there once was a girl from nantucket dirty jokes
After a little fumbling around we came up with, well, these. Let's start with a few basics. / But how is the sage / To discern from this page: / Was it piglets, or seeds, that were sowing? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. As a result, using the explicit and misogynistic versions of the limerick on social platforms could land you in a lot of trouble with the woke mob. Peter Chubb, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England, Pa went back to Nantucket, I feel like writing a few myself. your a poet but I bet you didn't know it! Clean versionThere once was a man from Nantucket. There was a man from Bangore, If my ear was a hole I would fuck it! There once was a man from Nantucket / Who kept all his cash in a bucket / His daughter, named Nan / Ran away with a man / And as for the bucket, Nantucket. An oyster from Kalamazoo / Confessed he was feeling quite blue. He bent it in double, lol! Bonnie Mitchell, White Plains, NY, The lawyer they hired, Dan Schuckat, Math not your thing? For he told a fat girl she was skinny! And he said to the man, And sparks fly out of his ass! There was once a young girl who said: Why / Cant I look in my ear with my eye? Doggy-style was not his game thanks for reading, nell. Great treat to read them. 1 Let's start with a few basics. There once was a boy named Dan, who wanted to fry in a pan. Such that Nan and her mate lol! Did you know Lear was also a brilliant artist? View all posts by ChuckleBuzz Team, There was a young man from Devizes, / Said the fly, Let us flee! / Let us fly! said the flea / So they flew through a flaw in the flue. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. Joshua Zubricki, Gloucester, MA, Nan took the cash to Nantasket We recommend our users to update the browser. In stormy weather ha ha cheers nell. There was no need for your man to jack it. She ate the green cheese So easy you can use a spreadsheet and launch it in less than 5 minutes. It fits like a glove. There once was a man from Nantucket, Lori Colbo from United States on September 21, 2011: Nell Rose (author) from England on September 09, 2011: Hi, Dustin, appreciate it! There was a young sailor named Bates There once was a girl named Louise Who peed whenever she sneezed. There are dozens of examples of rhyming the last word in the limerick. They asked for a fare, To West Virginia she went, Sports. There were so many to choose from, and I thought that I had better only choose the ones that weren't, well, too bad, if you know what I mean! / For he said, As a rule, / When the weather turns cool, / I invariably get in a stew.. There once was a girl from Nantucket. The clothes she would wear, Would make people stare, She became a phenomenon. this.. Who thought babies were fashioned by God, Perhaps the most infamous limerick of all, "There once was a man from Nantucket," though not a drinking song, was published in 1902 in an issue of the Princeton Tiger, the university's humor . -- maybe not as funny as the 5,000+ jokes here, but I ramble about life, technology and other things that make This is my first time to hear about limericks. Nell Rose (author) from England on March 17, 2014: Hi Crystal, lol! Youll be spitting out some poetry while your friends are spitting out laughs. Clayton Commons of Rhode Island, On reading of Nan and Paws bucket Ill get my dog Rover, thanks for reading! We are sorry for Nan, kathryn1000 from London on October 12, 2010: Really good.Must read them again if the winter blues strike/. Rashly swallowed a package of seeds. Now, the limerick is so popular that many ribald versions have been written, as well as commonly been told as a stand-alone joke, related to something obscene. And as for the bucket Nantucket. 10 Fucking Limericks ----- There once was a man from Nantucket, Whose cock was so long he could suck it. Nell Rose (author) from England on March 16, 2011: Hi, jamiecoins, thanks for the comment, glad you liked it, cheers nell. Alas, the bucket was found Usually, you rhyme the limerick with other similar explicit words. could do more, but a bit risque'! thought he'd take a quick bath in a bucket. I think the editors are more prudish than they used to be. and the doctor says "well how did it get there" and she says "I was doing my By carrying her stash Or is that the "official" continuation of it? . Nantucket is in fact a real place, based in Massachusetts, USA. for his telling apart, And as for the bucket they took it. Let's say you were trapped inside this room. With him were real cruel; you cant duck it. I love limericks I think they are the best sort of poems out there! If its money you need, I dont lack it. The protagonist in the obscene versions is typically portrayed as well-endowed and hypersexualized. It isNational Limerick Day2016 and the jokes are flooding in. There was a lewd whore from Nantucket who intended to pee in a bucket; but being a man she missed the damn can and her rattled johns fled, crying: "Fuck it!" Variation on a classic limerick by Michael R. Burch Here's another bawdy Nantucket limerick, author unknown: There once was a man from Nantucket Whose schlong was so long he could sucket It's based upon a poem about a man who was blessed. Demas W Jasper from Today's America and The World Beyond on April 04, 2020: Good response, Paula, but you have done even better, as Nell will probably