137th infantry regiment roster
Welman, Lysander. Farwell, 1864. The diary concludes with the 60th New York on their campaign into North Carolina and the surrender of the Confederate army of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. The unit arrived in Djibouti, Africa in May 2010 under United States Africa Command tasked with providing force protection to Camp Lemonnier and Combined Joint Task Force-Africa. After receiving enemy bombing during the night, the regiment attacked in column of battalions at 0618, with the 3rd Battalion leading and the 1st following at 300 yards. 397th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division Rufus Dalton was at the Maginot Line bouncing mortar shells off an old citadel. This page was last edited on 14 June 2022, at 10:06. The 137th Infantry took every objective assigned it, but in the taking suffered casualties of nearly 1,300 men out of the 2,800 combatants engaged; 46%. The 2nd Division on the left of the 35th Division, and the 30th Division on the right, continued the attack as the V Corps drove south and east from St. CLICK HERE to download a copy of the 137th Infantry Lt. Garthwaite and Lt. Kennedy were killed. He began 2nd Brigade Field Artillery - Brigadier General A. J. Bowley . With the first action, in which the Regimental Commander was wounded, 1st Lieutenant Harry C. Simpson of Bozeman, Montana, distinguished himself by pulling to safety Lieutenant Guinessy and rendering first aid which no doubt saved the life of the wounded officer. The Civil War Battle Unit Details Return to Results UNION NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS 137th Regiment, New York Infantry Overview: Organized at Binghamton, N. Y., and mustered in September 25, 1862. [1] The regiment was assigned to the 35th Infantry Division, just as it had been during World War I, and was sent to Camp Joseph T. Robinson, near Little Rock, Arkansas. Showing unequalled courage and utter disregard for their own safety, countless lives were saved by these men, litter bearers, technicians and surgeons who, unarmed, carry out their work of rescue, attention, and evacuation of the wounded. 24 JULY 1944 On 24 July the regiment remained in a defensive status. Other names and updates will be added if they become available (Contact Darrel Hagberg, see below). The weather remained cloudy, with intermittent showers. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. David Cleutz. Roster. After the first few days of the battle replacements were received regularly, both officers and enlisted men. One of the battalion's soldiers was killed in action. Arrived Boston P/E 31 August 1945 and moved to Camp Breckinridge Kentucky 4 September 1945 where inactivated on 5 December 1945. The Battalion also supported DOD and State Department missions building capacities among partner nations across east Africa. Fennell, Charles C.Battle for the barb :the attack and defense of Culp's Hill on July 2, 1863. At the time of mustering in, the regiment consisted of 46 officers and 964 enlisted men. The 20th Kansas was slated to take part in the Fifth Philippine Expedition on 27 October 1898, and 2nd and 3rd Battalions arrived in Manila on 5 December, and the 1st Battalion arrived on 6 December. At 2200 the 2nd Battalion relieved the 1st Battalion who reverted to reserve. All of the letters, written from Savannah, 1865, concern Scofield's role in the march from Atlanta to Savannah. The only casualties reported for the day were 2 men wounded. On 1 April 1963, the battle groups were redesignated as battalions. D Company was formed in 1922, entirely from American Indian personnel at Haskell Indian College in Topeka. LeighColl Bk 4: 20 Located at University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va. Greene, George S. "Address of Maj. Gen. George S. This collection consists of photocopies of four letters from William H. Scofield to his father and sister. These men, all members of rifle companies were: Staff Sergeant Harold T. Shaw, Wichita, Kansas, Company I (16 July) Staff Sergeant Gerald Jones, Wichita, Kansas, Company I (18 July) Staff Sergeant Glenwood B. Dahlgren, East Stanwood, Washington, Company B (17 July) Staff Sergeant Cecil D. Bruer, Wichita, Kansas, Company K (17 July) Staff Sergeant Harold P. Green, Lawrenceville, Georgia, Company K (21 July) Staff Sergeant Leroy D. Fagan, Hillsboro, Alabama, Company L (21 July) Staff Sergeant Bob R. Adams of Sun City, Kansas, was promoted two grades to the position of 1st Sergeant of Company C. At the end of two weeks in combat, the fine training and quality of men of the 137th Infantry was obvious as they proved themselves to be an aggressive, efficient fighting machine. B Company (armor): Lenexa. Exposing himself to enemy machine gun fire, he pointed out enemy emplacements from his position at the head of the platoon, and five emplacements were successfully disposed of. Home. This regiment was organized at Harrisburg August 25, 1862, and ordered to Washington, D. C. It mustered out June 1, 1863.