prca member records
Church, Jenison, MI.January 19, 2003 --Rev. A. Lanning (Covenant ERC, Singapore) accepts the call to Byron Center PRC. James Laning announced his decision to decline the call to Immanuel Protestant Reformed Church, Lacombe, AB. September 3, 2017 - Candidate Brian Feenstra receives the call from Immanuel PRC, Lacombe, AB. Ref. April 14, 2020 - Hope PRC-GR extends a call to Rev. Historical Records of Ministerial Calls/Activities in the PRCA (2001-present) . February 2, 2011 -Trinity Prot. Ref. September 23, 2018 - The congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted to extend a call to Rev. January 21, 2018 - Rev. Church.April 3, 2005-Rev. January 16, 2007-- South Holland (IL) Protestant Reformed Church and the South Holland (IL) Prot. Church, Holland, MI. Ref. N. Decker (Trinity PRC) announced that he DECLINED the call from Southwest PRC. Dennis Lee (Bethel, PRC), Candidate Matt Kortus, and Candidate Jacob Maatman. After stock is drawn, PROCOM provides day sheets containing a complete contestant roster and performance times. Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI), Rev. March 19, 2017 - The congregation of Doon PRC voted to call Rev. prca member records. September 27, 2015 - The Council of Doon PRC, calling church for the PRC mission field in the Philippines, announces a new trio from which her congregation will vote to call a second missionary: Rev.G.Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), C.Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), and B.Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA). December 1, 2017 - Pastor-elect Stephan Regnerus is ordained and installed as minister of the Word and sacraments in Lynden PRC (by Rev. Church, Jenison, MIApril 16, 2006 -Rev. Mitchell Dick (Grace Protestant Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, MI) was called by the congregation in Hull, Iowa to serve as second missionary to Ghana.July 21, 2002-- Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph), and Rev. R. Smit preaches his farewell sermon (evening service) in First PRC (Grand Rapids, MI). September 18, 2011 -Rev. J. Laning (Hope, Walker), Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane, WA) and Rev. April 12, 2020 - Grandville PRC has a new trio for minister on loan to Singapore: Revs. M. De Boer (Edgerton PRC). J. Laning (Hope, GR), and Rev. James Laning (Hope, Grand Rapids) to serve as missionary to the Philippines. John Marcus (Edmonton) to serve as their pastor. August 28, 2016 - The congregation of First PRC, Holland, MI, extended a call to Rev. N. Decker to serve as her first pastor. Ref. S. Key (Hull) announced his acceptance of the call from Loveland, CO. January 20, 2010- Byron Center Prot. S. Regnerus(Lynden, WA),R. Smit(Philippines),A. Stewart(Covenant PRC, Ballymena, N. Ireland). March 20, 2022 - Doon PRC votes to call Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA), W. Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids, MI), and M. McGeown (Missionary-pastor, Limerick, Ireland). Nathan Decker (Grandville PRC), Rev. Classis EastThis email address is being protected from spambots. M. McGeown (Limerick Mission, Ireland), and Rev. January 25, 2015 -On Sunday January 25, 2015,it was announced inDoon PRC(calling church for the mission field in the Philippines) thatRev.W.Langerak(SE PRC, Grand Rapids, MI) had declined the call to serve as missionary on this field, replacing Rev.R.Smit. Clay Spronk (Peace, Lansing, IL), Rev. J. Laning (Hope, Walker). Ref. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Bill Langerak (Southeast G.R. December 10, 2017 -Pastor-elect Brian Feenstra is ordained and installed as minister of the Word and sacraments in Immanuel PRC, Lacombe, AB. January 29, 2006- Rev. June 13, 2019 - PRC Synod declared Matt Kortus and Jacob Maatman candidates for the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC, eligible for a call on or after July 13, 2019. Ronald Van Overloop (Byron Center, MI) declined the call by Doon congregation to serve as missionary to the Philippines. December 20, 2020 - Rev. Eriks. July 28, 2013 - Doon (IA) PRC voted to call