the mystery of chaco canyon transcript
"As they became more comfortable with their training, we began alternating training days between carrying light loads for greater distances and heavier loads for shorter distances.". Dr. R. Gwinn Vivian, former Curator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona'I highly recommend this video for anthropological, sociological, and American studies classes.' PDF The Mystery of Chaco Canyon - It's probably more than feasible. The largest structure built in the US until the early 1890's is Pueblo Bonito . The astonishing discovery of an ancient celestial calendar in Chaco Canyon,, Tells the story of three indigenous communities and the land they struggle, An in-depth portrait of Edward S. Curtis, the preeminent photographer, 2023 Docuseek, LLCAll rights reserved | Privacy Statement | Accessibility Statement, astronomy, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico,; cosmology, Pueblo Bonito,; Robert Redford, architecture, solstice, sun, moon, petroglyphs, native americans, sun dagger, lunar cycle, equinox, celestial calendar, archaeology, Anasazi, Hopi, archaeology, art history, architecture,"The Mystery of Chaco Canyon",Bullfrog Films,doc; history; science; religion. Gazing at the horizon: heavenly phenomena and cultural preferences within northwest Scotland? Two hours later a rock chimney allows a narrow beam of sunlight to pass through, forming a Sun Dagger that illuminates the petroglyphs beneath it in a dynamic manner, similar to the solar marker located upon Fajada Butte in Chaco Canyon. [DVD] examines the deep enigmas presented by the massive prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico. Chaco Canyon is a famous archaeological area in the American Southwest. The Mystery of Chaco Canyon - Ritterbush - 2001 - American Anthropologist - Wiley Online Library Skip to Article Content Skip to Article Information WIRED Media Group For decades, people have wondered how ancient ancestral Puebloans transported heavy building materials to Chaco Canyon, one of the most important archaeological sites in the Southwest. Summaries America's Stonehenge? The Mystery of CHACO CANYON - YouTube Anna Sofaer, producer and director of the Robert Redford-narrated documentaries The Sun Dagger (1982) and The Mystery of Chaco Canyon (2000), gives a 6:30 p.m. lecture on Thursday, Jan. 24. The Wall Street Journal'A beautiful piece. Study Traces DNA Of Inca Emperors To Their Modern-Day Descendants, 2,000-Year Old Engraved Kurdistan Tablet Referring To A Hellenistic Ruler Demetrius Analyzed, Does A 2,000-Year-Old Tomb Belong To Marquis of Haihun? Peter Whiteley, Chair, Dept. I've heard people say, 'That's our church. It appears that they served instead as centers of great spiritual power. New CU Boulder research finds that overweight populations have a 22% higher mortality risk than those of healthy weight, while obese populations have as much as double the risk. Kram said the next step is to do more experimental work - this time, on location at Chaco Canyon, where they can demonstrate the tumpline method works as they trace the ancient hauling routes of the ancestral Puebloans. They used sticks called "tokmas," which Nepalese sherpas also employ, to take breaks, resting the log without lowering it all the way to the ground. I have found that a majority of the studied Chacoan structures to conform to one or more of four architectural traditions that have astronomical associations. The Mystery Of Chaco Canyon reveals that, instead, Chaco was a complex ceremonial center with extraordinary astronomical alignments of buildings and roads. Custom Review of "The Mystery of Chaco Canyon" Essay Paper Millions of years of history reveal . When I watched this I had mixed feelings. It is the summation of 20 years of research. Weiner said the team's results show that supplying Chaco Canyon with goods may not have been as back-breaking an undertaking as archaeologists once assumed. The number, Kram discovered, could be traced back to a study published in the 1980s. A new explanation of the mystery is emerging. This newly conceived series (in progress) will bring recent revelations about the ancient Native Americans who built massive enigmatic structures throughout the southwest. Please select the most appropriate category to facilitate processing of your request. Ever since she . Credit: Patrick Campbell/CU Boulder, "I cut a 1-foot-long section of pine and weighed it on my bathroom scale," said Kram, who lives on a wooded property in the hills west of Boulder. Then the researchers hit on the idea of tumplines, which are depicted in ceramic effigies recovered from close to Chaco Canyon. Archaeologist Bill Lipe thinks religion was a . Did you know the U.S. has a pre-historic Puebloan place of mystery that has . It is located in the region known as the Four Corners, where the states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico meet. Weiner said the team's results show that supplying Chaco Canyon with goods may not have been as back-breaking an undertaking as archaeologists once assumed. These achievements emerged a thousand years ago in the exceptionally demanding environment of New Mexicos San Juan Basin. Landscape, directions, sun and moon, and movement of shadow and light were the materials used by the Chacoan architects and builders to express their knowledge of an order in the universe.This is the long-awaited sequel to Anna Sofaers classic film THE SUN DAGGER, which changed forever our perception of Americas earliest Indian peoples. "Once we corrected the mass of the timbers," Wilson said, "that changed almost everything about how many people were required to carry those timbers, how much time it would take to cover 60 miles.". Rather it argues that it was a center of astronomy and cosmology and that a primary purpose for the construction of the elaborate Chacoan buildings and certain roads was to express astronomical interests and to be integral parts of a celestial patterning.While the Chacoans left no written text to help us to understand their culture, their thoughts are preserved in the language of their architecture, roads and light markings. 1.The purpose of the construction of the Fajada Butte calendar. Krams big insight was that multiple tumplines could have been attached, side by side, to a single log, allowing several people to share the load. THE MYSTERY OF CHACO CANYON helps students to appreciate the scientific and cultural achievements of a significant civilization in pre-Columbian North America. He and Wilson decided to read everything they could about the properties of dried wood. Use this form if you have come across a typo, inaccuracy or would like to send an edit request for the content on this page. Lecture: Chacoan Astronomy, Cosmography, Roads, and Ritual Power: Insights into the Chaco World Using New Technologies. Written by Anna Sofaer and Matt Dibble. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. 1999. A 1925 publication featured a photograph depicting eight young men from Zuni Pueblo carrying a log: four on each side holding thin cross-poles at hip height, with the log laid on top. Riddle Of The Ancient Sarcophagus And Its Strange Properties Can Science Solve This Mystery? The team's findings open up a new understanding of the day-to-day lives of the people who shaped the Southwest more than a thousand years ago, said study co-author Robert Weiner. Anna Sofaer - Wikipedia A potential calendrical station located in the vicinity of Peasco Blancos McElmo ruin is yet to be confirmed. Ancient Desert Mystery Did Thousands Vanish Without A Trace Because Of An Ominous Prophecy And Revenge? Join this channel to get access to perks: HISTORY .. HISTORY has no sides, no opinions no rig. Chaco Canyon was a huge ancestral Puebloan city located in what is now Northern New Mexico, about 100 miles south of Durango. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The Mystery of Chaco Canyon (1999) - YouTube Chaco Canyon sits near the border between New Mexico and Colorado. I cut a 1-foot-long section of pine and weighed it on my bathroom scale, said Kram, who lives on a wooded property in the hills west of Boulder. For more information, contact Bullfrog Films, Box 149, Oley, PA 19547; 1-800-543-FROG (3764); info@. Cinematography by Steve Bannister [and 15 others]; computer animation by the Imaging Research Center; music, Michael Stearns; editor, Matt Dibble. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Privacy Legal & Trademarks Campus Map. Pueblo leaders speak of the significance of Chaco to the Pueblo world today.The film challenges the notion that Chaco Canyon was primarily a trade and redistribution center. In 1977 Sofaer visited Chaco Canyon as a volunteer recording ancient Southwestern American rock art. Aerial and time lapse footage, computer modeling, and interviews with scholars show how the Chacoan culture designed, oriented and located its major buildings in relationship to the sun and moon. Thousands of people, the ancestors of today's Din, or Navajo, and Pueblo peoples, may have lived there from around A.D. 850 to 1200. Engineered roads stretch across dozens of miles in straight lines to significant landforms, but with little evidence of travel or trade. Jen has worked at KPBS since 2000. They first tried carrying a log on their shoulders. Chaco Canyon was the center of the ancestral Puebloan world, home to immense great houses as high as five stories tall and containing as many as 800 rooms, cavernous kivas built so that dancers . Why did this society, ancestors of. Shining light on the astronomical brilliance of the austere civilization of Chaco Canyon Narrated by Robert Redford. Weiner said the teams results show that supplying Chaco Canyon with goods may not have been as back-breaking an undertaking as archaeologists once assumed. Music by Michael Stearns. Ancient Observatories: Chaco Canyon - Exploratorium While the Chacoans left no written text, their thoughts are preserved in their works. or, by Daniel Strain, University of Colorado at Boulder. (Credit: Patrick Campbell/CU Boulder) By Daniel Strain, Nicholas Goda Feb. 22, 2023 The Mystery of Chaco Canyon (TV Movie 1999) - IMDb These include front-facing south-southeast (SSE) orientation, front facing east-southeast (ESE) orientation, alignments to the cardinal directions of North-South and/or East-West (NS/EW), and the construction of Great Houses at workable calendrical stations with horizon foresights for solstice dates. They built "Great Houses," which were as much as four stories tall and contained hundreds of rooms. These and other bizarre encounters suggest the park may be a portal between our world and distant star system. Directed by Anna Sofaer. One of the tribes, the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, has increased its efforts to stop the project. You can unsubscribe at any time and we'll never share your details to third parties. Ancient Mona Lisa Mosaic Of Kadirli Discovered, 2500-Year-Old Objects Made From Goat Bones Discovered In Turkeys City Of Aigai, Fragment Of Unique Egyptian Sphinx Unearthed In North Israel, Ancient Symbol Seed Of Life Contains Hidden Secrets Of The Seven Days Of Creation, Siege Of Alesia: Last Decisive Battle That Ended Gallic Independence In France And Belgium, Ostrich Eggs Dated More Than 4,000 Years Discovered In Negev Desert Of Southern Israel, Artifacts Shed Light On 2,100-Year-Old Jewish Town In Judea Dated Back To Hasmonean-Era. Rodger Kram, associate professor emeritus of integrative physiology, and James Wilson, then an undergraduate studying biochemistry, spent the summer of 2020 training for an impressive test of endurance: Together, they carried a ponderosa pine log weighing more than 130 pounds for 15 miles up and down a forest road in Boulder County, Coloradoand they did it using only their heads in a technique inspired, in part, by sherpas in Nepal. The Mystery of Chaco Canyon 2000 0 hr 56 mins Documentary NR Watchlist Robert Redford narrates this report exploring magnificent 1000-year-old Native American ruins in Chaco Canyon, N.M. At. These scientists lugged logs on their heads to resolve Chaco Canyon mystery Within the published archaeoastronomy work attention to Pueblo ethnography, archaeological evidence including temporal data, statistical significance, and the consideration of multiple hypotheses has varied widely. PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. To construct their multi-storied buildings, the Chaco people transported by foot more than 200,000 timbers to the canyon and most of their food and ceramics from more productive lands 55 to 70 miles away. Landscape, directions, sun and moon, and movement of shadow and light were the materials used by the Chacoan architects and builders to express their knowledge of an order in the universe. Examines the enigmas presented by the prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. I've heard people say, 'That's our church. The team's findings show that the key to this testament to human labor may have been simple devices called tumplines. Chaco Canyon National Historical Park is one of those extraordinary gems and an excellent example of ArchaeoAstronomy. Symbolically, the centerline of each of the three nearby Hooper Ranch Pueblo kivas aligns with this ancient Sun Dagger shrine. Scientists may have solved a Chaco Canyon mystery by hauling logs with "I cut a 1-foot-long section of pine and weighed it on my bathroom scale," said Kram, who lives on a wooded property in the hills west of Boulder. The duo and their colleaguesdescribed their experimentFeb. 