lost ark wardancer leveling guide
This leveling build focuses mainly on AoE skills to optimize mob clearing. To level quickly, focus on doing Main Story Quest with some exceptions. You might face longer clearing times for bosses, but also for that, browse the extra notes to determine which Skill Tree to get for clearing Bosses. This build guide assumesyou have a Character at Level 50 before transitioning to it. Much like the other Martial Artist classes, the Wardancer has some balanced builds between PvE and PvP, has a charging gauge for special abilities, and is fairly squishy. If you have 3 full orbs ready, you can immediately use Lightning Strike on frozen targets to inflict better damage. If youve been meaning to play a faster class while granting a variety of buffs to your allies, then you should pick the Wardancer. They can then deal rapid and impactful attacks due to their punch and kick combos while blitzing from one point to the next. Lost Ark Glaivier Class Leveling Guide On your way to level 50 as Glaivier? Wardancer Leveling Build Guide. You can use Sky Shattering Blow to keep up the damage buff while your Energy Combustion is up and basic attacking to keep up DPS uptime. GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Full Moon Kick changes the skill to Normal mode. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The only downside of it really is it will take a long time to collect. To level quickly, focus on doing Main Story Quest with many exceptions. The Wardancer will require some dedication and commitment from Lost Ark players, but the effort will definitely be worth it! For a walk-through of the leveling quests, check out the Leveling Guide. If you have a gap between you and your enemies, not all of your attacks will connect. Completing her questline rewards Energy Combustion as well as the Ultimate Skill: Flash Rage Blow Awakening Skill. The Wardancer can build her power gauge and then unleash high-powered special abilities. The Lost Ark Wardancer is a Melee DPS Class that focuses on dealing decent burst damage based on optimal skill rotation. You've come to the right place. Leftover points are usually spent on secondary Skills of your liking. This is the Lost Ark Wardancer Guide for Esoteric Enhancement Build. These warriors dance on the battlefield with great mobility and deal combo damage with their kicks and punches. The Wardancer is Fast. Wardancer is tremendously mobile with skills like Lightning Kick, Phoenix Advent and Moon Flash Kick. Charge attack with a spin that deals 250 percent weapon damage, Combo ability that has an upwards kick and ability that launches opponents into the air, can be changed direction mid-ability, Windmill attack with 360 directional damage, Provides a buff to your party members with a certain radius, increasing Attack Speed and Movement Speed, When you activate this skill, increase your own attack speed for a short duration, Makes the effect impact all party members within a large radius, Summons an Aura of Wind which inflicts AoE damage around your character, inflicts Push, Spinning air kick, dealing damage multiple times, and you can change direction (back-attack), Changes attack element to Water. Swift Wind Kick Unlocked at Combat Level 20. In terms of First Intentions Combat Stats, you should focus on Swiftness to improve your mobility and attack speed while reducing the cooldown rate of your Normal Skills. Tier 2 Skill Tree of Moon Flash Kick could be replaced with Single Strike for bursting bosses in dungeons. High Swiftness also helps increase Movement Speed to synergize with Raid Captain. Sweeping Kick Unlocked at Combat Level 36. The Wardancer's Identity skill is simply the Elemental Orbs you use to empower you Esoteric Skills. The following are the best and most important skills to equip and master for the Wardancers: Gives a buff to you and your teammates for a short period. Both Class Engravings would be ideal throughout the leveling process, as well as within endgame encounters. The Wardancers most suitable generic Engravings will depend on your playstyle as all of them may have certain pros and cons. So you want to go for a 55% Crit and 45% Swiftness build. This is mostly because its mild damage buffs are just not as strong as the buffs from First Intention. Level 12: Lightning Kick and Triple Fist (4 points each) for damage. This often leads to mana issues in the early game which can be countered by a Bard's mana regen buff. Prioritize skill points towards skills that let you clear mobs of monsters as quickly as possible on a low cooldown. You're going to be focusing on packing decent bursts with fast punches and high kicks, but most importantly provide a variety of great synergy buffs to your party, earning you the title of the . Flash Heat Fang Unlocked at Combat Level 10. Here's how Glaivier ranks in our PVP and PVE tier lists. You can then pick Frost Storm to slow down enemy movement and freeze them after several stacks. Lost Ark Build Guides First Intention Wardancer Raid Build Guide. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. 