spanish pistol date codes llama
Spanish Semi-Auto Pistols Gun Parts | Numrich Gun Parts Llama 1911 9mm | 1911Forum Have something to ask or share? In 1931 it was decided to modernize Bev Fitchett's Guns Survival (current) FREE Military Tough 6-in-1 Tactical Survival Knife Free 2nd Amendment Gun Rights Silver Coin # start ser. The flaming torch is also used in the same type grip. IV and is, therefore, the original Llama pistol, manufacture of which dates from 1932. Unscrew and remove the recoil spring guide rod. pistol. Largo (Bergmann) caliber. 529. Lift the recoil spring guide and spring out of the gun. Star Firearms: Dating your Star Pistol with Proofmarks. September 2018 edited November 2018. III-A This post-World War II version of Mod. Pull the extractor rod located at the back of the frame. In 1914, the company of Gabilondo y Urresti (later to become known as Llama) built a better-than-average 1903 copy called the Ruby, chambered for .32ACP and with a 9-round magazine (larger than most of these types of . LLama Max 1 l/f - Page 3 Formed as Astra Unceta y Ca in 1908 by Juan Esperanza and Pedro Unceta, Astra would find success with their in-house developed Campo-Giro pistol only a few years later when it was adopted by the Spanish Army. Original factory magazine. VI This has been reported to be in 9 mm. 0000001316 00000 n As implied above, with proof date codes, you can get an accurate and reasonably precise date on your Star pistol. 1984 according to the site - seems a lot more likely. 9 m/m 38 "Llama" On the right side of the slide is "LLAMA" other markings on the slide. SPANISH PROOF MARKS PrOOF mark CirCa PrOOF hOuse tYPe OF PrOOF and gun since 1910 Eibar provisional black powder proof for shotguns . commercial contract Spanish Gabilondo Y Cia "Llama" Model I semi-auto Copyright & Trademarks Unscrew and remove the two takedown pins located on either side of the frame, just above the trigger guard. Llama .38 Super auto pistol | Page 2 | The Firearms Forum Welcome to the updated forums. . Dates of This is located on the left side of the gun, just below the barrel. Star Firearms Production Dates By Year Code Dates of Production by Model for Llama FIREARMS Since approximately 1927, Spanish law has required that every firearm manufactured in Spain be submitted to the Eibar Proof House for testing prior to being released for sale. LLama Max 1 l/f; John needs your help . They may be under the stocks, and on small guns, very often are completely or partly under the grip panels. Remove the slide from the frame. I am not sure the same coding scheme is used for long arms, but try it and if it sounds right, it might be. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. As implied above, with proof date codes, you can get an accurate and reasonably precise date on your Star pistol. Sign in or register to get started. Specializing in clones of FN pistols and various S&W revolvers, they catapulted into fame, of a sort, with their Ruby pistol in 1914. A SPANISH pistol is currently worth an average price of $330.65 new and $202.21 used . I don't know, but it's not by hijacking an 8 year old dead thread. 1989 = AU. pistol translate: pistola, pistola [feminine, singular]. However, their guns remain as a testament to the companys legacy and are a hit with collectors today. I have never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a reason for withdrawing from a friend. Somewhat later a variant pattern in 9 mm. Parabellum caliber with a variant style of grip frame and hammer and has no grip safety. Join Tomato Lovers & Participate in the Ukrainian Tribute Growout! III This was a 9 mm. JavaScript is disabled. First, make sure your seeds are dry before sending them in. pistol. Visually check the chamber to ensure it is empty. Mini-Mag solids is always my go to ammo. However, there is a completely different system of date codes and maker codes that . They are usually on and/or near the front of the trigger guard. Codes and Markings - Mod. began with A in 1927, and after reaching Z in 1954, continued with A1 in It is a full-size reproduction of the Colt-Browning recoil-operated pistol Mod.1911. The one at the top looks like an original used Llama mag, but the three at the bottom kind of strike me as being Triple K copies. Insert a loaded magazine into the handle of the pistol. The standards setting and IP regimes in Russia are open to some manipulation, as evidenced by last y, Harvest Delicious Red Tomatoes with Red Rocket in Hot Climates South of Memphis, Tomatoes are a popular and versatile crop that can be grown in many climates, but it is important to choose the right variety for your climate. The deadline for sending in seeds was October 15th, but there are still plenty of ways to get involved. It was manufactured from about 1936 to 1954. 0000016042 00000 n A document sent to me some time ago, and which I just now noticed, is the same sheet as the above table from the nice people at Ipar Guns. PDF PROOF MARKS ProoF MarKs - NRA Museum Every 28 years or so (there are inexplicable gaps) they start a new series, by adding a number to the end of the letter codes. For some reason this first model produced later was designated Model IV. The codes 0000007436 00000 n The bullet between instead of asterisk above is something I have not seen. Send me email be sure to leave the subject line prefix or your message will be filtered out! There are 3 on a typical commerical arm, and four on a typical military arm. Push out the slide stop, then take out the trigger bar and disconnector. Mod. gun was exported to a different country as a military acquisition. USA - - ( Some may remember the Llama brand of old. 23.4 KB Views: . Jupiter .32 Cal Semi-Auto Pistol. MUGICA Tradename on Llama pistols made for Jose Mugica of Eibar, Spain. After WWI, Gabilondo y Urresti changed the company name to Llama and updated their catalog with several updates to the Colt M1911 design, which remained in production as the Llama Max series into the 2000s, as well as revolvers such as the Comanche and Martial series, which were cloned S&Ws in many respects. Llama "Extra" ID help needed - The Curio and Relic Firearms Forum 1955. By the way, all Spanish pistols have a date code on the frame. Llama serial # | The Firearms Forum Current production Llama pistols will show a slide marking with "LLAMA CAL." The first pistol produced was an exact copy of the Colt Mod. In 1931 it was decided to modernize their line by undertaking the manufacture of the external hammer, recoil-operated system originally designed by Browning and used by Colt and the Fabrique Nationale. LLAMA Compact Frame Semi-Automatic :: Gun Values by Gun Digest 0000008413 00000 n Registered Member. 0000034833 00000 n At this point, you will have the main components of the weapon disassembled. Spanish Year of Proof Codes | Shotgun Forum III and is merely a smaller version of that model (Fig. stamped with a letter code indicating the year that the arm passed proof. Fully recoil-operated Llama pistols of the Mod. In addition to the proofmark, it was The oldest of the three by a year, Llama-Gabilondo y Cia SA, best known as Llama, dated back to 1904 when the company ran under the banner of its two principal gunsmiths, Gabilondo y Urresti. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers. Llama pistols are now made in the Philippines, by Metro Arms and imported into the U.S. by Eagle Imports of Wanamassa, New Jersey. Proof marks are often very shallow, and in obscure places, like far up the trigger guard. 0000000016 00000 n Open the action of the gun and remove the barrel from the receiver. The Spanish government set up a proof house in Eibar starting in 1923. Three are proofmarks, and there is a fourth that is a Spanish military acceptance proof. SaveShare Reply schutzen-jager Llama was born in Spain over 100 years ago but now resides in the Philippines. Red Rocket is a determinate tomato variety that is well-suited to hot, muggy climates like those found south of Memphis. Remove the barrel from the slide by pulling it off. date code). The code should be found on the left side of the frame just above the trigger or under the frame and it will be identified by a * over the letter or a * over the letter and number year code. Ensure the weapon is unloaded. Llama firearms | Military Wiki | Fandom Llama made a lot of different 9mms and .45s. They were of high quality and have been sold around the world. VII. for sale. All Spanish guns since ~1928 have a date code on them. Remington's Nylon 66 semi-automatic .22 LR rifles have grown from 1950s bargain buys to 21st century collectors darlings. Seed saving is a great way to ensure the survival of your plants, and it's also an economical choice. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. It was produced from 1936 and was still made in 1953 but does not appear in 1955 factory literature. Mike, none of the marks you show are the date code. 1967 = XXIII. After Spanish civil war, company moved its facilities to Vitoria, Spain, where it continued to build handguns under Llama trade name. Hello - the only marks of any kind I can find on my Llama Especial - 380 is the #26 on the left side of the grip safety - at the tip of the thumb safety lever. Yes, that means there are essentially no standards. During 1969 the Hi-Power pistol Serial Number code was changed to a two digit year and "C" prefix. Llama especials love to explore, so take advantage of that fact by going out on long walks together. # end 1945-194819999Since 1968-1969 was a transition period in Browning 0001 . Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Push the recoil spring assembly forward and off the frame. Make: Llama Model: Martial Serial Number: S806430 Year of Manufacture: 1969-1976 Caliber:.38 Special Action Type: Single and Double Action Revolver with Swing-Out Cylinder Markings: The left side of the barrel is marked "Gabilondo y CIA. Retract the slide back until it locks. Llama IIIA series 1 variation 1- 380 acp, Locked breech,161 mm overall length, three vents in the rib, 1955 into 1969. Shortly after the production of this first model, a blowback style based upon the external shape of the Colt-Browning was introduced. It appears that this patent is exclusive to the Russian Federation, with exporting to Belarus and K-stan and importing from Germany being allowed. This is located at the front of the slide, and will require some pressure to remove. If your gun was made in 1967 there will be a M2 stamped on the frame near the proof marks. Which is a coded date. Though there was another one operating for a short time in the early 1920s, Eibar is the one and only Spanish government proof house for most of the 20th century. It's easiest to create a Word docume, Growing Tomatoes from Saved Seed: Tips to Achieve Maximum Germination Rate, Seed Saving: Tips for Ensuring Maximum Germination Rate Short version of the Mod. I looked under the grips - both sides - nothing there. It's still a bit of a mess, but if you are not seeing it, there's the proof house admission seal, the proof house pass seal, large letters apparently reading "T1" below this. Llama .22 --- Tell me about it | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum Any ideas as to the date of manufacture??? Jan 24, 2002 #1. Attachments. It has a double grip safety. Astras most successful design was the 300/400/600 series of pistols, which were very distinctive in their layout, one which was dubbed the Spanish Pipewrench. This Astra 600 in the Vault is chambered in 9mm Luger. In 1980s, firm introduced a new line of pistols that were more modern in design and function. quote:Originally posted by AdamsQuailHunter. In 1931, company began to produce a semi-automatic pistol based on Colt Model 1911. This is purely a conjecture. Browning Short caliber, heavier than Mod. 0000002610 00000 n Reims 1914 .25 ACP Semi-Auto (Azanza Arrizabalaga) Ruby .25 ACP (Grip Safety Model) Victoria 1911. Llama pistol date codes? Google "Spanish pistol date codes" for a chart. caliber, was issued along with Mod. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Automatic pistols made by Gabilondo from 1914 to 1933 were based on Browning F.N. 0000013902 00000 n Though the US government has inspection processes for military goods, there is no proof house of any sort for domestic US gun makers. As these guns took readily-available blanks and looked very similar to the classic M1911, the Star 9mm appeared in literally hundreds of movies and TV shows in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. Forum. This is also a good example of how hidden proomarks can be. Parabellum caliber was produced. Texxut. adam762 Apr 7, 2019 adam762 Well-known member Gold Contributor FALaholic # 11334 Joined Jul 28, 2003 Posts 5,118 Location Washington Court House, OH Feedback: 269 / 1 / 0 So based on what I know about dating Spanish pistols, this could either be 1927, 1932, or Jan of 1978. Continue reading here: Glisenti pistols Fpb, FREE Military Tough 6-in-1 Tactical Survival Knife, Free 2nd Amendment Gun Rights Silver Coin, Green Beret Master Sergeant Home Security Checklist, Winning Plays Texted To Your Phone That Comes Directly From An Elite Team Of Sharps, Internal External and Terminal Ballistics, High Standard Pistols - Firearms identification, Drop In Auto Sear - AR15 to M16 Conversion. Remove the firing pin and firing pin spring. Mod. VII, but in three calibers: 7.65 mm. LLAMA EXTRA MODEL VII - D14708 - Simpson Ltd All the examples on this page are highlighted in crayon; yours will not be this visible. Star Firearms: Dating your Star Pistol with Proofmarks 1911A1, but without the grip safety, and in 9 mm. models of 1903, 1906, 1910, and 1922. What did I miss? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To this weapon was given the trade name Llama" which is the name for currently made Gabilondo pistols. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. As seen below, there are four possible marks on any Star firearm. %%EOF In spite of me looking everywhere on the gun, I can find no date code. I found a D*2 on the other side of the barrels. If they are just standard models not customized, then $500-$600 for both sounds more like it to me. Please refer to the References . A place for the discussion of all types of curio & relic firearms, including questions and answers about their markings, origin. rufe-snow 18,649. VII This pistol in 9 mm. 0000079047 00000 n Stay in the know. Spanish Date Codes Serialization for Star, Llama, Eibar, and Spanish It takes 60 days for Red Rocket tomatoes to reach maturit. Anyone have a date code chart for the Llama 380 small 1911 look alike? Italian firearms date year of proof codes. Victor1911. Check the chamber to make sure it is empty, and then remove the magazine. VII, but with the addition of a grip safety. The caliber is stamped just below the maker's name, "CAL Likewise, the year 1981 was represented with the code A2. Mod. It has been suggested that the name Modello IV may have been reserved for the Tauler pistol which is identical to it. 1945 = 1. 0000015357 00000 n 0000009135 00000 n 0000004154 00000 n Founded by two brothers Julian and Bonifacio Echeverria in 1905, Star is perhaps the best-known of the three big Spanish handgun makers. 0000002305 00000 n Commercial proofing. Firearms dont get much more iconic than John Moses Brownings legendary Auto-5 semi-auto shotgun, affectionately called the Humpback for its distinctive drop at the rear of the receiver. The web site that has the codes does not mention it, but there is a small * above and between the letter and the number. trailer be submitted to the Eibar Proof House for testing prior to being released 0000012066 00000 n the earlly pistols had smooth slides, then the rib appeared in the 1950s. 1911. The contract was so large that the company had to subcontract with as many as 50 other small cottage gunmakers in the Eibar area to fill the demand. Unscrew and remove the trigger guard from the frame. 131 51 I do not know when the date is added, but note that it is not exactly the date of manufacture, but the date of proof, which is always later. The oldest of the three by a year, Llama-Gabilondo y Cia SA, best known as Llama, dated back to 1904 when the company ran under the banner of its two principal gunsmiths, Gabilondo y Urresti.. Also think like the manufacturer. Registered Member. Date of manufacture for Spanish handguns. Mod. Back to "Llama" XI This is a 9 mm. Nope, Llama Martial. After Spanish civil war, company moved its facilities to Vitoria, Spain, where it . pistol | translate English to Spanish - Cambridge Dictionary LLama Model I was a blowback pistol IV This was the original Llama pistol, dating from 1931-32, in 9 mm. For Llama pistols built prior to 1936 slide marking reads: "GABILONDO Y CIA ELOEIBAR (ESPANA) CAL 9MM/.380IN LLAMA". 0000005590 00000 n This example in the Vault is in excellent condition. This pistol is still in production. Anyone have a date code chart for the Llama 380 small 1911 look alike? Around 1997 that rib disappeared, and there were some nice Llama pistols made - 9mm, .40. Push down on the slide lock lever located at the rear of the gun and pull the slide back. X, with the addition of a grip safety, which was added immediately following World War II. Remove the recoil spring and guide rod from the slide. Remove the cylindrical pin, located at the bottom rear of the receiver, which holds the cylinder in place. It was made prior to World War II only. There will be a Spanish date of proof code located with or near the proof marks. Z=1954, A1 = 1955 etc . Most other countries, do, including Spain. Stronger Guns. It may be a special variant of the Mod. In fact, yours may be quite hard to find or read. By collecting seeds from your own garden or buying them in bulk, you can save money on future purchases. 131 0 obj <> endobj There are no Llama pistols designated as Models XII, XIII, and XIV as these designations have been reserved for and are used on the Llama revolvers. Many materials reproduced here are copyrighted by their respective owners, and may not be reproduced without permission. Trade mark patents usually bear the prefix Mar." (for Marca) and in the same period they ran from 30,000 to 40,000. Spanish Eibar/Ruby Pistols - Forgotten Weapons The fruit typically ranges from 8 to 10 ounces and is smooth with no blemishes or cracks. The proofs are placed before assembly. The Spanish government proof house set up 28 letters or letter-combinations that replace years, starting in 1927. Place the safety in the "Off" position and your Llama 22 pistol is now loaded and ready to fire. As implied above, with proof date codes, you can get an accurate and reasonably precise date on your Star pistol. Mod. Note that most will not be hilited in white as these are. 226 Williams Ln. Take out the trigger, sear and hammer strut located at the rear of the frame. 0000070705 00000 n 0000043689 00000 n It dates from about 1935 and is believed to have replaced the first two models in distribution and to have been dropped from production in 1954. The testing includes a detailed visual inspection as well K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. Llama especials are very sensitive and will only be comfortable with someone they trust. Show your llama that you are trustworthy. All of the major parts have 144 stamped on them (bbl, slide, frame, slide stop) There . 0000017631 00000 n I This was a 7.65 mm. .45, plus the small-frame .22 .32 .380s. The date code will be something like the G*1 on this gun. To know factually, it will work with H-P's and low velocity ammo. Pull those off (for many guns, like the Firestar, be careful not to move the safety as a plunger can become dislodged and fly away, lost forever when the grips are off) and look if you have no other luck. S&W K-frame 4-inch .38 Special? Miniature 1911 Llama .380 semi auto | 1911Forum This practice became most organized, and earned the name of "proofing" with the advent of firearms, when armor plates were proof tested to assure their resistance to (proof against) early gunfire. 0000013284 00000 n Years ser. Llama .380 ACP model IIIA Pony 3 in for sale at - GunsAmerica Gun Type: Handgun NIB $0000 Excellent $0000 Very Good $0000 Good $0000 Fair $0000 Although I do not specifically address it, this should therefore work for Astras, Llamas, and any other handgun. 5-7 oz Orange, mid season). 0000006710 00000 n LLAMA Model Photos :: Gun Values by Gun Digest The legitimate design patents are usually prefaced by Co." (for Concedido) and during the period 1915 to 1922, when there was a virtual epidemic of new Spanish pistols, these patent numbers ranged from 60,000 to 71,000. the frame "GECO". 0000048483 00000 n In 1931, company began to produce a semi-automatic pistol based on Colt Model 1911. X This pistol, in 7.65 mm. Nouvelle page 0 Despite the new address, all the Spanish traditions and heritage are still part of the brand. . Spanish Year of Proof Codes for Star, Llama, Astra and others. 2023, LLC. The codes are the same whether it's a Llama, a Star, or an Astra Llama 9mm. Clean and lubricate the individual parts and reassemble. It appears to be identical to Mod. Llama Date code chart Member Forums Mike, none of the marks you show are the date code. 0000003439 00000 n Release the slide and allow it to move forward. Serial number, date code, year, if each is present, then any pertinent information like import markings or a description of the pistol. Take time to groom your llama. At least one reader has a model PD with, apparently, the month and year of manufacture directly stamped on the frame. Fixed sights. As for his price being overinflated, at $500-$600 for each, to me yes his price is very inflated. This is still speculative, as there is no clear X or X1 date code to accompany it, but the pistol is of the style that would have been made in 1978, and the T1 is not an absolutely convincing date code due to size and format. Both are identical to the Llama Mod. Nazi World War Two Every 28 years or so (there are inexplicable gaps) they start a new series, by adding a number to the end of the letter codes. Llama pistols ??? about quality and price? - The Firing Line IX-A This is the .45 ACP caliber, to which a grip safety was added immediately following World War II. Additionally, by selecting varieties that are well-suited for your climate and soil type, you can increase the chances of success with each planting season. Take out the hammer and mainspring assembly and set aside. Phone: 866.686.7424. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. 0000011072 00000 n This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! V Made in 9 mm. For the small European and Bersa .22's. Until you have time to test fire sufficiently. Imported to Nazi Germany during the World War Two by. Its 387000 range serial number is correct for the Year 1967, so the final digit 1 of the date code simply did not stamp strongly enough to be seen through the chrome plating. hb```b``e` cc`a &! From 1927 onward, the proof mark additionally was accompanied by a letter code, indicating the year of proofing. Though this system works fine for the Eibar-based Star, use care when trying to proof-date a gun by another Spanish maker. xref "Spanish Year Of MFG. in occupied territories. Serial Number - Date Proof - Year of Manufacture - Month/Year of Import - Caliber - Importer - Additional Info Browning BDA-345RR-1101-HH-1977-9mm = Thanks to Buster30290-345RR-2599-HH-1977-9mm = Thanks to MusProd. Lanyard ring on left side of butt. This is located on the underside of the slide, and should slide out with a slight tug. In the companys later years, they produced guns geared towards the concealed carry market like the Firestar and Ultrastar. 1911A1 Colt. On a Llama it is usually on the left side of the frame just above the trigger guard. by further visual inspection. Supposedly, this is: However, I have not seen this that I noticed, and a perusal of the few post-1995 guns in my possession doesn't seem to indicate it, and of photos doesn't help either. This dates from about 1935 and was produced until about 1954. 10 Best ways to Make Money on Social Media and not waste time. 0000017958 00000 n models of 1903, 1906, 1910, and 1922.
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