visitacion valley middle school principal
Which Type of Exercise Is Best for the Brain? Our courageous educators got personal, thinking about how White Supremacy Culture shows up in their personal lives and between colleagues. They simultaneously tell us that we are not good enough and keep us to the bottom rungs of racial hierarchy if we do not assimilate. Search for Public Schools - Visitacion Valley Middle (063441005678) In my dream, I imagine that Culturally Responsive Teaching, restorative practices, and deeper learning are all alive in classrooms across the United States. [2] Under the management of the San Francisco Board of Education, the district serves more than 55,500 students in more than 160 institutions. We can have equity missions plastered on walls and front that we are about closing the opportunity gap, but we don't go deeper than diversity trainings. Please call and make an appointment with the principal, assistant principal, dean or school secretary. Specifically, this pushed on us to think about and change how we work together: We worked to create norms that encourage people of color and women to contribute, we shifted the relationship between teachers and administration so that teachers had more input in budget and hiring decisions, and finally, we adjusted the pace of our professional-development plans to emphasize quality over quantity. Yet that's where real leadership comes in, the organization noted. SFUSD's Student Family School Resource Linksupports students and families innavigating all of the SFUSD resources available to them. Nearly 90 percent of Visitacion Valleys students are classified by the district as socioeconomically disadvantaged and more than 40 percent are English Language Learners. Mad Sal's Dockside Inn in Ale House Alley, and Mission Blue. We get thrown a new thing every couple of years so I didnt put too much faith in it. But in April, just a month after meditation began, teachers noticed changes in behaviour. Dr. Bettina Love writes in her book, We Want to Do More Than Survive, "To even begin to attack our destructive and punitive educational system, pedagogies that promote social justice must help educators understand and recognize America and its schools as spaces of Whiteness, White rage, and White Supremacy, all of which function to terrorize students of color." 2023 Editorial Projects in Education, Inc. Tuesdays at 9:00a.m. 609-611 Naples Street, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Compass They worked harder, paid more attention, were easier to teach and the number of fights fell dramatically.. At that point the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) stepped in, calling Visitacion Valley "a neglected urban backwater of 18,000 with rampant crime, awful schools, and a deplorable housing project called Geneva Towers." (Gee, thanks, for the recognition, HUD.) $93. Ale House Alley, Mission Blue, and Lucky's Bakery & Cafe. Were not perfect, Dierke said. One of San Francisco's toughest schools transformed by the power of meditation Dismantling WSC unites staff to work toward being anti-racist. In the outside world, TM has been criticised for the price-tag it comes with; the programme at Visitacion Valley costs $280,000 (185,128) a year - paid for mainly through private donations to CWAE. I noticed a lot of them missing school, fighting, and getting angry a lot. The letter is also available inChinese/andEspaol. Those selecting Dierke for the honor noted how a gunman entered the school, threatening teachers and students in 2004. Academic Support and Learning Enrichment - R.O.C.K. Can You Safely Lose Weight While Breast-Feeding? This coming year, we are looking at how to build more community in the classroom, how to unify our students across cultural differences, and how to reduce bias in our discipline systems. The work of exploring White Supremacy Culture gave our staff a new framework to define our North Star, being an anti-racist school. WSC shuts down learning. [3] This took the form of discussions, watching short video clips, annotating readings, and doing some deep personal introspection. Visitacion Valley Middle School, Public District Grades 6-8; Revere (Paul) Elementary School, Public District Grades KG-8; . We will share information about our school and answer your questions. In my dream, I imagine that educators can become comfortable talking about race and how it informs the work of educating children. Executive Director Gerald Tirozzi of the association noted that Dierke has given the community around the school a sense of hope. 379 Winding Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 | Compass 322 Bayview Cir, San Francisco, CA, 94124 is a 1,317 sq. Once the students got over that, they were open to trying to meditate. This might include wanting to win an argument, not making space for others to talk, and rushing through meetings. for the lowest performing demographic was double that for the overall student group. Students. Sign up for a school tour at Thus, we are building a collective purpose and a commitment to learning. In addition, Dierke said regular Quiet Time has also helped teachers relax. In 2007, James Dierke, then the principal of the Visitacion Valley Middle School in a troubled neighborhood in San Francisco, was determined to improve both the quality of education and. NBC News Cynthia McFadden, Tim Sandler and. Mortgage insurance $0. For example, pushing students to work independently or write before processing verbally can lead to stress and isolation. Student-centered learning advances equity when it values social and emotional growth alongside academic achievement, takes a cultural lens on strengths and competencies, and equips students with the power and skills to address injustice in their schools and communities. We needed to go deeper than our previous conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion. The school is working on improving parent involvement through our Parent Liaison. 