police seized auctions
https://calendly.com/pamelaroseauction/online-only-toledo-police-vehicle-auction-198-dura-ave?month=2022-03 3) CALL: Contact our office at 419-865-1224 if you need assistance to sign up. Past online auctions. We normally have two auctions per year, Lewis said. Site powered by, Toledo Police Seized Vehicles - Online Auction. Apt 529 For questions about items appearing in this auction site, email the Surplus team at DTMB-Surplus@michigan.gov. PUBLIC VIEWING Children 15 and under are not permitted to enter the salerooms. highway, you are required to comply with all Alberta Registry Vehicles may require certification to comply with the Vehicle If the winning bidders do not pick up their items during these removal times and they request special arrangements, they will incur Moving, Labor & Storage fees. . Online auctions include many high-end items, such as . Pamela Rose Auction Company has no affiliation with Toledo Locks. US Auction Online. Most makes and models are available across many price ranges and with varying mileages on the clock. Terms of the sale are cash or check only. This allows greater exposure of surplus items to a broader audience. There are no minimums and no reserves! Edmonton Police Service > Traffic & Vehicles > Police Seized Vehicles > Vehicle Auctions, Edmonton Police Unclaimed Vehicle auctions will be conducted live online at Michener-Allen Auctions websitewww.maauctions.com. Property obtained through Unauthorized Substances seizures will be sold by the businesses listed below. The North Carolina State Highway Patrol facilitates the sale of fleet vehicles through an agreement with North Carolina State Surplus. Items that are part of a criminal investigation are stored in the PAPS property and exhibit unit. Please access this website to register for upcoming auctions. Police car auctions are happening all the time; don't miss out on them! State the sale number, your name, and the mailing address. Our office will mail the bid packet to you or you may pick one up at our facility. Suite 140, inspection prior to being registered in Alberta. Settings, Start voice June 14, 2023 Equipment Regulation of the Traffic Safety Act. Our terms and conditions are posted on each active auction. Any and all such property shall be sold on an "as is" basis, with award to the highest and best bidder. Gov Deals, like GovPlant, is also an official online government auction partner. PropertyRoom.com has been the leading Police Auction website for over 20 years! September 13, 2023 The auction starts with a starting bid price and the car will go to whoever wins the bidding. At the conclusion of the auction there are 3 ways to sign up for an appointment through Calendly. Police Departments, Towanda. The major drawback is that youll have to make the arrangement with the transport company beforehand, without even knowing if you will actually buy a vehicle that day. 4.1 When you use the Service and bid on an item during an online auction conducted on our Site, you are making an offer to buy the item at your bid price. The City of Check out a few of our featured lots below or click this link to see all the items up for auction! Commitment to Professionalism - Reduced Crime & Victimization - Investigative Excellence - Increased Efficiency & Effectiveness Staggered Closing: The online only auction has a staggered closing. Auction houses such as John Pye will sell vehicles seized by the police, including not just cars, but also motorcycles, motor homes and vans. Usually the finder can keep the goods if they are not claimed within two months. Auto Auctions. If the goods are found by the Police they can be disposed of at the discretion of the Chief Constable. Cincinnati, OH 45239, 150 Heard St. Online police and municipal auctions for seized, stolen, & surplus goods. Lewis said he did not have an exact number of how many seized items the Police Service has, but he estimates it to be in the thousands. Police posted three items on the website a miter saw, a bicycle, and a toolbox with assorted tools. Taurus Model 605 .357 Magnum Revolver, in fair overall condition, featuring a 2 barrel, 6.5 overall length and a 5-round shell capacity. Sign up after you've purchased items. The vehicles may not all be stolen or related to crimes. However, criminals found a way to take advantage of the game and came up with a very ingenious scam, which still happens these days. A wide range of stock to include branded clothing, bags, gift sets, jewellery, shoes, perfumes, soft furnishing and much more. The police will usually return confiscated items to their rightful owners; however, when this is not possible, the items are sold at a police auction . Police car auctions grow day by day at an alarming rate mostly because police officers seize large numbers of vehicles from drivers all around the country on a daily basis. Or check out the sales calendar to see upcoming auctions by date and location. Vehicles that are seized by police are usually in good enough condition for you to simply buy it and drive it home. (316) 536-2516 13.51 mile. Police car auctions can offer significant savings, but you should do some checks of your own before plunging in. Another option is to hire a transport company. Current Bid: $160.00 Bids: 10 Select view. Obenauf Auction Services - Online Government Surplus Auctions. Every effort will be made to ensure that each item stays in the same condition that it was photographed in. items per page. The vehicles may not all be stolen or related to crimes. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Saturday 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. 2023 All Rights Reserved, NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York, FAQs for Critical / Fatal Injury Collisions. Copyright 2019,Edmonton Police Service. Step #2 - Select one of the highlighted dates, Step #4 - Enter your name and email - let us know if someone else is picking up your items in the comment box. Therefore, the local departments often organize Police auctions where it sells these items, usually for low prices, with all the proceeds going to a police charity. The City of Burnsville will auction surplus, found, unclaimed and seized items in an online auction. 832.393.9780 or fax 713-847-5192. 5825 Weckerly Road, Whitehouse, Ohio 43571, 2023 Pamela Rose Auction Company, LLC. The closing time of a lot is automatically extended 2 minutes whenever a bid is placed in the last 2 minutes of the lot's closing time. All rights reserved. The staggered closing works as follows: All items will close in a per determined increment per item per minute, until all lots are closed. Pursuant to State Statutes 274, 705, and 932, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office offers for sale to the general public unclaimed lost/abandoned property, unclaimed evidence, seized property, and surplus equipment. Advanced Search. Bid on police impound seizures online and save big on used cars, boats, motorcycles, and more. Metropolitan Police Department's seized, abandoned and surplus property, including vehicles, are included in these auctions. SALVAGE or UNSAFE status with Alberta Registries must obtain a Salvage Motor Trusted, authentic deals with the fun of bidding. If you have additional questions about San Diego Police Department Recruiting, see the Frequently Asked Questions, call 619-531-COPS or email . Motorcycles. Sheriff's Sale of Seized Vehicles. 4,000+ Live US Auctions Complete Auction Guide Website. 114 North 3rd Street, Towanda, KS 67144-8924. Those can be difficult to organize and labour intensive, so this is basically using a similar format of other web-based auction sites like eBay. Pamela Rose Auction Co. LLC Does NOT provide any labor or tools, please bring proper help if picking up larger items. Search Results for Boats, Marine Vessels and Supplies 1; 2 >> Last; Items 1 through 25 of 45. We are featuring rifles, pistols, shotguns, ammo & more! Details for that auction can be found here. Unsurprisingly, the most common categories are things most likely to be nicked - when we last checked, we found bicycles, cameras, jewellery, tools and games consoles. The second online gov auction is Gov Deals. Removal Friday, September 17, from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm Monday, September 20, 2021 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. State the sale number, your name, and the mailing address. Auction Information. These guns and firearms are being sold to bring funds back to the police departments that took them into possession. Payment: Credit/ Debit Card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express). Police Auctions Listings. The bidding for the lot will close when a period of 2 minutes has expired without an additional bid. Well, everything that has value and is reusable, recyclable or sellable is auctioned off to the public on little known government auction websites like Gov Deals. There are no minimums and no reserves! Learn more atLearn more at Chicago.gov/COVIDVax. Burnsville Police Auction. If the website proves to be successful, it may replace physical auctions normally held at the Police Station. Copyright 2023 State of Indiana - All rights reserved. Through the auction search engine you will even be able to view the merchandise before you part with a penny. Cylinder still has tight rotation when gun is fired. Lot 138: Police Seized and/or Found Property Select Subject. Auctions begin immediately upon the officers arrival and the time to inspect vehicles to be auctioned is very short. owners and may have been involved in collisions, arson or are written off by Auction Close: 3/8/2023 5:00 PM ET. February 8, 2023 Customers will have the opportunity to place their bids until 1PM on Wednesday when bidding will close. Keys, if any, will be provided with the titles at the impound lot office. They organize fake Police auctions online and then advertise them. These vehicles will run through local police car auctions for for a fraction of the market value price. Please visit the General Property auction site for other seized items for