average milo yield per acre in kansas
It's not uncommon for yields to exceed 100 bpa or be double or more the national average. And in one particular field he saw yields top 207 bushels. Biodiesel is a clean-burning fuel produced from U.S. renewable resources, including soybean oil. Area harvested, at 30,000 acres, is up 15,000 from last year. Number of entries per county for the National Sorghum Contest between 2013 and 2017 for the state of Kansas. Section 207(f)(2) of the E-Government Act of 2002 requires federal agencies to develop an inventory of information to be published on their Web sites, establish a schedule for publishing information, make those schedules available for public comment, and post the schedules and priorities on the Web site. Area harvested at 2.05 million acres, is up 24% from 2019. The Trend-Adjusted APH Yield Option adjusts yields in APH databases to reflect increases in yields through time in the county. PDF L818 Kansas Crop Planting Guide - Kansas State University The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individuals income is derived from any public assistance program. Cotton production of 320,000 bales is up 14% from last year. The high-yielding group ranged from 175 to 230 bushels per acre (n=32), medium-yielding group ranged from 175 and 125 bushels per acre (n=101), and low-yielding group ranged from 60 to 125 bushels per acre (n=42). Yield, at 85.0 bushels per acre, is unchanged from a year earlier. Canola production of 7.80 million pounds is up 56% from last year. The late planting period begins the day after the final planting date for the insured crop and ends 25 days after the final planting date. 0000066842 00000 n Assume a 70 bushel per acre APH yield, 75-percent coverage level, 100 percent of the price, a projected price of $3.83, a harvested price of $3.37, and basic unit coverage. The average irrigated yield increase is 0.59 bu/ac, 0.60 bu/ac and 0.31 bu/ac for . Effects of plant density and row spacing on grain yields of dryland sorghum. SCO may not be available in every county. The average yield per acre was estimated at 50.2 bushels, up 2.8 bushels from 2019. U.S. grain sorghum yields averaged 73 bushels per acre (bpa) the past three years. Acreage Report - You must give a report to your crop insurance agent of all your grain sorghum acreage in the county by the acreage reporting date. March 15, 2018, Earliest Planting Date . April 26, 2018, Final Planting Date June 25, 2018, Acreage Report Date . July 15, 2018, Premium Billing .. August 15, 2018, End of Insurance December 10, 2018. Other soy-based products include wood stains, concrete sealants, caulking, paint, insulation, foam, candles, beauty supplies and more. The bushy, green soybean plant is a legume, related to clover, peas and alfalfa. H\0`cKQ$&H96@"m _WwVZD8*L2yuaLr[wvN|zW;)lT#|C=5tIm2WswzVcWV&_W}X/!_cJ{N3v~iO6Yxjs6c2|~KCp6h-Z[h#1t)h1]I>@;=t#y^e)A1FZyF]CC Cotton production of 200,000 bales is down 33% from last year. Area harvested, at 18,000 acres, is up 10,700 acres from 2019. The 1.21 million [], LAKEWOOD, Colo. The 2021 corn for grain crop is estimated at 148.35 million bushels, 21 percent above last years production of 122.96 million bushels, according to the December 1 Agricultural Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. 0000005191 00000 n On Tuesday, Aug. 10, Gro's models suggest Missouri could see an average statewide corn yield of 170.6 bushels per acre (bpa), close to last year's 171-bpa crop. 0 2.5 bushels/acre for the each year of record, This result is more than twice the dryland rate of 1.1 bushels/acre. Hybrid Selection Planted area for the Nation, at 87.2 million acres, was up 5 percent from the 2020 planted acreage. 0000066481 00000 n The price used to determine value in the revenue protection example above is the higher of the projected price or the harvest price. Actual Production History (APH) Commodity Maps. Record yields were estimated in Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin. Sorghum can still produce well -- 70. 0000000976 00000 n 0000007821 00000 n Take the . Most entries were for dryland fields (63%) with an average yield of 139 bushels per acre. Plant 80,000 plants per acre on dryland in any row spacing in Gage County and drop the population 5000 plants per acre for every county west across southern Nebraska. 0000010495 00000 n Corn for silage production, at 4.32 million tons, is down 11% from last year. Kansas State University estimates for the 2020 crop season show growers in the state can expect planting corn will cost about $40 to $60 per acre more. hb```b``1f`e`a`@ KO**`&I ,It10:~'wQBaC,ro!o t|A0"D, U.S. soybeans are being produced more efficiently than they were 30 years ago. ARPI may not be available in every county. startxref Sorghum Production Tips | CropWatch Estimated yields in 2021 were up from the previous year across most of the Eastern Corn Belt, Northeast, and most of the Southeast. 0000000016 00000 n In 2018, Sumner County was the leading soybean producer, followed by Brown, Marshall, Republic then McPherson counties. Scott Staggenborg, director of research at Chromatin, Inc., the parent company of the seed firm Sorghum Partners, gave plenty of ideas at the annual SorghumU meetings in Salina, Kansas; Enid, Oklahoma and Perryton, Texas. 