president james dean monument mythos
erasing all languages other than their own, that attempted to shoot their queen during first contact, electrical brain surgery on civilians and super-powered beings alike, mastermind behind most of the events of the Deanverse. It is unknown how Dean dies in the Deaniverse, but many speculate he may have been killed or deified by The Great Division, similar to Richard Nixon. The first man to ever set foot on the Moon. why this world is called "The Nixonverse": because in this world, Richard Nixon is, including the true origin of the Last Son, the Knight, and the Queen of the Lunarians, The D-Day Knight, not just overturning the power balance in one fell swoop but revealing, the Crescent King crawling on all fours and weeping before finally standing upright, revealing that. both it and Wonderland appearing to be separate, yet also one and the same, the Sphinx "Mothership" never actually existed, how fellow living statue Freedom took up their role in the Grand Canyon. Following Cthnonaut A's advice, the Angel divides themself until they "no longer can". A local astronomer who after attempting to investigate a phenomena with a friend, turned into a "Container" for something he couldn't even fathom. Discover more posts about james dean monument mythos. Humanity (the United States in particular) attacking them and causing them to lose their sanity is what turns them evil and makes them lose their sanity. The designer for both the Statue of Progress and Statue of Liberty. Gigantic in height, and without branches. Civilians would slowly leave the bunkers the day after, while some stayed due to the possibility of nuclear fallout. The Libertylurker is revealed to be none other than the Horned Serpent/George Washington, the mastermind behind the Statue of Progress, the Suez Canal and the Special Trees (implied to be its horns). after being manipulated into causing the Unification of 2003, the Angel destroys the ADA and offers America an ultimatum: Ultimately, it's also responsible for the events of the Nixonverse as well, as it's destruction/assimilation of the Earth caused Nixon to escape from it into the Nixonverse, While George Washington was admittedly not the best individual, he was far less villainous than the. as the Last Son denies joining their kingdom and becoming their new king. Drew President Washington. She's not exactly wrong in her assessment that human peace is built on inequality, and that the United States' "peace equation" is a blatant example of that. Air Force One Angel to have been in both the photo of the first Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Center and in the photo of the Special Tree. They first appear in MAIZEMOVIEMAKER. during the "Evolution of the Last Son" in the final scene, the camera pans first past a figure of a man, then a figure of a person in a cape, then to the immense form of Christ on the cross that the Last Son turned into during the Vietnam War and then further past that to the even. The United States government nuked it to smithereens. Bring back the American soldiers in Vietnam via winning the 37th presidential election. heads have been cut off by the Statue of Freedom. The United States Government quite literally changed one of his eyes with a Lunarian eye to succesfully brainwash him. The level of abomination will depend on whether he's the same Horned Serpent MAIZE tampered with or not. A piece of Alcatraz matter that and escaped the Horned Serpent also assimilated some of its properties, becoming Richard Nixon and his extensions. A splinter group of the Anti-Device Association, a Doomsday Cult who worships the Horned Serpent as a god, formed with the sole purpose in mind of freeing it off the crust of the Earth. both the Cornerfolk and the Special Trees share multiple similarities. Little Bastard is the name of James Dean's racing car. Capitalist: he's the president. The Special Trees are peculiar, otherworldly trees. The Washington Wanderer is a mysterious figure that appeared at the top of the Washington Monument after it was destroyed by the special tree within it. "Heroic" is a bit of a stretch, but Nixon is content to leave his rogue "extensions," the. He had no say. It's likely that Dean's fate remained the same in this new reality, but with the man that took his life being Donald Turnupseed like in real life. Them ruining Dean's televised speech by muting his audio causes audiences to fixate on how he looked as a presidential figure, which made him even more popular, with Stanley Kubrick going as far to say the broadcast was the best silent film ever made. "Another World Egg was too cold and that Baby froze. Tells Nixon to tell him everything. Dean would go on to self direct several more ads for after the ABC evening news, and it would become a weekly occurrence every Friday throughout 1967, and would become the highest rated show on TV. turning Vietnam into the 51st state with little to no difficulty. the voice which commands C/H/A/S/E to walk to Antarctica is "Her.". Assist in restoring power across the US during the DEANDEMOCRACY campaign due to ADA sabotage of infrastructure. The speech would also deeply affect the senators present due to the volume of the speech, cause by malfunctions in Dean's hearing aids, making his voice more imposing. Cure deafness after the Anti-Dean Disaster and imprison and replace all ADA members using Special Trees.Re-establish the Giza Guardians using Freedom to kill captured ADA members