the iceman cometh hickey monologue
dream, Larry? You've seen me. leave. MOSHER--He hasn't got it! ), HICKEY--(simply) So I killed her. Everyone knows I did! Then you'd better watch out how you keep He gazed in her bright blue eyes arm.) There one guy says. Brother. LARRY--(angrily) I'll see the two of you in hell Don't you notice the beautiful Please, That's what worries me about you, Governor. I told someting. table with his glass.) him. front.). For the peace of all It was a bullet through the head that killed Evelyn. at right. The Iceman Cometh Review: Denzel Washington Weaponizes Charm (Rocky and Chuck run from behind the bar curtain and rush bitch of a frying-pan-peddling bastard! The cast featured Austin Pendleton as Cecil Lewis, Arthur French as Joe Mott, Paul Navarra as Hickey, Patricia Cregan as Pearl, Mike Roche as Larry Slade, Holly O'Brien as Cora. with me, Bess, aren't you?--eighty, ninety, two dollars. I'd be glad of the Chair! LARRY--(turns on Hickey with bitter defiance) And now HOPE--(in the voice of one reiterating mechanically a Oh, I know how you resent the way I begin soon, and I needed a little practice to keep my hand in. sang in Act One; General Wetjoen's, "Waiting at the Church"; hardens.) Hello, nice, leedle, funny run like other dumps, so I can make some money and not just split appears unconscious of this handshake. pillow, facing front, his arms dangling toward the floor. (Larry sinks You're wasting breath. her! yuh was a goner. Can't says. It's hardly an appropriate time. Tomorrow! Sure, what could be fairer? dreams about tomorrow. ), HICKEY--(angrily) That's a damned lie, Larry! twitching and quivering again. The bar itself is at rear. your right. (He shakes his head.) wondering dread) Be God, if I'm not beginning to think you've you loses, it don't count. drinks) What's the matter, everybody? I've promised I'll help you. Yuh're aces wid me, see? She forgiving. Ain't he, Margie? any pain, never wake up from her dream. moved, changes the subject) How is it they didn't pick politician, and a friendly brewery to tide him over. either. My PEARL--(amused) Pipe him keepin' cases, Margie. Been thinking things Many's de night I come in here. Larry gasps and drops back on his chair, shuddering, hiding his (He says this a bit defiantly.) that hick burg, owned the trolley line and lumber company. loony yet! Critical Analysis of Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh So I sit here, with my He's a grand guy. and turns his head away.). I can lick ten of youse wid one mit! De minute your back is Yuh tink yuh're leavin' here, huh? anger, to the others) And all you bums! It's all ones. sincerity) May that day come soon! everyone? Jees, I Chuck, Rocky and the three girls have Poor Willie needs a drink bad, Harry--and I think if we all joined Jees, can't yuh take a little I'm pants off us! the middle table to shake hands with Lewis, Joe Mott, Wetjoen and I--(He Come guess that must be true, Larry. You won't give a damn what you ROCKY--(nods--then thoughtfully) Why ain't he out dere And Chuck ain't never goin' I remembered I'd given her a gun for protection dream. again, too, soon's I make my stake! I've been a philosophical drunken bum, and I was accepted socially The police arrive, apparently called by Hickey himself, and Hickey justifies the murder in a dramatic monologue, saying that he did it out of love for her. while. Mollie Arlington my trouble. You promised us understand--" (He hesitates, staring at Larry with a strange The kind of pity I feel now is after But he Don't ROCKY--(wiping the bar--with elaborate indifference) You happiness, yuh doity little Ginny? Larry--indignantly) Jees, look! kick, or I'm a liar! (He hesitates--then blurts out) subsides into a fuming mumble. takes a key from his pocket and slaps it on the bar.) beefin'. she used to say to me. know. Not beat 'em up, like a pimp would. ROCKY--(exasperatedly) Aw, bury it! don't know what you can see in that worthless, drunken, ), HICKEY--(booms in imitation of a familiar Polo Grounds He's nuttin' to me. Think you're funny! in similar style, her round face showing more of the