379 Winding Way, San Francisco, CA 94112 is a single family home listed for sale at $1,280,000. Why shouldnt all our students have access Visitacion Valley Middle School is part of San Francisco Unified School District. Eighth grader Stacy* has been meditating since she joined the school three years ago. Out of view, city dignitaries and his students waited inside Visitacion Valley Middle School to surprise him with the news: He was the National Middle School Principal of the Year.. Classes take place at students desks after the qualified TM teacher rings a bell. Property Taxes. Many have little or no parental oversight. We must name, define, and plan for white fragility, the defensive response by whites when discussing racism. Letter from the Principal | SFUSD In recent years however, Principal Dierke and a growing number of other educators have found a way to break the predictive power of demographics. I had never done meditation before, but now I do Quiet Time. During the 2017-18 school year, I s erved as an assistant principal in Ryan Gloyer Middle School (Seneca Valley Middle School at the time) before being named principal of the building for the 2018-19 school year. But this messy middle is precisely when we need to stay curious, be vulnerable, and innovative. Apply for Educational Benefits for the 2022-23 school year Visitacion Valley Middle is a public school located in San Francisco, CA, which is in a large city setting. 1. After the shooting, the usual culprits were blamed: guns, violent movies and video games, says Rice. Discussing WSC gave us more impetus to make changes, because we now knew what was happening if we refused: microaggressions, dehumanization, widening the opportunity gap, and producing disproportionate outcomes. The once-boisterous hall became silent and remained so for the next 15 minutes. Visitacion Valley Middle School - San Francisco, California - CA During those times, students could either practice Transcendental Visitacion Valley Middle - School Directory Details (CA Dept of Education) Now our previous work on Culturally Responsive Teaching, use of rubrics, and adding student voice had a theoretical underpinning. This includes emotions of fear, anger, and guilt, as well as actions of argumentation, silence, and withdrawal. ODriscoll was sceptical at first about mediating himself, but since giving it a try he can concentrate better and feels less stressed. One day children came in to find three dead bodies dumped in the schoolyard. 3 Baths. Now that the shock of reading these words has worn off, let's explore what it is and why we need to dedicate more time to exploring its dehumanizing effect in our schools. Here are two pitfalls to avoid. At Visitacion Valley Middle School (VVMS), in the San Francisco Unified school district, our brave staff spent a majority of the 2018-19 school year unpacking White Supremacy Culture. This requires dismantling White Supremacy Culture and building a new foundation for an anti-racist and empowering education. He says the lives of students were infected by violence in the community, and several fights would break out every day. They simultaneously tell us that we are not good enough and keep us to the bottom rungs of racial hierarchy if we do not assimilate. Visitacion Valley Middle School | LinkedIn I like to think of myself as a recovering perpetrator of WSC. and San Pablo, CA. Visitacion Valley Middle School | SFUSD increased attendance and increased academic performance. This can create power struggles, a learning opportunity gap, and as the scholar Monique Morris writes, students being pushed out of schools. Visitacion Valley Middle School 2 4 reviews Grades 6-8 Students 375 Type Public School District San Francisco Unified School District 450 Raymond Avenue San Francisco, CA 94134 (415) 469-4590 Nearby Schools Elementary Middle High Alvarado Elementary School K-5 Public 515 Students 9 . Start with one class or year and let it grow from there.. Find COVID-19 testing, vaccine, and daily health screening information. Since beginning Quiet Time, Dierke said things have improved: Daily attendance last year was more than 98 percent, and there have been fewer suspensions and higher test scores. It is invisible and it is toxic. This work has gotten co-opted and watered down, leading to many people talking the talk, without much walk. It is time that we detox and make the invisible visible. The work to address racism in schools has been called cultural competency, diversity training, and equity. The social-emotional learning of students in grades 4-12 is also assessed. One of San Francisco's toughest schools transformed by the power of The student population of Visitacion Valley Middle is 358 and the school serves. But now I meditate twice a day, and I do it at home. An assistant principal suggested the idea for quiet time after she saw Hollywood director David Lynch speak about the program and the accompanying benefits of transcendental meditation. Angelica Mahinay, Visitacion Valleys 8thgrade student body president, said Quiet Time gives her more energy. This leads to resistance or failure to follow through, maintaining a status quo of disproportionate outcomes for students based on race. In 2007, James Dierke, then the principal of the Visitacion Valley Middle School in a troubled neighborhood in San Francisco, was determined to improve both the quality of education and student behavior in his school. Quiet Time is just like an umbrella. Its important to note that these responses work to maintain current consciousness and white supremacy. 375. 336 Wilde Ave, San Francisco, CA 94134 | MLS #423724059 | Zillow These beliefs lead to actions that are dehumanizing to all races of people; however, they have a more drastic effect on indigenous, black, and people of color (IBPOC). . Students straightened their backs and closed their eyes. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa Dr. Bettina Love writes in her book, We Want to Do More Than Survive, To even begin to attack our destructive and punitive educational system, pedagogies that promote social justice must help educators understand and recognize America and its schools as spaces of Whiteness, White rage, and White Supremacy, all of which function to terrorize students of color. (Love, 2019) It is imperative that we examine these deeply held beliefsboth conscious and unconsciousto build on top of a new set of habits, behaviors, and systems. Real Options for City Kids (R.O.C.K.) It is imperative that we examine our actions to see if they are further harming students of color, disempowering them, and creating a psychologically hostile learning environment. After graduating from Seneca Valley in 1996, I e arned my bachelor's degree from Clarion University of Pennsylvania. I value growth because I am constantly reviewing data, asking how we can be better for our students. Yes, it is exhibited by leaders at all levels, including me. An all-party parliamentary group has also recommended the Department for Education designate three schools to pioneer mindfulness teaching, and set up a 1m fund to allow more schools to benefit from support in the practice. Reportar una ausencia. This year, the school has had to integrate more than 100 new students onto campus after another nearby middle school was closed by the district. White Supremacy Culture. Callers can still leave a voicemail or send an email or request form at all hours. James Dierke, Principal of Visitacion Valley Middle School in San Francisco, like so many thousands of principals and teachers who are working in inner-city schools throughout the US, knows how frustrating it can be trying to provide an education in America's low income, high stress localities. When the school year starts, students may use Student Portal Student Portal (StudentVUE)and families may use Family Portal (ParentVUE)to keep track of a student's attendance, assignments, and grades, and contact teachers. . These kids hear gunshots on their way to and from school. students who meditated showed a significant decrease in anxiety and a significant increase in resilience compared to nonmeditating students. Like most groups of educators, we had spent a few years dancing around topics of racism and struggled to make lasting change. 336 Wilde Ave , San Francisco, CA 94134-2252 is a single-family home listed for-sale at $988,888. With respect to race, the foundational issue is White Supremacy Culture, and we must attack the problem head on. I am privileged to be able to continue to work with our dedicated staff, AMAZING students, and supportive parents. We needed to go deeper than our previous conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion. That funds four and a half (full-time equivalent) Quiet Time staff on site to teach the classes and support students. Programs School Data Contact Info Visitacion Valley Middle School Grades 6-8 3D & VIDEO TOUR. that teachers and students enjoy and which preliminary data suggest is effective. Personal Commitment graphic organizer used in professional development (Courtesy of Joe Truss). We focus on equitable teaching practices and encourage student participation. "Although authorities captured the person, parents could have demanded changes at the school," a statement from the principals' association said. Specifically, this pushed on us to think about and change how we work together: We worked to create norms that encourage people of color and women to contribute, we shifted the relationship between teachers and administration so that teachers had more input in budget and hiring decisions, and finally, we adjusted the pace of our professional-development plans to emphasize quality over quantity. 643 Campbell Ave, San Francisco, CA 94134 | MLS# 40925832 | Redfin Zestimate Home Value: $930,000. That kind of stuff makes it hard to focus on algebra, he said. The program, which had initial funding from the For example, we looked at how our implicit bias when responding to student behavior leads to racially disproportionate discipline incidents and we organically identified restorative practices as a focus for the following year. Some conversations fell flat, and others were superficial. We saw kids with real post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Visitacion Valley Middle School - Trulia Real Estate Search But he admits that it takes a big time commitment in resources and attention commitment to do this. Specifically, we must look at how it shows up in our own lives, in our personal relationships, in between school staff, and in our histories. When you have it up, it keeps the rain off, and you can focus on trying to build a culture with kids. WSC dehumanizes people of color. Theres an App for That. Due to stereotype threat, this is especially problematic when students of color are a numerical minority in a classroom or school. Please use 651-683-6969 Ext. "I am feeling elated," he said after the announcement and celebration in the school's auditorium. were the happiest in the whole of San Francisco, to more schools in the city introducing the programme, Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education, recommended the Department for Education designate three schools to pioneer mindfulness teaching, international lessons in education series. Check out the 2022-23 academic calendar here. Many have experienced the trauma of knowing someone who has been involved in a shooting or has personally witnessed gun violence. And a 2015 review of the program, issued by the Center for Wellness and Achievement in Principal and Interest. They couldnt concentrate on school.. I got to sit right by him and the whole school meditated with him.. Visitacion Valley Middle School is a public school in San Francisco, California that is part of San Francisco Unified School District. The Visitacion Valley Middle school vision is that our students will strength their passion for learning, develop the skills to become empowered community members, and gain the knowledge to be ready for high school with a clear path to college, career, and future success. 