steven universe all fusions
A stable de-fusion occurs when the participating Gems have a mutual agreement on de-fusing. Obsidian seems to wear a mask on their head, but this is a second face that can open to reveal a second fiery maw, like Alexandrite's. It's not until, Regardless of primary sexual characteristics, Stevonnie is a. 10 Best Fusions In Steven Universe - However, it took a great amount of training and focus for Steven to be able to perform fusion, and it's shown that with his training and progress halted by Spinel's Gem Rejuvenator, fusing with his father proved extremely exhausting and damaging for the gem hybrid. Each of her first two body segments has a pair of slender arms. ", 79.1% Giant Women Perform any fusion 76.9% Attack the Light Defeat 100 Light Constructs 63.9% Pearl-fect Perform 10 Perfects in a row (without missing any perfect attacks or blocks) 63.1% It's A Wash Defeat three enemies at once with Lapis' Tidal Wave 63.1% Steven Universe: Learn about Fusions - Steven is capable of fusing with humans as shown in "Alone Together" because he is half-human. [1] The game was co-written by Rebecca Sugar and is a direct sequel to Attack the Light and Save the Light, featuring similar gameplay. Community Founders: Write a good and paragraph-length description for your welcome section about your topic. Evidence of these Topazes being a permanent fusion is their choice to remain fused when leaving Earth despite having no hostages inside of them (and, thus, no purpose for remaining fused). List of fusions that include Steven Universe . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The umbrella has special abilities. Autoplay. Fluorite then retreats to the lower half of the ship again before meeting Garnet. The fused form of Garnet and Amethyst. Sunstone has a bizarre, fiery appearance to her head, and has a top-heavy set of comically oversized arms along with a significantly smaller, spindly set. See her folder here for tropes regarding Fluorite. Boy's Steven Universe Star T-shirt : Target Fluorite's instrumental motif is a slow and expanding synth pad. In "Mindful Education", Garnet explains that if at least one of the fusees is emotionally unstable during the fusion, it can cause the fusion to become "unbalanced" and lose touch with reality, hallucinate, and ultimately defuse. Fusion (short), Can't you see that my relationship is stable? The fusion of Aquamarine and "Eyeball" Ruby, formed to exact revenge on Steven and the Crystal Gems. It is also possible for different Gems to take control of different parts of the fusion, as proven by Lapis Lazuli's control of Malachite's hydrokinesis while Jasper was in control of the body. This is a wiki of the Roblox game, Steven Universe Galaxy Union, If you can please help us expand this fandom. The fusion of Ruby and Sapphire. For instance, the fusion of Ruby and Sapphire is named Garnet. Fusions are usually formed when two or more Gems perform a synchronized dance, though this is only optional, as seen with Smoky Quartz. A writer also confirmed "they/them" pronouns, Sardonyx unknowingly agitated the insecurities, turns to face the screen and gives advice. Padparadscha's relationship with Fluorite is very vague, as they haven't been seen interacting on a personal level. Can other fusions with Garnet (or just Sapphire) use future vision? In "Off Colors", it is hinted by Fluorite that she is a polyamorous relationship, something confirmed by Rebecca Sugar during a panel at San Diego Comic-Con in 2017. Fusions are formed when the participants are emotionally harmonious with each other. Not much is shown of the relationship between Fluorite and the Rutile twins, besides the fact that they have been around each other for a long time. While she was able to tank a few good hits. and they clearly wouldn't have it any other way, immediately guesses that she's up to no good. Fluorite, along with the rest of the Off Colors, graduate from Little Homeschool. Moving on the tips of her toes, like a ballerina, she has four arms and long, white hair tied back into a ponytail. The fusion of Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Friedelite fusion of Ruby and Amethyst : r/stevenuniverse Has Lapis' hydrokinesis and Jasper's crash helmet. So, what about Ruby and Sapphire? For example, if Opal (Amethyst and Pearl) fused with Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), or if Pearl fused with Sugilite (Ruby, Sapphire and Amethyst), or if Amethyst fused with Sardonyx (Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire), or if Garnet (Ruby and Sapphire), Amethyst, and Pearl all fused together, they would always form Alexandrite.[3]. The fusion of Jasper and Lapis Lazuli. Badly Explaining SU Episodes Day 154 [FINAL]: Change Your Mind Sunstone's suction cups use Steven's shield as the cups and Garnet's gauntlets as the grips. 