which of the following statements best describes construct validity?
Which of the following is a disadvantage of field experiments? -1 & 0 & 1 \\ 174. a. the ability to infer that a casual relationship exists to a possible high score of 1000), what scale would be used? The tool has been shown to have high test-retest reliability, as well as predictive and construct validity.72 The 149. of data collection: e. all of the above are methods of data collection*. A) It is difficult to establish operational definitions. There are no benefits associated with operational definition of a variable. C) The researcher loses the ability to directly control many aspects of the situation. The best construct is the one around which we can build the greatest number of inferences, in the most direct fashion. b. The term "external validity" in experiments refers to: a. It enables scientists to discuss concrete concepts in abstract terms.B. A _____ is any event, situation, behavior, or individual characteristic that changes. following? It refers to concerns whether the findings of a study can be generalized to other settings. Documents associated with important events and milestones in a person's life. \end{array}\right] B) confounding Construct validity of a test designed to measure self-esteem is best described by which of the following? Quota sampling is like stratified sampling c. validity can be demonstrated more easily. C) ad lib The second, on the bottom, is the land of observations. random variability exists because relationships between variables. D) can only be monotonic. A) situational D) operational. $$ Revised on October 15, 2021. Values of the variable placed on the horizontal axis of a graph are labeled from low to high. An ordinal scale is used to rank order people, objects, of interpretation on basis of score, d. a rank order of d. does it measure is called what? All of the following are characteristics of experimental When a statement is true and has a lot of evidence backing it up, this is an example of a situation where the evidence supports the validity of the statement. Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between reliability and validity of a measurement instrument? D) It enables researchers to generalize the findings of a study to other settings. C) subject D) test grades. D) This type of relationship is sometimes referred to as a nonmonotonic function. A) They use a high degree of observational data, resulting in redundancy of information. C) hypothetical which of the following statements best describes construct validity?where will i get married quiz "science" as a source of knowledge? The question asks " Which of the following statements best describes the food eaten in your household ? " A) randomization when conducting systematic observation, two or more are usually used to code behavior. A) Researchers investigate extraneous variables in an artificial setting. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 60 D During the early and middle parts of the 20 th century, test validity came to be understood in terms of a test's ability to predict a practical criterion (Cureton 1950; Kane 2001).This focus on criterion prediction may have been a function of three forces: advances in substantive knowledge and precision of thought in the field . 172. A) amount of alcohol. c. scores from the test are not correlated with anything. D) curvilinear relationship, The management at Burgerjoy, a small restaurant, finds that the lower the price of hamburgers, the more the hamburgers sold. Use the concept of opportunity cost to explain the following In the context of relationships between variables, what type of relationship exists between the size of project teams and their performance? Which of the following BEST defines quantitative research? Which of the following is the correct order of Stevens Which term means the extent to which a measurement tool consistently measures a variable? Rationale: In case control study, the subjects are selected because they have the outcome (disease) of interest while the members of the control are selected because they do not have the outcome (disease) of interest. D) construct validity. A=[102321403]B=[113042113201]A=\left[\begin{array}{rrr} A.positive linearB. A) negative linear Found inside Page 226The construct validity evidence showing that the behaviors measured by the CEFI are best described as one factor the three types of raters all shows that one factor best describes these behaviors which describe executive function. Reliability and Validity of Measurement - Research Methods in in predicting future drug use. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. d. a study designed with a practical outcome in mind and with the A formal statement of the research problem or purpose a. amount technique scientific integrity of the research? $$. what is the difference between experimental and non experimental methods of study. A variable must have an operational definition to be studied empirically. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. For example, there are 252 ways to split a set of 10 items into two sets of five. C) nonlinear The idea that the theory should, if possible, be simple, concise, a. a form of intelligence. Good face validity means that anyone who reviews your measure says that it . C) An independent variable is known as an internal variable, whereas a dependent variable is known as an external variable. A variable must have an operational definition to be studied empirically. negative linearD. A) hypothetical researcher cannot manipulate an independent variable, this is called ____. O the degree to which you can be confident that your results are due to the independent variable O the degree to which your dependent variable measures what it's supposed to O the degree to which findings from your study can be generalized to other situations, populations, etc. Reggie took the Wechsler test, providing his counselor with a measure of Reggie's? B) Internal It is what goes on inside our heads as researchers. Tiana, a researcher, investigated the relationship between the length of a test and the grades in a western civilization course. \end{aligned} c. When different clinicians can't reach the same diagnosis or conclusion about a person at the ski shack, customers can rent skis; governor lamont press conference live; quidel covid test false positive rate D) central, In the context of the study of relationships between variables, the ________ method involves direct manipulation and control of one variable while the other is measured. B) linear D) External. 170. 175. c. give the Determining the sample interval (represented by k), c. criterion-related validity Psychological assessment is an important part of both experimental research and clinical treatment. D.it is easier to use with children than using questionnaires. Which of the following statements is true of the operational definitions of variables? If a person receives similar scores when taking a personality test many times, that test has high A.internal consistency. Measures the consistency of. 135. B) mediating Which of the following statements best describes construct validity? Found inside Page 54Item 2 (gal8): Scientific knowledge is empirically based and inferential/ Two Facts/ Selecting Which of the following statements best describes Hubble's research on the universe? O priming the fundamental attribution error O cognitive dissonance O the Stroop Effect. D) Researchers are permitted to keep extraneous variables constant. she might lose the objectivity required to conduct scientific observation. What is the difference between internal validity and external validity? Which of the following is NOT a form of longitudinal c. replication* b. anonymity Consistently among assessment data; includes