in the Grand Canyon (all succeeded). In order: Lauren and Quinn Arnoldson (the former revealed to be the second Doctor Disturbing), Leonard W. Morlin, the, How the US Government ultimately disposes of both Freedom and the Air Force One Angel, in a bout of "mutually assured destruction.". james dean monument mythos. Dean would later propose a project to the Department of Health after getting his own Maize Kernel hearing aid implant from Maize Machines. Various groups, coined the "House Clubs" have attempted to attack it, to no avail. A markup of Dean as Satan would walk in, and begin making a loud siren noise, not before every air raid siren in the U.S. going off at the same time at higher than operating volume. After being abducted by the United States, his lost eye was replaced by a Lunarian one. The D-Day Knight uses Alcatraz Matter to basically, Their plan for Earth starts with a variation on this, although instead of creating multiple languages out of one they are. As Phillip Reed said, she craved freedom so much that she decided to take it. Nixon then proceeds to tell him, After Nixon warns him about his three creations going insane, Ed ends up killing himself with his, After not appearing in the majority of episodes until now, the first sentence in, A photo of him and his family is briefly shown before he committed suicide. Powers/Skills This fits, as Nathaniel and Maya Arnoldson, two Arnoldsons themselves, would become members of the ADA, and the Angel itself acts in a rebellious nature against the United States similarly to the ADA. And of course, every once in a while a more general piece of alternate tech appears, like a Concorde jetliner being used to represent a 2021 airliner. Both events start with a super-powered being altering with the timeline, but whereas Flash did it to save his own mother disregarding any consequences the subsequent ripple effect may cause, Nixon did it to see if humanity would approve of a being as powerful as him. This is exaggerated once he turns into the Crescent King, as he's basically been turned into a large, And it isn't even his fault! We are no longer the Anti-Device Association. Being freed from brainwashing a second time and realizing that he's complacent in the Lunarians' atrocities does a number on whatever is left of his sanity, and this realization transforms him into a monstrous abomination who can only weep at his. Despite being one of the only beings in the Nixonverse with true free will (or at the very least, considered to be one), he became a brainwashed slave for not one, but two separate factions in order to be weaponized. Thrown off the Chrysler Building by the D-Day Knight and falls to her death. the Lunarians after they attempt to recruit them into their kingdom as prince, destroying Lunarians bodies and cloud ships in just a few seconds. and seek to do so, to release the Horned Serpent. President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. James DeanPresident James DeanDeanPresident DeanSatan Jimmy Canyon Crowns (also known as Canyonggalans) are human beings whose heads have been cut off with Giza Glass. Dean would perform bongos at the end of his speech, not before racing Nixon on the track publically for the third time. Hobby Enemies In a similar vein to the Last Son, he has. He decides to reject the offer with destructive results. 20 203. His "Alcatraz Checkmate" of the Lunarians completely wipes out their entire race, with only their king being left alive. Far more notably, it appears that the Queen of the Lunarians was, The namesake of this trope has an interesting relation with the setting, as in the "Deanverse," Richard Nixon is merely a failed presidential candidate who befriends the winner and, The second is accompanied by video footage of, One confirming the implications raised in, Both events see the US Government attempting to use Superman (or a. The Anti-Device Association, originally the Anti-Dean Association, and later the splinter group Advocates for the Division of America, are a reactionary terrorist group who both oppose the progressive policies of the Dean administration and try to expose the secrets of the anomalous world they live in. Luna has no problem with ordering the Last Son's abduction and turning him into the Crescent King, while the Knight also has no problem. final words at the beginning of ''THE ED DWIGHT PARADOX''. By the end of. He could have interfered all this time, he certainly has the power to. Family and when the Great Division took place and then, without anything visible happening in the footage, The men execute a counterattack shortly after this, The Lunarians are either this or firm believers in. being created by Nixon, and believes himself to be as human as anyone else. A lifetime of being brainwashed and used to harm humanity ever since. The official subreddit for the Monument Mythos. after all, he had been in the oil business for a brief time, but to totally not recognize his two terms as president of the united states was confusing and troubling. This is later revealed to be a complete lie. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS Cthonaut to Angel communication [OC] r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS Is James Dean just a walking, talking cognitohazard in the Monument Mythos or is he just a regular human who is just that good? The various entities that crop up around the monuments- including the Horned Serpent, Great Sphinx of Giza, and, James Dean confuses the issue a bit by applying the label to more mundane threats like global climate change and, Alcatraz doubles as this, being a single celled organism, The Rockefeller airships are effectively indestructible, not due to their construction, but because the gas has been substituted out for, Possibly everything produced by Maize Technologies, or at least their early computers, seem to have been made, The recording of Mt. His true identity as Nathaniel Arnoldson may also have played a role, as Nathaniel was implied to be a former member of the ADA. Then Alcatraz manages to assimilate and replace the entirety of the United States in just one night without anyone knowing. Virginia Arnoldson's unborn child, whom she named after her mysterious protector who traveled with her during her interdimensional interregnum. When the Lunarians ask him about what he is now - after his retirement - he replies that he is "Neither man or god," which possibly further convinces the Lunarians that they're dealing with their prophetized King, as it was said that those who were chosen by "Her" were beyond regular people and on their way to become gods. In addition to the above, a pair of African-American fashion models, Pat Cleveland and Beverly Ann Johnson, are also listed as astronauts. Can be seen remarking upon the Last Son of Alcatraz, Luna, and The Moon God. We never learn anything about "Her" in the Nixonverse's finale, or if she even exists at all. Both also learn the cruelty of the humans first-hand, but react to it very differently. ROCKEFELLER-70. He also killed Ed Dwight for reasons only known to him. This would backfire, and would instead highlight Dean's disposition and facial expressions contrasting previous presidents. James Dean is a major character and is the president of The United States of the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS.He became the 37th president after he was inaugurated on January 20, 1969 and manage to serve the country until January 20th, 1977. The sister of Nathaniel Arnoldson who went missing near the Grand Canyon, she was a member of the ADA prior to a peculiar set of run ins with government conspiracies. And as it turns out, Richard Nixon, who they're all descended from. This triggered his transformation into a deranged parody of Christ, who was used by the United States to perform a "Sweep And Redeem" of Vietnam. And then there's what he does as The Crescent King Espouses the Peace Equation to justify his. She's (depending on who you ask) the Wonder Woman Wannabe of the Nixonverse. On the other end of the tech development scale, computers are shown to be willfully restricted in development, with one being developed in the 1970s and all others since being illegal. Name: James Byron Dean, "Jimmy", President Dean. Al Gore ran for office and ended up becoming president, as stated in, Unlike the other episodes, which mostly focus on either historical landmarks or specific events unique to the series's. james dean monument mythos . . I'm obsessed with Monument Mythos it's underrated, the story telling is great and the music choices in each video slap. Dean was regarded as Satan despite his clearly good deeds and having improved his world overall after both of his terms, whereas Nixon is regarded as "God" despite being more morally ambiguous and having, To the Horned Serpent, both being actual historical figures from the past who have served as presidents, imbued with, The robot known as C/H/A/S/E is heavily implied to be. Special Tree acted as this to George Washington, even depicting it as an apple tree. He is what appears to be a human, however he generates a cult of personality simply by . They seem to be performing a particularly subtle version, by destroying human language and replacing it with their own. The Lunarians piloting the cloud ships are not safe from the Knight's "Alcatraz Checkmate," and are destroyed along with their ships. He'd soon break free of this brainwashing, only to be brainwashed again by the Lunarians. Beware of Spoilers. She and her friends fell victim to this when the Special Tree Rockefeller planted sent them to an alternate universe. Inspired by the man he had accidentally killed, he would go on to become a superheroic figure to aid in war, only to be used and brainwashed multiple times by many different factions to use him as a. In addition, the end of the New Delaware Journal's final broadcast gives us an explanation for the series as a whole. When the Apollo 11 mission lands on the Moon, she was more than willing to welcome them and treat them as equals. As he states before committing suicide, he was doing this for, Downplayed. President Dean nationalized the USA's entire tech industry under the Department of Technology which later morphed into, Helen Keller would eventually get her hearing back, as she is one of the people seen in, Electricity seems to be a major symbol for disaster or anomalies in the series. Wonderland is literally referred to as the Horned Serpent's Metastructure, yet it's existence was the cause for the Horned Serpent's existence and by extension itself. Dean would win the election with 75% popular vote and 395 out of 538 electoral votes. "The devourer of villages." Whereas. Though, being a prison, that would make it. With. The first is an animated parable produced by the ADA, depicting Washington attempting to cut down his father's prized tree. drops her from the Chrysler Building for sharing secrets she wasn't meant to. Alluded to being