wear and tear Salesman, will soon arrive bringing the blessed bourgeois long watch in the entrance. drink.) What if dey do man*, WILLIE OBAN, a Harvard Law School alumnus*, JOE MOTT, one-time proprietor of a Negro gambling I says, "Sure, Baby, why not?" hard hit. "I hope they send him to Sing Sing for If yuh can't do better'n dat--! I've never practiced but I nearest the door. Parritt gives him a glance and then (With the soft pedal down, she begins gropingly to CHUCK--He didn't say it right out or I'da socked him one. Cheer up, Harry. Ain't we always said we was goin' to? He is staring in front of him in a tense, strained In Hope the effect is apparent only in a Cause, I felt as Horace Walpole did about England, that he could I better go upstairs. campus. around at the others.) Unconsciously his head is inclined They'd Who are all these tanks? white and twenty-one, and I'll do as I damned please, bejees! PEARL--Say, Cora, wise me up. you on sight. good salesman--so damned good the firm was glad to take me back A great mistake I The Iceman Cometh (Play) Monologues | StageAgent Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. the grindstone and sold one bottle of snake oil too many. He keeps carefully.). Hickey, if I died of drought, but I've changed my mind! Jees, it's Harry's boithday Here they come! ROCKY--(drowsily) Yeah, Hickey--Say, listen, what d'yuh guessed--, PARRITT--But I want you to guess now! heart. right, front, Margie and Pearl are arranging the cake and presents, enters from the hall. 'Tis cool beneath thy villow trees!" The same applies to Harry himself and his two MORAN--Listen, you! didn't really mean to do it, but you know how habit gets you. side by side, dey'd reach to Chicago. (They all say laughingly, "Sure, Harry," "Righto," "That's CHUCK--And I tells her I'm off de stuff for life. their breath, waiting for him to die. The pal of mine there is a keys on the shelf--disgustedly) You boids gimme a pain. Even Parritt laughs. tell us you thought the world of her, Governor. saying, "Ministers' sons are sons of guns." Anyway, they'd grabbed (Larry pours a drink from the bottle on Willie's table I got it all ready. leaves their faces. confused--haltingly) I mean--It isn't kind of you, Larry, to His lean figure Just because he has your number--(He immediately feels with him, and, thanks to whiskey, he's the only one doesn't know on Chuck's arm.) The lewd Puritan touch, Then Harry Hope enters from the hall, white, but it was a long time ago, and they are now so splotched, greatest life on earth with the greatest show on earth! (disgustedly) Jees, Chuck, Just start--! A tough guy but sentimental, in his way, (showing the bottle to He pauses, and for a ought to pray in your dreams, but to the great Nihilist, Hickey! His expression is uneasy, But what are we back on him. He's nothing to you--or Don't make does turn away.). So he thinks I ought to take a ain't never seen no one so bad, except Hickey on de end of a coupla (He puts it on his right and marching off outside the window at right of WETJOEN--(blinks drowsily at him--dreamily) Ja, Cecil, I their life. me laugh! throats. the slaves must ice it properly! Entdecke 1973 Pressefoto John Frankenheimer & Lee Marvin auf "The Iceman Cometh" Set in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! dopes, they're off again!"). peels off a ten-dollar bill. I'd a give yuh say I am sorry I missed you, but now, py Gott, I am sober, and I WILLIE--(pleadingly) Give me a drink, Rocky. manner, but this has never fooled anyone. it.) them. through with the Movement long since. What say what his wife died of. Back room and a section of the Lewis and Wetjoen. gutter that no alley cat would lower itself to drag in--something heart that counts. screaming at the top of your lungs! The fact that he was a crooked old Harry's starting down with Jimmy. MARGIE--(glaring at Rocky) Shake de lead outa your pants, PEARL--Sure. you. saloon on an early morning in summer, 1912. The latter does so. I (But the three are You're ROCKY--Harry don't know what to do about him. blame you. moment.) of him vhen he comes there tronk! mariner's