Candidate Erik Guichelaar to become their next pastor. November 30, 2010 -Rev. you will not be able to manage your account with PRCA or access member only information and communications. June 4, 2017 - The Council of Zion PRC (Hudsonville/Jenison, MI) announces a new trio from which to call her first pastor: Revs. November 27, 2022 - Rev. April 7, 2013 - Randolph WI PRC announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs.W. Ref. Church, Hull, IA, called Candidate Cory Griess. August 12, 2012- Hope PRC's (Walker, MI)Councilannounced a new trio: Revs.R.Kleyn (Covenant PRC, Spokane), N.Langerak (Crete PRC, IL), and W.Langerak (SE PRC, Grand Rapids). Church.July 13, 2003--Rev. March 29, 2009 -Immanuel Prot. Ref. Church, Grandville, MI) announced his decline of the call to Lynden, WA church.February 3, 2002-- Rev. January 10, 2010- Cornerstone Prot. October 1, 2017 - Rev. October 15, 2017- The Council of First PRC (Grand Rapids) presented to the congregation the following trio from which to call a new minister: Revs A. Lanning (Covenant ERC, Singapore), B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands CA), and C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull IA). December 16, 2018 - Rev. | Register: Home: Membership: . Allen Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD), Rev. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids) to be their pastor.September 7, 2003--Rev. February 28, 2010 -Bethel Prot. S. Key (Hull, IA) received the call from Edmonton (AB) Protestant Reformed Church.July 17, 2005-Rev. Church, Holland, MI. Church in Wyckoff, NJ.March 3, 2002-- Rev. May 28, 2017 - Rev. Carl Haak (Bethel, Roselle, IL) announced his decline of the call to Hudsonville PRC. August 19, 2012 -Randolph (WI) PRCextended a call toRev.G. J. Laning (Hope, Grand Rapids), Rev. May 16, 2021 - Hudsonville PRC extends a call to Rev. Church trio: Rev. Ref. November 14, 2021 - The Council of Hudsonville PRC announces a new trio of Rev. S. Key (Hull, IA), and Rev. S. Key (Hull). D. Noorman (Southwest PRC), Rev. W. Langerak. July 12, 2020 - Rev. M. De Boer (Edgerton), J. Holstege (Zion PRC Jenison, MI), C. Spronk (Faith PRC Jenison, MI). June 8, 2011 -Trio for Edgerton: Rev. July 10, 2016 - From their first trio the newly organized Pittsburgh PRC extended a call to Missionary-pastor W. Bruinsma on Sunday, July 10. Ref. B. Huizinga (Hope, Redlands, CA), and Rev. Daniel Kleyn (Edgerton, MN) announced his decline of the call to Immanuel Prot. Rodney Miersma received the calls from Loveland CO Protestant Reformed Church and from Edgerton MN Protestant Reformed Church. January 27, 2019 - Rev. Ref. J. Marcus (Edmonton), Rev. Rev. Topping the list is team roping. They plan to call December 25. Church (Walker, MI) made the following trio: Candidate J. Mahtani, Rev. Ronald Cammenga (Southwest PRC) received the call to serve Faith PRC of Jenison, MI.August 17, 2003 --Rev. Steven Key (pastor of Loveland, CO PRC) DECLINED the call to Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI). W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call to Hudsonville (MI) Protestant Reformed Church.November 9, 2004 --Rev. M. De Boer (Edgerton PRC), Rev. W. Langerak (Southeast, G.R. Mitchell Dick (Standale, MI) received the call to serve the congregation in Edgerton, Minnesota.December 12, 2005- Candidate John Marcus is ordained into the ministry and installed as pastor in the First Protestant Reformed Church, Edmonton, AB, Canada. February 28, 2010 -First Prot. March 23, 2014 -At her congregational meeting on Sunday evening, March 23, 2014,the congregation ofFaith PRCvoted to extend a call to Rev.Rodney Kleyn, pastor ofCovenant of Grace PRCin Spokane, WA. January 8, 2023 - Randolph PRC's Council presents the following trio: Revs. May 13, 2009 -Byron Center, MI made the following trio: Rev. Church, February 7, 2010- Rev. D. Holstege (Missionary, Philippines). Garry Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Its consists of Revs. May 14, 2017 - The Council of Southwest PRC announced a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. Seminary. J. Maatman. J. Smidstra declines the