0000004464 00000 n Kansas Sorghum Management 2022 . Each serving of soyfoods provides 7 to 15 grams of protein. The approved APH yield is calculated using trend-adjusted yields, and any other applicable yields, within the APH database. Table 1. In addition, planting before June was shown to be a relevant strategy to maximize sorghum yields across the different production regions. Sorghum for grain production in 2020 is estimated at 238 million bushels, up 17% from 2019. Fleske said he had good rains and cool weather, which helped with the crop. Only 9.5% of Kansas soybean acres are irrigated. Identify top sorghum producers in each state. If you need the Acrobat Reader, it is available for The reported management practices implemented by farmers in the five years (2013-2017) analyzed from the National Sorghum Yield Contestimpacted the sorghum yields in different magnitudes. But this only adds one bushel over last year. Yield of 194 bushels per acre is up 14 bushels from last year. Kansas principal crop acres include corn, sorghum, oats, barley, winter wheat, soybeans, sunflower, cotton, canola, and all hay. Kansas grain sorghum prices are based on the December futures market price for corn. U.S. Average Grain Sorghum Price | AgManager.info Commodity Planted All Purpose Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Price per Unit Value of Production in Dollars; COTTON: COTTON, UPLAND: 7,850,000: 2,050,000 Harvested area was up 10 percent from 2019 to 82.3 million acres. 299 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<731A751A0DCFA549A5D5E33C0059EFBC><91A2E0574340B94195D1F2BCF1AB16D6>]/Index[280 48]/Info 279 0 R/Length 100/Prev 994388/Root 281 0 R/Size 328/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Agronomy eUpdate March 2nd, 2023 : Issue 945 https://kansassoybeans.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Ks-Soy-Update-Gerlt-Final-Short.mp3. Area harvested, at 540,000 acres, is down 14% from 2019. documents are in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format Sorghum Facts | National Sorghum Producers 124 49 Premium discounts apply. Alfalfa for haylage and greenchop production, at 168,000 tons, is up 110% from last year. Farmers planted 7 million acres and harvested 448 million bushels. Policies, provisions, handbooks and more. free from the Adobe The average yield, at 3.60 tons per acre, is down 0.10 ton per acre from 2020. Managed correctly, grain sorghum yields can exceed 130 bushels per acre. Row spacing did not vary among yield groups (Figure 2). Basic Unit - A basic unit includes all of your insurable grain sorghum acreage in the county by share arrangement. When soybeans are processed, they typically are cleaned, cracked, dehulled and rolled into flakes. 0000004849 00000 n Management practices explained close to 80% of the yield variation. Failure of the irrigation water supply, due to a covered cause of loss during the insurance period; Insect damage and plant disease, but not damage due to insufficient or improper application of control measures. Corn for grain production in Nebraska based on year-end surveys is estimated at 1.85 billion bushels, up 4% from 2020, according to the USDAs National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fuel. 0000008536 00000 n Similar to Fleske, Sipes started practicing no-till methods. Yield of 134 bushels per acre is up 1 bushel from last year. Milo needs 1.1 pounds of nitrogen per bushel for top economic production. %PDF-1.4 % High-yielding planting dates ranged from May 1 to June 1. PDF Kansas Custom Rates 2022 - AgManager.info The Whole-Farm Unit is not available for the Yield Protection Plan. 0000004721 00000 n 0000003384 00000 n Recent research in Kansas has confirmed these long-term recommendations. A crop year that has been determined eligible for exclusion in a county is also eligible for exclusion in contiguous counties. 0000065854 00000 n 0000006493 00000 n Evidence indicates soyfoods reduce the risk of several chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and certain forms of cancer. Recognize growers for their outstanding yields. 0000066307 00000 n 0 PDF MF3046 Kansas Sorghum Management 2022 - Kansas State University 0000004785 00000 n PDF C687 Grain Sorghum Production Handbook - Kansas State University ciampitti@ksu.edu, Tags: Seedings of alfalfa during 2021 totaled 90,000 acres, up 5,000 acres from the year earlier. Yield of 139 bushels per acre is up 5 bushels from last year. Producers harvested 240,000 acres of corn for silage, down 4% from last year. All other hay production, at 3.90 million tons, is up 3% from last year. If you choose the 75-percent coverage level and enterprise units, your coverage is 75 percent of your approved actual production history (APH) yield, the premium subsidy is 77 percent, and your premium share is 23 percent of the base premium. <<0fd741795b30a740b7bfd1db9408256d>]>> 0000066616 00000 n Access the National Crop Production Executive Briefing at: http://www.nass.usda.gov/Newsroom/Executive_Briefings/2022/01-12-2022.pdf. According to the USDA, this is up 16% from last year. Tweet For women and girls, there are advantages to consuming about one serving of soy per day during childhood and adolescence. The average yield was estimated at 51.4 bushels per acre, 0.4 bushel above 2020. In these studies, sorghum yields were maximized at 25,000 plants per acre (optimum between 20,000 to 30,000 plants per acre) in western Kansas at 17 inches annual precipitation; 40,000 in central Kansas at 30 inches annual precipitation; and 50,000 in eastern Kansas at 32 . 