the opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to
An anecdote about a group of people who met and became friends at a concert in their neighborhood. Thephrase a verbal life on the lips of the living (line 5) suggests that. E) She realizes that her race and gender will make it difficult for her to achieve her goals. 7. In the second paragraph, the author makes which of the following claims regarding the Class of 1990 ? acknowledge the potentially embarrassing circumstances under which she is delivering her speech. Which of the following changes should the writer make? The author's primary purpose in the first. . This passage is excerpted from an essay written in nineteenth-century England. (Peace) In the second sentence of the final paragraph, the author justifies his determination to "see in the signs of the time hope of humanity for peace" by? In the sentence "Their efforts . . The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to that awful struggle"), the author represents the Pact of Paris as, At the beginning of the third paragraph, the author refers to "those who believe that peace will not be attained until some super-tribunal is established" primarily to. Jason Krantz is the Director of Business Analytics & Insights for the 135-year old company, Weil McLain and Marley Engineered Products. The writer wants to start the third paragraph (sentences 10-14) with a sentence that captures what the different claims and evidence in the paragraph . rescue" (paragraph 10), the author integrates a line of reasoning adopted by "industry supporters" into his own argument primarily to C. present a view of aquaculture that he seeks to dispute. Which of the following versions of the capitalized text best accomplishes this goal? (b) occasionally The sentences in the following paragraph contain misplaced and dangling modifiers. Which of the following sentences, if added to the beginning of the first paragraph, would most effectively accomplish this goal? Should the writer keep or delete the underlined portion? For #2 I was thinking "fear and excitement as he sits where his mother sat" because excitement can make your heart thump rapidly but I wasn't sure. (Goat Relocation) The writer wants to conclude the passage by reiterating the main claim. (c) simultaneously Which of the following pieces of information is most appropriate for the writer to include in the new version of the sentence? Which of the following sentences, if added after sentence 13, would most effectively accomplish this goal? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the fourth paragraph, the author discusses diseases in wild salmon primarily to., In the sentence "Their efforts . In sentence 1, changing "In 2016" to "In a 2016 essay published by the World Economic Forum". The creator examines that science sometimes is characterized simply as objectively, yet that would make a big deal about religious philosophy science , which they are not. (Artificial Islands) The writer wants to provide relevant support for the claim made in sentences 12 and 13. . (Goat Relocation) In sentence 19, the author is considering deleting the capitalized phrase. At four years of age, I didnt need words like transverberation to feel reverence for that image. Which of the following, if added after sentence 14, would best accomplish this goal? . . -Boortin asserts that dissent is negative and relates to minorities while disagreement is connected to the majority and is good for societal growth "In september 2018, AN AMAZING SPECTACLE TOOK PLACE IN THE SKIES ABOVE OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK: blindfolded, sedated mountain goats hovered in the air, suspended in harnesses from a helicopter". Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? While the company is responsible for helping keeping homes and businesses warm, Jason is responsible for the creation and growth of analytical capabilities at Weil McLain, and was recognized in 2017 as a "Top 40 Under 40" in the HVAC industry. The remainder of the paragraph focuses on the way Nawab attempts to . endobj C zalmabrok1 zalmabrok1 02/08/2021 English High School answered The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to A.) Find Jobs. Which version of the capitalized portion of sentence 2 most effectively accomplishes this goal? <> A. workers B. rivers C. canals D. chimneys E. smoke, In the third sentence of the first paragraph, the narrator's description of Mrs. De Ropp as "those three-fifths of the world that are necessary and disagreeable and real" suggests that, B) Mrs. De Ropp is a strict person who fails to appreciate Conradin's creative spirit, The second paragraph ("Mrs. De Ropp . In the last paragraph, the author insists on the B. sophistication of some of her mother's English language skills. . (Jellyfish) Throughout the passage, the author advances her main point by employing which of the following methods? -Abolitionists= minority view was that cancer for America, Nasal/Sinus, Oropharyngeal and Laryngeal Diso, Chapter 6- bones and skeletal tissues answers, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, IB biology past essay questions HL and SL all. . Which of the following does the speaker imply about her "plain English and good writing" (line 6) ? <> Fill each blank with the most appropriate word from the vocabulary list below. A. the need to pursue a sense of personal bliss. . I've included my guesses and thought process at the bottom of the post. . The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to. . (Peace) At the beginning of the third paragraph, the author refers to "those who believe that peace will not be attained until some super-tribunal is established" primarily to? (Art communication) The writer is considering deleting sentence 7 from the passage: "Kennedy's transformation and display of saying such as 'higher the hair, closer to heaven' celebrated the daily experiences of salon patrons, reinforcing the self-esteem of stylists and patrons alike and getting everyone talking". On the line provided after each item, write the contracted form, using apostrophes correctly. C) retreating to the security of . Label each noun as concrete or abstract. Armageddon," at the end of the first paragraph? . The multiple choice question consists of 52-55 questions and is 1 hour long. dCx;g+rw0X"P:0{(.VTi5Yt00]n[#0!#]:zO=DA(!FG(=gEvX,"=ayqrB Z!--QJAA? (Video games) In the first sentence of the passage, the author refers to "antisocial gamers" primarily to? AP English Midterm Review Flashcards | Quizlet E. It allows the author to justify the description before introducing it. Dolphins swim in oceans. Latin - Wikipedia . (Femininity) In the final paragraph, the author concludes her argument by? 3814 0 obj <> endobj Paragraphs & Topic Sentences - Writing Tutorial Services A strong topic sentence should be placed at or near the beginning of a paragraph. An anecdote about a group of people who met and became friends at a concert in their neighborhood, (Art communication) In sentence 12, the writer wants to clarify the paragraph's line and reasoning and explain the relevance of the evidence in sentences 13 and 14 to the paragraphs main idea. AP Lang- Unit 3 MCQ Study Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following effects does the "large polecat-ferret" mentioned toward the end of the final paragraph have on the development of Conradin's character? -Industrial era labor unions help to bring about safer work environment (consequence) Multiple Choice - AP English III Study Guide On either side of her, a voyeuristic chorus peers down from the prie-dieux. reduction of armament"), the author comments on the age and effectiveness of the League of Nations primarily to explain A why the First World War motivated world leaders to form alliances B why current measures may not indefinitely forestall another outbreak of war C its relationship to his claim that war is . This excerpt from a novel is narrated by one of a pair of twin sons born to a nun at Missing Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during the 1950s. Why this picture? endobj (Goat Relocation) The writer wants sentence 11 to serve as evidence that reinforces the argument of the passage. The authors' description of the video in the first paragraph serves primarily to. endobj The redundancy of phrase is also known as Anaphora. In sentence 10 (reproduced below), which of the following claims best sets up the development of the writer's line of reasoning in the third paragraph? (Jellyfish) Which of the following best summarizes the author's thesis in the passage? No, because it makes an ineffective claim that does not require a defense. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the fourth paragraph, the author discusses diseases in wild salmon primarily to., In the sentence "Their efforts . Which of the following sentences, if added after sentence 13 , would most effectively accomplish this goal? ", And just as art can overcome physical divides, it can also overcome linguistic and cultural ones. In order to strengthen her argument, the author references which of the following contemporary circumstances? Not all artworks are experienced in galleries and performance halls, however. Nancy has not used the most effective word in sentence 4. Words that previously had passed unremarked now joined other aphorisms and sayings that Kennedy has printed on posters. . The opening sentence of the second paragraph asserts that children are right to complain that the material they are taught is useless and hard to remember. B) It prompts Tom to admit that he is prone to attaching figurative meaning to characters. The rest of the paragraph shows that the material is both irrelevant and hard to remember in order to provide a line of reasoning to support this claim; it also adds commentary linking the author's discussion of the flawed material to her overarching claim about the deficiencies in modern educational methods. E. It allows the author to justify the description before introducing it. adding this sentence at the beginning of the second paragraph, the writer clearly states her position and why she supports the four-day school week. . paragraph (lines 1-10) is to. rescue" (paragraph 10), the author integrates a line of reasoning adopted by "industry supporters" into his own argument primarily to., In the final two paragraphs of the passage ("The environmental . Keep it, because it provides commentary that helps explain how