call from Hudsonville PRC. January 9, 2022 - Hudsonville PRC's Council announceda new trio of Rev. K. Koole, will now be considering this appointment.July 10, 2005-Rev. July 17, 2011- Redlands Prot. Ref. Church of Holland, MI: Candidate Cory Griess, Rev. Ref. July 13, 2008 -- Grace PRC announces trio of Revs.C.Haak (Georgetown), J.Slopsema (First, GR), and R.Van Overloop (Byron Center). Ryan Barnhill (Peace PRC, Dyer, IN), Rev. November 1, 2009- Byron Center Prot. Church). Audred Spriensma (missionary in Philippines) received the call to serve Bethel Prot. Spronk (Peace PRC, Lansing, IL)declinedthe call from Hope PRC, Walker, MI. R. Kleyn (Spokane, WA). Eriksof Hudsonville (MI) PRC. September 23, 2018 - Rev. Church; Roselle, ILApril 17, 2005 -Rev. July 1, 2010 -Edgerton made the following trio: Candidate Daniel Holstege, Rev. J. Engelsma (Doon PRC); and Rev. N. Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville). Ref. November 29, 2011- Edgerton (MN) PRC extended a call to Rev.G.Eriks of the Hudsonville, MI PRC. Brian Feenstra accepts the call to Immanuel PRC, Lacombe, AB. Lanningreceives from Prof.D.Engelsma his "charge" as pastor of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore and officially begins his labors in that sister church as Minister-on-Loan (called by Grandville PRC). May 15, 2016 - First PRC of Holland, MI announced a trio of Revs. June 19, 2022 -Rev. C. Terpstra (Holland, MI) received the call from Faith Prot. Ref. C. Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville). C. Haak, J. Mahtani, and M. McGeown. Steven Key (Hull, Iowa) declined the call to Faith Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, Michigan, November 30, 2003--Rev. February 10, 2010 -First Protestant Reformed Church, Holland, MI made the following trio: Rev. December 3, 2008 -Rev. Kenneth Koole (Faith, Jenison, MI) announced his acceptance of the call to Grandville, MI Protestant Reformed ChurchOctober 20, 2002 --Rev. R. Kleyn receives the call from Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN). T. Miersma (Western Home Missionary). Church of Jenison, MIApril 20, 2003-- Rev. June 2, 2013 - The Randolph PRC Council has formed a new trio consisting of Rev. J. Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids). Ref. Stephan Regnerus receives the call from Southwest PRC. June 28, 2009 -Rev. September 11, 2016 - The Council of Doon PRC announces a trio for calling a third missionary to the Philippines. M. DeBoer declines the call from Randolph PRC. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) received the call to serve in Faith Protestant Reformed Church in Jenison MI.March 9, 2003- Rev. Through our consultancy, in-house, individual, and university membership, all PR and communications professional can take advantage of membership throughout their . November 23, 2008 -Rev. B. Huizinga (Hope PRC, Redlands, CA) DECLINED the call to Calvary PRC. June 5, 2011 -Rev. Church made the following trio: Rev. July 1, 2016 - On Friday, July 1, 2016, in Calvary PRC (see note below) Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI) and Rev. March 31, 2002-- Rev. Arie denHartog (Southwest), Rev. July 15, 2012- Randolph (WI) PRC extended a call toRev. July 1, 2012- Rev. Brian Huizenga (Hope, Redlands, CA), Dan Holstege (1st, Holland, MI), and C. Griess (Calvary, Hull, IA). C. Haak (Georgetown PRC) and Rev. August 30, 2009 -Trinity Prot. Ref. Ref. S. Key (Hull), and Rev. M. Vander Wal (Redlands). W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) declined the call to Bethel PRC of Roselle, IL.December 5, 2004- Rev. Church.June 2, 2002-- Rev. July 1, 2012- Hope PRC (Walker) extended acall to Rev.Cory Griessof Calvary PRC, Hull, IA. September 14, 2014 - The Council ofFaith PRC announced a new trio from which to call a pastor:Revs.C.Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull IA), John Marcus (1st PRC, Edmonton), C.Spronk (Peace PRC, Lansing, IL). Joshua Engelsma (Doon, IA) received the call from Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB). May 29, 2022 - Rev. R.Kleyn declined the call from Kalamazoo PRC. February 26, 2006- Rev. June 7, 2020 - The Council of First PRC, Edmonton has formed a new trio: Revs. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; December 15, 2019 - Rev. November 16, 2014 - The congregation ofDoon PRCvoted to extend a call to Rev.Jon Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer IN) to serve as missionary to the Philippines alongside Rev.D.Kleyn. April 15, 2010 -Trio for Kalamazoo Prot. Church, Walker, MI called Candidate Brian Huizinga. Ron Hanko (Lynden), Rev. D. Kleyn (missionary to the Philippines), J. Laning (Hull PRC) and J. Marcus. J. Holstege, Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI) & Rev. A. Spriensma announced his decline of the call to Bethel Prot. John Marcus (Edmonton, Canada). C. Spronk (Peace) announced his decline of the call from Hope Prot. Garry Eriks (Hudsonville) announced his decline of the call to First Prot. Church in Lacombe, AB received the information that Rev. January 28, 2018 - Candidate David Noorman ACCEPTED the call from Southwest PRC (Wyoming, MI). Kenneth Koole (Grandville, MI) to serve them as pastor. Allen Brummel (South Holland, IL) announced his acceptance of the call to serve as missionary to labor in Sioux Falls, SD. March 3, 2011 -Edgerton Prot. That enables them to compete at the same rodeo at the same time and thus share expenses. May 16, 2010 -Rev. August 2, 2010 -Edgerton Prot. J. Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids), and Candidate Cory Griess. M. Vander Wal announced his decline to Bethel Prot. W. Bruinsma declines the call from Hudsonville PRC (MI). J. Holstege(Zion PRC)declinedthe call toRandolph (WI) PRC. Church. June 5, 2022 - Rev. J. Marcus (Edmonton), and Rev. var addy_text9b19484a85faa7ee6d8f974afd46b171 = 'Classical Committee';document.getElementById('cloak9b19484a85faa7ee6d8f974afd46b171').innerHTML += ''+addy_text9b19484a85faa7ee6d8f974afd46b171+'<\/a>'; B. Langerak (Trinity PRC), J. Maatman (SE PRC), and Rev. Church. May 22, 2022 -The Consistory ofFirst PRC-Edmontonannounced anew trio:Revs. Jon Mahtani informedDoon PRC,the calling church for our Philippines mission, as well as his own congregation atCornerstone PRC(Dyer, IN) that he was led by the Lord to decline the call they had extended to him on November 16, 2014. R. Barnhill (Peace), Rev. var addy9b19484a85faa7ee6d8f974afd46b171 = 'billlangerak' + '@'; C.Griess (Calvary PRC), R.Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC), and Wm. July 13, 2014 - On Sunday evening, July 13, 2014, the congregation ofFaith PRC (Jenison, MI)voted to extend a call toCandidate Joshua Engelsmafrom their trio, which also consisted of Revs.C.Spronk and R.Van Overloop. January 3, 2010- Bethel Prot. July 17, 2011- Cornerstone Prot. Ref. Church has the following trio: Rev. In Canada, the numbers are 403-250-7440 (offices) or 800-661-8523 (entry line). Church called Rev. S. Key, and Rev. October 25, 2015 - Rev.G. February 26, 2023 -Rev. Church) received the call to serve as missionary to the Philippines. March 29, 2009 -Rev. S. Regnerus received the call from Lynden (WA) PRC. Church. May 22, 2016 - The congregation of First PRC of Holland voted to call Rev.G. Daniel Kleyn (Edgerton, MN) announced his decline of the call to serve as second missionary to Ghana.April 15, 2003-- The Theological School Committee nominates Rev. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) declined the call to Bethel Prot. October 21, 2018 - The Council of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) announces a new trio from which to call a pastor:Revs. His emeritation begins September 1. J. Holstege(Zion PRC)declinedthe call fromDoon PRC. December 29, 2013 - Faith PRC voted to extend a call to Rev.C.Haak of Georgetown PRC. C. Haak (Georgetown). J. Engelsma (Doon), G. Eriks (Hudsonville), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane). September 27, 2019 - Jacob Maatman is ordained into the ministry of the Word and sacraments in the PRC and installed as pastor of Southeast PRC (Grand Rapids, MI). Church, Grandville, MIDecember 19, 2004-Rev. Barry Gritters (Hudsonville, MI) received the call from the Lynden, WA congregation.September 16, 2001 --Redlands, CA