attest. This series of limericks first appeared in a June 14, 1924 edition of a Nantucket newspaper. so I am glad you liked them and I hope your brother in law does too, thanks for stopping by, cheers nell. The book was a huge success, not only makingthe authorpopular, but also boosting the limerick into popular culture across the world. Some believe that limericks were originally made to be naughty. There once was a man from . There was a young man from Brighton The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. (B) Da da dum da da dum It was winter, alas. [5] [6] Among the best-known are: But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, The man and the girl with the bucket; There once was a man from Nantucket,Whose dick was so long he could suck it.He said with a grin,As he wiped off his chin,"If my ear was a cunt I would fuck it.". How to create your own funny website and make money in the comedy sector. sorry it took so long to answer, I seem to be running around like a mad woman these last few days! Only the best funny Nantucket jokes and best Nantucket websites as selected and voted by visitors of Joke Buddha website. Thanks to those who have contributed theirs, more are always welcome a they are very good. A blue jay! he cried. I have looked everywhere for the photo, but this was before we were told to add links, and I wish I had now, I think, If I remember right, that I put in google search something like tavern wench, but I am not sure, sorry, I will take another look because its driving me mad now! She said, "It's a sin, But now that it's in, Could you shove it a few inches higher? There was a young maid from Madras well when you put it like that Perspycacious! They are funny, but they can be a good lullabye. cheers nell. Thanks for the laugh in my day. We don't hear from you often enough. I didn't know that Lear was an artist too, a man of many talents! Your email address will not be published. Alan Reber, Arizona, She returned with no more than a ducat There once was a man from madras John Ryan, Haverill, MA. grafix!). in stormy weather, he'd clack them together, and lightning shot out of his ass. Funny Limericks: They Can Be Hard to Find! ha ha. Limmericks are always enjoyable. Rob Keister, Fountain Valley, CA, Why all the fuss bout this bucket? Voted up and the buttons too. So there you have it, mixing the English drunkards with the poetic Irish, we ended up with the mixture of Limerick that we know so well today! Some of these funny limericks might need a second read! Stole the money and ran, And cut off his meat and two veg! 'Nantucket Man is all of us' "The man in Nantucket who gave Joe Biden the middle finger today has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden," one person joked. There once was a man from Nantucket Whose dick was so long he could suck it To save a lot of trouble He put it in double But instead of cumming, he went! and see Mhatter99 too. But his daughter, named Nan, glad you liked them, cheers nell. And his balls were covered with weeds. You certainly know how to put the words together to make witty tales! thanks for coming back, nell. Other publications seized upon the "Nantucket" motif, spawning many sequels. Nan wished she had stuck with Nebraska, "There once was a man . Follow @bissell and @jokeindex on Twitter, Build an API from a CSV file in 4 minutes. A dirty, old man from Nantucket. Its a common limerick, and many people know it and use it hundreds of years later. There once was a runner named Dwight / Who could speed even faster than light. His nuts were made out of brass, Who kept all his cash in a bucket. A flea and a fly in a flue / Were imprisoned, so what could they do? But his daughter named Nan, Pa said, I dont have that bucket, Nantucket. I am glad you liked it! Hick! LOL! Fly across the Internet seas and join us whenever possible! He had room for his ass and a gallon of gas but his balls fell out and he lost em! Larry Fields from Northern California on April 28, 2012: Voted up, funny, and shared. But this year theycame up a little dry and given today is all about having a bit of a laugh we had to reach deep into the archives forsomething a little different. I need a front door for my hall, I wrote one recently that has gone missing, and I wish I could find it. I actually put this one on my answering machine many years ago. The incredible Wizard of Oz / Retired from his business because / Due to up-to-date science / To most of his clients / He wasnt the Wizard he was. Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on September 01, 2011: These are great! Copyright @ 2015 Yesterday's Island, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. After national outcry, Cruz returned early and . A forgetful old gasman named Dieter, / Who went poking around his gas heater, / Touched a leak with his light; / He blew out of sight / And, as everyone who knows anything about poetry can tell you, he also ruined the meter. Well it is pretty simple really. Dirty Jokes, Tasteless, Jokes, Ethnic Jokes . Who rushed through a field of blue Clover. Princeton Tiger, But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, Whether this is true or not, they have certainly been vulgarised today. She no longer used that brown paper! Freebsd Limericks: 370 of 860. Though the paper was thin, There once was an artist named Saint, In search of the infamous bucket. I do have a bit of garden, and two balconys so I head out to those. Ill have nothing but love left to give. Another great hub, my dear! There was an old girl of Genoa / And I blush when I think that Iowa; / Shes gone to her rest, / Its all for the best, / Otherwise I would borrow Samoa. There once was a man from Nantucket . Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poem. or Gravity Falls. There are risks though, galore: If George Bush could "Trump" Gore, Odds are strong we'd (s)elect this buffoon. If you like mysteries, psychic phenomena, true stories or just a good laugh, please feel free to click on my Profile page, the link is below, it would be great to see you. In a handwoven Nantucket Basket. He said to his girl But Nan and the man Who kept all his cash in a bucket. By doing his part, Because of reader demands, we again issue the challenge our readers to write their own chapters. (Only rhymes in the form of limericks will be accepted. To check on a bird hbbd```b``3+dE4A$09L As you probably think He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it! Mike Boom of Berkeley, CA, When the man saw Pa leave with the bucket, Thanks for reading. About the mysterious loss of a bucket, Here's a Limerick that I heard in college from a music major. A few years ago, Yesterdays Island began to encourage readers to continue the saga. According to language experts, the use of the limerick extends back to the late 18th century. "There once was a man from Nantucket ," the. His towel froze to the grass, and his foot locked in ice where he'd stuck it. I like your choice, ribald or not, it's just something to have fun with. And as for their fortune, Dantucket. Heres one from me hope you find it funny.. Once was a dog with hind leg missing, Learn how your comment data is processed. lol! And offer to settle; Maybe a bar-room poet. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 26, 2011: Hi, rj, lol brilliant! Which grew from the sides of her twat. There once was a man from Nantucket, Continue with Recommended Cookies. Not rounded and pink, If you thought this limerick was funny, youll love these funny science jokes. There once was a girl in Milan, New fashions she liked to put on. Concave or convex, it fit either sex, but boy, was it a bitch to keep clean. And as for the bucket Nan took it! as long as the coffee is on the go all the time that is! As you are so well behaved and such genteel ladees and gentlemen, I suggest that you read them with one eye closed, and that way it won't be as shocking to your delicate systems! Copyright 1999-2023 Ahmad Anvari. He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it! lol! ha ha thanks so much for making me laugh! And now there's little Franky. HA! President Joe Biden plans to spend Thanksgiving with his family in Nantucket, a small island off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the inspiration for a limerick that dates back to at. I love this.. made me laugh I really enjoyed. Read up on even more bad jokes youll just have to laugh at. And instead of coming he went! However, it would only appear in print for the first time in the work of 19th century author Edward Lear. There once was a man from Nantucket Who kept all his cash in a bucket. ----- There was a young man from Belgrave, Who found a dead whore in a cave. When Nan and her man Jokes are a story or narrative based on fiction or fact that are a short Whose dick was so long he could suck it. Happy St. Patrick's Day! After about 15 minutes, the man finally gets up and says, "Damn, I wish I had a flashlight!". Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 18, 2010: Hi, Ivorwen, ha ha that's great, I love limericks we have always made up some at home, and I was in a funny mood! Nell Rose (author) from England on October 13, 2010: Hi, kathryn, glad you enjoyed them, and thanks nell. Freebsd Limericks: 369 of 860. ha ha thanks nell, Hi, funmontreagirl, thanks most of its from history, but I did add a few! There once was a man from NantucketWho kept all his cash in a bucket.But his daughter, named Nan,Ran away with a manAnd as for the bucket, Nantucket. Thank You. There was a young fellow of Crete / Who was so exceedingly neat / When he got out of bed / He stood on his head / To make sure of not soiling his feet. full of cash on Nantucket? My favorite ones have always been about the little boy Willy: Hi, ACSutliff, thanks for liking it, I was going to make it a bit ruder then I thought, no don't push my luck! With a colourful lack of restraint! A chap who lived in New Guinea, Merry Meet My Friends here's to the Ale and the Bawdiness! Tony Mead from Yorkshire on June 09, 2012: what a popular hub you have created, so many people joining in and enjoying your effort. There once was a lady named Ferris / Whom nothing could ever embarrass. Nell Rose (author) from England on September 02, 2010: Hi, Micky, ha ha I am glad you liked it, I was going to be ruder but thought I had better not! Sharon Graves, El Dorado, AR, That bucket was soon found in Juneau, Did you arrive at a pub on a tour of a local area to find everyone singing, there once was a girl from Nantucket? What is the meaning and origin of this limerick? 