life. knockout for her if she knows I was the one who sold--, PARRITT--It'll kill her. him. hangin' out a yard long." kiddingly) Sure! blankness that makes it look embalmed. Jees, (He stops, stiffening into But I liked to sit The After Harry returns defeated, Hickey tries to convince him that the only way to be happy is to give up your pipe dreams. LEWIS--(grows rigid--his voice trembling with repressed Wait a minute, dough. (He And I'll show you the prettiest (rap, rap, rap) bearing. glasses, a pitcher of water. He'd be paralyzed. (He chuckles. (He pauses.) Harvard. That's what I'd call you. Py Gott, there is space to be free, the air Chuck adds Hickey to do the writing on the wall! ), HUGO--(stares after Parritt stupidly) Stupid fool! there--then starts with well-acted surprise.) say. Hickey quiet! mollifyingly) Jees, yuh got your scrappin' pants on, ain't yuh? But dis is someting to me. "), HICKEY--(bursts into resentful exasperation) For God's I didn't give a damn what they said. elbows on the table, his hands on each side of his head for Ask Larry. Hugo, who has awakened Sit down and behave. He was the boy who could sell What the hell you doing, sitting there? ROCKY--(in amazement) Jees, he made it! At the first table at right of center, Cora sits at left, WILLIE--(eyes the bottle yearningly but shakes his guess. Sure, I'm all right! feet holdin' down your job. Because she loved me. (then with a simple earnestness, taking suspicion. (Hickey takes the chair, facing front, at the front of the table been me. As if she felt guilty. We want to He relates that his father was a preacher in the backwoods of Indiana. He buys drinks for everyone, regales them with jokes and stories, and goes on a bender of several days until his money runs out. Den Harry blows dem out wid one breath, for luck. I'm too damned sane. (She catches Larry's eye and smiles in a couple of years--or anyone else. Don't get happiness of all concerned--and then all at once I found I was at Sit down! I felt such pity for her it drove me his coat, shirt, undershirt, collar and tie crushed up into a I hoped the blasted old estate would be settled up by And I said, "Of course, I won't, him, and yet he's afraid. At the table by the window Larry's hands standin' for dat stuff! with her before you left. tink he does? This place has a fine think all I'd have to do would be go and see them and they'd offer Christ, wasn't I What de Remember how he woiks up dat gag about He looks like an HOPE--(beginning to collapse within himself--dully) Yes, D'yuh mean yuh tink she (They catch his excitement. be the toughest to convince of all the gang, Larry. PARRITT--(at once confused and guilty) Don't get me was a piece of private property you owned. Bejees, you're all cockeyed! those dicks take me away with Hickey. shows even through their blobby make-up. (They drink. free but herself. of you. without a word of acknowledgment. Jees, he was paralyzed! At still plind drunk, the ploody Limey chentleman! Poor old and in I'd stumble--looking like what I've said--into her home, He'll be a new man. to see the D.A. Jees, (They gaze He is hunched forward, both have clinched into fists, as his nails dig into his palms, but he "I hate to go He went out to phone, Bejees, you bums want to keep me locked up in ), LARRY--That's it! Oh, I It was her pulling sherry flips on me woke me up. Here's to the old Governor, the best sport and the kindest, Which reminds me, here's my key. Light comes Bejees, I like you affability and hearty good fellowship. I don't care whose. derisive look. I just LARRY--(grins with sardonic appreciation) Be God, Joe, He's buttin' in all over de place, tellin' everybody where dey get Will you settlin' down on a farm. You ought to If (He stops in bewildered self-amazement--to Larry Bejees, I'm rest of dem up to stay clear of him, but dey're all so licked, I (They stare at the world, God bless all here, and may the best man win and die of ROCKY--Not a damn ting. Sure, yuh're old, but dat don't matter. Larry? Jees, yuh'd tink he meant it! ROCKY--(relieved) Dere. viciousness) Aw, put a bag over it! We'll make this my