22 in theJournal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Located above the Little Colorado River in east-central Arizona, a natural rock formation casts a dynamic shadow-line onto a panel of ancient rock art during the summer solstice. Arch 226 assign 2.docx - 1.The purpose of the construction Significantly, recently a large effigy of Quetzalcoatl which was removed from the site prior to the Field Museum's 1961 excavation has been recovered, and the embellishment of the shrine itself as an equinox marker has been noted. That's where we go to heal, to pray,' said Weiner, who will receive his doctorate in anthropology from CU Boulder later this spring. Abstract. Kram got interested in Chaco Canyon several years ago. The film reveals that between 850 and 1150 AD, the Chacoan people designed and constructed massive ceremonial buildings in a complex celestial pattern throughout a vast desert region. minimum distance between toilet and shower. The consistency of cosmological and solstitial references among Late Bonito Phase Great Houses at Chaco indicates that the Late Bonito Chacoan elites power may have rested in part on esoteric astronomical knowledge, and an elevated cultural status for solar events. (Credit: NPS). Now researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder say they may have solved this 1,000-year-old supply chain mystery. In the process, we get a whole new picture of the intelligence at work behind Chacoan society and its architectureThe Mystery of Chaco Canyon interweaves a narrative that is both attentive to indigenous thought and values, and robustly grounded in the rigors of scientific method. Pueblo descendants say that Chaco was a special gathering place where many peoples and clans converged to share their ceremonies, traditions, and knowledge. The ancient Anasazi built Chaco Canyon National Historical Park, but now the area is stalked by shape-shifting creatures and visited by time travelers who left behind a mysterious artifact. It is the summation of 20 years of research. W. David Laird, Books of the Southwest'The video, then, is a multi-leveled phenomenon, like Chaco, which embraces complexity, beauty and mystery.' "I multiplied by 16 feet and realized, 'That can't add up to 275 kilograms.'". It is the summation of 20 years of research. Since its release in 2000, our award-winning film, The Mystery of Chaco Canyon, has aired more than 10,000 times on 95% of PBS stations across the country. The irritation paid off. (PDF) Mystery of Chaco Canyon Study Guide - A new study has solved the third mystery - how they carry as many as 200,000 16-foot-long wooden beams to Chaco Canyon from forests over 60 miles away. It is the summation of 20 years of research. 167-175. The so-called "great houses" of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico may have taken decades or longer to construct. Tumplines are hardly a new innovation. The Mystery of Chaco Canyoncontinues to impact and inform audiences in significant ways; 800 K-12 schools and colleges have purchased copies ofThe Mystery of Chaco Canyonto teach about the remarkable archaeoastronomy of the ancient Pueblo people of Chaco. Today, the legacy of the extraordinary Chaco culture is threatened by both natural and human developments. The Late Bonito calendrical Great Houses may have been intended as pilgrimage destinations where people could witness a dramatic solstice sunrise or sunset. They help porters to support weight using the bones of their neck and spine rather than their muscles. It was just debilitating, Kram said. This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, collect data for ads personalisation and provide content from third parties. Dec 3, 2018. They built "Great Houses," which were as much as four stories tall and contained hundreds of rooms. Astronomical analysis of 10th to 12th century A.D. cultural evidence at Chaco Canyon New Mexico began in the 1970s. They help porters to support weight using the bones of their neck and spine rather than their muscles. When stars align: The mysteries of Chaco Canyon | Pasatiempo See production, box office & company info, Self - Laguna Pueblo Council member - this is not the same Paul Pino in your database, The Extraordinary Tale of William Buckley: The great untold story of Australia's Robinson Crusoe, Australia's Lost Gold: The Legend of Lasseter. Your feedback is important to us. The halo Great House at Bis saani includes a cardinal North-South and East-West (NS/EW) structure, a possible SSE-facing room block, and a June solstice sunrise horizon foresight. "Some people baked sourdough bread during COVID," said Kram, an emeritus professor of integrative physiology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. This third orientation tradition may represent some form of cultural affiliation with contemporary Rio Grande Valley people based upon comparison to previous orientation studies conducted by Lakatos, or it may perhaps represent an alternative cosmological intent. They first tried carrying a log on their shoulders. Under the terms of a U.S. National Park Service field research permit some location- specific site data has been deliberately redacted from this document, as required by the U.S. Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. These cosmographic concepts of habitation across cultures are transformed into designed landscapes, cultic caves, tents, campsites, houses, cities, or temples. The Mystery of Chaco Canyon. of Anthropology, Sarah Lawrence College'It does an outstanding job of weaving Pueblo traditions of migration and human agency into scientific accounts of the past at Chaco Canyon, affording both forms of knowledge the respect they deservehelps place Pueblo people in their contemporary context, as well as explain the pastI highly recommend it.' Understanding all aspects of the thing wasn't important to me. "It was just debilitating," Kram said. "Instead, we carried sand and heavy logs around using our heads.". People relied on an ordered and organized spatiotemporal natural world domesticated in culture, into which human life could be embedded and from which life received a deeper spirit and purpose. "Maybe the best way is to do it yourself.. The mystery of Chaco Canyon - University of San Diego Libraries To test that hypothesis, co-authors Rodger Kram and James Wilson spent the summer of 2020 training until they could haul a heavy log some 15 miles using tumplines. To make sure they were being safe, Kram and Wilson started with light loads and worked their way up, said Joseph Carzoli, a study co-author and certified strength and conditioning coach. CU Boulder researchers have found that airborne coronavirus remains infectious for twice as long in drier airin part because saliva serves as a protective barrier around the virus, especially at low humidity levels. When a load is positioned at the top of the head, the spine supports the weight and it doesnt fatigue muscles. Little Theater, New Mexico School for the Deaf / 1060 . Learn more about our captivating exploration of ancient astronomy in the American Southwest, directed by the Solstice Project founder Anna Sofaer and narrated by Robert Redford. This documentary examines the ancient ruins of Chaco Canyon, built between 850 and 1150 A.D. in northwest New Mexico. "It's just a dumb way to carry a heavy object.". Instead, they were hoping to solve an archaeological mystery that has perplexed researchers for decades: How did ancient peoples transport more than 200,000 heavy construction timbers over 60 miles to a famous site in the Southwest called Chaco Canyon? The Mystery of Chaco Canyon examines the deep enigmas presented by the massive prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico. The Mysterious Books Of Prophecies Of The Knights Templar Where Are They Hidden? Colorado scientists form a better picture after uncovering the earliest known female infant burial site in Europe, U.S. Officials To Put Off Oil Leases Near Sacred Tribal Land. Everybody else who was hiking there scratched their head and asked us what the heck we were doing, Kram recalled. 1,000 Years Ago, Ancient Puebloans Built a Mysteriously Vast City. We Cosmic Gateway | Mysteries of the Outdoors | Travel Channel But that account is inconsistent with the known sourcing of the timbersthe Chuska, Zuni, San Mateo, La Plata, ad Sa Juan Mountainsand there is also no archaeological evidence for the existence of such carts, according to the authors. I cut a 1-foot-long section of pine and weighed it on my bathroom scale, said Kram. And the published oral traditions and ethnography of the Pueblo and Dineo peoples descended from the Chachoans don't shed much light on the issue, either. After three months of training with tumplines for six or seven days a week, Kram and Wilson were ready to try a real log. The team's findings show that the key to this testament to human labor may have been simple devices called tumplines. University of Colorado Boulder Regents of the University of Colorado You can convince people if you show that something is actually feasible," Kram said. the mystery of chaco canyon transcript Ancient Chaco. He read a statistic suggesting that the mass of a typical roof beam, or "viga," in a Chacoan Great House likely averaged around 275 kilograms (more than 600 pounds). The Mystery of Chaco Canyon TV Movie 1999 56 m IMDb RATING 7.3 /10 212 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary America's Stonehenge? Chaco Canyon, the Architectural Heart of the Anasazi - ThoughtCo The Mystery of Chaco Canyon | Imaging Research Center I don't know how they could have possibly done that.. The sun beam lines up with different spirals or edges on the equinoxes and solstices. 56 minutes, color. There are no preserved timber scrape marks near the site, and the people of Chaco Canyon didn't have draft animals or even wheels, according to Kram and his co-authors. Thousands of people, the ancestors of today's Din, or Navajo, and Pueblo peoples, may have lived there from around A.D. 850 to 1200. Researchers get some clarity on Chaco Canyon's 1,000-year-old supply The Mystery Of Chaco Canyon | KPBS Public Media Although this solar marker is considerably older than the one on Fajada Butte, here in succession both the early morning shadow-line and Sun Dagger itself appear to emanate from the hand of an anthropomorphic figure, first bisecting a spiral and then, a few minutes later, an S-shaped image. However, Kram et al. This program presents evidence that the Chacoan people expressed a complex solar and lunar cosmology in their magnificent architecture.The Mystery of Chaco Canyon, airing Monday, October 31, 2011 at 9 p.m. on WXXI-TV/HD (DT21.1/cable 11 and 1011), examines the deep mysteries presented by the massive prehistoric architectural remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwest New Mexico. By creating an account, you acknowledge that PBS may share your information with our member stations and our respective service providers, and that you have read and understand the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Archaeological evidence suggests thatancient peoplesin the Southwest employed tumplines woven from yucca plants to transport everyday items like food and water. 56 minutes, ColorGrade Level: 7-12, College, AdultUS Release Date: 1999; Copyright Date: 1999ISBN: 1-56029-812-XDirected by Anna SofaerProduced by The Solstice ProjectNarrated by Robert RedfordWritten by Anna Sofaer and Matt DibbleMusic by Michael Stearns. Wage theft is commonplace in San Diego. In and around Chaco Canyon, archaeologists have found ceramic effigies illustrating Puebloan people using tumplines to carry resources, as well as yucca fiber wraps that could be the remains of ancient tumplines.. The Mystery of Chaco Canyon - Where to Watch and Stream - TV Guide I felt that in opening the sealed rooms, the purpose of the rooms and their having been sealed being unknown to the archaeologists, something that had been meant to be kept there was being released. Kram hypothesized that they pulled it off with tumplines straps that allow freight to be suspended from the top of the head, making it physiologically easier to lug heavy loads. For general feedback, use the public comments section below (please adhere to guidelines). In the process, we get a whole new picture of the intelligence at work behind Chacoan society and its architectureThe Mystery of Chaco Canyon interweaves a narrative that is both attentive to indigenous thought and values, and robustly grounded in the rigors of scientific method. The Mystery of CHACO CANYON - YouTube The biggest mystery in North America is Chaco Canyon . They attempted their final test on a forest road leading to Gross Reservoir southwest of Boulder, carrying the timber using tumplines on either end. The actual demonstration was to try and walk a long distance carrying 66 pounds per person, walking side by side, Kram said. I multiplied by 16 feet and realized, That cant add up to 275 kilograms.. Chaco Culture For over 2,000 years, Pueblo peoples occupied a vast region of the south-western United States. Surprisingly, these buildings that required such large investment of labor and planning reveal little evidence of residential use. THE MYSTERY OF CHACO CANYON examines the deep enigmas presented by the massive prehistoric remains found in Chaco Canyon in northwestern New Mexico. "We feel that it is dubious to infer Chaco era timber transportation methods from a staged 20th century image," they wrote. That means my focus is building relationships and telling stories from under-covered pockets of Colorado.