0000020909 00000 n endstream endobj startxref decline from 2021/22, due to lower harvested area and a forecasted 22-bushel yield drop from last year to 172 bushels per acre. 0000066979 00000 n Yield, at 1,600 pounds per acre, is up 150 pounds from a year earlier. The election is available for additional coverage policies only when the actuarial documents provide separate coverage by irrigated and non-irrigated practices. Find a crop or livestock insurance agent in your area along with directions to their office. Area harvested, at 186,000 acres, is up 35,000 acres from 2019. The average yield in the United States was estimated at a record high 177.0 bushels per acre, 5.6 bushels above the 2020 yield of 171.4 bushels per acre. Sorghum for silage production, at 1.15 million tons, is up 28% from last year. The four major grain crops grown in Kansas (corn, soybean, grain sorghum and wheat) have experienced upward trends in yield (Figures 7 - 10). Area planted, at 5,000 acres, is down 24,000 acres from last year. Dec. 28-Jan. 3: Scott Gerlt with ASA provides a preview of topics to be discussed on the economic panel at the 2023 Kansas Soybean Expo. In K-State performance tests that year, dryland corn averaged 184 bushels per acre at Manhattan while dryland sorghum averaged 134 bushels per acre. The livestock industry is the largest consumer of soybean meal. Area planted, at 54,000 acres, is up 17,000 acres from last year. 0000002133 00000 n All other hay production, at 3.30 million tons, is down 15% from last year. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, LAKEWOOD, Colo. Based on August 1 conditions, corn production in Colorado is forecast at 142.78 million bushels, according to the August 1 Agricultural Yield Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. For centuries, soyfoods have played an important role in Asian cuisines. Yield of 950 pounds per acre is up 167 pounds from a year earlier. Area planted, at 110,000 acres, is down 85,000 acres from last year. To file a complaint of discrimination, complete, sign and mail a program discrimination complaint form, (available at any USDA office location or online at www.ascr.usda.gov), to: United States Department of Agriculture; Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights; 1400 Independence Ave., SW; Washington, DC 20250-9410. Agronomy eUpdate September 11th, 2020 : Issue 818 GRAIN SORGHUM: Custom harvesters charged an average of $24.86 per acre for harvesting grain sorghum in 2022, $1.18 higher than 2020. recommendation for grain sorghum in Texas is 2 pounds per acre of elemental N for each 100 pounds per acre of grain production expected. Trend adjustments are made on each eligible yield within a qualifying APH database based on the countys historical yield trend, which is provided in the county actuarial documents. The Census Data Query Tool (CDQT) is a web based tool that is available to access and download table level data from the Census of Agriculture Volume 1 publication. Oil sunflower production in 2020 is 76.4 million pounds, up 56% from last year. Soybean growers harvested 86.3 million acres, up 5 percent from 2020. Some of the new experimental hybrids in Tesso's trials either bested or evened out that yield differential between dryland sorghum and corn. Growing Grain Sorghum? 3 Things to Think About - Successful Farming The 1.21 million [], LAKEWOOD, Colo. The 2021 corn for grain crop is estimated at 148.35 million bushels, 21 percent above last years production of 122.96 million bushels, according to the December 1 Agricultural Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Average Seed Weight (g/1,000) Seeds Per Pound Example A: Good Crop Condition ((62 heads 2,500 seeds per head 1,000) 17,723) For further information and an evaluation of your risk management needs, contact a crop insurance agent. In 2018, Kansas farmers harvested 4.7 million acres of soybeans with an average yield of 44 bushels per acre. Although southwest Kansas usually receives about 16 inches of rain annually, this years rains were even lower. Desired planting rate divided by percent actual germination equals number of seeds to plant to for the desired population. Production Economics . Enjoying a cup of soy milk or cup of tofu per day may reduce the chances of developing breast cancer later in life by as much as 50%. MANHATTAN, Kan. Corn for grain production in Kansas based on year-end surveys is estimated at 751 million bushels, down 2% from 2020, according to the USDAs National Agricultural Statistics Service. 