3. These skills may be referred to as spenders by Lost Ark players, and they are far more powerful than normal Wardancer skills. First Intention Wardancer Raid Build Guide, Preordained Diligence Set Glove and Shoulder, For more information on how to add equipment Skill Tree and how to get them, please visit our, Esoteric Skill Enhancement Wardancer Raid Build Guide, Click Here to view Stats and Engravings Details, If speedrunning your alts, you can skip Abyss Dungeon Gear up to, Your priority engravings to get to Level 3 are. After this you must commit for this is your Burst window. Level 35: Swift Wind Kick (20 points) for AoE clearing. What Advanced Class are you planning to try out first? Energy Combustion Unlocked at Combat Level 50. It also enhances the crit rate of your Normal Skills, and therefore its corresponding damage. Lost Ark Wardancer Guide: How To Build A Wardancer In this Lost Ark Wardancer Guide, Im going to show you what it means to play as a Wardancer in terms of how well they perform in combat, the best Skills and Tripods to focus on, and the playstyles available to them based on the Class Engravings they choose. Level 48: Esoteric Skill: Call of the Wind God (20 points) for AoE Clearing. To use Swift Wind Kick more often, you should take the Quick Prep Tripod. Battle Engravings are generally used to increase damage. Some of the classes add some Battle Master, Devil Hunter, Arcana and the Berserker, each offering an exceptionally distinct gameplay style. Lost Ark Build Guides Wardancer Leveling Build Guide. Then, you have to do a bit of errand to unlock both Awakening Skills. Wardancer will let out a loud battle cry that will damage enemies and pushes them back. What did you think of this Lost Ark Wardancer Class Guide? Lost Ark Gold mainly talks about how players can purchase various in-game items through the auction house. This is the Lost Ark Wardancer Guide for Leveling. Below are the Wardancers highly mobile skills: While the Wardancer may not have the AoE skills that are typically used to run through mobs, she can still clear them out well enough. Changes element to Lightning. For more information on how to add equipment Skill Tree and how to get them, please visit our Skill Tree System Guide. Simultaneously she has one of the lowest cooldown and fastest animation Counter Attacks Sky Shattering Blow in Lost Ark. Note that only Grudge if you can get Lvl3 Grudge. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This combination broadens the area you cover due to improved mobility on top of inflicting extra damage as you slam targets to the ground. Check your inventory and drink the items to unlock the skill sets. The Wardancer's playstyle is determined by whether you opt for the Engraving that grants you more Orbs in your gauge (Esoteric Skill Enhancement), or the Engraving that removes the gauge entirely (First Intention). Our Wardancer Lost Ark class guide covers everything you need to know about this Martial Artist subclass, including its overall role in the team, its strengths and weaknesses, some tips, and more. If youre searching for a Melee DPS Class with the ability to buff themselves as well as the party to be effective in combat, then this Lost Ark Wardancer Guide is for you! Extra Skill Points before Level 35 are usually invested into Seismic Strike for mob clearing and Phoenix Advent for added mobility. The skill can be further improved by using the following tripods: Frost Storm freezes enemies on multiple hits for 2 seconds, and Growth Attack will now inflict tornado winds damage. These are recommended engravings for a 5x3 setup. To see how powerful Wardancer is relatively to other classes, visit our Lost Ark tier list. You can move while casting. The Wardancer also offers some great advantages to parties as well, as she buffs and boosts allies mobility. However, you can definitely swap Quick Prep for Warriors Courage or Winds Whisper. You can then choose Oath of the Wind and Ready Attack to boost your overall damage by raising crit rate and attack power, respectively. Check the Skill Point Guide for more information. We should point out that Lost Ark has an incredibly flexible class build system and a lot of versatility when it comes to deciding how you want to play. Connecting to online customer service,please wait, I want to get information about activities, sales and personal offers. I love diving deep into any genre and I've played many ranging from fighting games, MOBAs, FPSs, and MMOs. We'll help you get there ASAP. Level 38: Sweeping Kick (48 points , remove points from Swift Wind Kick) for single target burst with some AoE. Flash Heat FangSweeping KickMoon Flash KickEnergy CombustionLightning Kick*, Flash Heat FangSweeping KickMoon Flash KickWind's WhisperRoar of CourageSky Shattering BlowSweeping Hidden Dragon*. (*)These Engravings should only be used at Engraving Level 3. In this section, Im going to talk about Lost Ark Wardancer Engravings, which determine the playstyle you wish to adopt for your character and are class-specific abilities and traits. Swiftness is good to have but Endurance, Domination, and Expertise are useless stats. But in case you want something that will make things easier and faster, heres a skill set I put together to deal with questing/leveling content.Rush Moon Flash Kick to Lvl7 or Lvl10, this skill has high damage for fast clearing small/medium groups of mobs. This is a great tradeoff since you can simply focus on Normal Skills and auto attacks rather than managing your Esoteric Meter as well. Her single target attacks can do wonders with the right approaches and playstyles. During burst windows use your high damage dealing skills. Not merely masters of martial arts, wardancers augment their lightning-quick fighting skills with elemental power. Wardancer Leveling Guide When it comes to leveling up the Wardancer class in Lost Ark, the entire process can be somewhat straightforward and fast. For Normal Skills such as Moon Flash Kick, Winds Whisper, Roar of Courage, Sweeping Kick, and Energy Combustion, youre going to want to choose tripods that let you gain Esoteric energy in order to quickly charge your orbs. However, with this build we'll be ignoring that. The Wardancers First Intention build is the simpler version of the 2 Builds for Guardian Raids and Abyssal Raids. This lets the Lost Ark Wardancer shout into the open to not only deal damage against nearby enemies but also impose a debuff to temporarily decrease their crit resistance. She lacks Area of Effect skills, but makes up for it with the high damage single target skills Moon Flash Kick and Sweeping Kick. Although every players experience with the Wardancer will differ depending on build, setup, and preferred playstyle, there are a few fundamental aspects to consider overall. Charges in the forward direction while kicking any enemies in the way and executes a spinning kick at the end of the attack to deal massive damage. Gems:For cooldown Gems, we are choosing both our Buff/Debuff skills Winds Whisper and Roar of Courage to make sure they come up faster for more burst windows, alongside with our big damage skills. Start the combo with Sky Shattering blow for the extra 15% Atk Power buff for 3sec, then we cast Sweeping Kick into Moonflash Kick and finish with Flash Heat Fang.Lightning Kick is your Movement/Mobility skill. The damage racks up along with Energy Combustion ticking and the Bleed rune to apply more damage over time. AoE blast that also knocks opponents into the air, Roundhouse kick attack that can send opponents into the air with second activation, 2nd strike with ability also knocks opponents into the air, the distance of the attack and duration are increased, A multi-tier attack that knocks opponents into the air, and slams airborne opponents into the ground for extra damage, Allows the player to change direction while using this ability, extra move distance, Inflicts 30 percent damage on enemies slammed into the ground from the air, Charge attack that deals extra damage, AoE damage and damage increase over time, Mobility attack with multiple stages, including a back attack, has to be activated multiple times, Changes element to Lightning. In terms of Esoteric Skill Enhancements Combat Stats, youll want to prioritize Specialization followed by Crit when gearing up. Remove points from Sleeping Ascent Celebration and Swift Wind Kick whenever in a position to max out a crucial skill. Comparatively, First Intention is the much more popular playstyle between the two because of the high damage buff you receive in exchange for losing access to your Esoteric Skills. Although the Wardancer is speedy and swift to land blows on her foes, its still important to give her a helping hand wherever possible. The Class Engraving increases the damage of all skills by sealing Elemental Meter gain. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Focus on equipping the highest item level gear possible throughout the leveling process. The Wardancers Identity gauge uses Esoteric Orbs, and striking enemies with normal attacks will fill these orbs over time. When you get enough skill points Winds Whisper is another skill you max to Lvl10 to be able to not only buff yourself but also do a big burst of damage around your character. Please visit our Gem System Guide for more information like how to create higher tier Gems. The other tripods to choose are Ready Attack to boost your attack power on your second hit and Abundant Resources to increase the Esoteric energy you gain by about 200%. While gaining mastery of the Wardancers skill rotation will take some time, it will result in some massive damage once you get the hang of it. Finally, the cinematic dungeon experience helps to make the action considerably more exciting, with all the current inventive camera angles and a sense of urgency. Doing so will increase your damage. Outside of gaming, I like watching meaningful movies and reading sci-fi and dystopian books. The Wardancer relies on punchy combos and mobility, and her skills are Back Attacks which will demand more precise positioning, although an accurate attack has the potential to inflict some catastrophic damage. RELATED: Lost Ark: How Long Does It Take To Reach Max Level? Below are the most notable Skill Tripods for the Wardancer class, as well as how to manage them as you grind towards level 50: Players can also choose to spend Skill Points on Seismic Strike before level 35, as this can help clear out mobs. The Wardancer is able to select eight skills to be on their action bar alongside their and Awakening skills. Mercury Jakey. This is to maximize Cooldown Reduction so that skills like Roar of Courage and Wind's Whisper have higher uptime. Wardancers are a Martial Arts class that augment their lightning-quick fighting skills with elemental power. Mar 01, 2023. Gold is amongst the most critical resources you can obtain in Lost Ark mainly because it can be used to purchase various in-game items on the auction house. The tripod system plays a massive role in how that your character faces the battles, making it possible for several combos and customization that bring added replay value to your game. Esoteric Skill Enhancement. Engravings are listed in order of priority from left to right. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. Reduces foes attack speed by 20 percent and move speed by 40 percent for 4 secs on hit, Jump diagonally with 4 spinning kicks, slam down on foes and increase all outgoing damage by 30 percent, Pushes foes away and covers you in an aura that deals damage to nearby enemies, Movement speed boost when you activate this skill, Massively reduce cooldown at the cost of duration, The aura explodes at the end of duration, dealing extra damage and knocks enemies into the air. The best four engravings for martial artist classes are Grudge, Master of Ambush, Cursed Doll, and Raid Captain. In this Glaivier leveling guide, we've got you covered with beginner-friendly builds and tips.