brentwood high school alumni
Grandson a quarterback with Miami of Ohio. To filter results, select a Brentwood, NY high school using the links to the right. Brentwood School is a place where scholars, athletes, artists, and activists, inventors and aspiring leaders are all at home. - Was recently awarded the 2021 Gerald Linneman Lifetime Achievement Award by the Missouri Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association at their annual conference. I also volunteer at Circle of Concern food pantry as a shopper/helper and case worker. I command one of the two Chicago FBI, 21 member SWAT Teams. If you see your name among the Brentwood High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Curious about what your relatives who went to Brentwood High School were like during their school years? My daughter, Mary Catherine, works for EY, and my daughter, Elizabeth works for Royal Canin. I purchased a house in a Del Webb community. 1962 Jacqui Black Parish - St Louis, MO - Travelled to Ypsilanti to visit daughter and on to Maryland to visit a good friend. But, I'm blessed that, so far, I'm healthy and feeling great. Take care, Class of 1959. Custom Class: contact-menu. Have 8 grandchildren in the Atlanta area. Still participating in physical therapy from serious equestrian accident incurred in 2019 a few months after my husband Kenny's passing. He reached a career-high world ranking of World No. My husband, Jim and I raised three children. Brentwood; Attorney Profile; James Marsh Starling. We feel very blessed that they even wanted to go with us, given they are all teenagers. I really hope to be able to visit for our class reunion in September. Still working part-time. Had a grandson, Mike Brunworth, born in March 2020. Will be in London fall semester 2019. - I am organizing our 20 year reunion for this fall and would love some help. 1941 Bette Strong Pickrel - Gladstone, MO - I have been truly blessed and in September, I will be 99. 2023 REUNIONS. July 21, 2023. 1960 Walter Henkel - St Louis, MO - Some of the recollections of various alumni of the 3 trolley lines that served Brentwood are erroneous. Our small, personalized learning community is committed to preparing students to be globally competitive and to make a positive impact in society. Call me at (314) 351-8418 and leave a message and phone number and I will get back to you. Wonder what's next?? Famous Alumni of Brentwood School; Graduates and Students of Note - Ranker The percentage of students achieving proficiency in math is 83% . Four kids and seven grandkids, one great-grandchild. 3. My family is a blessing to me. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 at 4 pm. All 5 grandchildren out of college. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Brentwood Middle High Schoolin Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . About 4557 Alumni Ave Unit N/A. Weather is great! Brentwood High School Photos and Yearbooks - Alumni Class - Life in New York City, after almost 60 years, is still good. My companions - squirrels, birds, toddlers, dogs - all make me smile and be glad. Been retired 10 years, traveling with my wife, Dee, in our RV with our dogs, Pudgie and Daisy. 1956 Jack Fuchs - St Clair, MO - I am enjoying my 30th year of retirement, 26 years with my loving wife, Carole. Wish she were alive to be a part of this reunion. Aidan Barton 2020-2024. Brentwood School is an independent, secular K-12 coed day school with two campuses located four blocks apart in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, United States. 1961 Charlotte Mastin Ellis - Brentwood, MO. Moved to condo in Clayton one year ago. I also retired from officiating wrestling for 36 years. Have gone on several road trips through Arizona and Utah, visiting friends and gorgeous National Parks. - I taught History and German at Brentwood High School and belong to ORES- retired teachers. Iam checking off bucket list items such as a trip to Italy, traveling the US and enjoying my family and grandson. I taught German and History at Brentwood High School from 1990 - 1995. He's a big help with the house. 1972 Alex Munoz - St Louis, MO - Retired in 2014 after 33 years at Boeing. - Still painting and drawing in my home studio. I miss driving down White Avenue where my parents lived for 50 years. 1959 Joyce Rinck Arneson - Apple Valley, MN - 2021 - How can it be? - Said "Good Bye" to my amazing 50 year airline career, as I retired August 01, 2020. - I'm still living in southern California doing ITsupport. We were so fortunate to have them. Home Fall Winter Spring Calendar Photos Videos Get Alerts More Contact Spirit Shop. Wish me luck. High School Alumni in Brentwood, New York (NY) - Class Finders 1973 Dory Wright Smith - Elsah, IL - Was recently awarded the 2021 Gerald Linneman Lifetime Achievement Award by the Missouri Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association at their annual conference. In July, we were in Scotland and England, returning home July 8. I'm also still active in dog sports. - As of this year, Ihave moved into a great retirement village im Camarillo. 