robinair 34700z high pressure unit disabled
Thank you for helping us keep our prices low! Replace the filter-drier if the unit becomes increasingly ineffective at removing moisture and contaminants from an automobile's refrigerant. Do not overfill the internal storage vessel, because, overfilling may cause explosion and personal injury or death. 0000003936 00000 n 12oz Capacity in 1/2oz graduations and 360 Milliliters in 10 Milliliter graduations. Before operating the unit, read and follow, the instructions and warnings in this manual. Locate red push button using a flash light inside the condenser outlet section. . High Side Gauge - Generic Used to monitor the discharge pressure of the vehicle being serviced. Press the 'Menu' button. trailer << /Size 213 /Info 147 0 R /Root 163 0 R /Prev 774351 /ID[<8e41406f25918d2dc57c6603ddfa6446><4c4e1a90d0fd9e856b93466d440f9953>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 163 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 146 0 R /Metadata 148 0 R /Outlines 166 0 R /SpiderInfo 152 0 R /Names 164 0 R /PageMode /UseOutlines >> endobj 164 0 obj << /IDS 160 0 R /URLS 161 0 R >> endobj 211 0 obj << /S 589 /O 811 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 212 0 R >> stream Robinair's patented automatic refrigerant refill feature maintains a user-selectable amount of refrigerant in the internal vessel and signals when its time to change supply tank, no monitoring required. Oil Injector Tubing (By Inch), 121773 Robinair 1/8" Black Nylon Tube (Sold By Foot), 121961 Robinair 36in. z5hDIT [~I|wW^#ek0 5 endstream endobj 181 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold >> endobj 182 0 obj 660 endobj 183 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 182 0 R >> stream %PDF-1.3 % 0000157867 00000 n Press and release the top arrow key. 0000014303 00000 n Magna Great Divide Bike 26 Hardtail, Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. 0000003638 00000 n Tempe Mission Palms welcomes guests as an elegant southwestern retreat nestled in downtown Tempe. . Failure to follow the instructions contained in this, If you are unable to understand the contents of this manual, please bring it to the, Do NOT operate this equipment unless you have read and. This filter can become plugged when a compressor fails from a burn out or overheating due to waxes normally found in refrigerants. The VacuMaster Series Vacuum Pumps Provide Power and capacity for a wide range of service applications. Turnaround time is 24-48 hours after your device is received at our facility, Once payment is secured, your product is shipped within 1-2 business days. Write something about yourself. Premier R-134A Refrigerant Recovery, Recycling, and Recharging MachineRobinair introduces its next innovation, the 34788NI, featuring an industry leading 98.. Inlet Manifold Pressure Transducer Measures the pressure of incoming refrigerant from the A/C system. 0000010563 00000 n endstream endobj 174 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Helvetica >> endobj 175 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] >> endobj 176 0 obj << /Type /Encoding /Differences [ 0 /circle ] >> endobj 177 0 obj << /Name /T1 /Type /Font /Subtype /Type3 /Resources 175 0 R /FontBBox [ -50 -50 50 50 ] /FontMatrix [ 0.00999 0 0 0.00999 0 0 ] /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 0 /Encoding 176 0 R /CharProcs 170 0 R /Widths [ 100 ] /ToUnicode 171 0 R >> endobj 178 0 obj [ /Separation /All 172 0 R 199 0 R ] endobj 179 0 obj 826 endobj 180 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 179 0 R >> stream Robinair 10" Heavy Duty Foam Filled Pneumatic wheel with bearings for Sidewinder style Cart units. Now it shows an error message during reclaiming of "High pressure reset" and "high pressure, unit disabled". Persons that require a reasonable modification based on language or disability should submit a request as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the modification. The machine will begin to clear the filter. The manufacturer recommends changing the oil after every 10 hours of operation. Also available as a download PDF file when you check out. 0000002566 00000 n <<411DC59CFD27484AA32AFC04567253C2>]>> 0000003018 00000 n The manufacturer recommends using a Robinair filter (order Robinair #34724) to optimize continued performance. DDD provides supports and services for eligible Arizonans. HSnS1"m"*"$UPC)l y9suK3u'l B+.R:C_.