congregation calls Rev. April 3, 2015 -At her congregational meeting on Good Friday evening the congregation ofDoon PRC voted to extend a call to Rev.Nathan Decker (Trinity PRC, Hudsonville, MI) to serve as second missionary to the Philippines. November 25, 2012 - Rev.A. Ken Koole (Grandville) and Rev. The service (evening) is conducted by Rev. August 5, 2018 - The congregation of Grandville PRC voted to call Rev. B2.5.3.1 Maintaining Timer Qualifications. January 17, 2021 - Kalamazoo PRC announces a trio trio: Revs. D. Kleyn. Oct.18, 2020 - Rev. September 9, 2007 -A "daughter" of Faith Protestant Reformed Church began meeting at Heritage Chr. R. Kleyn, Rev. November 9, 2014 - Rev. Matt Kortus, Rev. R. Smit (Philippines), J. Smidstra (First PRC-Holland), and C. Spronk (Faith PRC). Kuiper (Randolph). Andy Lanning (Faith, Jenison) announced his decline to the First Prot. A. Lanning (Faith, Jenison). ), Rev.B. Carl Haak (Roselle, IL) accepted the call to Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, MI.August 29, 2004 --Rev. Ref. Church, Jenison, MIApril 2, 2006 -Rev. Allen Brummel was installed as missionary-pastor serving in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. January 24, 2010- Rev. R. Barnhill (Peace PRC), Rev. Carl Haak (Georgetown). J. Marcus (Edmonton) announced his decline of the call to Wingham Prot. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC) declined the call from First PRC, Holland MI. Ref. S. Key (Hull, IA). J. Laning (Hull PRC), Calvary PRCs moderator. C. Griess (Calvary PRC), and Rev. Allen Brummel, Rev. Ref. W. Bruinsma (missionary in Pittsburgh), Rev. Ref. January 18, 2012- Hope PRC (Walker, MI) announced the following trio: Revs.G. Church. C. Spronk (Faith PRC). Oct.4, 2020 - Rev. February 12, 2023 - Doon PRC's Consistory announces a new trio: Rev. C. Haak, (Georgetown, Hudsonville), and Rev. Ref. M. Kortus declines the call to Doon PRC. January 4, 2009 -Rev. March 28, 2004--Rev. Ref. G. Eriks. C. Spronk (Faith PRC). Church in Wyckoff, NJ.April 7, 2002-- Rev. A. Stewart (Covenant PRC in Ballymena, N. Ireland) declined the call from Hosanna PRC. R. Church has the following trio: Rev. Ref. Bernie Woudenberg died and was received into glory. Ref. June 27, 2021 - Prof. R. Dykstra is installed as the sixth pastor in Byron Center PRC's history. Ref. Ref. November 13, 2022 -Georgetown PRCvoted to callRev. in the History of the Protestant Reformed Churches. M.DeBoer (Edgerton, MN), E.Guichelaar (Randolph, WI), and J. Laning (Hull, IA). Church, Lacombe, AB, called Rev. July 14, 2013 - Rev.C.Haakannounces he has declined the call from Doon (IA) PRC. Ref. May 1, 2011 -Rev. Kenneth Koole (Grandville MI PRC) declined the appointment by Synod to serve as professor in the Protestant Reformed Seminary in the place of Prof. David Engelsma who is scheduled to retire shortly. August 7, 2022 -Rev. June 25, 2017 - Rev. October 27, 2013 - Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) extended a call to Rev.G.Eriks of Hudsonville PRC. Church of Edmonton, AB, Canada and declined the call to the Edgerton Prot. R. Hanko. The congregation will vote after the Prayer Day service on March 8. Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) declined the call to Faith Prot. Church.December 9, 2001-- Rev. Church, Jenison, MIJune 8, 2003 --Rev. March 28, 2021 - Kalamazoo PRC announces a new trio: Revs. November 18, 2012-Faith PRCannounces anew trioof Revs.C.Griess (Calvary, Hull, IA), C.Haak (Georgetown, Hudsonville), and C.Spronk (Peace, Lansing, IL). August 25, 2013 -Candidate Erik Guichelaar announces his acceptance of the call from Randolph, WI PRC, along with his decline of the call from Doon (IA) PRC. N. Decker and D. Noorman. R. Smit (Lacombe, AB). Church) declined the call from Hudsonville (MI) Protestant Reformed Church. Church.October 12, 2003--Rev. Carl Haak (Bethel, Roselle, IL) announced his decline of the call to Byron Center, MI congregation.February 10, 2002-- Rev. Sept.6, 2020 - Kalamazoo PRC extends a call to Rev. Team Roping (1,797) 315, 6%. Church, Jenison, MI.October 24, 2004 --Rev. November 24, 2019 - The Council of Cornerstone PRC announces