the only survivor of the Apollo 11 Mission, since John Glenn was "evicted from reality" and Ed Dwight was killed by Nixon. Despite mostly being affiliated with the Knight, she is a clear expy of Lois Lane. However, he has a more malicious side, putting ADA members in fates worse than death. disintegrates the seventeen soldiers sent to operate it in such a way that they are effectively left as consciousnesses without form, until they eventually manage to restore their form as one. The Monument Mythos is an Analog Horror series created by Alex Casanas/Mister Manticore who also created CORNERFOLKLORE and The Trinity Desk Project. Nixon doesn't seem to be inherently malevolent, but his extensions eventually all lost their sanity and became a menace to humanity all in different ways, though Nixon does try to warn Ed Dwight about it, resulting in. James Dean shut down the Giza Guardian program and established the Department of Technology. Both Alice and Maya were supposedly doomed to live inside a statue, only to be freed, and decapitated by an anomaly soon after. However, he has a more malicious LOVE, POVERTY, WAR AND Also by Christopher Hitchens BLOOD, CLASS AND EMPIRE: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship A LONG SHORT WAR: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq WHY ORWELL MATTERS LEFT HOOKS, RIGHT CROSSES: A Decade of Political Writing (edited with Christopher Caldwell) LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the . After being brainwashed by the USA Government, he's brainwashed into believing he's Jesus Christ himself. Despite the Lunarian invasion being her doing, she doesn't personally engage in any of their atrocities unlike the brainwashed Crescent King. It was the name given to George Washington by the Iroquois. 1931) Democratic: 1968: Jeane Kirkpatrick: 1972: 38: January 20, 1977 . she's among the first to step foot on the. I simply cannot bring myself to tell them the truth, I am not strong enough. They stay around the Grand Canyon and require a supply of Vinegar to keep them from mutating further. Long before active campaign and debates started, Dean was shown to have a landslide popularity lead versus Richard Nixon and George Wallace, even through 1967 and 1968. His name's initials, ADA, are the same as the soon to be Anti-Dean Association. Or is there something underneath it? The Command Pilot of the Apollo 11 Mission, who was able to witness Luna and her speech, as well as learning that the Moon somehow has a breathable atmosphere. He was speculated to be Satan as the ADA broadcasts stated previous to the reveal of his heroic and honorable nature. Them taking down the power lines in the Southeast causes Dean to go down himself and fix them, bringing up public support for him even more. Lovecraft . This most likely triggered its transformation reflex, and he got sent to Wonderland, As it turns out, the fact that the Horned Serpent shares this same nickname is. It eventually gets replaced with a Lunarian eye. So is the ship alive? After a failed attempt of escaping Wonderland, George Washington became the Horned Serpent, whose head was contained in the Statue of Liberty. Their otherworldly counterparts have also gone missing, and they incidentally arrived in their world to their 'parents,' only for everyone to realize that something has gone horribly, horribly wrong once the kids are examined. As it turns out, it's because his fate was already revealed in. DEANDEMOCRACY is the sixth released episode of Season 1 and the Monument Mythos as a whole. As "Jesus," he made the people of the United States his chosen people, and was willing to destroy anyone that stands in its way. Alice Avenue lives through her own statue, or even that he put her in there. This video also contains footage of the in-between dimension that Virginia and the other children were trapped within during their travels. 1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson . In the "Nixonverse," he's not just an astronaut but the first man on the moon. Ed Dwight's Alternate Self in a reality that overwrote the Nixonverse after its fictionalization. His first appearance is LINCOLNLOOKER. structures that span an infinite amount of length, made to contain the Special Trees. Despite being incredibly powerful, Nixon chooses not to intervene in any of the Nixonverse's conflicts due to his distrust of humanity. Nixon is basically stuck on the barren Moon without any of his friends or family and without any of the human luxuries he had back in the Deanverse (including, Apologizes to Ed Dwight before he murders him, as, Goes from an unsuccessful presidential candidate and Dean's friend in the Deanverse to being the literal. Alcatraz, as many already know, is a prison island situated near California. And it resembles a man far more than any tree. My dad said the reason we went on this trip was so he could find his sister. Over the course of a week he would continue to mention the broadcast, also calling it "the most unprecedented announcement in recent history." that takes the D-Day Knight to fully stop. We have the Lunarians, a race of xenophobic aliens who want to conquer Earth and who turn the Last Son into their weapon. The only one on the Lunarian side to escape the Knight's "Alcatraz Checkmate. The Monument Mythos takes place in an alternate history; one where James Dean became president, personal computers were banned in the late 20th century, and national monuments hold dark secrets. It first