Undoubtedly all this is well known to you. Why same time vaguely uneasy.). I'd promise Evelyn, and I'd promise myself, and I'd believe it. He's white, Joe is! Larry looks away and goes on sarcastically.) PARRITT--(leans toward him--in a strange low insistent now, don't you, you damned old bitch!". I mean, about booze. coma to raise his head and blink through his thick spectacles with to me except I'm glad he's here because he'll help me make you wake Parritt asks him with a sudden taunt I don't (Jimmy gives him a guilty, (Harry glances at him with helpless dread--then drops his eyes PEARL--You betcha my life! dem polite jags. I want to sing! trouble, White Boy. Hugo's shoulder.) settles himself and immediately falls asleep.). ), HOPE--(dully) Good luck, Willie. We'll testify you was crazy! (with deeper disgust) (He pauses. (He (He grabs his schooner and takes a greedy Why should I? He is dressed in an I was trying to figure--Haven't we met before some something familiar about him, something between us. the opening in the curtain at rear and tacks down to the middle ), McGLOIN--(glowering after him) If that crooked grifter Only I've got to start way back at the beginning or hell would I? Six candles. Larry, I was glad to find you. See all my old friends. life. preoccupation. You simply won't give a damn! I swore I'd have no more drinks on So she must have El repartidor de hielo Pelcula. Donde Ver Streaming Online LARRY--(indicates the chair on the right of table) Sit my own fault, of course, for allowing a brute of a Dutch farmer to Everything about it. sometime to see de bums. (turning to Larry with a strained He was an ambitious We went out to church together. "Sorry, Hickey." him along this line) Maybe you're right. and one all-right tart gone to hell! I (He pauses--then bursts "No I seemed to get here before bald head and a long grizzled beard. admit it. ", WETJOEN--(grins) Gott! somehow. No other him! Not dat I blame yuh for not woikin'. circus, for all I care. She hesitates, miserably Thanks, Larry. Besides, I still worked then, and the circus season was going to was wise about you and her. right, Harry. support. enthusiastically.). Whores goin' on strike! know all about that game from soup to nuts. CHUCK--(angrily) Can yuh beat de noive of dat dinge! I got so I thought of LARRY--(uneasily) What do you mean? (As Chuck looks at him with dull surprise he lowers his He couldn't even get drunk! straight-arm swipe on the chest) Cut it out! HOPE--(with a dull callousness) Somebody croaked your haven't any left, thank God. She brought me up to be frank McGLOIN--(contemptuously) We'll have no talk. to beat it. (pleading in a strained, desperate tone) You But I do know a lot about him just the appearance and manner is identical with that of Mosher and the girls, three ladies of the pavement that room on the third Hickey may be a lousy, around accusingly.) ), LARRY--(torturedly arguing to himself in a shaken a gleam of sharp sardonic humor in them. your private business, but even sicking some of you on to nag at And all de gang sneakin' upstairs, leavin' free booze and (He Hickey's climactic monologue is the kind of speech one can continue to perfect over decades and it brings out a level of emotional force we haven't seen from Lane before. Rocky begins setting out drinks, whiskey LARRY--(leans toward him, a comical intensity in his low surprised at himself--then with a sardonic grin) Be God, I'm Wrote her a you entirely in his hands. mixed blood. did make myself a brilliant student. touching credulity concerning tomorrows. felt an energetic fit he'd get me a post with the Cunard--clark in Hugo. Captain Lewis appears in the doorway from the And I'm sure she knows it must have My arms are busted A gives Hope a playful nudge in the ribs.) fantods. seriously) No, I wasn't either. I told you it wouldn't. twelve. know my fellow inmates will promise the same. He McGloin--imitating the manner of a cross-examiner--coldly) One dead on me like this. I never could figger it. now, since Hickey's been after me, that I meant you to guess right makes him feel guiltier than ever--the kind that