sale. There is an Auction Viewing scheduled for Friday, March 3rd, 2023, and a Police Auto Auction on Saturday, March 4th, 2023. wikiHows Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Impounded Car Auctions Brisbane,2148 Western Sydney 2009 Toyota Landcruiser GXL VDJ200R T/Dsl Auto (WOVR Repair Write-Off) Body Type: Wagon No. Items up for auction include cars . Please contact these locations for information on items available for auction. Jamison Brass & Ammunition Co. Firearms Liquidation. previously registered in Canada must obtain clearance from Canada Border Fire Departments, San Gabriel City of, Fire and . The auctions dealing with the most police items include: Government Auctions UK maintains a database of police auctions up and down the country, which is accessible for a fee. Police sales are held on a regular basis at auction houses and venues all over the UK. Vehicle owners may claim their vehicles prior to the beginning of an auction, as such, the auction list is subject to change without notice. To access 9-1-1 from a cell phone or outside San Diego, dial 619-531-2065. All bidders are required to submit a State Surplus Property Bid Form. Every year, thousands of items are seized by us as we investigate offences such as burglary, theft and fraud. The closing time of a lot is automatically extended 2 minutes whenever a bid is placed in the last 2 minutes of the lot's closing time. Online Auction: "Police Seized Items and Collectibles" by California Auction Company LLC. In the other case, questionable individuals claim to organize online auctions for seized items, create good looking sites, and insist that all the objects are of high-end value and rare. You could probably find a small number of police auction websites after a few minutes of searching IF, , you know exactly what youre looking for, you know what the auction house is called, where they are located and what they specialise in. seized police auctions. We are a premier full-service private auction company liquidating property seized by police and federal agencies, property from abandoned safe deposit boxes, seized bank assets, bankruptcies, financial institutions, business inventory liquidations, and other consignors. There are generally two options for police car auctions: live auction or online auction. Immediate Access - Live and Online. AFP Recovered Goods. All vehicles are sold AS IS, WHERE IS. Independent auction houses such as Wilsons Auctions and John Pye Auctions. City of New York. The auctions are expected to improve data tracking and financial oversight of the city's surplus asset disposition activities. 866-791-0137. Although our auctions are 100% online, we provide several ways to get information about vehicles . For our Curiosity Club series, paNOWhas asked you, our readers, to guide our reporting by telling us what youre wondering about. Participating enforcement agencies include: IRS-Criminal Investigations Division, Homeland Security Investigations, and the U.S. Secret Service. Additionally, a video depicting the auction items is below. November 8, 2023 All Rights Reserved. Surplus, Vehicles, Auctions. Auction: Police Seized Items and Collectibles. Careers; About GovDeals; About Liquidity Services; In The News; Buy From Us. Annually, the State of Florida has approximately 1,300 used vehicles and other items of mobile equipment that are available for purchase by the public and other government agencies. Toledo Locks: 419-754-1972 Every effort will be made to ensure that each item stays in the same condition that it was photographed in. KSP Gun Auction Items - March 6, 2023. Government & Police Auctions are a time-proven and established route used by these agencies and Police forces across the country to dispose of goods recovered from proceeds of crime, lost and found, seized, unclaimed stolen and confiscated property. The Vehicle and Property section contains important information about police auctions, how and where to retrieve property, including seized or towed vehicles, the NYPD vehicle pound locations, how to deposit firearms for safekeeping, traffic collision reports, procedures and FAQs for critical or fatal traffic collisions. Items can be personally picked up during these times or use the preferred mover/shipper. Become a Seller . Current online auctions. There are federal and provincial statutes that guide us in seizing property, Simonson said. If you have additional questions about San Diego Police Department Recruiting, see the Frequently Asked Questions, call 619-531-COPS or email . And we need to follow those laws to know how to properly seize and handle that property, and most importantly return it back to the rightful owner if we can at the end. Schedule Your Removal Time Occasionally the police may want to hold onto the goods if they suspect them to be stolen or suspect that the owner can be traced. See something that you like? Property Auctions are held at VFW at 650 E White (VFW BLVD), San Antonio, Texas 78214 on Thursday, March 9, 2023. 