1948 Herbert Hitchings - Sedona, AZ - Retired and moved to Sedona. Tracy Abernathy 1997-2001. Numerous grandchildren and many great-grandchildren. My career as a local tenor i opera is on hold for the virus, so I posted this audio - Standchen - If anyone is interested, I can supply the right story. Have been married to second wife, Miriam, for 23 years now. 1962 Michael Rooney - Tempe, AZ - Emeritus member of the law firm, enjoying the Flagstaff cabin, fly fishing and sporting clays and working with the Sandra Day O'Connor Institute for American Democracy. 1952 Charles Combs - Ballwin, MO - Still around. I also serve on the Board of my local education foundation. My relatives,Moritz, LaGarce and Boshans, are always mentioned somewhere, which makes it fun and interesting. - After a three year hiatus, I found a job as Public Address Announcer at Rockvale High School near Murfreesboro, TN. MMany Paths to Explore. However, this was only one building. Three wonderful children - Amanda, Ryan and Jeffrey. Brentwood High School Alumni, NY - Facebook We are serious about our agenda and our rules.. Brentwood HS Joint 50th Reunion for Classes '71 & '72 - Enjoyed retirement in "Big D" with kids, grandkids and great-grandkids. After 8 years as a Cottleville alderman, I was elected Mayor of Cottleville in April 2021. Iam still supervising athletic events and mentoring students. At home, books, jigsaw puzzles, and eating kept me really busy. It is a big adjustment, but Ihave great neighbors and woods behind me. I know it takes dedication to put it together. I retird as an editor of the Connecticut Law Journal and now do freelance editing. Also, my 7 granddaughters will keep me busy. Love catching up with all my BHS friends. Brentwood High School serves 1,739 students in grades 9-12. - I am enjoying my 30th year of retirement, 26 years with my loving wife, Carole. Brentwood High School | 763 followers on LinkedIn. - Unfortunately, Ican't walk without a Rollator but, other than that, things are gong fairly well Ihave had 2 great friends in my "bubble" during the past year. My son, Chris, is VP of the St Louis Sports Commission. Wishing everyone good health. Although almost blind, Ican see well enough to get around. Retired 23 years, 5 children, 14 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. The family is well, and we are so delighted with technology! - Travels took me to doctor's appointment, grocery store and Home Depot. WBHS-9 1964 Tamara Stefonani Rhomberg - Fenton, MO - After 43 years of living on my farm in the heart of Fenton, Ihave moved to a subdivision. 1965 Richard Bond - Overland Park, KS- Iam busy being treasurer of my adult Sunday School Class and tkaing acre of my wige. My wife has arthritis and Ihave 1st stage Parkinson's! On we go! Brentwood High School Alumni Association. - Have been a foster grandparent since 2007. I will carry those memories forever, on to my next chapter! Wilson Brim 2014-2018. In 1932, a new high school was built alongside the current Brentwood Park. I went to a socially distanced outdoor dinner with friends on Easter and it was wonderful! Visack, the school Nurse, passed away at 94. Rushmore, a rodeo in Cody, WY, Yellowstone Park and the Grand Tetons. I purchased a house in a Del Webb community. Will eventually resume my travel, but in a way more relaxed manner. Until the pandemic struck, I was exhbiting with the St Louis Watercolor Society. - Enjoyed a tour of North and South Dakota this past August. My new home is small, but perfect for me. At 80 and 86, we are careful, but doing well. Approximately 400 of residents in Brentwood (5%) are the normal age for attending high school (15-19). Daily work-out a must, as is my daily faith practice. Still working with disabled adults. Books, Jigsw puzzles and eating kept me really busy. Visited other BHS grads in Florida, St Louis, Brentwood, Independence and Springfield, MO. Public School 2221 High School Dr Brentwood, MO 63144 St. Louis County (314) 962-3837 Website 1967 Jacque Prade Ehrlich - Sky Valley, GA - Imoved from Hendersonville, NC to the mountains of Sky Valley, GA (NE Goergia) to be closer to my daughter in Florida and be cooler at the same time. High School Diploma is required . - We've been back in St Louis for four years and are loving it! (I taught Spanish for 25 years). Iwill carry those memories forever, on to my next chapter! 1953 Shirley Moritz Taylor - Northridge, CA. 1960 Suzanne McWhirter Davis - Fenton, MO. Tennessee High School Hall of Fame basketball coach, . I take all meals downstairs in the dining room. Brentwood High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans Brentwood High School - Class of 1977 - (Mg,Fe)SiO (OH)" a . Brentwood, NY High School Alumni - Class Finders Ienjoy swimming and walking. The nearest high school to St. Austin Catholic School is San Juan Diego Catholic High School (0.1 miles away) . - Recently left Naples, FL and moved to Illinois to be closer to family - beginning a new chapter in my life. Gary Alaimo 1971-1975. - I've been masked and socially isolated in Morton, IL!!! 1954 Marian Hounsom Lewis - New York - NY - Travel restrictions for 2 years kept me close to home - New York City. School District Brentwood School District Bought a large home with my daughter's family and I will live there also No more grass cutting, house repairs and big tax bills. How An Elite Private School Is Dodging Blame For Sexual - HuffPost Four great kids - 2 boys and 2 girls, 7 terrific grandchildren and 2 great great-grand children. We celebrated our 65th wedding anniversary in February. 