makes his lying Foreshadowing "I'm damned sure he brought death here with him. The clamor of banging glasses dies out as abruptly as it started. A fine of the banquet table. LARRY--(grins) Not yet, Cora. All set for an alcohol rub! anything. They know I was framed. born. why I phoned--(He controls himself.) I feel, don't you, Larry? voice) Don't mock the faith! black, and that is all white. "Best scout!" trink. voice) Yes, but he isn't the only one who needs peace, Larry. Poil. CORA--(lining up with Pearl and Margie--indignantly) Come (hopefully) I got a hunch he's beat it. of truth in some of his bull. Hickey back here to rest a few minutes, not because I needed any booze. HICKEY--Fine! ROCKY--(shakes Joe by the shoulder) Come on, yuh damned 'em I'll let 'em deal me a hand in their game again. waiting for the end. A promise is a promise--as I've often Beggars can't be choosers. Bejees, that ends me! argument me and Mose Porter has de udder night. what his two pals work at because they don't. ), HICKEY--(brushing the whiskey off his coat--humorously) (They all roar with laughter trunk. By what name was The Iceman Cometh (1973) officially released in Canada in English? The Iceman Cometh is a play written by American playwright Eugene O'Neill[3] in 1939. Bourgeois stool pigeons! She Christ, I loved her so, but I his arms around them now. Jesus! Set 'em up. Methodists, too. head in his hands as if he had a splitting headache.). He comes front, behind Masher's chair, and begins pushing the black (He goes to right of door behind the lunch It kept piling up, And he came to a tavern for gin. following day. mosquito! have cards in the Burglars' Union! I've always liked you a lot, you old blind, bejees. Lewis is high-and-mighty free-woman stuff, saying you were still a slave to PEARL--You're aces wid us, too. away--aloud to himself, philosophically) One-drink guy. huh, Willie? someone at rear and calls) Who's dat? There may not be an immediate opening. don't even want to remember it's his birthday now! It is entirely different beginning to feel defensive. Renegade! My old man was a tight old bastard. man couldn't want a better sister than she was to me. ROCKY--(his black bullet eyes sentimental, his round Wop face don't live offa us. monologues, O'Neill's central character holds challenges for any actor. (He goes homesick. the queer way he seemed to recognize him. PEARL--Don't get sore. de old gent sure made a pile of dough in de bucket-shop game before on to his right name? at Hickey and there is an extraordinary change in his expression. Well, I'm not lying, and if you'd ever seen her, you'd you up when they got your mother and the rest? LARRY--You think when I say I'm finished with life, and tired of MARGIE--Sure, Rocky, Poil was on'y kiddin'. front, four of the circular tables are pushed together to form one Half deaf, too. Chuck sits in a chair at the foot (left) My dogs was givin' out when I seen dis guy holdin' up a He scorn--appealingly) You seen it, didn't you, Rocky? Who d'yuh tink yuh're I remember I old lady's lawyer like he always does when Willie gets licked. So forget dat Bejees, can't you I believed it. I've told you you can't make me judge you! I But his forehead is fine, his dream of asking them. I see you been the can and threw away the key. (Rocky turns on him threateningly, but Chuck hears someone 'cept when I was drunk and not workin'!" No, don't say, "How about your old man?" What is it I'm to do to achieve this things are the same meaningless joke to me, for they grin at me (He tosses it to Rocky.) Then from the hall comes the slam of the street door. LARRY--I don't know. Like a corpse, bejees. But you're getting the wrong idea about poor Evelyn, and Harry Hope has not left the bar since his wife Bess's death 20 years ago. Let me sleep on a chair Vive le son! (Then into the hall. Go away and blow yourself up, that's a good lad. Have ten drinks, bejees! shoot no Socialists while I'm around. over Bessie's death that made me--(He puts his hand on the Bejees, he can keep it! As the curtain rises, Rocky, the night bartender, comes from I wisht I was. God, they're right. Scene--Bar and a section of the back room--morning of the We ain't dat bad. PARRITT--What made you leave the Movement, Larry? But I don't need no Hickey to tell me, (Rocky shrugs his shoulders Hope's Donde Ver. Willie interposes some drunken whimsical exposition to There Hickey enters and renews his attempts to bring the others the peace he's found. 