[1]. The units operated the M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the Army's main battle tank, the M1A2 SEP V2 Abrams.[12]. After the company radio man had been killed, Sergeant Hughbanks removed the radio from the dead soldier, called the battalion OP and requested artillery fire on the German position. from The New York Times: He makes the mi Headquarters Company Detachment: Junction City, Kansas. [2] On 16 May, the regiment left for Camp Merritt, California, and due to disease, the regiment was forced to relocate to Camp Merriam, just north of the Presidio of San Francisco on 5 August. The 137th Infantry Regiment (First Kansas) [1] was an infantry regiment of the United States Army. The 1st Battalion then moved on and contacted elements of the 3rd Battalion, which had cut in behind these strong points. Casualties for the day were 1 officer and 6 enlisted men wounded. Another tremendous advantage enjoyed by our forces was that of replacements received. The Division objective at this time was the high ground east and north of Torigni sur Vire. In the early morning, both the 1st and 2nd Battalions received enemy mortar fire. Their fresh troops made gains up to 1500 yards during the day. For example, by the end of January, 1945, the 47 th Infantry Regiment (which fought in France and Germany) had lost well over 100% of their strength to battle casualties, where men were either killed, wounded, missing, or taken as prisoner of war. 137th Infantry Regiment 11 February 2016; 141st Infantry Regiment; 141st Infantry 26 April 2011; 143d Infantry Regiment; 143d Infantry 12 December 2014; 148th Infantry Regiment; 148th Infantry Regiment 12 September 2013; 149th Infantry Regiment; 149th Infantry Regiment 23 July 2012; 153d Infantry Regiment; The 1st Battalion of the 137th Infantry remained attached to the 134th Infantry, who advanced throughout the day with little opposition. Bayless family. The total number of killed and wounded was 490. As a staff officer, Willson also touches on the arguments and in-fighting among officers on matters of promotion and command organization. Feel free to view examples of morning reports and rosters below. Left State for Washington, D. C., September 25, 1862. Subject: Action Against Enemy, Reports After/After Action Reports. In a 17 October 2020 ceremony, the 2nd Battalion, 137th Infantry was redesignated as the 1st Battalion, 635th Armor Regiment, although its structure as a combined arms battalion remained the same.[13]. Colonel Robert Sears joined the regiment at 1830 and assumed command at 2030. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Ireland, David. NorwichCWRTColl Albany: J.B. Lyon Co., printers, 1902. Private Robert G. Reason and Pfc Robert Waugh were wounded at the same time. The gold baton was awarded to the regiment by the French War Department commemorating the 137th's capture of the historic town of Varennes in the 1918 Meuse-Argonne offensive. The 147th Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment of the Ohio Army National Guard. It is famous for accomplishing a similar feat to the 20th Maine Infantry Regiment during the Battle of Gettysburg on the second day at the other end of the United States' line. The second diary begins on 3 Nov. 1864 and ends on 2 May 1865, again with substantial gaps. Clearing the area boosted the number of prisoners captured to 54 for the 19th. Papers,1865-1919. 54th Regiment Infantry (3 months) 54th Regiment Infantry (1 year) 55th Regiment Infantry. The last active battalion was the 2nd Battalion, as the 2137th Combined Arms Battalion, a component of the 635th Regional Support Group. Roberts, E.F.NorwichCWRTColl [1] Service [ edit] 28 JULY 1944 On the 28th, the 35th Division became part of V Corps, and resumed the attack at 1000. Forty prisoners were taken. All elements were encountering heavy minefields and 88mm fire. Lo road. 58th Regiment Infantry. Headquarters and Headquarters Company: Kansas City, Kansas. They advanced east through Germany encountering heavy resistance along the Autobahn superhighway, and they captured hundreds of German prisoners in the Ruhr region by the time the war ended. The diary resumes on 26 June 1864 as Willson's regiment prepared to move on Confederate positions guarding the approaches to Atlanta through their subsequent capture of the city. [4], Between 14 December and 26 February 1922, the 1st and 3rd Battalions were called up for riot control during a strike of coal miners at Pittsburg. Working on the front lines, and not waiting for the enemy fire to cease before going to the soldiers assistance, these men are subjected to every hazard of the Infantryman. The 137th lost 16 men killed, 100 wounded and 1 missing in action. Despite pounding by artillery, the fortified church north of St. Gilles could not be taken out, and this, together with a fortified chateau in the same vicinity, held up the 1st Battalion most of the day. One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Infantry.Cols., David Ireland, Koert S. Van Voorhes; Lieut.