0000008962 00000 n The total cost for CAT coverage is an administrative fee of $300 per crop per county. FAQs on crop and livestock insurance, risk protection, regulations, compliance, and more. endstream endobj 281 0 obj <>/Metadata 70 0 R/Pages 278 0 R/StructTreeRoot 80 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 300 0 R>> endobj 282 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 278 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 283 0 obj <>stream 50.0-100.0 1 0.- 5 > 150.0. PDF Economic Research Service | Situation and Outlook Report Yield of 194 bushels per acre is up 14 bushels from last year. %PDF-1.4 % Observations with nitrogen fertilization of less than 200 pounds per acre were the most frequent (n=126). 0000067429 00000 n The August yield and production projections were based [], Corn for grain production in Kansas based on year-end surveys is estimated at 751 million bushels, down 2% from 2020, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Area harvested, at 6,500 acres, is up 3,700 acres from 2020. NOTE: These Average yield, at 8.50 tons per acre, is up 2.00 tons from last year. Silage yield, at 13.5 tons per acre, is down 1.5 tons from last year. (Trisha Downing/Unsplash), Sept. 10 USDA report increases production expectations, USDA report provides mixed results for corn and soybean yields. https://kansassoybeans.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Ks-Soy-Update-Marshall-Final-Short.mp3. Not available with the Yield Protection Plan. Number of seeds per pound ( 3) Pounds per bushel, or test weight, which for sorghum is 56 lbs/bushel ( 4) The final equation for estimating sorghum yields: [ 1 x 2 3] 4 = Sorghum yield in bushels/acre. Under revenue protection a loss occurs when the value of production-to-count is less than the revenue protection guarantee because of a production loss and/or a loss of revenue. The high-yielding group presented a large proportion of fields with reduced-till; yet this factor was not significant to explain the yield variations. He does not plan to harvest until about ten days after the first frost as most of the crop was late coming up. Area harvested, at 52,000 acres, is up 49% from 2019. Record high yields occurred in Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Share =BO{IaG_i2pfvy"V;Wqh!033 |l4ff8 MA-AA 4"X\:#:;Hr^Gi -" _1V30000.`cX&7lv .9T.\pf< ` |Q In addition to the lack of rain, the cooler night temperatures are not helping the southwestern Kansas harvest. All other hay production, at 3.90 million tons, is up 3% from last year. *Irrigated and non-irrigated practices were discontinued in 2019. Website: https://ask.usda.gov/s/, June Turner, Director Email: / Phone: (202) 720-8257, Find contact information for Regional and State Field Offices. Kansas 2021 Crop Production Summary Average corn yield per bushel up in 2021, while soybeans and sorghum down . Soyfoods including edamame, tofu, soy beverage, soy nuts and other versatile ingredients like textured vegetable protein offer flavor, texture, nutrition and health benefits. ;4j . Area harvested, at 15,000 acres, is down 10,000 from last year. For more information visit the APH Yield Exclusion fact sheet. Area harvested, at 24,000 acres, is down 54% from 2020. 1 customer. Silage yield, at 15.0 tons per acre, is up 4.0 tons from last year. Non-oil sunflower production of 14.4 million pounds is down 45% from last year. The rest of his sorghum should bring in about 10 bushels per acre. 0000003030 00000 n xref In Kansas specifically, soybeans are much more common in the eastern third of the state and production wanes the further west in the state you go. U.S. Average Grain Sorghum Price; Home; Grain Marketing; Grain Supply and Demand (WASDE) . 0000067113 00000 n +h),YJXhxd1XEK. These files contain State and County level data for Kansas for the previous year. 0000005849 00000 n Texas 2 million acres. 2023 Morning Ag Clips, LLC. Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions. HdV]SG?cR5XZJETuS *-= w_?=|_[vz={yCx3R5L*Nw?L))8J>|)5V'B`2-^6?~|[?M8. 0000065708 00000 n Were averaging about 118 to 144 bushels per acre, Fleske said. 0000067387 00000 n 0000005144 00000 n 0000004990 00000 n Kansas Crop Production 2020 Summary | Morning Ag Clips Average yield at 5.60 tons per acre, is up 0.30 ton from last year. All multi-peril crop insurance, including CAT policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. The National Sorghum Yield Contest embraces four objectives: This article contains information from the KSRE publication MF3615 National Sorghum Yield Contest: A Summary for Kansas. Like with other crops, the success of this years sorghum crop was not only dependent upon farming practices and soil, but where in the state the farmer lives and the amount of rain their farm receives. 0000005156 00000 n Likewise, Missouri's average . 0000011590 00000 n Revenue Protection Plan - is an insurance plan that provides protection against loss of revenue due to a production loss, price decline or increase, or a combination of both. Number of heads per unit area: For this on-farm approach, start by . As of March 1, 2019, 102.8 million bushels of soybeans were stored off farms in Kansas, and 32 million bushels were stored on farms.
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