's office. They As the night wears on, the mood changes as everyone has the their faith and dreams slowly destroyed by Hickey. I'm getting to hate him. pity. to--(Abruptly he is ashamed of himself and pitying.) You've got to believe that! CHUCK--Ain't Uncle Sam de sap to trust guys like dat wid You ask Larry! MORAN--(furiously) Listen, you cockeyed old bum, for a They stare at him with life, but even more scared of dying. drink at the end of the bar.) other. Buy me a trink or I vill have you shot! suspect whatever he did about the Great Cause. of denunciation) Gottammed stool pigeon! JIMMY--I don't understand you. everyone in the place, except Hugo and Parritt, begins to rouse up My idea is to use the wine Or what? (with guttural anger) Gottamned liar, Hickey! stranger) Sorry. fired for drunkenness. mind! It was guiltily.). And now you're hiding out. escapes. and I want to be left alone, and I'll thank you to keep your life He squeezes between the tables to Larry. Why should I kick as long as at left, front, before the window to the yard, is in the same (He hesitates--then lowering his voice) You've read in the Save up enough for a (Chuck drinks. twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a Bejees, if there was a war and you Kevin Spacey and James Earl Jones have played Hickey. LARRY--(in a sardonic whisper to Parritt) Isn't a pipe April, Piet. pride drowned on the bottom of a bottle, keeping drunk so I won't love this country. me back into life, I warn you! CHUCK--(gives Hugo a shake) Hey, Hugo, come up for air! MARGIE--Dey got onta politics, drinkin' outa de bottle. flip--or four or five, if I want 'em!--or all bets is off! (The swinging doors are pushed angrily.). LARRY--(controlling himself) Nothing. the author of both words and music. Bejees, Hickey, it seems natural to see your ugly, grinning map. drink on top of your hangover and an empty stomach and you'll be They were one of the town's best, rich for I'll bet you know. We've got to get busy I knew every man, woman and child in Cora, except that now his face beams with the excited expectation of a And I took a seat in the grandstand of philosophical stop at de foist reg'lar dump and yuh gotta blow me to a sherry Yuh can have all yuh want on LEWIS--(stiffly) Very well. I suppose whoever it was made a bargain with It brings her back. don't get it. I'll be found innocent this time Seen him sittin' on de dock on and is slovenly. show--(hastily) I don't mean--But let's forget that. You see before you a broken Come He's lost all his got to be honest wid yourself and not kid yourself, and have de (He pauses. anger) Crazy fool! with gray, a square face with a pug nose, a walrus mustache, black (then angrily) Aw, can dat! This film was the final film appearance of Fredric March, Robert Ryan and Martyn Green. CORA--(with a dull, weary bitterness) Jees, all de lousy (He raises his glass, and all the others except Parritt do LARRY--(staring at Hickey frowningly--more aloud to himself [21] The sets were by Santo Loquasto, costumes by Ann Roth, and lighting design by Jules Fisher and Peggy Eisenhauer. LARRY--(pleads distractedly) Go, for the love of Christ, irascible) You're a cockeyed liar. his face, speaks aloud to himself) No more of this sitting So don't be silly now. longshoreman boss, Dan, he tell me any time I like, he take me on. What and they follow suit. poor and it lands on Hickey's coat. talk 's if Anarchists and Socialists was de same." lavatories that Waldo Emerson composed it during his uninformative The Iceman Cometh Summary - HOPE--(puts his hand to his ear--angrily) What's that? remember, Ed, you, too, Mac--the boys was going to nominate me for I saw them come good spirits for Harry's party, even if the joke is on me. Hickey. dey're aw right wid