460. Steven Universe Speculative Fan Fusion List Fusions are alphabetized. Let your readers know what your topic is about and add some general information about it. 0 coins. Garnet's story of self-discovery will be treasured by Steven Universe fans of all ages. Environment is utilized strictly for collectibles . Being a cross-Gem fusion, Fluorite was banished from Gem society. This was confirmed on the Podcast's 18th episode as Rebecca states that the reason Garnet came to the decision to name herself Garnet was because she has seen Garnets before on Homeworld. And you can see Amethyst and Pearl's gems positioned in the same locations on Opal. Steven Universe Galaxy Union Wiki | Fandom Join. For her components, see the Jades' folder here. This may be due to the size of Jasper, the hostility between Jasper and Lapis, and the tenuous stability of their fusion overall. Since Amethyst and Pearl fused to save Steven, their fusion was small, perhaps slightly taller than Garnet, while Malachite's reason for fusion was to destroy the Crystal Gems, which would make her slightly shorter than Sugilite. Due to being a fusion between multiple Gem types, Fluorite was considered defective by Homeworld, resulting in her hiding with the Off Colors in the Abandoned Homeworld Kindergartenuntil she escaped the planet with the help of Lars. Obsidian's Greatsword is unique among the fusion weapons as all their components' weapons only form the hilt of the weapon, and the blade stemming from a forge in one of their mouths. First, you need a gem at the core of your being. An enormous fusion of two Topazes. This proves to be a very bad move, resulting in Jasper's own Corruption. Smoky Quartz has two forearms extending from their left elbow, and otherwise looks normal. Her fusion goes much smoother than Opal's, and her personality is the complete opposite. Or his incredible dancing when he's fused with Connie! It appears that the more hostile the fusion, the larger and more monstrous it becomes. Steven Universe Fusions: The Crystal Temple The temple is rumoured to be based on the form that the Crystal Gems took together with Rose Quartz back when she was alive. Inactive Gems: Rose Quartz Then you should visit the admin dashboard for more tips. They're capable of fusing together, and when they do, their combined superpowers and personality traits to manifest themselves as an entirely new being. Obsidian is 1/10 Diamond. The more feral Sugilite is a monstrous brute with four arms, five eyes, and a mouth full of fangs. but a fusion between opal and peridot would still be listed as "amethyst pearl peridot.". Next to the name, please add who makes up the fusion. Stevonnie is almost always barefoot, as Steven and Connie's shoes can't fit their combined form. Fluorite is the unaligned fusion of six unknown Gems, making her debut in "Off Colors". Trending pages Fusion Gems Garnet Unknown Gems Obsidian Stevonnie Rhodonite Rainbow Quartz 2.0 Sugilite All items (35) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Alexandrite B Big Bird Bluebird Azurite C Cluster Gems The Cluster Category:Corrupted Gems Crazy Lace Agate F All rights reserved. All Fusions in Steven Universe Future! The first of these arm pairs has elbow-length pale periwinkle gloves. They then proceed to open their second mouth to dip it in lava and form the blade. What is Sapphire's weapon? Obsidian - multicolored iridescence caused by inclusions of magnetite nanoparticles. Disclamer: I do not work with Rebecca Sugar or the Crewniverse or the Devs of Steven Universe Galaxy Union. Check out their sweet yo-yo skills when he fuses with Amethyst. Steven may not be as powerful as the Crystal Gems. Pets: Lion Pumpkin Cat Steven, Fusion Gems: Malachite Topaz Zebra Jasper (fusion) Giant Ruby Ruby (triple fusion) Lemon Jade Bluebird Azurite They don't realize that she likes them as more than a friend until they're at the dance and she's hinting at wanting to go on more dates. The resulting combination of personalities is a building-sized fusion who likes to smash stuff. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. For example, Garnet, a two-Gem fusion, is only taller than most humans, while Sugilite and Alexandrite tower over most two-Gem fusions. This year . In addition, Steg's double necked guitar arises from the fusion of external objects that are not summoned from the Gem's gemstone, meaning that non-summoned items can also fuse in a fusion. What was the most unsettling/disturbing/creepy moment in the whole series at least to *YOU* it doesn't even need to be meant as scary, it could've just disturbed you personally. Stevonnie is by far the most humanoid of all, but that probably has more to do with them actually. Given that Rose's true form is much larger and fusions are always bigger than their components, it's implied she's intentionally undershooting her size. Lemon Jade, despite being a Same-Gem fusion, has two extra eyes and two extra fingers. Once fused, their stability is probably second to Garnet's, and they easily master the strength and agility of their new form. The fusions were shown to use Garnet's gauntlets, which makes sense since fusions can use other gem-fusion weapons depending the components on them (i.e: Alexandrite can use Sardonyx's hammer, Sugilite's flail, Opal's bow, etc.) Steven