can implantation bleeding be bright red and watery
A few days after I was cramping bad and had a very white & creamy discharge. I had my period September 9 14 then again September 20-23 2 weeks back i did my pregnancy test, there was 2 line but the other one was light, so i thought to myself i must just wait for month end maybe if i test it will be 2 clear lines.. so yesterday i had small bleeding and at night i was bleeding even now im bleeding so im not sure if its implementation bleeding or what.. Ive taken a total of 5 pregnancy tests(spread out) all different brands, and all negatives. Does anyone know if it is possible to have a miscarriage this early on? Hey guys iv been Trying to conceive for about 2& a half years now with irregular periods so far havent had any luck, however this month i missed my period nearly by 2 weeks had mild cramping, moodswings, food adversions. Tired. Track your babys growth, find safe and natural remedies, and have fun along the way! I am 2 days in and it doesnt feel like a period. whats your best advise to me. I experienced the spotting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 and then took a pregnancy test on Saturday morning May 15th and came out negative. I would have now been 13dpo but I carried on doing my opks to test my cycle and the last 3 mornings they've been pretty dark. Could I be pregnant? I fluctuate between 27-28 cycles and was predicted to ovulate on July 29. It may last from a few hours up to several days. Hes too excited. I also had a ectopic pregnancy and lost my tube :(. I had my period on the usual date, four days after having sex, and my ovulation was a week + previous to the 27th. Please, Please get a doctor! See, the week prior to my visit, I had a 5-6 day cycle. Women experiencing implantation bleeding do not. Implantation happens about a week after ovulation with a range of 6-12 days. And it sounds like your symptoms could be caused by a variety of things, including implantation and pregnancy. If you see it immediately as it comes out of the vagina, it will be like normal blood. I went in for an ultrasound and the baby was fine and I was already 8 weeks. I put a pad in and woke up the next morning to a dry pad, but still had light spotting in the color light to dark brown when wiping. Implantation is not yet well understood by many. It usually lasts one to three days. Feels both upper & lower! Mixing of cervical mucus also leads to orange implantation bleeding.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pregnanteve_com-leader-3','ezslot_18',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pregnanteve_com-leader-3-0'); Like bright red implantation bleeding pinkish implantation bleeding is also active bleeding. I had another bright red bleed when I thought I was 6 weeks I am feeling mild cramp and i am bleeding less than normal. Cramping. My hcg levels were so low I had to go in for multiple bloodworks, but 8 months later I had a healthy boy. Last night i was experiencing a light headache where my right temple was & my eyes were hurting so naturally i thought it was my contacts that i removes and the brightness of the lights. This condition is called an ectopic pregnancy, meaning the egg is trying to grow somewhere it can't (2). The blood from implantation bleeding is typically pinkish or brown, but it could also be red. Genevieve Howland is a childbirth educator and breastfeeding advocate. Its been years, idk what to look for. Growths in the uterine lining, called polyps or fibroids, can also cause unusually heavy bleeding. At first it was a brownish color but now like a kinda dark red and a lot of cramping but prior to me getting this my stomach been hurting and my appetite increase and I cant sleep comfortably. Last night I had a metallic taste in my mouth and I just dont know if Im pregnant or not help!! Ive always been 28 day cycle. Side note: at 29, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl who is turning 12 this year. Ive read everywhere that implantation bleeding doesnt happen until 5 days later so Im confused and worried. Two weeks before my visit, I started spotting during the week I would have had my cycle again. I had intercourse on the 19th and on the 23th I experienced what was like implantation bleeding and this is before ovulation.. Could that be the case to? Is implantation blood thick or watery? I did take a pregnancy test 3 days ago and it was negative of course. 4-5 days post ovulation or since you found out you were pregnant? In this post, well tell you everything you need to know about implantation bleeding (with photos!) Now, October 1 I have not started my period yet. Im 32. I had just a little blood on toilet paper when I wiped, only once. I know many woman dont agree with psych meds during pregnancy, and I totally feel pressure from that, but this has been taking so long, I cant just go off my meds for a month to ttc, let alone years. I had sex with my boyfriend on Dec. 27th with protection, yet for some reason I am so scared and anxious worrying that I might be pregnant. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Ive also experienced some light-headedness or dizziness and Im not prone to headaches, but within this month, Ive had them frequently. Im not sure if what I had was implantation or due to stress. 1. I took a home pregnancy test and it said negative but the bleeding is very off for me and very late this really isnt normal and I have no idea what to do. i am experiencing cramping in the lower center of my abdomen and my lower back on the left side. But the thing is, Im on the combo birth control pills where I get my period every 3 months and Ive been taking these same pills for past 13 years on time everyday. The bleeding/spotting as a result of implantation usually occurs about a week before your period is due to begin (or 9 days after ovulation). It is possible! It only shows that there are chances that it can convert into it. Today I had some light pink spotting once when I wiped but nothing since. I started August 5 on seeing some clear brownish pink discharge it lasted 5 days and now nothing what could this mean I have also been taking prenatals just in case I am. I had my period from June 25th-29th. I started bleeding after 2days late and it only lasted 1day heavy 2nd day spotting pink now today back spotting red omg im so scared? I have done a lot of research and also confided in my doctor. I am not expected to start my period for another 9 days. Baby simply stopped growing around 7 weeks. But I just need some reassurance cause Im so confused. My period has always been sporadic, sometimes it doesnt come for months. So me and my boyfriend had protected sex on the 24th of November on the last day of my period and then again on the first of December when I was like a day or two before ovulation according the my app Flo. Hi guys. I know im being impatient but it would be a miracle if I was pregnant. I also read sometimes if you ovulate late, the blood could be red not brownish because it is newer blood? Well I was about 7 days late and some how on the seventh day I start lightly like really lightly bleeding but it was very light pink not red and had little bit of brown mixed in. Could i be pregnant. Color. Blood loss during an implantation bleed tends to be light or described as "spotting". Today its still super light, hardly anything on the new pantiliner from last night I just dont want to get my hopes up. Should I take a test soon? Whatever stage youre at, trust your instincts, do your research and communicate with your partner and trusted Doctors . Im due for my period in 10 days. Immediately took a test and was negative Im so confused, how can one test be positive and the next negative I ovulated on the 11th and last AF was April 29th. I have the same thing. Dont know how to feel at this point. and hopefully she will provide you with some anwers also mention to her that youve had a miscarrige this will be helpfull for her notes for your health file good luck sending baby dust, Ok so I need some advice me and my partner have been trying to have a baby Im 36 yrs old never been pregnant and need some help on what I should do so basically Im doing insemination I did that for 3 days starting the 18th of June. I ovulated on Feb 9 and I had a bad headache Saturday and Sunday. Sorry to be weird lol. I even took a few test but it was BFN(I assumed it was because it was too early to test) I was fine up until XMas where I was experiencing light spotting only when I wiped & then today 12/26/2020the bleeding became heavier but not like an AF heavy just when I use the bathroom & when I wipe. I started spotting on 9th November and my period were due on 19th of this month(November) but Im 6 days late. then i did home urine pregnancy test on 24th July at night 9.30 pm which came as negative and then no symptoms just pain in lower abdomen and back . We have been trying for 4 months now so I hope this is it. Can you have bright red blood and be pregnant? HI. They are very useful at sorting things out, dispelling fears, and reading the signs. Was it ovulation bleeding or implantation? (I didnt have it with any of my pregnancies.) Am a little concerned since Ive not experienced anything like this before. How are you ? My mood swings have been up and down and everywhere else. One of the side effects of the pill is heavy bleeding and irregular spotting. But Im bleeding more today. I basically thought I had a miscarriage and was devastated for hours. & then it went pink again; like nothing hardly there: Im wondering more & more on pregnancy! What Is Implantation Bleeding? Then I went to wipe, I had something like that long jelly like substance in the first photo shown. The only other time this has happened to me I was pregnant. Implantation Bleeding. This same thing is happening to me. Im on cycle day 18 out of 27 and I started bleeding. I been irregular for years I finally got a period after a year I was on it for 3 weeks & I had unprotected sex 2 times im supposed to start my period in the beginning of the month if it was to be regular but it was just light pink & i have started I took 2 test & im not sure if I see a faint line or not is it possible i can be pregnant? I started experiencing early symptoms such as constipation and I never experience constipation, usually have normal bowel movements, so I considered it. Wish me luck! Due now in about two weeks. Spotting of pinkish-brown to dark brown color. Ps. I just had sex for the first time since December, and the first time since my tubal on 3/22/22. Same thing is happening to me, Please let me know if you guys found out bc i am currently have the exact same thing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The worlds first natural pregnancyweek-by-week. We dont need to rewind that far. Hey! Had protected sex mid January. I never get my period as early as 10 days & its always on time. Hi I need help I am not sure if I am the only giving through this . No back cramping, just frontal. Normally my periods arent like this is why I am a little skeptical. If you are in a bad place emotionally and/or mentally then that is bound to have a Knick in effect on your baby so I would say if youre working with your doctor, dont let anybody tell you that you shouldnt be taking meds whilst ttc only you know what your body needs and when. Good luck! Because the amount of blood during implantation is very little, and it takes some time for the body to shed the blood, the color becomes pink or brown rather than red or bright red. The first day of my last period was November 26, it usually lasts seven days but this time I can only remember it being about three to four days long, but I also heard the vac causing irregularities to women and their cycles but well say the last day of my last period was about November 29. I had unprotected sex on the the 23rd and 26th of December. I use it correctly and everything and I also havent had sex in about a little over a month. I had sex 30th November 1st & 2nd December. Periods can definitely change in duration, flow, and frequency from time to time. Today I started having heavy heavy bleeding like watery consistency with dark red clots and some mild cramping not like period cramps. 2 weeks ago yet Ive been lightly bleeding my boyfriend and I think its implantation bleeding but we dont know I took a pregnancy test and it says negative any suggestions. What if I dont have implantation bleeding? I just found out I was pregnant about 4 days ago. The implantation process can be accompanied with vaginal bleeding or spotting, and maybe a little cramping. It was a light pink creamy texture. Implantation bleeding doesnt cause severe cramps, but menstrual cramps are painful. Ovulated 5 days ago, had sex 4 days ago, and I was wiping pink/brown discharge 2 days after ovulation. Im so confusedpeople say that the bleeding is obvious but Im seeing like literally a couple brown spots in my underwear and its nothing big or even medium, is that still considered implantation bleeding because Im having like all of the other pregnancy symptoms that one is just throwing me off and it is right before my period and Im not wasting money on a pregnancy test for it to come back negative. It leads to a little eruption of the blood vessels present there to make space for the embryo. 2. I hope you get this figured out very soon! Implantation also stimulates the production of progesterone. Beth, Hi so mom of 2 here and never been on BC until after my last one i had my iud taken out on jan 25th i started my peruod that following thursday lasted 5 days my S/O and I had unprotected sex during my period and it stopped on the monday after Tuesday nothing Wednesday i went to use the bathroom and noticed in my WHITE PANTS there was about a quarter size brown spot with a little mucus i have taken 2 test but they are negative would yall say that was implantation bleeding or what? HAD SOME BLEEDING TODAY (29TH) WAS A BIT UNCOMFORTABLE TENSE CRAMPINGWITH LIGHT BLOOD FLOW TO A DARK BROWN TO LIGHT FLOW AGAIN AND NO BLOOD IN THE TOILET WATER HAVE ALSO FELT MY WHOLE PELVIC AREA TIGHTEN UP ON AND OFF ALL DAY, I AM GOING FOR A PREGNANCY TEST IN THE NEXT WEEK OR TWO. Im only 4-5 days in and Ive noticed a light pinkish/brownish discharge. Today (day 19) I had a jelly like discharge with brownish, red and pink hints in it, are you pregnant? Implantation discharge doesnt have clots. Implantation bleeding occurs for a few minutes. Today (CD 29) almost no bleeding, very light pink, no CM. Gotten more days on it then usual. Im super early in this pregnancy and already freaking out. If your baby is Rh positive and you are Rh negative, then opposite blood groups can cause the death of the baby. I ovulated on the 16th of October. Why on earth would you think its hormonally safe to take plan B every time after intercourse? It is normal for implantation bleeding to vary in color from dark red to brown, as well as in its heaviness.
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