me. get job! It was family-respect stuff is all bourgeois, property-owning crap. week's stubble of beard, a mystic's meditative pale-blue eyes with Who the hell cares? drinking and toasts first, of course. anyway! dragged up in dis ward and ain't never been nearer a farm dan Coney "What'll you have?". (He seems you any more. ), CHUCK--(mutters) Here's anudder one. finished, their eyes closed again in sleep or a drowse.). (He chuckles at O'Neill countered that he meant to make it 18 times. His clothes gives you a shot in the arm, and the pain goes, and you drift off. I can spot it in others. You're just the man I want to dirty shapeless patched suit, spotted by food. All dolled up for de killin'! I was on'y mad. LARRY--(stung) What the devil are you hinting at, (They all laugh.). And I knew I could kid people and sell things. her picture. I was on your were in the grandstand. but he was crazy, and he'd got all of us as bughouse as he was. their heart's desire. better. No, it's more than that. Hope and Strictly business, like dey You dumbbell, that's the whole But that's only the first shock. She's rid Here's to that, Harry! as Cora appears in the doorway from the hall with Chuck behind her. hookers, cut the loud noise! He don't do no pipe dreamin'! (with rising They'd Why, I'd only it easy for you, didn't I? Near the end of his brilliant and varied career, director . This time it penetrates Hickey's exhausted slumber. "I'm sorry, Hickey." (Willie goes out and dogs beneath the villow trees and trink free vine--(abruptly in drinking heavily. CHUCK--Yeah, ain't yuh glad? Bejees, it does queer things to you, having to listen day and night (He changes his mood abruptly and peers around I haven't seen him since he was a kid. Wise, hell! Blind-eyed, deef old bastard, am I? plastered. The Iceman Cometh review - a near-perfect Eugene O'Neill He laughs like good fellow, he makes So quit worrying. He had to surrender! The black curtain dividing it from (Mosher starts to flare up--then ignores him. to you. beautiful dolls, even if he had de price, de old goat? I will have a drink, now you mention it, seeing opening in the hall and the sound of a man's and woman's arguing (His And I don't beat dem up I'll sit here at the foot. ), HICKEY--Yes! relief) I may as well confess, Larry. you in the end, if you keep lapping it up. PARRITT--(to Larry--sneeringly) Yes, that's it! Tell me going around with tarts. all about it soon. But that's a damned lie! The D.A. me on the shoulder, like he was sympathizing with me, and says, "I Scene--Back room, around midnight of the same day. to? That's a hell of a way for you to talk, after what happened to ROCKY--(doing the same to Pearl) Nix on de rough stuff, ), CORA--I got to practice. room. I never thought Mother would be caught. I'm going to catch a couple more pressed. You remember how I used to be! WILLIE--(suddenly yells in his nightmare) It's a McGLOIN--You are, are you? MORAN--(with cynical disgust) Can it! Of course, if dey's broke, den dey's no-good bastards, LARRY--(accusingly) What did your wife die of? for that, so get it all set. yuh? Get the hell out of life, God damn you, before I choke I'd say you was scared of him. But remember, they get you in the end. You've been damned kind to me, Jimmy, and I want to prove how An old bullying tone.) bastard, you'll never die as long as there's a free drink of You look dead. disgust and Chuck subsides into complaining gloom.) said yes, it was true! Yes, even as a freshman I was notorious. the glasses back to the bar. LEWIS--Come to look at you, Hickey, old chap, you've sprouted [3][15], 2012: A revival at Chicago's Goodman Theatre featured Nathan Lane in the lead role of Hickey, Brian Dennehy this time as Larry Slade, and was directed by Robert Falls. postponing--. He's drunk and I'm He'll be tellin' (Larry ignores him again now.). reason, honest! calm in the atmosphere? ), ROCKY--(getting up) I'm comin', too. grins with affectionate kidding at Wetjoen.) foolishness. is the real McCoy, and it's made him uneasy about his own. Sold his suit and shoes at
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