3240 Stone Valley Road West, Alamo, CA 94507-1558. Home All Departments 1CLEARANCE Art Coins Collectibles Designer Jewelry. 7-285 Sale . Contact us: contact@knowyourpolice.net, Police Auction Held For Items Seized From Criminals, Man accused of receiving stolen property, selling the items merchandise seized by police, How Many Years Of College To Become A Police Officer, Can You File An Insurance Claim Without A Police Report, Are Police More Likely To Be Killed By Black, Can The Police Tell If You Have Insurance, Can You File A Police Report Online For Identity Theft, Can Police See If Your License Is Suspended, How Do You Obtain A Copy Of A Police Report, How Do You File A Police Report For Identity Theft, What To Do With Police Report After Accident, Is National Police Association Legitimate. Shipping will only be to the address listed on the invoice. The public is invited to an auction sale of unclaimed automobiles, which have been in the Cincinnati Police Department's possession for more than 45 days. Dont Miss: Can You Get A Copy Of Police Report. Gov't Seized Cars - All Makes & Models Up to 95% OFF, 4,000+ Auctions US WIDE, Listings Guaranteed in Your State, You Save Thousands! Blued finish on barrel and frame both appear to have some light rust scattered, this gun is also missing grips. To access 9-1-1 from a cell phone or outside San Diego, dial 619-531-2065. Welcome to Gov-Auctions.org, America's most trusted and largest resource for Government & Police, live & online car auctions of Government pre-owned and seized cars, trucks, and SUV's. #1 Favorite Source for US Gov't Auto Auctions, See Why! Las Vegas Police Car Auctions - 3 great auctions per year! provide consultative and managerial services to law enforcement agencies in relation to seized or restrained property in connection with designated criminal offences, dispose of seized property when the courts declare forfeiture, The service history and when the MOT expires, The logbook , although if its missing you can buy. Find out more: Can you make money investing in cars? As Constable Derek Simonson told paNOW, that depends on the item and the case. Items can be personally picked up during these times or use the preferred mover/shipper. Auction List offers you captured seized, spare and abducted goods and automobiles. Auctioneers are not geared up for optimizing their websites for search engines so a Google search on police auctions for instance, brings up all sorts of results, much of it irrelevant! The State Surplus Division also conducts sealed bid sales to the public for State-owned property that is not located at our warehouse in Indianapolis. Any vehicle . The auctioneer will invite bids, and the car will then be sold to the highest bidder. Many of these vehicles will be put up for auction. August 09, 2023 Police Auctions are a time-proven and established route used by Police forces across the country to dispose of proceeds of crime, lost and found, seized, unclaimed stolen and confiscated property. You May Like: How To Get Full Police Report. (925) 837-2902 1923.74 mile. of Seats: 8 Build Date . Show. Ex-police equipment also ends up at auction and is highly sought after. Then call and set up an appointment with the facility to inspect the bikes. To see vehicles up for auction or inquire about payment types accepted on auction vehicles, please contact Michener Allen Auctions at 780-470-5584, or online atwww.maauctions.com. The difference is that these are stolen goods which have been confiscated by the police. As most people know, impounded cars for sale at auction is one the best ways to save big on your next vehicle. Check outlets such as eBay and Facebook selling groups to see if you can snap up similar items for less. City of Temple Terrace. Please do not bid on an item if you are unable to pay for it and have it collected within 72 hours OR within the specific date/time specified for that particular auction. For comments or concerns about the Edmonton Police Service website, please contact the webmaster. As a reminder you must meet all the legal regulations to . input, About the Indiana Department of Administration, General Surplus On-Line Sales to the Public, Get Certified as a Minority or Women's Business, Report Section 16 of the. This page applies only to property sold by the Indiana State Surplus Division. Please bring a copy of invoice & a State ID to Pick-Up items. All vehicles are sold AS IS. The cold, hard truth is that it takes the participation of auctioneers, a large team of data-input staff, some very sophisticated, proprietary software, a bunch of very expensive, dedicated servers, a number of technical guys and a rather large budget to keep GAUK running! 2511 Broad Street. Online: Search the site for the vehicle you're looking for. Also, like GovPlanet, you can purchase much of the same ex-police/military equipment and government surplus from other government departments etc from Gov Deals, but the big differences is that you can also purchase seized police goods from Gov Deals! However, dont assume that police auctions are always cheapest. 