Universe Gemsona Maker - ORIGINAL Animals Couples Fantasy Fashion History Rinmaru Random! If unsuccessful, Gems will be ejected before finishing the entire transformation. Whenever a fusion with a smaller, more stable fusion as a component undergoes an unstable de-fusion, the smaller fusion briefly de-fuses as well but can still hold themself together once the larger fusion has broken apart. Deci-Divine in this case. Cartoon Network is home to your favorite shows and characters including Teen Titans Go!, Ben 10, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, OK K.O. Steven and Greg Universe riding on the shoulders of Alexandrite, the fusion of Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire ), Amethyst, and Pearl Fusion Gems are the product of multiple Gems (or half-Gems, who can fuse with both Gems and Humans ). One of the shows most popular element is the humanoid alien race, Gems. Because she is a cross-gem fusion, she is considered an Off-Color and her components were removed from Morganite's service. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Like the other Off Colors, Fluorite comes to respect Lars for his actions that aided their escape from Homeworld and eventually regards him as her captain. In, Stevonnie splitting up is unlike most other fusions, who simply desync with each other's emotions. To Sugilite, which is made up of the worst parts of Amethyst's and Garnet's personalities their pride and recklessness. For Malachite and Alexandrite, the Gem in control's voice was layered over the fusion's voice to show control. Rose's Room: Cloud Connie Tiny Floating Whale In "Stuck Together", Aquamarine claims that most fusions end up becoming "sentimental", implying that fusion is kept purely for a purpose so that gem fusions don't become distracted and overly emotional. Lonely Blade: Evil Janitor Lonely Blade Lonely Blade's Brother Is confirmed to be the original Obsidian. As the group makes a plan on what they should do next, Fluorite mentions that they'll be caught eventually as long as they stay in the Kindergarten. Steven Universe #1 Fusion Frenzy 2019 CN Cartoon Network Comic The stability of a fusion is determined by how humanoid they're looking after all. Poor Lapis Lazuli gets caught up with the evil Jasper to form a terrifying fusion! Opal makes four appearances in the Steven Universe original series, though only speaks in "Giant Woman." which is the symbol of the late Pink Diamond. This is seen with Ruby and Sapphire in Garnet when the latter is ejected from Alexandrite and Sardonyx. Garnet. Hybrid Fusions: Obsidian (Steven fusion) Rainbow Quartz 2.0 Smoky Quartz Steg Stevonnie Sunstone Because of the lack of individuality of mind and physical construct, there are no new personalities. While her component Gems have not been revealed, Rebecca Sugar has stated the crew knows the Gems that make up Fluorite. Go to the CN APP where you can find new unlocked episodes updated every week!Connect with Cartoon Network Online:Visit Cartoon Network WEBSITE: Cartoon network on INSTAGRAM: Cartoon Network on FACEBOOK: Cartoon Network on TWITTER: Pearl ( Steven Universe ) - Wikipedia In Steven Universe: The Movie, Opal sings the duet "Independent Together" along with Steg (the fusion of Steven and his dad, Greg). She is a Gem, a fictional alien being that exists as a magical gemstone projecting a holographic body. Despite being made with more Gems, she is smaller than Obsidian, a five-Gem fusion. It's unclear if Rainbow Quartz is her (original), as she's actually a fusion of a Diamond and a Pearl, none of her components are actually Quartz Gems. His guitar levitates things by hitting them with a gust of wind an air guitar. "Garnet's Universe": Foxman Hopper Hoppy Ringo Sugilite was so reckless in destroying the tower that she was dangerous to everyone around her, and became the villain of. Do not submit non canon fusions or gemsonas. !, and much more! This is due to the pure willpower of Lapis Lazuli, holding the fusion together with all her strength while fighting Jasper to keep the fusion together (as seen in "Chille Tid"). This is most likely due to animation errors; stock art and model sheet poses consistently depict it with a circle facet. Lars reciprocates the trust Fluorite has in him, working together efficiently as a crew aboard the Sun Incinerator. All gems are women. But that doesn't stop him from joining Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl on their magical adventures - where Steven always finds a surprising way to save the day. Click to watch brand new clips: Visit the Cartoon Network website for more fun activities, games and downloads and check out our videos on Cartoon Network YouTube Channel: United Kingdom - YouTube Channel Danmark - YouTube Channel Sverige - YouTube Channel Norge - YouTube ChannelIndia - website - YouTube ChannelAustralia - - YouTube - - YouTube ChannelPhilippines - - YouTube ChannelIndonesia - website - YouTube ChannelMalaysia - - YouTube Channel#stevenuniverse Her entire existence comes off as a rather His main weapon is his guitar otherwise known as an. Some fusions can be unstable due to the way their participants' personalities combine. Mine is when we saw the forced fusions, and when Steven got his gem pulled out..Ouch. Uncorrupted Gems can fuse with corrupted Gems without the consent of the corrupted Gem. Steven Universe Fan Fusions 48 Steven Universo Possiveis Impossiveis She comes across as an exaggerated version of Amethyst. Steven Universe's appeal has stretched far beyond its intended younger audience. This was first shown in "Earthlings" when Jasper fused with the Snow Monster (a corrupted Ocean Jasper) and later became corrupted herself. Now, the proper words to describe yours truly are: specific, intelligent, accurate, faultless, "It's a shame because I was totally gonna go ask them to dance you know, until I learned it was Steven and his friend. Premium Powerups . 27. r/stevenuniverse. According to the Podcast's 10th episode, Rebecca Sugar confirmed that Gems such as Garnet may also exist as single, unfused Gems only that they have a different look from them. Both arms are small-handed, and blue, although the lower pair seems more muscular. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. A lovely list of lovely Steven Universe fusions. Sugilite seems to inherit her impulsive and irrational behavior from Ruby and Amethyst, while Sardonyx seems to get her haughty and self-absorbed personality from Sapphire and Pearl. and "I Am My Mom", though more directly admitted in "Stuck Together", Topaz is revealed to be two Topazes fused together indefinitely. Fusions are commonly formed in states of emergencies and used as a last resort, except in cases like Garnet, where Ruby and Sapphire decided to stay fused forever as a . Steven universe speculative fan fusion list. See her folder here for tropes regarding Watermelon Tourmaline. Steven and Connie are so stable they can Fuse accidentally, and Garnet describes them as perfect. Sardonyx - Multi-colored bands of various colors. Is confirmed to be the original Obsidian, and thus the fusion of Rose, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl depicted by the Crystal Temple. Fluorite is very kind to Connie, regarding her as "another human friend". Garnet is voiced by Estelle, a British singer. Who Has A Crush On Pearl Steven Universe Resposta Rpida Whereas Garnet and Amethyst's fusion is pure destructive fun! Fluorite also appears hanging out with Lars together at a table with Garnet, then later at the concert in the movie. However, Sardonyx was the first fusion Gem not to show gemstones during fusion. The Snow Monster (a corrupted Ocean Jasper) is the first and so far only, living (unshattered) Gem to be physically forced into fusion by another Gem (in this case Jasper). However, she is eventually able to realize that her relationship with Jasper was unhealthy, as she later rejects Jasper's attempts to fuse back into Malachite. This is represented by Stevonnie having strange, The fans seem to have settled on referring to Stevonnie as "they"/"them". Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Cartoon Network / The voice of Steg, Ted Leo, is part of the musical duo "The. This was demonstrated when Stevonnie began hallucinating during a training session with Pearl, and it explained previous instances of Stevonnie hallucinating in "Alone Together" and "Beach City Drift". Similar incidents nearly occurred with Malachite as she was being pulled to the bottom of the sea and Garnet when she was facing a Cluster Gem. Steven Universe #1 Fusion Frenzy 2019 CN Cartoon Network Comic: $14.99. Advertisement Coins. drive Jasper straight through the Corrupted Gem she was using as a mount. Fluorite tells the group that she is composed of six Gems, and could possibly expand if they meet the right Gem. her two components' voice actors talking over each other instead, from mid-air thanks to Lapis' water wings no less, but only when Lapis and Jasper can work together, forces herself into a fusion with another Gem unable to consent, contract a horrifying condition that eats away at her body and mind before having to be put out of her misery, implications behind Jasper forcing herself upon. That's where Fusion comes in. The original Obsidian was the inspiration for the Crystal Temple. Let's just make comments, then. Some dominant features in Gems can occur in their fusions, such as Pearl's nose shape. That Yellow was able to grab them quickly shows that Stevonnie may be amazing and strong, but Yellow is more powerful. After Emerald threatens them, Fluorite tells Lars that the engines are all set, and Lars has the Rutile Twins pilot the ship into taking off in hyper-speed. Come and obsess over gay space rocks with us. The one time Stevonnie has any footwear, they keep a(n apparently very flexible) type of slipper Steven was wearing, but Connie's boots still disappeared. She's 1/6 Diamond, and with the expected strength. Malachite is another example. They also have eight arms, but unlike most cases these are relatively evenly proportioned.
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