-BH6PMv^[#a za&o01=NMnWNbF;Dv$SvK :7{y!w"M M\P}B_WfY:Wu"~Orxwi:d}q=7_fSI6!gvz:tV;P*"]{Gk3 Df,SWQed~/|x#GR){$7r l^q]=T,f0[MbQg% . NOTE: New style tank with quickseal fittings.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. Caster 5" X 2" Swivel wheels mounted beneath unit for mobility.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. If the machine is losing refrigerant during the vacuum cycle, it could be caused by a few different issues. Then restart the system after resetting the high-pressure switch. 0000004584 00000 n . 1-800-533-6127, Bosch Automotive Service Solutions, Inc. If the operator cannot read English, operating, instructions and safety precautions must be read and, Si el operador no puede leer ingls, las instrucciones de operacin y, leerse y comentarse en el idioma nativo del, Si lutilisateur ne peut lire langlais, les instructions et les consignes de scurit doivent lui tre expliques. 12oz. USE THE 34700Z UNIT WITH R-134a REFRIGERANT ONLY. Deep tread design for no slip traction even on wet or oily floors. Price $6.80 Add To Cart 124005 Robinair Breaker Harness 347002K 34700Z Breaker Harness for 347002K 34700Z connects circuit breakers to main board. Robinair Is Ahead Of The Game With Fully automatic function lets you recover, vacuum, leak test, charge, and then walk away. 557648 Robinair 34724 Filter O-Ring Small, 557649 Robinair 34724 Filter O-Ring Large, Door Latch Kit Sidewinder Cabinets Device that contains spring, latch, retainer, and receptacle that holds door closed.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. 0000012667 00000 n Ferrule & Nut 1/8" (Sold Each)Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. Easily cleaned for long life. Robinair Model # 34700Z A/C . 348 41 ;d.0iCO);B3I2!uwZME~"e^\m`[wncMB If the set point is below the actual temperature, the snow flake will also flash and continue for five minutes. call 1-800-WX-BRIEF (800-992-7433). Pressure readings are then relayed to the control board. used a 6 CFM vacuum pump (RA15425) up to serial no. Of 6), 522545 Robinair Face Plate Overlay 34700Z, 523040 Robinair Operating Manual for 34700Z Recovery Recycling Recharging Unit, 523148 Robinair Oil Injector Steel Cap & Bulkhead Fitting, 537027 Robinair Pressure Transducer (New Style, Steel), 544023 Robinair Front Panel Sidewinder Cart, 569103 Robinair Door Latch Kit Sidewinder Cabinet, 62121 Robinair 96" Low Side Enviro-Guard System Hose R134A, 62242 Robinair 240" Low Side Blue Enviro-Guard System Hose R134A, 62246 Robinair 240" High Side Red Enviro-Guard System Hose R134A, 63096 Robinair 96 Enviro-Guard High Side System Hose R134A, 64240 Robinair 20 Foot Enviro-Guard Hose Set For Automotive R-134A, AC1234-9 Robinair Connected R-1234YF ACS Recovery Machine, RA15425 Robinair 115v Station Mount Vacuum Pump (17800B Only), RA19006 Robinair Complete Solenoid Assembly 120v, RA19322 Robinair Universal 1/2" ACME Oil Injector Assembly, RA19326 Robinair Check Valve (Large Face) Sold Each, RA19468 Robinair 36in. 0000296326 00000 n Disconnect hoses. We are here to help you to learn how to do HVAC service & things like . 34700Z Robinair R134a Remanufactured Recovery Recycling Recharging Unit (Refurbished) (Refurbished) . 0000012782 00000 n Ability Refrigerants is a national refrigerant wholesaler of the R22, R410A, and other related ranges. Automatic operation means less attention is needed! 34700Z R-134A RECOVERY RECYCLING RECHARGING UNIT, Combines Simple Operation With Superior Accuracy Built in the new . 740 psi working pressure, 3700 psi burst pressure.