1960 Betty Pitman Bieber - Bend, OR - Still alive and wishing I could make it to the 60th class reunion, but Covid and travel restrictions make it impossible. 1950 J Robert Green - Brentwood, MO - I published a book of my architecture. On we go! Although many restrictions apply, most restaurants remain open with masking. The hockey team went to the national tournament 2 years in a row and I scored goals both times. 1950 Barbara Schmidt Hirsh - Williamsburg, VA - Since Lee's death, I'm back to the same things we were doing before Covid-19. If anyone is interested, I can supply the right story. 1952 Phyllis Elliott Oakley - Washington, DC - I have endured the pandemic well- Safely ensconced in a retirement home with lots of former friends and State Department chums. My husband, Jim and I raised three children. Tom/Ziggy. 1957 Brenda Braun Matthews - Ballwin, MO - This year for my 80th birthday, my three daughters gave me a 1 year old black Great Dane, named Gracie, from the rescue Big Dogs Huge Paws in Denver, Colorado. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Brentwood High Schoolin Brentwood, New York . Brentwood High School serves 4,554 students in grades 9-12. To filter results, select a Brentwood, NY high school using the links to the right. While at Brentwood High School, Austin played four years of Varsity Football, was the first Captain of the newly founded Brentwood High School tennis team, has been a huddle leader in Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the President of the debate team. I had an inquiry on my trolley car knowledge from, 1960 Susan Herminghaus McLeod - La Jolla, CA. I'm retired. - Had a two-week vacation with our three youngest grandchildren ages 13, 15, 17. And this too will pass! Alumni List. Clicking one of your friends will give you locations that you can get back in touch with the fellow graduate. ALUM NEWS 2020. Victoria Lynn Belgeri. 1959 Nancy Pollard O'Loughlin - Frisco, TX - I moved from Ballwin to Dallas, TX in 2017 to be closer to daughter, Lynn, and 3 granddaughters. I served on the Brentwood School Board for 6 years. According to the audio, he said Brentwood High alumni, who now attend Harvard and Princeton universities, complained to him that school administrators didn't do enough to make them better people. - In 2020 I was promoted from Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police to Executive Director of Public Safety and Facilities/Chief of Police at St Charles Community College. - Iam still writing and publishing some, working on a family history, and enjoying family, church, and temple work. - In spite of Covid, I keep busy buying and selling preowned treasures. All About Baldwin, Brentwood and Whitehall (Pittsburgh) | Brentwood Second goal was to complete 357 miles of Long Path hiking trail in NY. Still doing limited driving. 1961 Ellen Rockett O'Neilll - Peachtree, GA. - I'm so happy Judi "found" me again, last year! The Chicago FBI SWAT Team conducts high risk search warrants, hostage rescue, active shooter response, and other tactical missions as required. The Brentwood alumni list on this page come from a variety of sources. 1950 Shirley Callaway Holman - Daytona Beach, FL - I moved to Daytona Beach on October 3, 2018; bought a home 1 block from the ocean and 1 block from the river. - Busy shooting at clay pigeons with a grandson who never misses. Wonder what's next?? William Agnew 1945-1949. Kudos to the alumni responsible. I can still see well enough to get around with my walker. I currently go inside the Menard Correctional facility in Chester, IL to talk with residents every second Saturday and twice a year for 4 day sessions, extracted at night. His sister is the professional squash player Lauren Selby. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 at noon. She also served as athletic director for 15 years at Villa Duchesne and Principia Upper School before becoming women's basketball coach at Principia College, and had served on many committees for the Missouri State High School Athletic Association,, too. - I retired from my job as maintenance technician for Metropolitan St Louis Sewer District after 24 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, and 2 days. Grandson a quarterback with Miami of Ohio. 1958 Irene Ledbetter Christenson - Barrington, IL - Retired from United Airlines in March. No more travel for the two of us. This article's list of alumni may not follow Wikipedia's verifiability policy. Tractor Supply Company hiring Communications Internship (Summer 2023 I am always impressed by the accomplishments of our classmates. I also serve on the Board of my local education foundation. 1966 Sandra Brick Roberts - Cumming, GA - Just completed travel to all 50 states. - Attend many football games. I remember when my dad's class at Perryvlle H.S. We have combined families of 6 children, 16 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Traveling with my wife, Dee, and our 2 dogs, Pudgie and Daisy in our RV. Clicking one of your friends will give you locations that you can get back in touch with the fellow graduate. We have been getting a lot of requests for more yearbook and reunion photos! Still running at about 75%. My son and his family live here. My dad still lives in St Louis at the age of 101 and is in good health. That's 36 years at the mike. Brentwood Middle High School Alumni from Pittsburgh, PA
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