-Cols., Koert S. Van Voorhes, Milo B. Eldridge; Majs., Wetsell Willoughby, Milo B. Eldridge, Frederick A. Stoddard. The casualties were particularly costly in that Capt Orren L. Biesterfeld, 1st Lt. Ralph H. Johnson and 1st Lt. John T. Graham Jr. were killed. The regiment was reorganized and officially mustered into service between 9 May and 13 May at Topeka, Kansas, as the 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry. The 137th fought here from 713 August, and they suffered 23 killed, 140 wounded, and 40 missing in action. Located at Duke University. It reached Eagle Pass, Texas on 7 July. On the 26th no prisoners were taken. "Burt." Enemy fire continued from the church north of St. Gilles, and at 1045 elements of the 1st Battalion stormed that stronghold and took it and the surrounding buildings. 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division Legacy ID 18696 Legacy Alias /db-abmc-burial-unit/137th-infantry-regiment-35th-infantry-division Legacy Source db_abmc_burial_unit Roy R. West Read more Herbert O. Wright Read more Paul H. White Read more Glen V. Whitmore Read more William K. Waymire Read more Roger E. Walker Read more Royal E. Unold Orders for 137th Regiment to assemble and commission of Richard F. Blydenburgh as Quartermaster, 1828; certificate of promotion of Thomas Young, 1808; certificate of exemption for Richard F. Blydenburgh, 1863; roster of the Smithtown Home Defense Corps and roll of honor of members gone to U.S. Army and Navy, 1917-1918; Civil War muster roll, 1862; and typescript "Long Island and the Civil War" by Joseph Covas, 1972; photocopy of Special Federal Census Schedule of Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines and Widows, etc. Extract from Unit roster, 137th NY Infantry Regiment, taken from NY Military Museum web site: McNIEL, VAN NESS. Muster Rolls Of The New York Infantry Regiments During The Civil War These rosters were compiled by the New York State Adjutant General Office. To: The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C. The following is taken fromNew York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. Located at the Indiana Historical Society. "137th Regiment, New York State Volunteers." At the bottom are crossed, golden bolos representing service of the 20th Kansas in The Philippine War. It is honored by a monument on the Gettysburg battlefield. The last active unit of the regiment was the 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 137th Infantry. [3], 1 September saw the regiment moved by truck from the Vosges Mountains to Nancy and then into reserve for the Saint-Mihiel attack of 1216 September. They advanced on, and were the first to enter, Caloocan on 10 February. 1 AUGUST 1944 Task Force S attacked [7] They continued moving until they reached the vicinity of Mortain, where the men began patrolling in conjunction with soldiers from the 30th Infantry Division. K Company Roster - 117th Infantry Regiment. Spreadsheet. John W. Leedy, the governor of Kansas, issued a call for volunteers to fight in the SpanishAmerican War on 26 April 1898, as soon as war was declared. During its wartime service, the regiment had 3 officers and 19 enlisted men killed in action. Boston : J.E. Colonel Alexander, 1st Battalion Commander, was wounded and Lt Colonel Stowers assumed command of the battalion. 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" History of the 13th Alabama Infantry Arkansas Arkansas Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls History of the 19th Dawson's Arkansas Infantry Regiment (hosted at Couch GenWeb) Florida Florida Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls Georgia Georgia Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls Tribute to Company D 3rd Regiment , Madison Home Guards Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections. [2], On 6 September 1899, the 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry boarded transports and steamed for the US, arriving on 10 October. 2nd Combined Arms Battalion, 137th Infantry Regiment C Company (mechanized infantry): Wichita. 137th Infantry Regiment 138th Infantry Regiment 129th Machine Gun Battalion 70th Brigade Infantry 139th Infantry Regiment 140th Infantry Regiment 130th Machine Gun Battalion 60th Brigade Field Artillery 128th Field Artillery Regiment 129th Field Artillery Regiment 130th Field Artillery Regiment 110th Trench Mortar Battery Engineer Troops 110th During the period 11-17 July, he constantly kept the radio in operation, despite enemy fire. Greene, F. V. (Francis Vinton). Thank you. Thru: Command Channels. 27 JULY 1944 On 27 July the 1st Battalion was attached to the 134th Infantry, and that regiment attacked at 1000. The Alabama militia was called the Alabama Volunteer Guard. With the 3rd Battalion established 200 yards north of Highway 2, main road to St. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Scofield, William S.William H. Scofield letters,1865. 137th Infantry Regiment Personnel Roster Index Click a letter below to go to Soldier names beginning with that letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z This database was compiled by Mr. Rick Callendar based on the book "35th Infantry Division Roster POE to POE". The 2nd Battalion was in reserve. Gettysburg: Historical Articles of Lasting Interest. [5] Troops were recruited from all over Kansas. 25 September found the 137th Infantry in position facing Vauquois Hill, an impregnable natural fortress the Germans had held over four years. They were in the thick of fighting until 9 November when they were relieved. These entries cover in some detail the construction of field works and battle actions at Peach Tree Creek. The 2nd Battalion on the right, received heavy shell fire and made no marked advance. Unit Rosters and Unit Photographs; About Us; 137th Infantry Regiment, 137th Infantry Regiment, Back to the 35th Infantry Division. [1] The regiment was headquartered at Horton. The 12th corps left Virginia in Sept., 1863, and went to Tennessee, joining Grant's army at Chattanooga. Five companies were from counties in the 3d Congressional district, and five from other parts of the state, one being from Kokomo, one from Medora, one . Casualties for 12 July 1944 were 7 killed, 74 wounded and 7 missing. Private 1st Class Howard G. Nichols and Technical Sergeant Richard E. Blair of Atchison, Kansas, saved the lives of three men during the afternoon of 13 July, southeast of le Meauffe. On Tuesday, 2nd Lt. Eugene A. Kay of 2504 East 28th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, was shot down near Rampan, and wounds suffered by 2nd Lt. John Matraszek of 3013 Richmond Street, Philadelphia proved fatal. One man was wounded on the 29th, as the casualties remained almost non-existent for the third consecutive day. Lo, with the 1st Battalion still in Division reserve. [5], Here in Normandy, the 137th took part in the Battle of Saint-L where savage fighting among ruined urban streets and dense hedgerows caused numerous casualties. rank, Army Serial Number, and medals and awards earned by the soldier. Of these, 17 were killed, 106 wounded and 4 missing. On 1 October it was consolidated with the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the Kansas National Guard to become the 137th Infantry, part of the 35th Division. downloaded as an Excel The records have personal enlistment information and military service, as well as regiment engagements. Col. Ireland succumbed to disease at Atlanta, and Col. Van Voorhes succeeded to the command. Greene kept this diary during a tour with his father, Brig. Throughout the siege of St. Gen. George Sears Greene of the Army of the Potomac. front., plates, ports., maps (part fold.) Originally transcribed by Bruce Bayless in 1970-71 137th Infantry Regiment; 138th Infantry Regiment; 129th Machine Gun Battalion; 70th Brigade Infantry - Brigadier General Charles I. Martin 137th New York Infantry, Co.K.Letters (1862-1863). If you find that the veteran is absent from the base, you can save it by clicking here (*) [3] In the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, a 6-hour barrage was launched on this hill and was taken by the Kansas soldiers in their first attempt on 26 September, and their trial by fire began; an ordeal that was to last six days and six nights, with little or no food, only snatches of sleep, and an uninterrupted rain of shells, gas, and bullets from infantry, artillery and warplanes. "35thInfantryDivision-memory.com" 2010-2023 The contents of this site and the images belong to their respective owners. Callendar based on the book "35th Infantry Division Roster POE to POE". The 1st and 2nd Battalions were again called to active service on 13 May 1968 during the Vietnam War as part of the 69th Infantry Brigade (SEP) and sent to Fort Carson, Colorado. These men had distinguished themselves in the first few days action. Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections. 14 JULY 1944 On Friday, 14 July 1944, the regiment attacked again at 0800, with one platoon of medium tanks in support of each battalion. Visibility was poor, and aerial support was called off, but the artillery support remained excellent. On 25 August 1984 the two battalions were reassigned to the 35th Division when it was reformed from the 69th Brigade headquarters. 137th Infantry Regiment Valor For Service (Kansas National Guard) Chronology : 23 December 1940 inducted into federal service at Wichita Kansas assigned to the 35th Division and moved to Camp Joseph T. Robinson Arkansas 7 January 1941 Transferred to Fort Ord California 23 December 1941 and to the Presidio of San Francisco California 14 Jan 1942 [Trenton, NJ : Xlibris Corp.], 2004, 343 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. 25th Infantry Regiment, (Colored) 368th Infantry Regiment, (Colored) Arkansas, Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock Arkansas. The regiment captured 47 prisoners on 13 July, most of which were Poles, Czechs, and Austrians who seemed glad to be out of the fighting. Due to allied aerial superiority, no enemy air attacks were encountered. Its regimental motto is Cargoneek Guyoxim, which is Chippewa Indian for "Always Ready." The 147th Infantry Regiment . No prisoners were taken. 4 pages. 51st Regiment Infantry. To Captain Roger Heller, the author, my sincere appreciation for a most unusual and outstanding performance. Palmer, David W. The forgotten hero of Gettysburg : a biography of General George Sears Greene. At the top center is a fitchee or pointed segment of green representing service on the Mexican Border in 1916. A Typical AEF Infantry Regiment The 147th Infantry, 37th "Buckeye" Division Contributed by Tom McLeod: Regimental Victory Parade in Cincinnati, 1919. . The 1st Battalion remained in Division reserve. Woods, Francis H. Correspondence,1863-1865. Their mission was to close with and destroy the enemy by means of fire and maneuver or repel assaults by fire, close combat and counterattack. 19 JULY 1944 With St. Also recommended to receive the Bronze Star is Technical Sergeant Mitchell R. Hughbanks of Anthony, Kansas. The loudspeaker method of contacting the enemy troops was again used, and 25 prisoners were taken. The Legion of Honour, or in full, the National Order of the Legion of Honour (French: Ordre national de la Lgion d'honneur) is a French order established by Napoleon Bonaparte, First Consul of the First Republic, on 19 May 1802. Lieutenant Simpson was immediately recommended General Sebree to receive the Bronze Star. 6 enemy prisoners were taken. Provisional Brigade, Aquia Creek, Va., Patrick's Command, Army of the Potomac, to January, 1863. This regiment, recruited in the counties of Tompkins, Tioga and Broomethe 24th senatorial districtwas organized at Binghamton, and was there mustered into the U. S. service for three years on Sept. 25-26, 1862. The fourth letter reveals that all the troops are elated over the recent peace terms and everyone is anxious to return home. Both of these men have been recommended to receive the Distinguished Service Cross. Cover title Private Nichols was wounded during the barrage, but after he and Sergeant Blair evacuated the three wounded men, Nichols joined his platoon in the attack until ordered to the aid station by his commanding officer. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Fennell, Charles C.The attack and defense of Culp's Hill : Greene's Brigade at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. Some of these surrendered as a result of our speaking to them across the enemy lines by means of a loudspeaker, encouraging them to give up the fight. Willson's terse entries describe his final days at Canton, N.Y., recuperating from a wound he received at Chancellorsville up to his reunion with the 60th New York Infantry in northern Virginia on 11 July 1863. Corps artillery was in support of the operation. I and K Companies hailed from Wichita, L Company came from Kingman, and M Company was also from Lawrence. 137th Infantry Regiment 9412 134th Infantry Regiment 9476 Il y a 2464 soldiers without asn. 61 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry. Diary reflecting Welman's service with Company F, 137th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the war. The regiment maintained contact with the retreating enemy, and prepared to resume the attack at 0530 the following morning, August 1. DIV. He then led his platoon to clear out the remaining two nests. Three prisoners were taken during the day. The weeks attack and the heavy artillery pounding was beginning to tell on the enemy forces, and reports began to come back of their units attempting to operate with a drastic reduction of men, with no replacements; of a shortage of food, water and ammunition; and of extensive use of horse-drawn vehicles due to lack of gasoline. During the day the 117th Infantry (30th Division) pushed across our front, and we moved to a new area between la Luzerne and St. After being held up in the early part of the day, the 2nd Battalion broke through for a gain of 500 years. The 137th shared in all the marches and battles of the Atlanta campaign, and then marched with Sherman to the sea." ( North Culp's Hill tour map ) It was dedicated by the State of New York in 1888. 137th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry Contents 1 Brief History 2 Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin 3 Other Sources 4 References Brief History [ edit | edit source] This regiment was organized at Harrisburg August 25, 1862, and ordered to Washington, D. C. It mustered out June 1, 1863.
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