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. (this gauge lens does not have the needle used for Min / Max reading for monitoring pressure swing on air conditioning systems). Main Power Switch Controls the power between the power cord and the main board.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. Universal Air Purge Device R-134a Used to purge excessive air from refrigerant tank during vacuum or recycle process.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. 523284 Robinair Faceplate Logo Bubble Decal Cooltech 34700Z, 523477 Robinair Discharge Condenser Heat Exchanger Coil. G 15300 VacuMaster 3 CFM Vacuum Pump Documents Product Images Videos Robinair vacuum pumps flyer - US and international models Operating Instructions - English (Document # 556679) Board connection P28. Robinair 34700z service manual documents > - push a button and walk away let the Robinair Cool-Tech 34700Z do these 95 ROBINAIR Manual Cool-Tech Recovery, Recycling, 34700z manual - Nov 13, 2012 robinair 34700z repair manual - Robinair Cool Tech 34700Z Recovery, 34700z manual Get free access to PDF Ebook Robinair Troubleshooting Manual for robinair cool tech 34700z repair. A normally closed solenoid that, when energized, allows flow. This switch must also open to bring the unit out of clearing.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. To enjoy your wine collection at its finest, temperature matters. Low-Side Gauge shows the A . 0000005719 00000 n t 0X/.N When the pump is finished processing, the noise will cease. Oil Drain - Oil Injector Bottle, 115642KIT Robinair 12oz. 117680 Robinair Oil Level Sight Glass 15/16 - 20 UNEF For 15600 15400 15434 15120 model pumps. Remove the access panel, grille or duct collar at the condenser opening labeled Manual Reset High Pressure Switch Remove panel to access. Install this filter on the hose end of your tank add hose to protect your machine. 122745 Robinair Light Hole Cover For Sidewinder Top. 2023 BOSCH AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE SOLUTIONS INC. Robinair vacuum pumps flyer - US and international models, Owners Manual 15120A -15121A Vacuum Pumps- Multilingual: English, French, German, Spanish, #122939 Rev. 0 Change the vacuum-pump oil if the unit suction power decreases. Regular care and inspection of the Robinair 34700Z can help optimize its continued performance. Opens when energized, Closed when de-energized. Blue Lamp Indicator light which illuminates during charging, recovering, or vacuuming through low side of the unit.Robinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. For those units see 537027 New Style TransducerRobinair does not warrant any "RA" repair item not installed by an Authorized Service Center. For a list of authorized service providers in your area, click here. 36" X 1/8" MPT X 1/8" MPT Fittings. Graduated Oil Drain - Oil Injector Bottle. The vacuum pump will process for about two minutes, emitting an audible noise. . Robinair Power Cord Strain Relief Protects the lifeline of your electric/electronic products by absorbing the forces of pull, push, and twist that may be exerted on the flexible power cord. These mixtures are potentially dangerous and may result in fire or explosion causing personal injury or property damage. 28635 Mound Road h)i|f?z[1F]y}K>icqZhCu5o) Nq'LVAhor@p~vTLeeQ=z`jS\D@m"q`/_S\~T2P"$d=~*B80TCU6-=oLW (>57Wo@7p&. Robinair, based out of Owatonna, Minnesota, sells products worldwide through wholesalers and automotive distributors. You must verify that conditions and procedures do not jeopardize your personal safety. Booster Pacs - Jump Starters - Portable Power Supplies, Commercial Jump Starting & All-In-One Power Systems Parts, Robinair Recovery Recycling Equipment Parts, Robinair 34700Z R-134A Recovery Recycling Unit Parts, 100385 Robinair Power Cord Strain Relief / Heyco Bushing, 112364 Robinair O-Ring For R-134a Quick Seal Fittings (Each), 114693 Robinair Oil Bottle Cap (Less Liner With Holes), 114748 Robinair Hose Gaskets For 1/4 And 1/2 ACME Hoses (Each), 115642 Robinair 12oz.
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