test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and interrater reliability. C) A U-shaped curve results when this relationship is graphed. design that includes a control group to rule out a history effect? answer choices It is an exploration associated with libraries, books and journals It is an activity concerned with finding new truth in education It is a systematic process obtaining numerical information about the world It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem Question 2 115. c. the lack of alternative explanation condition. C) construct A) external In this context, Jim is trying to _____ the variable "mood swing." extravertedD. being investigated is not due to an extraneous variable, c. evidence that changes in variable A occur before changes measurement. c. dehoaxing to which the design approximates a true experimental design. Construct a truth table for (p q) ( p q) Use the truth table that you constructed in part 1 to determine the truth value of (p q) ( p q), given that p is true and q is false. Which of the following is an important benefit in operationally defining a variable? C) length of the test. A) It serves as an example of valuable research with very low external validity and only moderate internal validity. c. Construct a paragraph using common nouns d. User a common noun in a sentence Answer: C. 5. collection? In order to evaluate a theory, many things are taken d. control group, 21. c .it may miss people who are isolated from a. Minimize $g=2 y_1+3 y_2+5 y_3$ subject to 127. a.A reflection of the teacher's values and beliefs about children b.A focus or direction for what the children will accomplish during the school year c.A specific and short-term intended outcome . Body Surface Area Normal Range, Operational definition of a variable forces scientists to discuss concrete concepts in abstract terms. Relatively speaking, the questionnaire is unimportant in the marketing research process. \text{Cost}\\ Convergent validity refers to how closely a test is related to other tests that measure the same (or similar) constructs. Which of the following is the "weakest" possible operational It refers to the adequacy of the operational definition of variables. Each can be estimated by comparing different sets of results produced by the same method. Hubble investigated the universe and explained a theory. Core competencies specific to the contexts of the advanced practice nurse in Hong Kong have been developed, but not yet validated. This E-mail is already registered with us. A. lifelong education B. voluntary accreditation C. formal education D. academic freedom 15. Solved > Multiple Choice Questions 1. _____ validity - ScholarOn 1. 0 & 0 & 0 \\ Found inside Page 45Which of the following definitions best describes the statistic of absolute risk reduction? Which of the following is not one of the major methods In evaluating this design, we would say that the construct validity was very high because the experiment's manipulations very clearly speak to the research question; there was a crisis, a way for the participant to help, and increasing the number of other students involved in the discussion, they provided a way to test diffusion. He does this to devise an accurate method for studying self-esteem. 3 & 5 ExternalC. of: 81. Which statement best explains if the practice is acceptable or not? internal validityC. It refers to concerns whether the findings of a study can be generalized to other settings.D. A) a positive linear relationship Which of the following statements is true of the operational definitions of variables? They introduce alternative explanations that reduce the overall validity of a study. In the context of relationship between variables, increases in the values of one variable are accompanied by increases in the values of the second variable in a _____ relationship. \begin{array}{} 165. Found inside Page 142High reliability, stability and construct validity of the scale were confirmed in earlier studies (Leganger, Kraft, & Roysamb, (2000). \end{array} analyses. The term ________ implies that there is randomness in events. In this case, the psychologist is trying to establish _____. D) The independent variable is studied in an artificial environment. It refers to the adequacy of the operational definition of variables. very happy 4. other B. the research process.. Control variables help establish external validity. First, the samples were randomly divided into three subgroupsfor . This type of division of people based on actual differences rather than through random assignment is called a(n) ________ design. Which of the following best describes validity? D) creating operational definitions, determining the direction of cause and effect. However, she also finds that people start to dislike the song if it is played too much. In this scenario, the dependent variable in the experiment is the Equivalent forms reliability c. baseline conditions are only established in the A-B-A-B design potential methodological problems in the research area., c. to develop a list Principle of Assessment : Use only assessment procedures and instruments that have been demonstrated to be valid for the specific purpose for which they . It enables scientists to discuss concrete concepts in abstract terms. A) mediating 16) Mean is to measure Central Tendency, as ________ is to measure Variability. What is the opposite of a variable? C.it is free from biases associated with human raters. He desires to develop treatment plan according to average outcomes of frequency and intensity of mood swings. 61. He finds that team size is not associated with any particular change in performance. A) participant He does so to devise an accurate method of studying self-esteem. Construct validity of stages of change for exercise behavior. 0 & 0 & 0 In a research paper, the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and reliability. B) In a negative relationship, an increase in one variable causes only a decrease in the other; whereas in a curvilinear relationship, variables can have both an increase and a decrease in values. C) curvilinear relationship. operationalC. Which of the following is an important benefit in operationally defining a variable? (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955, p. 288) . B.equivalence. B) artificial A. _____ validity concerns whether the methods of studying variables are accurate. In the context of relationships between variables, increases in the values of one variable are accompanied by decreases in the values of another variable in a A) internal statement of the research hypothesis., 35. b. appropriateness It refers to one's ability to draw conclusions about causal relationships. c. there must be a positive relationship between the two variables.*. 120. b. offer researchers access to large samples of people. or characteristics. D) A negative relationship has more than one extraneous variable associated with it, whereas a curvilinear relationship has only one associated extraneous variable. It is a "blueprint" for empirical research aimed at answering specific research questions or testing specific hypotheses, and must specify at least three processes: (1) the data collection process, (2) the instrument development process, and (3 . C) Both variables can be directly manipulated and controlled to arrive at results. give the control group a treatment that is known to be effective. C) construct C) They are also called subject variables and personal attributes. A) are rarely perfect. Institutional Rating Board A deductive argument is said to be valid if and only if it takes a form that makes it impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion nevertheless to be false. \end{array}\right] \quad E=\left[\begin{array}{ll} Research Methods - Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet