sims 4 non rabbit hole career mods
This is one of my favorites and the most intriguing to me. The mod adds one new career, that your sims will travel to each day. This is an interactive sims 4 career version of that! Theres so much more to this mod than what I can describe here, so be sure to check out the download page for all of the details. You Learn All The Dance But You Dance In None Of Themunless Someone Can't Dance, Then . I use this a lot when playing since it gives more value to the game. Then your sim will need to work hard to get promoted all the way up to the prestigious title of Fire Chief. This is a new career that you should definitely check out. They do incredible work and your sims can earn 84 simoleons per hour working in this career. Your sims can now make maps, all day, everyday, thats the dream! These sims will start as a youtube nobody and will eventually work toward choosing a path where they can become a gamer, a DIY channel, a daily vlogger or an MUA! My careers mods list today includes the best custom active careers, sprinkled with some semi-active careers throughout (which are just as fun!) Theyre there to make sure youre looking and feeling your best with your smile. This is false. These sims are going to need to earn the pet training skill and have potential to earn 500 simoleons per hour at the top of the career. This one was recently updated to be a full-blown active career, whereas previously it was just a semi-active career. With this custom make up artists career your sims are going to be able to start their work as a cosmetology student where theyll have to be there five days a week and only earn 10 simoleons per hour. The key to this career is being talented in tons of different skills so you can truly impress others and get their business. The game encourages players to explore the virtual world and take responsibility for their in-game avatars. To use this, will need the base game and the Get Famous EP. business work from home by NoelleBellefleur on mod the sims . Mod requests 2x more likely to be created; Vote in Upcoming Mods; Now, your sim can either be a part of the teaching faculty and grade assignments, email students, etc., or the college administration and process student admissions, answer advising questions, and much more! Read More 27+ Must-Have Sims 4 Body Presets for More Realistic SimsContinue, Read More 36+ Super Fun Sims 4 Custom Aspirations You Need in Your Game (Sims 4 Aspirations CC)Continue, Read More 21+ Custom Sims 4 CAS Backgrounds To Give Your Game a New LookContinue, Read More 21+ Must-Have Sims 4 Sliders for More Realistic Sims: Body Sliders for Lips, Height, Hips, & MoreContinue, Read More New to CurseForge? Did you know that paralegals do so much work to make sure that lawyers are able to get their work done? This is a single level career where your sims are going to earn 73 simoleons per hour but will need to work three days a week for twelve hour shifts. We already have a law career in The Sims 4 but this is a good option if you dont want to have your sims working through these careers and would rather just have them have a single career level. Once again, youll get a new social event so that you can start work. Rabbit Hole | Zoo Attraction at KAWAIISTACIE Filed Under: Mods / Traits Tagged With: kawaiistacie , mod , Rabbit Hole , Sims 4 August 12, 2021 View More Download You can tell that a lot of hard work and time has gone into them. The Sims 4 has an awesome range of career mods that will suit all personalities, but one of the best career mods your character can have is the fitness instructor. Well, the fitness instructor career is a great option for doing this. TUTORIAL - Rabitt-Hole Interactions | Zero's Sims 4 Mods - Patreon It adds oceanographer as a career in the game and allows your character to be an oceanographer for the rest of their life. There is no better way to make a living than to help others. This mod allows your sims to get tattoos and piercings at any location created or set by you. You need to continue producing videos and working hard at your job to gain traction and progress to internet superstardom. All the Sims 4 Careers Compiled: A Complete Guide - SNOOTYSIMS Best Sims 4 Career Mods You Can't Play Without - Twinfinite Your sims deserve to have a better time when theyre at work with more interesting career options like being a chocolatier or a registered nurse. With The Sims 4 Get to Work expansion pack, we got active careers. Therapists are doing amazing work to help people in their lives and get their relationships in order. Less number of workdays. Mainly because when the Sims 4 came out, its what I had envisioned that the bartending side of the culinary career would be likeyou know, actually tending a bar. These sims will be working with all sorts of illnesses and doing surgery on many different parts of the body instead of being extremely specialized. Thanks for clarifying that! Your other option is to work at home as a daycare teacher. Accounting is important to make sure that individuals and businesses are paying their taxes and keeping their books organized. Not to worry, you can still check it out on our, March 3rd- It's time for our Friday Highlights! . These sims will need good people skills and will want to enjoy spending time with others and will work 9-5 every weekday. Theyll have a nice predictable weekly schedule which is awesome for having consistency in your gameplay. This job is one that Im hesitant to share on my website, but honestly, its a super in-depth career mod for sims 4 and very well made, so I just had to. This hasnt been released for public access quite yet (coming 11/30/21), but if you arent already a part of KiaraSims4Mods Patreon, I highly recommend it! They were first introduced in The Sims 3, where they appear in every world. With four new career paths for firefighters, hotel employees, stylists, and private tutors to the game, the mod package makes a great addition for fans of a larger variety of career paths. The next option on our list of sims 4 career mods is the financial manager career that is a one level career. This could also be a free alternativ. You are on your own. A few questions. Rabbit Hole | Tattoo Shop at KAWAIISTACIE Sims 4 Updates The effort and depth of their mods is nearly unmatched! Who wouldnt want to be a chocolatier? For regular, non-Astronaut Sims, they can purchase tickets to go for a vacation or even buy a house in space. Sims 4 Job and Career Mods: The Best CC Packs - SNOOTYSIMS This mod will enable your sims to care for animals around the globe, helping to protect endangered species as well as being one with nature and helping wildlife survive. Move the .package file into your Sims 4 Mods folder (Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods). Theyll get to choose between an art dealer and an art curator branch and in each there are 8 levels of the career to work through. Youll start off in this career as the waterboy or watergirl and spend a few days at the fire station learning the basics. These sims are going to be working with a ton of information that they are responsible for organizing and using it to make their company more money. I like this mod because it undoubtedly adds something valuable and unique to the game. We have an entire photography skill in the game that gets under-utilized by many players, so why not have a photographer career to go right along with it. One of the fun little parts about this mod is that during the social event, your sim will make simoleons per order! This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. You'll then need to take care of those toddlers. You are awesome!! Animal Shelter - Download Here. This changes one String Table so no F* Word is used for the Hook Up Call. Subscribe the SnootySims Newsletter to receive a list of the 100 Best Sims 4 Mods! Published on July 19, 2020 August 30, . The Sims 4 has given a new dimension to its gameplay. Each day your sim will be sent to a location with an assignment of seducing a target. This mod presents ten levels and five paths: classical ballet, modern dance, street dance, choreographer, and instructor. Next up on our list of sims 4 career mods is the Office Secretary vintage career which is a fun choice. Whoever says that Sims cannot be professional singers is proven wrong by xTheLittleCreator through this entertaining career mod. It's get for those sims that love make-up, hair, clothes, and . Yo so I've downloaded Version 3 of Ultimate Careers, and it is great. There are only so many careers The Sims 4 offers you in the base game and expansion/game packs. Are your sims into fitness and maybe working through the body builder aspiration? They create some of the best mods out there and I reference them often. With so much focus on all the things demanded by fans, its surprising EA developers didnt think of this themselves. The new careers that have been added to this mod include neurology which studies diseases of the nervous system, obstetrics which focuses on childbirth, and emergency room doctor which deals with urgent care for patients who need emergency treatment but dont need hospital admission. The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is the ability to prescribe medications so these sims have a lot more going on in their career than just therapy. This single level career mod is a great option for sims who want to work with their hands and help others feel better. Since this is a high importance career these sims can earn 174 simoleons per hour which is a great income. There can also be a new rabbit hole career of travel agent. These sims work forty hours a week and earn over 50 simoleons a week so its fun! However, they will still need to manage their time wisely so that they can balance their work-life with their personal life. Your sims can choose from 11 different degrees such as: Fine arts, childhood development, musical. It's a rabbit hole career meaning that you don't get to see your sim at work, which is a bit weird considering most Youtuber's work from home. The interesting thing about this career is that the first stage has your sims as a film student where theyre working from 4pm to 10pm every weekday but they are only earning a sad 3 simoleons per hour. Do you remember the daycare profession in the sims 3? Your sims are going to be earning 175 simoleons per hour with 12 hour days from Monday to Friday. While your sim is working, theyll actually make tips per order that they serve which is pretty awesome, if you ask me. This is the last sims 4 active career mod that I have by rubi. Starting as a basic Ministry Worker, you can choose to following tracks: Thats a ton of content for just one mod, so make sure to download this one. Make sure to add them to your list to try out. Marketing is how you are convinced to do and buy things in your daily life. This mod requires only the base game. Track: Dancer. Obviously, youll need a daycare venue to make this mod work correctly. , Your email address will not be published. . Unfortunately, mods are constantly breaking due to sims 4 updates. To install this one, follow this page. Their example of a therapy session focus would be things like relationship issues or depression. These sims work with numbers to figure out trends and understand and analyze data points. This means that they can do all their favorite things and get paid for it It also brings with it new careers, part-time jobs, and freelance trades for you to add to your gameplay. With this career by KiaraSims4Mods, you'll start off as a receptionist and work your way up until you own your own real estate agency. While an offical teacher career path was added to The Sims 4 with the release of Discover University expansion pack, this educator career path mod is admittedly better. killeranz on April . business work from home by NoelleBellefleur. Its an active career where youll be able to open up your own doggy day care and take care of the cutes little animals all day long. Install this mod and add a new Military Career for your Sims with three different career paths: Sims Army, Sims Navy, and Sims Air Force. If youre on the hunt for the best Sims 4 job and career mods, weve got some good news! DOWNLOAD HERE 3. They include Boyband, Girl Group, One Hit Wonder, Performer, and Vocalist. This feature of careers is fun because you can have them earning an income with hobbies during the day and send them to school at night. And with this mod you can have your sim work the life of a retail salesperson by working their people skills to net profits for the store. These are doctors that work with babies and children until theyre fully grown and focus specifically on child issues. THIS WEBSITE IS A PARTICIPANT IN THE AMAZON SERVICES LLC ASSOCIATES PROGRAM, AN AFFILIATE ADVERTISING PROGRAM DESIGNED TO PROVIDE A MEANS FOR SITES TO EARN ADVERTISING FEES BY ADVERTISING AND LINKING TO AMAZON.COM. This career is awesome because there are even random chances to get chance cards which can help you get promotions, earn income or maybe even get fired if youre unlucky. Top 35 Best Sims 4 Career Mods and CC [2023] - Oh, and if youre wondering about all those other cool custom events I have in social events, you can find those in my 50+ Super Fun Sims 4 Event Mods post! This single level career where your sims will earn 105 simoleons per hour working with numbers to try and solve problems. This is one of my favorite active careers to play out of this lid. Definitely worth noting, that this new career mode is perfect if you want your sims to become a high-ranking general in the game. When you're on the career lot, your performance increases gradually. Thats all I can say about this one without getting woozy. what is the admin password for swann. These sims are going to need to help other sims with their basic daily tasks and theyll be working 12 hour days, four days a week. Cane accessories by HistoricalSimsLife. I chose to download the lower-paying version because I love that realistic gameplay! Check them out below! An accountant (not a spicy one, a regular one) is a nice job with high job security and you can start off as a bookkeeper making 25 simoleons per hour. These lawyers are going to get an income of 122 simoleons per hour and work from 9 am to 5 pm. The adventurer career is a fun one where youll get to choose from either the educator branch or you can live your Night At The Museum dreams and be a museum caretaker. Like a money spike right when you reach the point where you can start monetizing your videos. This career mod has ten distinct levels, which give Sims players a lot more choice than many of the vanilla options. There are two different versions of the mod that you can download: one that gives kids higher pay and one that gives them lower pay. Unfortunately, there arent a lot of custom active careers for sims 4 right now, but there are new ones coming out from modders all the time, so Ill be sure to keep coming back and updating this list. Only the base game is required to use this in The Sims 4. If your sims are someone who loves match then this is the career for them. Genetic counsellors are people who help people understand their genetic disposition to certain issues and help people make decisions when deciding to continue their families. You can download and place the one that ItsKatato provides on the download page, or I believe, you can build your own (but dont forget to set it as a daycare lot!). Throughout the middle theyll get to specialize in things like automotive air conditioning. Let me know in the comments! The 16th anniversary of The Sims! But before that, you might also want to check out our Mega Guide: Mods and CC for The Sims 4 for more detailed information about mods and custom content. Nurses are a very common career in the real world and your sims can now be a registered nurse int he game too. When in this room, Sims will have a different moodlet instead of the usual work one. It suits all personalities and gets them working in a place where they can meet new people and have fun at the same time. Well ****, I thought it already had it. This mod is definitely not perfect and has some quirks, BUT its super fun and great for storytelling! This rabbit hole career will let your sim live the same experience as many people have to live in real life. Non rabbit hole jobs? : r/Sims4 - Now you can choose to work from home as an athlete, tech guru, chef, entertainer, secret agent, painter, writer, criminal, and astronaut. Remember that this is just a part-time job which means your Sims will not earn any income from this. Your smile is a very important part of your overall aesthetic and making sure your smile is beautiful is hard work. They are going to need to pay attention to their fitness skill and make sure they keep it high so they can show off how strong they are. If you are looking for some ways to spice up your gameplay and make it more realistic then this might be what you were looking for! When I looked just recently, I also couldnt find a place to download it for free. Description. This active career is pretty self-explanatory, but youll put down a fishing lot for your sim to work at and youll follow your sim there to have them complete various fishing-related tasks. $280 PH. Give this mod a chance too, and it is really worth a try! A prosthodontist is someone who works with teeth but more intensely specialized than a regular dentist. Chess Player - Download Here. Advertising is the key to making companies money and honestly, youre getting advertised to each and everyday. Moreover, it is designed to be approachable and engaging, so it suits players of any age or skill level. Its one of the most popular mods ever on Mod The Sims, with over 130,000 downloads at the time of writing. This a rabbit hole career for those of you that would like a guaranteed paying job. The core careers are Babysitter, Barista, Fast Food Employee, Manual Laborer, and Retail Employee. Some of which you can see in the photo above. If you have The Sims 4: Outdoor Retreat youll even have to earn the herbalism skill which makes total sense if your sims are working as a pharmacist. And one last thing, (I know this intro is getting long) if you want to make the base game sims 4 active careers more fun, I highly recommend downloading the Get to Work Aspirations Mod which you can find linked in my 36+ Sims 4 Custom Aspirations post (its #32 on the list!). Im pretty sure youre not the only one wishing for more career options for your Sims. Another interesting modification in this list is the Law Career Mod, especially if youre a fan of all those law and legal tv shows. Need I say more? To download, just go to ModTheSims. Go into build/buy mode and type in "rabbit" or "zoo" and you should see a sign and a wall decal. It is a very popular job modification that many players use in the community and now has over 190,000 downloads. These sims are going to start out at a registered nurse and eventually work their way up to be able to earn more money. When you download this mod, your sims will get a brand new option in their phones where they can open up a custom odd job menu. by Taylor O'Halloran | May 27, 2022 | Careers, Mods, Mods and CC | 1 comment. Your email address will not be published. (4 levels) Level 1: Understudy Dancer. Perfect for aspiring dancers, heres your chance to excel in a dancing career! This Career Megapack includes several career mods, a few including accounting, astronomer, firefighting, modeling, paranormal, tailoring, and witchcraft. what YOU say goes! In the plastic surgeon career your sims are going to start earning a salary of 304 simoleons per day as a plastic surgery resident and will eventually get to choose between aesthetic plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery. The chance cards that pop up for this career path and especially fun, and have you making some pretty interesting choices. Ultimate Careers Mod: Open Workplaces, No More - The Sims Forums Im a HUGE fan of active careers. CareerBuilder - Download Here. This career will have your sim learning about the ocean and making sure everything stays nice and beautiful out there. There's nothing more realistic than having a young adult work in retail to try living on their own. A lot of people want to volunteer but dont know how to find opportunities in the area they live in. Enjoy! When youre working through this career your sims are going to need their painting skill as well as their writing skill to be able to get promotions and start earning more money. Your sims will be able to volunteer at a shelter and help the animals all around town. Happy Holidays! The set of vintage careers are very fun if youre playing a decades challenge or wanting a different vibe to your game. Install this entertaining mod and have your Sims choose between four career tracks: attorney, in-house, public prosecution, and judge. The pharmacist career is a great option for your sims with a 400 simoleons per hour income at the top level which is amazing. Just the base game is needed to use this in The Sims 4 game.
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