a trio: Revs. Kortering served the congregations of Hull IA (twice), Hope PRC (Walker), Hope PRC (Redlands, CA), Loveland CO, Grandville MI, and as minister-on-loan to Singapore before becoming emeritus in 2002. Jonathan Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC, Dyer, IN). J. Holstege, D. Kleyn, and J. Smidstra. Carl Haak (Georgetown). A. denHartog (minister-on-loan to ERC, Singapore) accepted the call to Southwest Prot. August 21, 2016 - The Council of First PRC, Holland, MI announced a trio made up ofRev. April 18, 2004--Rev. Ref. May 28, 2017 - Rev. December 15, 2010 -Hope Prot. Reformed Church made the following trio: Rev. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) declined the call to Byron Center PRC, Byron Center, MI.January 18, 2004--Rev. February 20, 2022 - Rev. Church, Hull, IA received the letter of Candidate Cory Griess accepting their call. Church, Grandville, MIJanuary 23, 2005 -Prof. David J. Engelsma (Prot. Church, Roselle, ILMarch 13, 2005-Rev. J. Marcus (First PRC, Edmonton), and Rev. Ref. Steven Key (Hull, Iowa) declined the call from Byron Center (MI) Protestant Reformed Church. K. Koole. Ref. April 25, 2010 --Cornerstone Prot. K. Koole (Grandville), Rev. Allen Brummel (South Holland, IL) announced his decision to decline the call from Doon (IA) Prot. Church. The congregation will vote to call a pastor after their pm service July 17. W. Langerak (Southeast). December 4, 2014 - On Thursday, December 4, 2014, the congregation of First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI voted to extend a call to Rev.Ron Van Overloop (Grace PRC, Standale, MI) from her trio that also consisted of Revs.A.Brummel (Heritage PRC, Sioux Falls, SD) and R.Smit (missionary to the Philippines). J. Laning (Hope, Walker) to serve them as pastor. September 5, 2021 - The Council of Hudsonville PRC has formed a new trio of Rev. E. Guichelaar (Randolph, WI PRC) DECLINED the call from Grandville PRC to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. Ref. If sufficient people begin to attend, the intent is to organize a new congregation. June 18, 2008 --Organization of Providence Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, Michigan. Charles Terpstra (Holland, MI) declined the call to Southeast Protestant Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI.March 2, 2003- Rev. July 14, 2019 - Cand. Ref. C. Griess is installed as professor of theology in the Protestant Reformed Theological Seminary (to replace Prof. B. Gritters). A. den Hartog retiring at end of 2016): Revs. W. Langerak (SE-GR PRC) received the call through Grandville PRC to serve as minister on loan to Covenant Evangelical Church in Singapore. Jai Mahtani (missionary-Pittsburgh, PA) declined the call to the congregation of Edmonton, AB, CanadaMarch 13, 2005-Rev. July 30, 2017 - First PRC in Holland MI votes to call Cand. May 17, 2009 -Rev. Church called Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph). G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Mahtani (Cornerstone, St.John,IN.). July 7, 2013 - Rev.R.Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) announced that he had declined the call from Randolph, WI PRC. March 15, 2020 - The Consistory of Providence PRC announced a new trio from which to call their next pastor: Revs. July 5, 2009 -Rev. March 22, 2020 - The Council of Grandville Protestant Reformed Church has beeninformed by Covenant Evangelical Reformed Churchthat they have received a rejection of theirlast appeal with the Singapore government for an employment passfor Rev. There were 406 young people in attendance.August 6, 2001-- Rev. Ref. N. Langerak (Crete PRC, IL). J. Engelsma (Doon, IA) received the call from Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN). Church called Candidate Nathan Decker. March 29, 2020 - Rev. Steven Houck (Lansing, IL) announced his decline of the call to Edmonton, AB, Protestant Reformed Church.April 24, 2005-Rev. W. Langerak (Southeast, G.R. D.Holstege, D.Kleyn, and J.Laning. A.Spriensma (PRC home missionary) accepted the call to Cornerstone PRC (Dyer, IN).
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