molecular manipulation vs reality warping
KMC Forums - Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation Molecule Manipulators: Silver Surfer, Captain Atom, Firestorm, Sentry, Molecule Man. Beyonder can warp reality. Regular old reality warping tends to have a more limited scope but in contrast characters with it often can do a lot more. That is, it was. They are capable of manipulating every aspect of reality from the beginning to the end, physical and metaphysical. Reality warping is better. Sometimes it's really hard to distinguish them. The Presence. there is a reason a reality warper wins 99% of all their fights if the opponent isnt also a reality warper. Probably Reality Warping but Matter Manipulation is a more practical use and I'd prefer it due to how complicated Reality warping is. The only reason why you're mentioning Trump is, because you heard somewhere that it's cool to hate Donald Trump - and that a lot of people seem to do it as well. Transmuting elements is molecular manipulation. rev2023.3.3.43278. Having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes. Which is more powerful, matter manipulation or energy manipulation? Less, be "above" the supreme god of his reality, but may create his own reality/universe and be the supreme God of it; Psykers, Daemons, Sorcerers and most other magical beings from. I think there is a misconception of the difference between a reality generator and a reality warper. you can controll space, time, matter, souls, hell even the laws of physics and logic bends to your will. You however ignore everything else and wonder why people treat you like a joke. At basic or advanced levels, the user can manifest their imagination (beings or objects) into reality, generating corporeal forms of their role models, superpowers, families, pets, to fantasy, bend reality to cause only beneficial events to happen only to the user, denying the laws of physics, or re-editing their current condition to achieve godhood. Being able to control most if not all existence. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. If he has I'm happy to be corrected. KMC Forums - Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation Reality Warping that is bound by the laws of physics, 2. Owen has done both, seeing as how he can re-create the multiverse, and also manipulate space, time, matter and energy. Space-time manipulation is still limited by the laws of reality, or rather, Space and time are defined by the laws reality.which a top tier reality warper controls with ease. Equipment None notable. Sentry's powers are based on molecular manipulation or reality-warping, fueled by his altered physiology that is charged with solar energy, or " the power of a million exploding suns. He also manipulated Space and Time. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Cookie Notice Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. XD. From matter and energy, due to its interconnectivity with the layers of reality, potent cosmic or psionic powers, space-time, overwhelming emotions, dreams, imagination, and fundamental forces. In quantum physics it is defined as a wavelength of light, in biology i. Conceptual hax tends to be essentially a re writting of physical laws on a universal scale but limited to something specific. Is there any known ranking of the most powerful telepaths/psionics/ psychics in the DC universe? Reality Warping (sometimes called Reality Alteration or Reality Manipulation) is a term used to describe the ability to manipulate reality itself. And everyone listed as a molecule manipulators are matter manipulators in which they can affect matter on all levels. Users of Molecular Adjustment are highly resistant to the alteration of their molecules. Everything that humanity has categorized as real or possesses a physical impact on their surrounding area can be defined as actual. Users of Reality Restoration can simply undo everything. These powers seem to be VERY similar to each other (like you can turn a tree into a brick wall) but how are they different? On the surface, Molecular control and Reality manipulation do essentially the same thing: alter physical elements and environments on a fundamental level, essentially doing with them whatsoever the user chooses. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. At best matter manipulation on his scale is low level reality warping as it only manipulates the physical plane. Yes, MM can do more than manipulate matter. //--> Join here, talk to me. Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. At master or ultimate scale, the user overrides anything tangible on a large scale, shaping massive quantities of planets, stars, or galaxies into any form the user desires, manipulating the laws of physics that they can only benefit from or make beings suffer from their renewed laws, or warping the universe akin to photo editing. Warping of reality is the ability to manipulate what is real. Reality warping is basically the ability to break the laws of the universe. Here, at the end of all stories where Mandrakk dwells. __________________ Any decision made in the past, any item ever created, any movement, choice, color, atom, or molecule that exists can be changed. And for what is more powerful? They are two words for what might just be called miracles in a work with a different tone. My guess is that reality warping is intradiegetic manipulating the fabric of reality within the universe you occupy while plot manipulation is extradiegetic and operates on the awareness of being a fictional entity that is part of a narrative being told to someone else. Do you know reality warper is? Matter manipulation is turning a sphere into a cube by rearranging it's molecular structure. From the laws of physics (matter, energy, space-time), the universe to intangible phenomena such as logic is considered to exist. You can basically do the same things as Molecular Manipulation and so much more. A reality manipulator can change the rules by which reality functions. Well yeah it is a known fact that matter manipulators work on different level that's why some are stronger than others imo i personally use the term molecule manipulators to refer to matter manipulators i'm relatively loose with the term, and molecule man keeps the name for finesse he's cool like that and if someone judges him he just has to kill galactus. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. Reality Warping | Multiversology Wiki | Fandom Chase Davenport (Lab Rats) can use his Molecularkinesis in a similar way as it superpower cousin but with more limits. Gender: UnspecifiedLocation: In Hell, torturing your soul. Reality warpers reshape more than matter and energy. Owen is the only known being that individually controls sub physics. Being able to manipulate atoms is more powerful than being able to manipulate molecules, and being able to manipulate sub-atomic particles is more powerful than being able to manipulate atoms, in which sub-atomic particles, atoms, and molecules are all matter. Users of this level have almighty control of all realities and existences. I'll ask again. Molecule man for Molecular manip Nihilist Reality manip is far better/greater imo as you can manip anything including time and space as well as matter along along with others things ( this depends on how powerful a warper you are though) rotiart Equals. However, molecule man later gained the power to warp reality itself on a multiversal scale. Spawn (Jim Downing) | Versus Compendium Wiki | Fandom Molecule Man can not. And like I said, Reality warper has the ability to choose a reality where he wins. Reality Warping is "warping" reality. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? You can change how the world was founded or created. Near every state of matter is composed of molecules, from most organic compounds (proteins, amino acids, nucleic acids, sugars, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins), the layers of the Earth, and every material humanity has utilized. They are using reality to change the law of physics and creating things that didn't exist within that reality. Come to me little Carver. It would be like matter manipulation versus matter manipulation+. Is there a set limit on mutant abilities, where they're deemed too unrealistic? The difference tends to be in scope. However, he is still bound to their rule sets. Once you're that high of a molecular manipulator, the difference between reality and molecular manipulation is little to none. Why does showing off your powers expose you in the Hero Certification Program in the Super Powereds novels? Alto Clef, Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V, Mortimer J. Denning Von Kronecker/Blackbird/The Black King/The Fifth Overseer/O5-5, SCP-001 - Jonathan Ball's Proposal - Sheaf of Papers, Kate McTiriss's SCP-001 Proposal - A Record, SCP-001 - Dr. Mackenzie's Proposal - The Legacy, SCP-001 - Bright's Proposal - The Factory, SCP-001 - Scantron's Proposal - The Foundation, Overwrite Reality/Reality Overwrite/Rewrite. Reality warping can prevent matter manipulation. Energy is not a physical unit. Minor Feats Attack Potency/Strength Fought with the Violator He did recreate the multiverse, Franklin only molded each reality. [General] Which is more powerful: Matter Manipulation or Reality Warping? Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it. Reality Warping (sometimes called Reality Alteration or Reality Manipulation) is a term used to describe the ability to manipulate reality itself. Space-time Manipulators can do almost everything a reality warper could do, but there's one key difference. the reality warping is exactly powerful enough to do what the matter manipulation can) then the reality warping is more powerful because reality warping is a generalized ability that includes many other things besides matter manipulation. SCP-3477-7 - Will the Real Harold Holt Please Stand Up? His power was used to recreate the multiverse. "The Dying God left your universe wounded, broken and defenseless.". The user pastes their interpretation of what the super-earth should be, a mercury-size-planet or massive illuminated brown dwarf. What really is the difference between reality warping and plot A manipulator of the concrete. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Users can alter any item already considered real. "The Dying God left your universe wounded, broken and defenseless. 2. forums AT killermovies DOT com - Reality Warping Subatomic Manipulation Telekinesis Limitations Non-Atomic Body May be unable to create molecules unless the user has Particle Construction. But as you have stated; his powers have, How exactly are Molecular Manipulation and Reality Manipulation different? Answer (1 of 4): Which is more powerful, matter manipulation or energy manipulation? Reality Warpers: White Lantern Kyle Rayner, Franklin Richards, Mad Jim Jasper's, Beyonder. At it's base, I think molecular control is just a bit more bound by the laws of physics, to a degree. While Reality Manipulation, it takes Manipulation to a whole new level. He is turning time and space as he literally says he is so that he can view the past. Inspired by AlbertoJohnAvil with special thanks to Damborgson, Last edited by Faceless808 on Jun 4th, 2018 at 02:35 PM, Gender: UnspecifiedLocation: United States, Gender: MaleLocation: United States Not everything is matter and not everything is made from particles either. You're a goof from France. You asked if he ever manipulated a mind, and he did. You do completely other things, but then again: It's you. Also, what Jedixman said is just plain wrong. Leaving it to one man to end the threat. __________________ He cannot warp reality. Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Wildbow has explained that an Endbringer being trapped inside a Grey Boy loop would have the Shard just give up and count the Endbringer as "dead". Reality warping is stronger and it should include matter manipulation. Reality warping says you can no longer turn a brick into a dog because you never had power. Press J to jump to the feed. Where as Owen can only play with what is already there. Reality Warping and Paradox Manipulation tend to cancel each other out. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You realize that the spatial dimensions aren't made of molecules or atoms or . " So, the Sentry is not just strong or fast, he is whatever he wants to be. Home Comic Book Forums Comic Book 'Versus' Forum Reality Manipulation Vs Molecule Manipulation, <