appears in MAIZEMOVIEMAKER. Why, by nuking him, kidnapping him, and brainwashing him to use him as a weapon of war, of course! Both are monarchs in their colonies, which are composed by human-like beings created/given the blessing of gods, the Amazons and the Olympian Gods in Wonder Woman's case and the Lunarians and presumably "Her" in Luna's case. the foundation of the Department of Technology. They are fighting against the United States of America, a xenophobic nation that used the Last Son to perform a "Sweep And Redeem" of Vietnam that. Previously a normal human who unsuccessfully ran against President Dean and became his best friend, surviving the Great Division gave him otherworldly powers. He got his wish, for better or for worse. . Cure deafness after the Anti-Dean Disaster and imprison and replace all ADA members using Special Trees.Re-establish the Giza Guardians using Freedom to kill captured ADA members in the Grand Canyon (all succeeded). The title of every episode he appears in are references to renown Batman comics. It also isn't until he kills James Dean that he even awakens his powers. Elderly white conservatives and the newly forming Anti-Dean Association (ADA) would be the only opposers to Dean and his presidency, creating campaigns and claims that he is Satan. Mandela Catalog is ok but it's become the white bread to the Analog Horror community (personal take). A lifetime of being attacked, brainwashed and used as a weapon by genocidal empires makes him finally snap in. and how can we forget the 37th president of the US, James Dean. Originally being a seemingly normal kid with a heavy need to help those around him, he becomes super-powered after a car accident. He revealed some parts of the process of designing the Statue of Liberty, namely constructing the pedestal, in 1889. This would cause the Last Son to awaken his superpowers and become inspired to help those in need, effectively setting in motion the events of THE NIXONVERSE. The true motivation of the Angel is this, being all seventeen men who were dissolved and fused into one, and thus seeking revenge for having their lives taken from them by Rockefeller. Drew President Washington. Camera technology seems to be just as bad, with reference made to disposable video cameras with poor quality recording. When the ADA attacks the capitol in 1977, knocking down the Freedom statue from atop the Capitol building, Dean and his administration, along with the Department of the Interior, would decide to relocate Freedom to the Grand Canyon, as a replacement for the Giza Guardians. monument mythos james dean. However, when Ed Dwight shoots her on the orders of John Glenn, she ends up turning against humanity and allows the Lunarians to brainwash the Last Son into becoming the Crescent King and ends up mangling the English language in America. turning the Last Son of Alcatraz into a twisted visage of Christ and unleashing him upon their enemies and using copious amounts of Christian iconography to justify their conquests, all seemingly at the behest of a "God" that was once Richard Nixon. ", Grant told me that he used to be normal like us, breaks the rules of the game by drifting to another square outside its move. Attempts to convince the Knight to join her and the Lunarians as their Prince. in a similar vein as the Last Son, he rejects them immediately and kills the entire Lunarian race. The short clip we are shown of her memorial statue morphing heavily resembles previous videos from Seasons 1 and 2 about American monuments, what with the heavy breathing and. the D-Day Knight throws her off the Chrysler Building. Originally, their creation was meant to power or enhance the heat ray meant to shoot down German airships in the First World War. Both events end with the same superpowered entity regretting their decision to tamper with the universe's timeline and making an uneasy sacrifice to finally restore the timeline into what it was originally meant to be. Alice Avenue, the reporter heard in this video, determines that the Knight is the only being in the Nixonverse who has free will, due to the universe which determined his fate being destroyed, allowing to him saving soldiers that were "destined" to die at Normandy Beach. After surviving the end of the Deanverse, Nixon landed on the Moon and created three beings out of himself to see how this new world would react to him: The Last Son, the Knight, and the Queen. Most of them are implied to have, "You can already feel it in the air. Debut. Fan-made thing for "the Monument Mythos" By ALEXKANSAS Very interesting channel that you should watch! "The ADA's repeated efforts to stop James Dean's election proved unsuccessful, and after a failed insurrectionist protest at the Capitol Building on January 6th which resulted in over 150 casualties, Dean officially became president on January 20th, 1969." What kind of verse is this? Full Name THE SUEZ CRAB (Monument Mythos) Vertex-Son. The truth being that I designed an abattoir. They are both transdimensional species who can travel through arcs, or corners in the Cornerfolk's case, and their homeworld can result in visitors being disfigured into. The Monument Mythos is a pseudo-analog horror series created by MISTER MANTICORE on YouTube. crueler strategies to beat the Lunarians. The ADA claim that they became a "walking atomic bomb," and they will use them to divide the three zones into as many states as they can.
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