10% Buyers Premium added to the final hammer price. But in some cases, the car you just bought may have been sitting in the car impound for long enough so the battery is dead and it just wont start. If your bid price is the Winners Bid Amount, you will be the Winning Bidder and are obliged to purchase the item you have bid for and pay the Winners Bid Amount, plus any additional charges that you may be obliged to pay.REMEMBER: When you make a bid you are entering into a legally binding contract. Make make sure to head over to the police firearm auction to place your bid before the auction closed at the end of the day on October 15th. Seized cars may be taken back by the owner only if he pays the penalty fine within a certain period of time. The act gave the Government of Canada the authority to: We also provide seized property management and secure storage services to any federal agency, department or Crown corporation on a cost-recovery basis. January 11, 2023 In these cases, police forces can sell the items and put the money raised back into community projects. The auction starts with a starting bid price and the car will . Bid now on Invaluable: Police Seized and/or Found Property from California Auction Company LLC on March 6, 0123 9:00 AM PST. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Pamela Rose Auction Company has no affiliation with Toledo Locks. Towed . Shipping out of state may be held till credit card clears. Welcome to Police Auctions Canada. The types of used equipment normally available are: This is an ongoing auction available 24 . Thunder Bay Police Service pays GovDeals seven per cent of the final bidding price on all items. Clear all filters. Property available at various times . AN AUCTION HUNTERS DREAM FIND THE LATEST AUCTIONS ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. We are experts in organizing the auctioning of items mainly used in homes, agriculture . Most people come with a designated driver to drive the newly purchased car back home after the auction. 1555 Oak Street, Alameda, CA 94501-2931. (510) 337-8340 1937.65 mile. The State of Georgia primarily offers surplus state property to the public through internet . In the first one, the victims pay but never receive anything. The main difference is that you dont have to be physically present for online auctions. It is the full responsibility of the winning Bidder to schedule any shipping or make special arrangements if necessary. Regularly going to car auctions will definitely help learn the ins and outs of car bidding effectively and youll get the hang of it in no time. Please select an auctioneer from the list below for details of upcoming auctions. Toledo Police Seized Vehicles - Online Auction 198 Dura Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43612 Bidding Ends Monday, March 28, 2022 at 10:00 am Preview Friday, March 25, 2022 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Description Online Seized Vehicle Auction! Gun also features rubber grips with finger grooves. State and Municipal Police Departments that have Found Property/Unclaimed Goods in their possession for greater than one year can turn that property over to the DAS Surplus Unit for auction, in accordance with the CT General Statutes C.G.S.A. Vaccines protect you and the people around you, reducing the spread of COVID-19. previously registered in Canada must obtain clearance from Canada Border Please bring a copy of invoice & a State ID to Pick-Up items. There is no bidder, buyer or registration fees charged. Cosmetically the revolver has some scattered rust on frame, and trigger guard as well as some pitting on side of frame and rust shows when cylinder is opened as well. To see vehicles up for auction or inquire about payment types accepted on auction vehicles, please contact Michener Allen Auctions at 780-470-5584, or online at www.maauctions.com. Cash and checks are prohibited. THUNDER BAY Thunder Bay Police are turning to the World Wide Web in an effort to start liquidating thousands of seized items that continue to take up space at the Balmoral Street police headquarters. You can find thousands of police seized and recovered goods in our online auction every year across multiple categories - cars . : The auction will be open for bidding at 9AM on the 2, If you intend to register the vehicle and operate it on a public The proceeds of the sale of seized goods are used to pay off the debt incurred (the original amount plus enforcement related costs) by the owner. Our firm conducts traditional live . May need proof of identification or bank wire if invoice totals $2,000.00 or more. Vehicles are sold through online auction, but may be viewed in person at N.C. State Surplus Property, 6501 Chapel Hill Road, Highway 54 W. Raleigh, N.C. 27607.The office is open Mondays through Fridays, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. and closed on state holidays. Many police forces in England and Wales use an eBay-style site called Bumblebee Auctions to sell lost property or goods seized from criminals. IF ITEMS ARE NOT PICKED UP