the example of Kennedy's artwork is significant in relation the passage's overall argument. A. Using the map shown on the next page, a person can easily identify the homelands of many American Indians. In the third paragraph, the author discusses the role of asteroid strikes in mass extinctions primarily to B. challenge a generalization made by certain astronomers. The key features of the second paragraph are: a topic sentence, an explanation of your reasoning, evidence, and a smooth transition into the third paragraph. Which details from the passage would best support a reader's interpretation that escape is a central theme of the passage? Decide well in advance whether to read the questions or the passages first, If you have four passages to read in 60 minutes, allot 15 minutes to each, moving steadily. When Mr. Norwood was stopped for a traffic violation, he tried to _____ the officer into not writing a ticket. introduce attention that the author ultimately resolves. ;c8"cBdg;Ya\Q&TdabrM3V31~ef. . "Real excellence often comes unheralded and from unexpected quarters" (Paragraph 1, sentence 5) (African Activist) In the second paragraph . Which of the following choices would best accomplish this goal? support her") primarily to E. illustrate the negative effects of family fragmentation on children. Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? -Less of a difference between the two endobj These bombs were relatively small compared to . %PDF-1.5 . (video games) In the fourth paragraph, the author includes a quotation by Einstein primarily to? . In the second paragraph, the sentences "Throughout my childhood . In his right hand he holds an arrow as delicately as a violinist holds a bow. Introduce two different attitudes toward femininity. In sentence 12, the writer wants to clarify the paragraph's line of reasoning and explain the relevance of the evidence in sentences 13 and 14 to the paragraph's main idea. . Her white cardigan, which I am told she often slipped over her shoulders when she was between operations, lay over the back of the chair. The repetitions phrases are excessively close to one another because of gathering of multiple words that are indistinguishable. B) That she had mistakenly believed that these skills would be sufficient to get her a job, In lines 21-40 ("There . . B. accept. and more. (b)The dog jumped up when I came to the gate. Which choice is most consistent with the first sentence of the passage? . -Industrial era labor unions help to bring about safer work environment (consequence) <] /BitsPerComponent 1/Interpolate false/SMask 10 0 R/Length 2>> 4175 0 obj <>stream Q. hear! to, the writer before we can give the decorous Oh! tenderness and love. In the third paragraph, the author discusses the role of asteroid strikes in mass extinctions primarily to B. challenge a generalization made by certain astronomers. . (African Activist) In the second paragraph, the author develops a comparison between life and "a thousand arrows shot from the same point and aimed at the same object" primarily to suggest that? The image of Berninis statue functions throughout the passage as a motif that, juxtaposes the realms of the spirit with the realms of the flesh, demonstrates a childs colorful imagination, presents a powerful example of religious faith, contrasts the worlds of art and medical science, conveys a contradiction between memory and reality, 6. The function of the first paragraph is to D. characterize the author and her interests. rose") relates to the rest of the sentence by E. highlighting a subset of the cases referenced by the rest of the sentence. I was thinking without photographs, he probably doesn't have great memories of her. An overview of the new study's claim that optimal language acquisition can occur up to age 30 and that even older adults should remain hopeful about their language-learning prospects. In lines 4748, the author refers to an epoch in the history of their minds to, (C) question the continued relevance of Carlyles ideas, 4. Hunters introduced goats to the Olympics in the 1920s. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to, Read the extract and find two examples each of person, spatial and temporal deictic expression,one anaphoric and one cataphoric reference.For a man of (A) Inversion of normal subject/verb/object order, (E) Use of connotative meanings that add complexity, effect of mentioning an Academy portrait (line 32) is to, (A) imply that Terry deserved to have her portrait painted by a great artist, (B) suggest that Terry was adept at self-expression both in writing and in painting, (D) hint that Terrys self-absorption prevented her from writing about herself dispassionately, (E) blame Terry for her rebellion against the conventions of art form, (A) responses to reviewers who have criticized Terrys acting, (E) descriptions of characters Terry has portrayed, The author suggests that Shakespeare, Shaw, and Ibsen could not fit (line 46) Terry chiefly because, (B) their dramatic talents were focused on plot rather than on character, (C) Terry was better at conveying certain kinds of characters and emotions than she was at conveying others, (D) their plays were set in historical periods different from the one in which Terry lived. In the third and fourth paragraphs, the author discusses a case in order to. endobj Although committed to further reducing the number of nuclear weapons in the United States arsenal, President Obama . D The pronoun it (line 6) refers to which of the following? . Resulted in noticeable improvements in the park's environment. Which version of sentence 12 (reproduced below) would best accomplish this goal? Hunger strikes, sit-ins or sit-downs, the Freedom Rides, and marches have all be effective displays of civil disobedience in American history. Which of the following sentences best accomplishes this goal? . (Artificial Islands) In sentence 7 (reproduced below), the writer wants to add the phrase "According to the country's president" to the beginning of the sentence: (New islands will have to be built to ensure a safe future for its citizens, because science indicates that kiribati will go underwater within the century). responsibility and guilt. A. carry. . brain, with potentially serious physiological and emotional costs. bow) primarily serves to, explain the purpose for the boy angels arrow, underscore the sensuality of the boy angel. (Smartphones) The writer is considering deleting the capitalized portion of sentence 7: "Our brains are aroused each time our phones buzz because of the unpredictability of what pops up on the screen: SINCE ANY ALERT MIGHT SIGNAL SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY, DOPAMINE IS RELEASED EACH TIME EVEN THOUGH MOST ALERTS DON'T AMOUNT TO MUCH". to me") emphasize the speaker's sense that her, E) past life and true identity are always present, Lines 29-34 ("I thought . AP Lang Passage | English - Quizizz <> . Science is observational, judicious, general, and total; and it is each of the four without a moment's delay. answer choices . Option F is incorrect Although the ideas in this sentence include a possible benefit of the four-day school week, adding this sentence does not offer a clear position statement. (c) periodically C -Dissension is merely a harsher form of disagreement I pulled that Cuticura-scented garment around my shoulders. (Bush) In the second-to-last paragraph, the anecdote about the complaining husbands serves primarily to? In addition, this sentence should focus on a specific issue, avoid the use of direct quotations, and leave room for support and analysis within the body of the paragraph. Unit 1 MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet First suggesting political causes of the infrastructure failure, then revealing jellyfish as a surprising agent of this event. . Which version of the capitalized text best accomplishes this? <> Which of the following changes should the writer make? During the talk described in paragraph 2, the author responds to her mother's presence by C. thinking about how audience determines the appropriateness of a style, Dissent vs. Defoe uses an analogy to advance his argument. . (Bush) In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with? Disagreement Argument Examples. Given sentence below refers to a numbered sentence in the passage. Should the writer keep or delete this sentence? -Abolitionists= minority view was that cancer for America, Dual Enrollment Psychology Final Study Guide, Part 1 Dual Enrollment Psychology Final Quest, 911 public safety telecommunicator Study Guid. A central concept in the passage is the notion that B. speakers use different forms of language for different purposes. Write the noun form of the adjective observant. . The question of how to lead a meaningful life "in a transitional period" (Paragraph 9, sentence 1). oh!. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired. The hopeful result of traumatic experiences. In order to strengthen her argument, the author references which of the following contemporary circumstances? The narrators description of the room where his mother had worked suggests that as a child, he had found visits to the room to be, 7. In the fifth sentence of the first paragraph ("There is the League of Nations . Which sentence uses precise language to best achieve the desired effect? Expand the following sentences by adding at least two prepositional phrases to each, one functioning as an adjective and one functioning as an adverb phrase. . Charity Community facilitator jobs near E6 | As Eliasson puts it, this transformative experience "takes us beyond an us-and-them mentality to a broader idea of what constitutes we". In sentence 4 (reproduced below), the writer wants to integrate the discussion of the piece Passin' on to Others into the passage's line of reasoning about how art can affirm and strengthen community bonds. PDF 21. In its characterization of Chanu, the passage conveys the reduction of armament"), the author comments on the age and effectiveness of the League of Nations primarily to explain, At the end of the first paragraph, the author's commentary regarding "[e]ach one of these treaties" (sentence 6) primarily serves to. Offering her audience advice for the future. The writer is considering deleting sentence 7 (reproduced below) from the passage. "Resettles in the remote parts of the park, WHERE SALT LICKS ARE PLENTIFUL AND HIKERS ARE SCARCE, the goats will likely regain their natural wariness of people". Shakespeare could, innumerable a company of actors, that for the most, attempts to name them. PDF Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test #10 - College Board (Language Learning) The writer wants to add a sentence that introduces the topic of the passage. (B) illustrate the limits of scientific claims. diversity"), the author integrates Ray Hilborn's arguments primarily to critique the practice of A. adopting farming methods to restore wild fish populations. In the sentence "Their efforts . Jesus often spoke of the need for peace, as did Paul in many of his New Testament letters. diversity"), the author integrates Ray Hilborn's arguments primarily to critique the practice of A. adopting farming methods to restore wild fish populations. (Peace) At the end of the first paragraph, the author's commentary regarding "Each of these treaties" (sentence 6) primarily serves to? Contrasting descriptions of how Chu felt when she played music and how she felt when she interacted with people in nonmusical contexts. Why St. Teresa, Mother? In the first paragraph the reader is introduced to Nawab, a father of twelve daughters who feels compelled to make more money to care for his family: "he must proliferate his sources of revenue" (lines 6-7). B.) Gazing up at the calendar print just as she must have while sitting there in that windowless room, I was transfixed by that image. (Bush) Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? Hunger strikes, sit-ins or sit-downs, the Freedom Rides, and marches have all be effective displays of civil disobedience in American history. Which of the following versions of sentence 4 best accomplishes this goal? acknowledge a belief that is likely to be held by some of her audience. "Artworks created by artists outside of a particular community often do not appeal to members of that community because of a lack of connection between artists and their intended audience". questioned") is best characterized as a Armageddon," at the end of the first paragraph? Do you find any irony in the fact that Ezekiel Cheever is the one who arrests Elizabeth Proctor? The first-person narration in the middle of the fifth paragraph ("I pulled . Following passage: I remember well the remark made to me once by E. No, because it makes an ineffective claim that does not require a defense. With new chapters on the questions . entrance") suggests that Conradin is able to cope with his situation primarily by. . In the eighth paragraph, the author's statement that "My story is all too common" serves which of the following purposes? (Bush) In the opening sentences of the passage ("Now I knowcolor of my hair"), the author refers to alice walker primarily to? In the final paragraph, the clause set off by dashes ("and especially . Lee lo que dicen estas personas sobre el futuro y decide si es necesario usar el subjuntivo o el indicativo. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 9 (reproduced below) develops the main idea of the paragraph by explaining an effect of the art piece Passin' on to Others ? endstream endobj startxref PDF AP Central - Multiple-Choice Analysis for the 2001 AP English Language Gesturing the unthinkable consequences of holding the opposite opinion. <> Introduction: the first section of a paragraph; should include the topic sentence and any other sentences at the beginning of the paragraph that give background information or provide a transition. B. Which of the following stylistic features is used most extensively in lines 25-30 ? In the following sentence, draw one line under the parts of the compound verbs. In the passage, the author is primarily concerned with, C. offering her audience advice for the future, In the opening sentences of the passage ("Now I know . Which of the following best explains the author's decision to place the sentence, "A more qualitative way . -Example One: For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. (African Activist) Which of the following statements most directly expresses the author's thesis in the passage? Register a potential objects to a position he supports. In the context of the second paragraph, the author describes dinosaurs as "the most charismatic characters in the fossil record" primarily to A. explain why only one of several mass extinctions has received coverage in the popular media. Which of the following best represents the authors intended audience? The first two sentences in the last paragraph do which of the following? . C. They are unlikely to follow conventional paths in life. E- Art can play a unique role in starting conversations and cultivating group pride by representing communities to themselves. It designates the time in one's life during which the capacity to absorb the rules and structure of a language is maximized, (Language Learning) The writer is considering deleting sentence 15, should the writer keep or delete this sentence? Which of the following best describes how the author organizes the reasoning of his argument in the opening lines of the passage ("Warned by the disaster . Not a cry or a groan escaped from Sister Mary Joseph Praise while in the throes of her cataclysmic labor.
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