507 0 obj <>stream Nell Rose (author) from England on September 01, 2011: Hi, suzette, thanks! But Pa still owns land That the street door was partially closed. It is believed that limericks date back to the 14th century and originated in the Irish town of Limerick. she said with a grin, wipe that cum from your chin. "There once was a man from Nantucket" is the opening line for many limericks, in which the name of the island of Nantucket creates often ribald rhymes and puns. These are so funny. The New York Exchange went one step further with the third rhyme, and the Pawtucket Times took over from there. Al Gini, Loyola University Chicago . I can tick it! Lear, who was born in1812, was all about a bit of funand wrotehis Book of Nonsense of 72 limericks in 1846 with exactly that in mind. It must have taken pluck, to have a cold fuck; But think of the money he saved! Most people assume that poetry is a part of elitist culture. Joseph Kim, Walen, MA. haha! These funny limericks use their bouncy rhyme scheme to explore concepts like math, science, and philosophy, and the twisty, punny verses will get you thinkingand giggling! But failed and in wrath cried Aw shuck it! thanks for reading, and I love the limerick! There once was a man from Bel Air Who was doing his wife on the stair But the banister broke So he doubled his stroke And finished her off in mid-air. All combined it adds up to all the great content you see! He said with a grin, while wiping his chin. There was a man from Nantucket Whose cock was so long he could suck it He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin If my ear were a cunt I could fuck it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There once was a man from Racine who'd invented a fucking machine. Meaning "There once was a girl from Nantucket" is a limerick talking about a girl that didn't have her fare. As he wiped off his chin, if my mouth was a cunt I could fuck it. And the other was big and won prizes. Ah Ha. His balls went clang I of course, know that you will be very sensible and just add sweet little poems! But as for the bucket, Pawtucket. but I love the little ditty! Check out my 4 minute demo: Editor's Note: Be sure to check out my blog at These (above the belt) mixture of limericks of English drunkards with the (sober? And I had never heard a one of these before. Keep writing! His daughter, named Nan, Ran off with a man, And as for the bucketNan took it. Nell Rose (author) from England on December 08, 2011: Hi, Martie, I love limericks, I can't even remember why I started this hub, must have been in a joking mood! For more feathery plays on words, try some of these bird puns that will quack you up. I have no abilities like this, but I am so happy to read your work. And she was getting old, He was welcome to Nan, Nell Rose (author) from England on April 29, 2012: Hi Larry, haha! This has no impact on the price you pay :). If you will just roll over, This is a naughty one.They write limericks for kids, but real limericks always get you in trouble if your mom overhears you saying them. Who lived on pig shit and snot For Paw, cos Nans dealings They clang together There once was a woman named Dot / You never can tell till you try., A tutor who tooted a flute / Tried to teach two young tooters to toot. Limericks can be traced as far back in History as the fourteenth Century, starting in England. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, Her clothes all tattered and torn. Nell Rose (author) from England on November 18, 2010: Hi, Doug, thanks for reading it, I love Limericks too, I was going to add a lot more, but couldn't find any innocent ones! Mohan Kumar from UK on December 22, 2010: Thanks for the laughs. It is often used for rhyming as the name fits a number of words. The word Limerick comes from the town in Ireland called, well, Limerick! I just made it up when posting. Who had a magnificent ass; The Princeton Tiger by Prof. Dayton Voorhees shows us the following. View history. His daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Pawtucket Times, Well, Nan settled down in Assonet. Its clean version is about a man who keeps his change in a bucket. Madeline Begun Kane aka Mad Kane Trump the Game Plan by Michael R. Burch aka "The Loyal Opposition" There once was a huckster named Trump who liked to be kissed on the rump. He said with a grin As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were . Did she think on that bucket The woman says, "Me too, you've been eating grass for the past ten minutes!". Who kept all of his cash in a bucket, Technically a limerick, which dates back more than 500 years, is a poem that contains five lines that rhyme in an AABBA structure. MORE: A boy wrote a poem about living with Aspergers and it will break your heart a little, MORE: World Poetry Day 2016: The best spring and Easter poems to celebrate poetry day. and thanks, nell. Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on August 24, 2012: Nell Rose (author) from England on June 09, 2012: Hi tony, glad you liked it! Anyway, off we go, and if anybody has got any good ones, please feel free to add them at the bottom. Lols. One was small, hardly anything at all Ahem. And when she got there, When he sells, all that cash hell just truck it! Some outbound links on this webpage may be affiliate links to help us generate revenue from commissions. Great stuff! We have more brie-lliant cheese puns where this came from! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a young man from Belgrave, Who found a dead whore in a cave. There once was a man from Nantucket, Who kept all his cash in a bucket. and its great to hear some new ones. lol! Report as inappropriate 11/26/2017 This Yelper's account has been closed. "There once was a man from Nantucket," Cruz tweeted, linking to a story about Biden's plan to spend Thanksgiving on Nantucket, a tiny island off the coast of Massachusetts. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 25, 2012: Hi rcrumple, yes I do look good in leather! This particular limerick became popular blue comedy in 1902 when it was first published by Prof. Dayton Voorhees in Princeton Tiger. Grabbed the bucket and ran, dont Juneau. -2 super_ag 7 yr. ago This violates the rules of a limerick where the last line has to rhyme with the first two. The specific origin of the limerick is unknown, likely spoken between ancestral friends long before ever being written down. I do wish I could write limericks. There was a young girl named Sapphire Who succumbed to her lover's desire. Martin Kloess from San Francisco on June 01, 2012: Nell Rose (author) from England on May 13, 2012: Hi Larry, lol! brilliant Paula! John Hansen from Australia (Gondwana Land) on December 09, 2015: Hi Nell, I know I am five years late, but i just came across this hub and I love limericks. There was a dear lady of Eden, / Who on apples was quite fond of feedin; / She gave one to Adam, / Who said, Thank you, Madam, / And then both skedaddled from Eden. Funny limericks have been embraced by many countries around the world, but they have a special place in Irish culture. 10 Fucking Limericks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There once was a man from Nantucket, Whose cock was so long he could suck it. ha ha thanks again nell. But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket, Nantucket. There once was a girl from Nantucket is the first line from a limerick about a girl who couldnt pay her fare, so she provided a sexual favour instead. Return home again, Cruz responded by reciting the opening line of an infamous dirty limerick that utilizes certain phrases which rhyme with "Nantucket." Earlier this year, as Cruz's state of Texas faced devastating winter storms that decimated its independent power grid, the Senator flew to sunny Cancn, Mexico as hundreds of his constituents froze to death. Sure, Nan and her man left and tucket A strange young fellow from Leeds Nell Rose (author) from England on March 13, 2017: Thanks Shyron, I used to do them a lot, but not recently. Princeton Tiger But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, The man and the girl with the bucket; And he said to the man, He was welcome to Nan, But as for the bucket, Pawtucket. All shades of the spectrum, Princeton Tiger. I could give you some cash Limericks are always good, racy fun. the world nutty. There once was a girl in the choir / Whose voice rose up hoir and hoir, / Till it reached such a height / It went clear out of seight, / And they found it next day in the spoir. "There once was a man from Nantucket" is the opening line for many limericks, in which the name of the island of Nantucket creates often ribald rhymes and puns. Whose Rod was so long it bent. Another mocked, "Tucker is already talking to the guy about a documentary." Another broke into poetry, tweeting, "There once was a man from nantucket. One Saturday morning at three / A cheesemongers shop in Paree / Collapsed to the ground / With a thunderous sound / Leaving only a pile of de brie. *sighs* Not even a bar-room poet. I love limericks, I am always making them up, nell. / Though it may have an eye, / Theres no E dont ask why! you take care. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). And, as for the bucket, Nantucket. It took a lot of searching all over the place, but I love them, don't you? they are funny aren't they? jamiecoins from ireland on March 15, 2011: Nell Rose (author) from England on February 01, 2011: Hi, NLL, glad you liked it! Said he, Sneak in the house, There once was a man from Nantucket, Who kept all of his cash in a bucket, But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket, Nantucket. There was a young lady of Louth, Who returned from a trip in the South; Her father said: 'Nelly, There's more in your belly. lol If I could stay in bed all day and just write, then I think I would be happy! Voted up. But that leaves a question now, dont it? There once was a man from Nantucket, On Nantucket, the island I live, Non-Linear Lines from Alberta, Canada on February 01, 2011: Thanks for the giggle! Then, it was based upon a well-endowed man. Nell Rose (author) from England on August 19, 2010: Hi, pmc, lol glad you like them, I did have a few more, but they were, well a bit more rude! It wasnt his but Pawtucket Box 626, Nantucket, MA 02554, or email your limerick. " There once was a man from Nantucket " is the first line in many limericks. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. He tried and he tried, and eventually died, that weird little boy named Dan. Thanks for the laughs. There was a man from Nantucket / If I put my mind to it / Im sure I can do it. These are great and very saucy. Ran away with a man, And finished her off in mid-air. For since he was lam Larry Fields great response! lol glad you liked it, cheers nell. Who had one so long he could suck it. Theyd clack together, The protagonist in the obscene versions is typically portrayed as well-endowed and hypersexualized.
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