322 Bayview Cir, San Francisco, CA, 94124 - RocketHomes Even I, a black educator who has studied ethnic studies and critical race theory, still perpetuate tenets of White Supremacy Culture. Principal & interest $1,163. The teacher has also seen dramatic transformations in his students. However, when we name oppression, racism, and more explicitly White Supremacy Culture, folks have to determine where they stand, what they value, and why they work in education. Of even greater interest, the increase in G.P.A. Our courageous educators got personal, thinking about how White Supremacy Culture shows up in their personal lives and between colleagues. At Visitacion Valley Middle School (VVMS), in the San Francisco Unified school district, our brave staff spent a majority of the 2018-19 school year unpacking White Supremacy Culture (WSC). Even I, a black educator who has studied ethnic studies and critical race theory, still perpetuate tenets of White Supremacy Culture. I thought it was just another fad. This article was amended on Wednesday 25 November to clarify that Visitacion Valley middle school funds Quiet Time mostly through private donations to CWAE. This school used to be known as the fight school, he said. 2. Dierke, who has been principal at the school for 13 years, said things reached a turning point about five years ago. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school starting Wednesday, August 17, 2022. Visitacion Valley Middle School. Some of the work I am most proud of as a teacher and leader is building relationships with all community members to create a supportive and positive environment, as well as creating systems and using data to make informed decisions regarding instructional practices that lead to increased achievement for students. This leads to resistance or failure to follow through, maintaining a status quo of disproportionate outcomes for students based on race. We might get verbal disagreements, but the kids are able to talk through it and move on instead of punching each other, says ODriscoll, adding that the last fist fight at the school was three years ago. All school events, including athletic events, will be posted in this calendar. As a leader, it is easy to hoard power, claim objectivity in decision making, or believe that there is only one way to fix education. At times, it appeared that we weren't clearly aligned philosophically and did not have a focused call to action. In recognition of the honor, Mayor Gavin Newsom declared Friday Jim Dierke Day in San Francisco. Remembering Geneva Towers - San Francisco Heritage View property details, photos, and neighborhood info. Kevin Thaddeus Brown, Jr. - LinkedIn We should be planning for the righteous rage of IBPOC (Indigenous Black People of Color), but 82 percent of our teaching force is white, so we will also plan for white fragility. This prompts staff to reflect and ultimately declare, I want to be an anti-racist teacher, but I dont exactly know how. This has the power to unite folks at the foundational level, setting the stage for deeper commitments to learning new strategies, practices, and routines. We work hard to create a positive school climate where students are recognized for their growth. I began my career in education in Richmond, CA. As Boys Get Fatter, Parents Worry One Body Part Is Too Small. Therefore, unexamined behaviors of White Supremacy Culture are preventing students from being comfortable or supported enough to learn and flourish. Phones will be closed on school holidays, including the fall, winter and spring breaks. In addition, meditating students reported sleeping better as well as higher White Supremacy Culture is the silent killer flowing throughout classrooms and school hallways, like carbon monoxide gas. Visitacion Valley Middle-San Francisco-California 2021/2022 This might include wanting to win an argument, not making space for others to talk, and rushing through meetings. You can see past weeks' newsletters as well. General education entry grade seats per application:, Districtwide before and after school program information, Social-Emotional and Culture Climate Report, School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The success of some schools efforts When the bells sound twice a day at Visitacion Valley Middle School in San Francisco, students who used to be too rowdy to even sit still close their eyes and spend 15 minutes clearing their minds. The award, given by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, includes a $5,000 award for the school. Visitacion Valley Middle School. San Francisco principal Jim Dierke knew something was up when he saw more cars than usual parked in front of his school Friday morning. It can result in white rage, broken relationships, grievances, and further harm to oppressed students. We might also see students connecting their identities to their learning and applying it back to their communities to manifest social justice. San Francisco Unified School District ( SFUSD ), established in 1851, is the only public school district within the City and County of San Francisco, and the first in the state of California. But this messy middle is precisely when we need to stay curious, be vulnerable, and innovative. Therefore, unexamined behaviors of White Supremacy Culture are preventing students from being comfortable or supported enough to learn and flourish. I think its helped my golf game, too.. Entire contents copyright 2023 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization.