blocking the transmission of violence quizlet
Bad habits. For term below, write a sentence that explains its significance to the ancient empires of China and India. Newspaper accounts usually refer to the organization as a gang-intervention program, and Hoddenbach and most of his colleagues are indeed former gang leaders. Prater, who is short and wiry and has trouble keeping still, was bouncing on the sidewalk, standing next to a lanky middle-aged man who had receded into his oversize hooded sweatshirt. blocking the transmission of violence quiz. Where do we fit in? Analyze: Why does the author follow up on the story of Martin Torres near the end. One of Slutkins colleagues, Tio Hardiman, brought up an uncomfortable truth: the program wasnt reaching the most bellicose, those most likely to pull a trigger. What you do when you get out of here?. Enmity T. Brown 1 Part I Test: "Blocking the Transmission of Violence"1. Because the birth attendants were refugees, they were trusted and could persuade those with the most severe symptoms to receive aid at the medical tent. But when they got there, they were met by six men in the backyard, each armed with a pistol or an automatic weapon, and robbed. violence? Highsmith was just the kind of recruit CeaseFire looks for: an older man getting out of the penitentiary who once had standing on the streets and who, through word of mouth, appears ready, eager even, to discard his former persona. From what Hoddenbach could make out, it was the result of a long-simmering dispute the equivalent of a dormant virus and the victims uncle was now worried that it would set off more fighting. Slutkin drove a Land Cruiser two and a half days to an American military base along the coast to the closest phone. _______________ to consider or think about carefully contemplate. Which is respect my brothers wishes., When Slutkin heard of Hoddenbachs intervention, he told me: The interrupters have to deal with how to get someone to save face. Domains https://* IPs IPv4 173.245.48./20 103.21.244./22 tulsa race riot quizlet; daisy ridley keira knightley; most liar country in the world; chi square linear regression. In fact, they go out of their way to avoid knowing too much about a crime. 7. Support your responses with evidence from the selection. Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Punishment doesnt drive behavior, he told me. Not long ago, three old-timers fresh out of prison ruthlessly ridiculed Hoddenbach for his work with CeaseFire. Not long ago, I stopped by to visit with Hoddenbach at the Boys and Girls Club, where he holds down a second job. To consider or think about carefully; contemplate, Szymborska, Walcott, Thomas, Smith poetry sel, The Secret To Raising Smart Kids Vocabulary, bisc 220 lecture 12 (exam 2): photosynthesis, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Blocking the Transmission of Violence - Congressman Bobby Scott May 4, 2008 - to take care of business, he told me recently. Theyre the ones who are infecting others. But each shooting, each murder, leaves a devastating legacy, and a growing school of thought suggests that theres little we can do about the entrenched urban poverty if the relentless pattern of street violence isnt somehow broken. Lines 109-119: Give examples of different ways that Kotlowitz helps readers understand Slutkin. Describe how the evidence presented in this paragraph compares to the earlier, 8. I was going hunting. Our verified expert tutors typically answer within 15-30 minutes. Affiliation The state or process of affiliating or being affiliated. A ceasefire, also spelled cease fire, is a temporary stoppage of a war in which each side agrees with the other to suspend aggressive actions. Hoddenbachs job is to suss out smoldering disputes and to intervene before matters get out of hand. When he arrived in Chicago, he began to ask around, and within a day believed he had figured out who killed his nephew. leeds city council food hygiene certificate; fatal accident on 290 yesterday; spirit halloween 1983 animatronics; who died with stevie ray vaughan; what do good readers do anchor chart Then choose. I was worried I was going to whip their asses, and wherever it went from there it went, Hoddenbach told me. Copying and modeling and the social expectations of your peers is what drives your behavior.. In lines 29-52. Lines 151-155: Explain how the information presented in the passage continues to develop ideas about the problem of violence that Kotlowitz presented earlier in the article. He wears his hair cropped and has a trimmed goatee that highlights his angular jaw. Leaving town is not an option for most. The two had a reunion of sorts when they joined CeaseFire; they shared a cell in the county jail 34 years ago. blocking the transmission of violence quiz. And for those who have walked away from a shooting, like Torres, if there are no jobs, or lousy schools, or decrepit housing, whats to keep them from drifting back into their former lives? ), It can be hard to measure the success or the failure of public-health programs, especially violence-prevention efforts. Like many killings, Emilios received just a few sentences in the local newspapers. Fredericks friend told him earlier he had a gun. He sheepishly told me that his prison term, two years, was for bank fraud. How did the defeat by the Romans affect Jewish history? Violence has been a common menace in many cities in the U.S especially in the streets populated by the Black-Americans. How does this phrase reflect the difference in CeaseFire's approach? Please highlight. of this article? What is Torres planning to do? Prater got in his car and began to race to her house; as he was about to run a stop sign, he glimpsed a police car on the corner. b) Analyze the purpose of this passage about Slutkin's work in San Francisco. Part I Test: Blocking the Transmission of Violence, conclusion about what Torres is planning to do. According to Sandy Gove, who was then married to Slutkin and was also a doctor in the camps, infection rates were approaching 10 percent; in one camp there were 1,000 severely ill refugees. These outreach workers knew the communities and spoke the languages, and they were able to persuade family members of infected people to be tested. The tension between the couple gets worse and worse, and the person being abused often feels like something bad is going to happen. please try again. One staff member laughingly compared it to a 12-step program. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like belligerent, emphysema, prestige and more. Torres, who is 38, grew up in a dicey section of Chicago, and even by the standards of his neighborhood he was a rough character. Please help me with these questions. On the ride over to the restaurant, Torres had been playing a CD of his nephews favorite rap songs. There was the continuing discord at another high school involving a group of girls (Theyd argue with a stop sign, one of the interrupters noted); a 14-year-old boy with a gang tattoo on his forehead was shot by an older gang member just out of prison; a 15-year-old was shot in the stomach by a rival gang member as he came out of his house; and a former CeaseFire colleague was struggling to keep himself from losing control after his own sons were beaten. Those who attempt to stop the spread of violence do not have backgrounds in social work or conflict resolution. They were relentless, and Hoddenbach asked to sit down with them. What insight into Juvencio's character can be drawn from this. And theres no easy remedy for lung cancer or emphysema. Slutkins perspective grew out of his own experience as an infectious-disease doctor. About 2,000 people attended, dancing to a live band while the drug lords showed off their Mercedes Benzes, Rolls-Royces and Jaguars. As a result, the interrupters operate in a netherworld between upholding the law and upholding the logic of the streets. You know, the most important thing is Mack ventured. Write the words from your vocabulary that you associate with each of the following definitions And it will evolve. George Kelling, a Rutgers professor of criminal justice who is helping to establish an effort in Newark to reduce homicide, helped develop the broken window theory of fighting crime: addressing small issues quickly. It gave him a moment to think, and he called his CeaseFire supervisor, Tio Hardiman, who got another interrupter to visit Praters daughter. He was worried that Torres was preparing to seek revenge and hoped that Hoddenbach would speak with him. Apparently, the man in the hooded sweatshirt, whom I would meet later, had been an intermediary in a drug deal. 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But I think Slutkins on to something., Most of the police officials I spoke with, in both Chicago and Baltimore, were grateful for the interrupters. Lines 186-201: a) Summarize Slutkin's approach to dealing with TB among immigrants from Southeast Asia in San Francisco. Hoddenbach then tried another tack: he negotiated to let him leave the gang for $300 and no thrashing. Test. One state senator, who had ordered an audit of CeaseFire (released after the cuts, it found some administrative inefficiencies), maintained there was no evidence that CeaseFires work had made a difference. In other words, antipoverty measures will work only if you treat violence. For an hour, Slutkin leaned on the table, playing with a piece of Scotch tape, keenly listening. But he was also active in a Hispanic street gang and was known for his unmitigated aggression. They have prestige for a reason. It was Alphonso Prater, another interrupter. Cause/Effect What motive triggers Martin Torress desire to commit an act of. 9. It has just given me so much hope, Cathy Arsenault, one of the chaplains there, told me. 2. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. b)is. In this, Slutkin sees a direct parallel to the early history of seemingly incurable infectious diseases. Smoking is the most obvious example. The new recruits, with strong connections to the toughest communities, would focus solely on sniffing out clashes that had the potential to escalate. Lines 171-182: The narrator says, "The day when he learned his wife had left him, the idea of going out in search of her didn't even cross his mind." What kinds of details did you add to make your account realistic? He says a public-health model will be fully effective only if coupled with other efforts, including more creative policing and efforts to get gang members back to school or to work. Most are in their 40s and 50s, though some, like Hoddenbach, are a bit younger. Its almost blindly focused on one thing: preventing shootings. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. blocking the transmission of violence worksheet answers. He points out that in the early days of AIDS, there was no treatment either. They would intervene in potential acts of retribution as well as try to defuse seemingly minor spats that might erupt into something bigger, like disputes over women or insulting remarks. Cite textual evidence as a form of support to your. log in. When Highsmith and Prater left me the night of the failed drug deal, they began working their contacts. He had taken an out-of-town buyer holding $30,000 in cash to a house on the South Side to buy drugs. A greater level of protection is provided for the diseases transmitted by genital secretions. Blocking.Violence Guided Questions (1).docx - Name: _ Date: _ Class: _ "Blocking the Transmission of Violence" by Alex Kotlowitz - pgs. En particular, ustedes van a considerar la programacin para los jvenes entre quince y diecisiete aos. Condoms block transmission and acquisition of STDs by preventing contact between the condom wearer's penis and a sex partner's skin, mucosa, and genital secretions. But CeaseFire doesnt necessarily aim to get people out of gangs nor interrupt the drug trade. Empty beer bottles littered the side of the road. Answer each question, citing text evidence. "Early intervention in TB is actually treatment of the most infectious people," Slutkin told me recently. LAST DECEMBER, at the first Wednesday meeting I attended, James Highsmith came up to introduce himself. Some see his presentation as a calculated effort to disarm. Hoddenbach, who once beat someone so badly he punctured his lungs, is reluctant to talk about his past. These outreach workers were also doing dispute mediation. Menu. (The program recently expanded to a second community.) Understanding the mechanisms for intergenerational transmission of violence may offer important clues for prevention and intervention to halt this recurrence. He was released in 2002. 4. They were old feelings, feelings I dont want to revisit.. And the violent activity predicts the next violent activity like H.I.V. 10. Get additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore recently asked questions from the same subject. Lines 186-201: a) Summarize Slutkin's approach to dealing with TB among immigrants from Southeast Asia in San Francisco. On the other side of the coin, a community in which arguments are settled by gunshots is unlikely to experience economic growth and opportunity. The interrupters say he has their unqualified loyalty. She was 18. But its too dangerous. She started to cry. What insight into Juvencio's character can be drawn from this. b) Analyze the purpose of this passage about Slutkin's work in San Francisco. He spent the next half-hour teaching stress-reduction exercises. Learn. Some, like Hoddenbach, find religion in his case, Christianity. We just want to make sure you dont go out and try to retaliate.. These incidents all occurred over the previous seven days. Lines 171182: What are three possible solutions to the problem of violence? We were both cut from the same cloth. Hoddenbach knew from experience that the longer he could delay Torres from heading out, the more chance hed have of keeping him from shooting someone. Historically, the concept existed at least by the time of the Middle Ages, when it was known as a 'truce of God'. He was first shot when he was 12, in the legs with buckshot by members of a rival gang. Early research out of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that in the East Baltimore neighborhood there were on average two shootings a month just before the program started. Just two weekends ago in Chicago, with the first warm weather, 36 people were shot, 7 of them fatally. Blocking the Transmission of Violence #1. He would, he thought, wait until after the funeral to track down his nephews assailants. Juntos, analicen los programas que hay en la tele y decidan qu falta. James B. Jackson, now the first deputy superintendent in Chicago, was once the commander of the 11th district, which has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the city. So treatment of the most infectious spreaders is the most effective strategy known and now accepted in the world. And, he continued, you want to go after them with individuals who themselves were once either infectious spreaders or at high risk for the illness. So he has taught himself not to break into discussions and to digest before presenting his view. In the beginning, he gives you that look like he doesnt know what youre talking about., Slutkin had come to talk with the group about a recent high-profile incident outside Crane Tech High School on the citys West Side. I had to overcome resistance, Kelling told me, referring to the introduction of a similar program in Newark. After the intermediary drove off, Prater joked that there was no way he was getting back in a car with him, that he was too overheated and too likely to be the target or the shooter. I feel shameful. He said he had sought revenge for people who werent related to him people who werent even no blood to me. But he held back in the case of his nephew. There was a car show, a wet T-shirt contest and softball games for the children. The diarrhea from cholera is so severe that patients can die within hours from dehydration. What important ideas does this part of the article support. He served a total of eight years in the state penitentiary, the last stay for charges that included aggravated battery. He spent the day by Torress side, sitting with him, talking to him, urging him to respect his brothers wishes. Zale was always in segregation, in the hole for fights, Torres told me. He immediately thought that his old prison buddy was going to join him in his search for the killer. EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, in a Spartan room on the 10th floor of the University of Illinois at Chicagos public-health building, 15 to 25 men and two women all violence interrupters, sit around tables arranged in a circle and ruminate on the rage percolating in the city. When I met with the intermediary a few weeks after things were resolved, he was still stirred up about the robbery. Lines 68-88: How does this passage. Wes Skogan, a professor of political science at Northwestern (disclosure: I teach there) and the author of the report, said, I found the statistical results to be as strong as you could hope for.. Part of HuffPost News. (His brother Mark speculated that maybe he just wants to give back what he took out.) I once asked Hoddenbach if he has ever apologized to anyone he hurt. Comprehension: Read each of the following questions. In the short run, hes just trying to halt the spread of violence. 4. He borrowed two guns, a .38 and a .380, from guys he knew. Blocking the Transmission of Violence Published June 5, 2008 at 7:52 PM CDT Listen 12:10 Alex Kotlowitz of Chicago is a Peabody award-winning journalist. Three ghosts: malaria, smallpox and leprosy. An 18-year-old boy was shot and died on the schools steps, while nearby another boy was savagely beaten with a golf club.