ4dude. However, despite seeming very collected and calculating, Kakarot is still to some degree Goku. A Mother's Love (What If Goku's Mother came to Earth during the Pilaf Saga and killed all of Goku's child hood enemy's? 24. To be honest, I don't think Goku stands a chance against the Earth's defenses. Bardock looked at the ruined glove with disdain, but instead of commenting on it, he met her eyes. Farewell, Frieza 41. What If Goku Married Bulma? 2. Super Saiyan Prince (never started) (What If Vegeta had turned into a Super Saiyan on Namek during his fight with Frieza? The fact that, series chart Gokus growth from a child into an adult and the birth of Gokus family and the next generation of warriors that will follow in his footsteps. Follow her story as she goes from the once young naive little girl to the hero. Prince Hero (never started) (What If Vegeta didn't let Semi Perfect Cell absorb Android 18? Otherworld (never started) (What If Krillin saved Gohan from Nappa? A Saiyan infant sent out on a purging mission was always retrieved before they were too old to be reconditioned. Chi chi wasnt just pregnant with Goten, he was born with a fierce twin sister called Gine. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of ExtremeSSJ4. Gohan is already born atDragon Ball Z when Goku passes away for the first time. In this story I basically change a bunch of thing to try to make it different from the source mater Dragonball, we're familiar with the story. Reunion with Raditz Mature. ), 10. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of JMan2.0. Be careful, she said before he rushed off. Answer (1 of 5): Goku would immediately know there is no one on earth who is, or ever will be a challenge. This is a story of what might have been, if instead of Tarble being sent to a unknown world, was instead sent to earth. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of KorintheKat. Between Hope and a Hard Place What if Goku was sent to Beerus' Planet? 44. 16. DBZ Retold, Book 1: The Saiyan Conflict Chapter 6 - fanfiction.net Of the four that have pages made for them, three (stories #3, #5, and #7) were completed. Uub is a pivotal figure in both Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT, so his erasure would have serious consequences. This might even result in greater casualties since Instant Transmission plays a vital role in minimizing Cell's self-destruct measure's casualties. Buu's Destruction (never started) (What If Kid Buu killed Goku and Vegeta?). Father & Sons (What If Bardock had managed to find Raditz, recover Goku and escape Planet Vegeta before Frezia destroyed it? Change In Fate (incomplete) (What If the Goku had married Bulma instead of Chi Chi? Raditz Remembers Third Form Frieza My Summer Vacation by Son Gohan, Age 5 No stories by ExtremeSSJ4 were completed this season. Dragonball Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. He talks with Whis and together they create a shortlist that Universes can use to make very quick changes before bigger plans are made. Battle's Aftermath left kudos on this work! 30. Upon being set down Kakarot had resumed crying, and Gine found her hand hovering over the button to engage the pod, unable to press it. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). ), 6. Dragon Ball Z: Every Time Gohan Was The Real Main Character, Piccolo stepping up to the plate to train Gohan, Dragon Ball: 10 Times Goku Was His Own Worst Enemy, Dragon Ball Super: 10 Times Goku Overstayed His Welcome, devastating Android attacks in the future, transportation ability, Instant Transmission, 10 Times Dragon Ball Was Darker Than It Needed To Be. The Problem of King Piccolo RT @BasedPota18: Calling Freeza the main antagonist of the series because he caused Goku to be sent to Earth, is like saying Joe Chill is the main antagonist of Batman cause he killed his parents. Dragon Ball What If is about a event that would be change and would probably have a very different result (Example: What if Goku never hit his head or What if Bardock kill Frieza before Planet Vegeta was destroyed). but its still a heavy experience for everyone involved. Daishinkan calls an emergency meeting of Gods to introduce Goku. The manga is purely for reader's joy but if a being such as Goku is brought to real world anything he does can cause a world catastrophic event. Intervention (What If Cooler intruded in Frieza's choice of exterminating the Saiyans? Click here: https://bit.ly/2v3dvVP ADD ME ON DISCORDhttps://discord.gg/5gnNZvTrYqGot A What if Suggestion? One of the reasons that the anime connects with so many people is its entertaining characters, like the. :) He would have been with Vegeta and the other few surviving Saiyans working for Freiza as the picture implies, but he honestly would not be as strong as he is on earth. Gohan did warn Goku to never look at the full moon, meaning Gohan has seen/experienced Goku transforming before and Goku was somehow stopped. ), 9. Kakarot: A Different Path(under Revision) - Izuku - Wattpad 10. Nine were not. Son Goku and Piccolo accidentally get sent into the MCU universe, changing the course of it's history as the God level beings become the universe's most powerful heroes. 1. I have something to tell you, he said. 2. Korin and Kami 12. He would know only killing, and nothing more. In fact, they had a daughter. What If GOKU and BROLY were Sent to EARTH? 9. 32. The Saiyans are his best soldiers!. FULL STORYBECOME A MEMBER TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarthusDojo/join0:00 Part 1: What if Broly was sent to Earth before Goku?11:46 Part 2: What If Broly was in the Saiyan Saga?22:17 Part 3: What If Broly was in the Frieza Saga?37:48 Part 4: What if Cell had Broly's DNA in the Cell Saga?1:00:03 Part 5: What If Broly was in the Buu Saga?1:08:18 Part 5.5: What If Broly fought Beerus in Battle of Gods?1:15:07 Part 6: What If Broly was in Resurrection F?1:26:34 Part 6.5: What If Broly was in the Universe 6 Tournament?1:32:01 Part 7: What If Zamasu stole Broly's Body as well as Goku's?In this Dragon Ball What If, Goku and Broly have both been sent to Earth. RELATED: Dragon Ball Z: Every Time Gohan Was The Real Main Character. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. If we mean the one from Draginball Evolution, he is a bully victim. 35. Goku's crucial move between the Frieza and Cell Sagas is the transportation ability, Instant Transmission. 6. Dragon Ball Z FanFiction Recommendations. Kira (part 2) (never started) (What If Death Note happen in the Dragon Ball universe?). What if Goku never bumped his head Kanzenshuu Villians Escape From HeIl (never started) (What If ALL of the Villains the Z-Warriors had ever faced escaped from Hell to Earth and battled them?). Training and Techniques Three were not. I decided that I wanted to make one of those Y/N stories, mainly because I'm too lazy to come up with a name it should be pretty awesome though. Daniel's extra musings can be found @DanielKurlansky on Twitter. ), 7. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. so his erasure would have serious consequences. Hot, fat tears begin to roll down Gine's face. Goku never succumbs to heart failure if hes still dead from the battle with Raditz. It's been five whole years since the defeat of the terrifying Cell at the hands of the half-Saiyan child, Son Gohan. The two turned away from each other. Some techniques are much rarer and exclusive to specific characters. As long as it's not totally useless I don't care.. ), 5. ), 3. Someone like him must be contained and cannot be allowed to unleashed. A Saiyan infant sent out on a purging mission was always retrieved before they were too old to be reconditioned. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of Nikon23. A simple power up could turn Earth into dust. Dragon Ball has built an expansive afterlife, which could serve a greater purpose if it were to become Gokus permanent residence. Watch as they go through every arc in Dragon Ball like the Red Ribbon Army Saga, King Piccolo Saga, and the Piccolo Jr. Saga. DBZ was a big part of my childhood, and I've always wanted to read a fanfic that captures the epic battles and wonderfully charming characters Akira Toriyama created. RadioRat, herbari_pendulum, Stalixis, BitterAlchemy, crispy_reference, Zorua_the_Adorable, The_Mourning_Of_The_Glory, IceenSwary, the_real_lord_grim, HarleQuin714, scoopsAH, EriSama, Wandereroftheverse, PoseidonChildOfSong, gularadato, Yaniv1233, Blizzardangel1997, SpideyMax, ArcyStoriau, Darkinha_Quenn, TheLastAtlantian, Vivisan, scarletcamelia24, 155568, Tvfanfic, Athy_sds, SoaringJe, Erised_282, ziiMercY, Quickreader3, Bookworm06, ThoughtfulBreadPolice, Nova_Gibbs, multi_shiper_fandom, d0nutbunny, Nanderson13666, Kuroki8, Encephalite666, BRayne7, vicolixkin, battysorciere, SD99, Confuzzled_Almaz, Zazaoohlala, YoKoChi150, ChubChubSmash, Blazing_Darkness, dropout_ninja, flydragonfly, Feliadox, and 64 more users (What if Broly never held a grudge against anyone and was sent to Earth? Of the six that have pages made for them, only three (stories #3, #5, and #6) were completed. Fusion becomes a necessity during Buus invasion, and while Trunks and Goten perfect the fusion dance, its Goku and Vegeta that are looked at as ideal Potara Earring subjects. After all, Bardock was still sus of Frieza regardless of Broly, so it still works out. Gine bent forward without thinking to try to comfort him, but before she could, he accidentally smacked the internal door button. It is also a but different if you mean the real Goku as a teen in highschool or if he randomly turned into a kid (again) and ended up there, since the answer would vary a bit depending on when in t. Goku leaves to train Uub, but the only reason that Uub comes into existence is that King Enma hears Gokus wish for, If Goku isnt present to foster these feelings, all of Buus evil energy likely dies with him, and it doesnt get repurposed. A Lengthy Last Straw This means that Goten would never be born if Goku doesnt return, which doesnt just result in one less Saiyan, but it removes Trunks most reliable sparring and fusion partner. Before she knew what was happening the door had lowered and pushed her into the pod with Kakarot, where she lay in a jumbled heap. VIDEO START AT 2:11VIDEO START AT 2:11What if Dragon Ball Playlisthttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi1F2cKVJk7liddG_C6D5Z4IjVAi7AhWHDragon Ball Discussionhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi1F2cKVJk7n9no7avuDoLbim-qLkrlep Fairy Tail Discussion https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi1F2cKVJk7mtFTBnRe8Pe5oGTYlTf1YC5 Facts You Probably Didn't Knowhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi1F2cKVJk7le2CdKTloUfn1ZfgRLhHrwEverything You Need To Know Abouthttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi1F2cKVJk7k1UxuSk8RveEe1FlzNfovmLINK: #DragonBallWhatif #Whatif #DragonBallSuperADD ME ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/gokut23_VIDEO START AT 2:11 However, Zeno comes to Earth bearing a gift, a collections of videos from Yin finds herself caught up in a struggle bigger than herself. However, it sounds more logical. Big events, such as Gohans Ultimate upgrade, could serve a much greater purpose if they led to Buus defeat. The stakes get raised in considerable ways when Future Trunks gets introduced and brings with him the news of the, is creative and exhibits variety in many ways, but Goku gets the honor of taking out the big enemy. Emergency Exodus The Uncle Raditz (incomplete) (What If Raditz had taken Gohan to train up instead of using him to force Goku to his side? ), 2. Without another glance at her terrified coworkers, Gine stripped off her gloves and hurried out of the kitchen, rising up the maze-like passageways of the main complex to the nursery. Super Saiyan transformations have become a routine rite of passage in Dragon Ball, but Goku kicks off the trend during his climactic battle against Frieza. No one knows she exists. ), 9. This time warp sends him to the past where he has to save a village from Frieza's ancestor, Chilled. A month following the destruction of Planet Vegeta, the two balls scream through the atmosphere of the earth. Goku Stories - Wattpad Goku is raised by Grandpa Gohan and it plays out like the original, with Goku hitting his head, killing Grandpa Gohan, and meeting Bulma. This article, Dragon Ball What If, is the property of Raging gohan. The Dragon Ball series chart Gokus growth from a child into an adult and the birth of Gokus family and the next generation of warriors that will follow in his footsteps. Once she got there she quick-stepped down the rows until she found Kakarot, easy to spot due to his intense resemblance to Bardock. ), 7. ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the general low quality of many of the below stories, and ExtremeSSJ4 being permanently banned in disgrace from this wiki for multiple rules violations, Dragon Ball What If will not be continued, and only the below blue links to stories are what will ever exist for this project. DONATE NOW To GokuT23!! (never started) (What if Dr Gero had been a good scientist and Bulma's father was a villain who worked for the Red Ribbon Army? Kira (part 1) (never started) (What If Death Note happen in the Dragon Ball universe? Second Form Frieza . What if Goku Was Born A Half Angel? (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Cookie Notice
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