DURING THE REMOVAL TIMES LISTED, THEN THE BIDDER MAY BE SUBJECTED TO FORFEIT THEIR ITEMS! Every year the Prince Albert Police Service seizes hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stolen and illegal goods, but what happens to it all? www.houstoncitysurplus.org. Now imagine trying to do that for nearly FIVE HUNDRED police auctioneers you couldnt because its just a plain old fact that over 95% of these auction houses wont come up on the first ten to twenty pages of Google. Property Clerk Towed Vehicles Police Auctions Motor Vehicle Collision Reports Non-Injury Vehicle Collisions FAQs for Critical / Fatal Injury Collisions. They really can be a bargain hunters heaven. Commitment to Professionalism - Reduced Crime & Victimization - Investigative Excellence - Increased Efficiency & Effectiveness. Toledo Police Seized Vehicles - Online Auction 198 Dura Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43612 Bidding Ends Monday, March 28, 2022 at 10:00 am Preview Friday, March 25, 2022 from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Description Online Seized Vehicle Auction! Chicago, IL 60617. Someone else will have to come with you so that you can transport the two vehicles at the same time. Asset Disposition Office. The Fairfax County Sheriff's Office periodically holds public auctions of seized vehicles at the location at which the vehicle is stored. Directory of Police Auctions. The Toledo Police are having their first seized vehicle auction of the year! Potential buyers of property sold at Sheriff's auctions should note . Home . Pamela Rose Auction Co., LLC DOES NOT provide packing or shipping. AN AUCTION HUNTERS DREAM FIND THE LATEST AUCTIONS ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. Online police auctions & more. Asset Disposition Contact Information: Internet Auctions. The crooks even build websites, so they take the scam in the virtual world, where the number of potential victims is infinite. : 10AM 6PM, Tuesday on the week of the auction, at 12230 124 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB. You May Like: Are Police More Likely To Be Killed By Black. The barrel does have a bulge. This link allows viewing of. The cars should also be tested for mechanical issues, while any surface or structural damage should be noted in the description. For appointment scheduling, call 517-241-4859. Visit Alberta Registriesfor more information. Our online car auctions are more than just repo car auctions - they feature all types of vehicles across a spectrum of damage levels. requirements. They could have been impounded after being towed away for a traffic offence and then not reclaimed or they could have been repossessed after failed finance deals, or they could be ex-police cars. You can get a copy of the showing list at check in and have a chance to inspect the vehicles you are interested in before the auction starts. Vehicles bearing a Pamela Rose Auction Co., LLC DOES NOT provide packing or shipping. For 24-hour non-emergencies, dial 619-531-2000 or 858-484-3154. Staggered Closing: The online only auction has a staggered closing. This site advertises auctions of seized Real Property for sale throughout the United States and Puerto Rico and includes single and multi-family residences; commercial and residential land; commercial buildings and warehouses; and operating businesses. Dont Miss: How To View Police Reports Online. Harrington & Richardson Premier .32 S&W Revolver, in poor to fair overall condition, this gun features a 3.75 barrel, 6.5 overall length, and a 5-round shell capacity. 1. In reality, all these items sent mostly jewelry, brand name clothes, and other materials easy to ship are nothing but cheap products made in Asia sold at ridiculous prices to victims who believe theyve got amazing unique pieces. This article has been viewed 114,053 times.Learn more. IF ITEMS ARE NOT PICKED UP DURING THE REMOVAL TIMES LISTED, THEN THE BIDDER MAY BE SUBJECTED TO FORFEIT THEIR ITEMS! Inspect the vehicles you are interested in . Police auctions and government auctions, certified 1 carat diamonds, coins, gold, jewelry on auction, 100,000 + Foreclosures and seized properties and surplus items at below market prices. It is important to note that all property is sold as is, where is and all sales are final. not previously registered in Alberta will require an Out of Province vehicle Toledo Locks: 419-754-1972, Step #2 - Select one of the highlighted dates, Step #4 - Enter your name and email - let us know if someone else is picking up your items in the comment box. 5825 Weckerly Road, Whitehouse, Ohio 43571, 2023 Pamela Rose Auction Company, LLC. Copyright 2023, Edmonton Police Service. Read Also: How To Contest A Police Accident Report. Houston , Texas 77087. MiBid is part of the State of Michigan, Department of Technology, Management and Budget, Logistics and Operations Support, Surplus Services. Benton-City of, Police Department. When buying a vehicle at a car auction, you must be ready to take the car out of the premise right after your hands on the keys.