santa clara county calfresh handbook
At this time this work rule is waived in all counties until at least June 30, 2023, and you do not need to meet it. 0000137387 00000 n Eligible household members can getCalFresh benefits even if other members of the household are not eligible. 0000012239 00000 n 0000171473 00000 n Seeds and plants to grow food for household use. 0000146769 00000 n CalFresh Emergency Allotments, which are temporary increases to regular CalFresh food benefits introduced during the start of the pandemic, will be ending soon due to recent action by the federal government. You can mail the form to your County SSA office. 0000164967 00000 n 0000007109 00000 n 0000134141 00000 n 0000132942 00000 n Purchase hot meals breakfast, lunch, or dinner at the restaurant by using your California EBT Card at checkout. 0000007062 00000 n Available in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian. 6 5,930 CalFresh Handbook Index CalFresh Handbook Table of Contents Chapter 1: Thrifty Food Plan and Income Test Limits Chapter 2: Charts, Tables, and Miscellaneous Chapter 3: Application Chapter 4: Authorized Representative Chapter 5: Social Security Number Requirements Chapter 6: Verifications Chapter 7: Expedited Services Chapter 8: Notice of Action . 0000159446 00000 n There is no change to the SSI/SSP monthly benefit. 0000118969 00000 n The TUA allowance remains at $19 (effective 10/1/21). Applying for CalFresh in the County of Santa Clara. 0 The new member must be added effective February 1. 1799 0 obj <> endobj 0000006481 00000 n The resultant amount cannot exceed 100% of the FPL. 0000009435 00000 n 4 4,418 CalFresh Food is California's name for the federal food program called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that used to be known as Food Stamps. 0000005237 00000 n Number of People in Your Household (People buying/eating together). Medical Deduction The portion of medical expenses, excluding special diets, in excess of the allowable amount of $35 per household per month (incurred by any household member who is elderly or disabled). The applicant must live in the state of California and must apply in their county of residence. 0000003953 00000 n After you submit an application, you will be contacted by an eligibility worker to complete the application process. Examples of earned income include wages and salaries, striker's benefits, etc. 0000006362 00000 n 0000145807 00000 n 0000173465 00000 n CalFresh Benefits Helpline 1-877-847-3663. 0000004741 00000 n 0000145503 00000 n 0000011560 00000 n 0000154592 00000 n 0000007726 00000 n <]/Prev 931089/XRefStm 4995>> 0000045411 00000 n The maximum gross allowed is 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)[except for households who are sanctioned, households with certain convicted drug felons (until April 1, 2015) or households who have been convicted of an Intentional Program Violation]. Supervisor Corner. The Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund provides temporary assistance to help people living in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma counties. 0000167629 00000 n Also, even if you cant get CalFresh benefits for yourself, other members of your household may be eligible. 0000163748 00000 n 0000160624 00000 n 7 6,688 You can complete the paper application and return it to the SSA office for processing. 0000141460 00000 n To start the login process for your MyBenefits CalWIN, visit the MyBenefits CalWIN website at 0000169375 00000 n Find your county office contact. 0000009938 00000 n 0000006147 00000 n 0000005320 00000 n Try Now! Most households must have a total gross monthly income less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty level, to be potentially eligible for CalFresh. hU[PU6 66MbR$h&ftBVK!b@*W/U_|C"3j3/:z, <9ggs H2* O&$5RkzfGt^K58|%R1wWb1N09`,7uxVn2>2zVOpdP{o6~#cAP-k/~`"}ng]]{Gsk&U)|UEec]yXDinC|#U-imh!Zr&&&iyOn^Bu6mn7l+ZJ2qvokih{FFuz.gefWl|8Ro{*|(O6h 8H|-[S tiI+.vsDFHsHl^c1"^g!Q>f[ K|AyM &- F`Iqf+dn2'N Qz]mt\lJO]I-/R/$>_xp%[WF"C+Q3HR$AK,0,U!-"L2BTAAVIW'21YnQ2l]QDN%$fLJbCNR_o 8[ZuFrlqT>.Y4MBAJhxf=^=h0~m#e>7VXJD),~0nA%O_d: 4QVflEq You can complete the re-certification online using the MyBenefits CalWIN Portal. 0000044458 00000 n 0000168465 00000 n 0000006647 00000 n Households discontinued from the CalFresh program can have their eligibility restored on a pro-rata basis within the month following termination, without the need for a new application or an interview, if the household resolves the reasons for the discontinuance in that month. 0000173834 00000 n 0000003245 00000 n 0000011067 00000 n 0000146152 00000 n 0000086524 00000 n CalFresh benefits can help buy nutritious foods for a better diet. 0000155489 00000 n Click here to locate an office near you. 0000155253 00000 n 0000003588 00000 n Other Contact Numbers, Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, CF 1 (10/14) - Notice To All CalFresh Recipients - Important Please Read, CF 10 (12/13) - Dependent Care Cost Affidavit, CF 11 (8/15) ENG/SP - Notice To All CalFresh Recipients Important - Please Read, CF 18 ENG/SP (2/14) - Important Information, CF 20 (2/14) - You Do Not Owe Anything For Receiving CalFresh Benefits, CF 24 (7/12) - CalFresh Program Request For Policy/Regulation Interpretation, CF 28 Coversheet (2/14) - CalFresh Program Restricted Account Coversheet - Important To Know, CF 28A (2/14) - CalFresh Program Restricted Account Agreement Part A, CF 28B (2/14) -CalFresh Program Restricted Accounting Agreement part B, CF 29 (10/13) -CalFresh Recertification Appointment Letter, CF 29A (2/14) - CalFresh Initial Appointment Letter, CF 29B (2/14) - CalFresh Initial On-Demand Appointment Letter, CF 29C (2/14) - CalFresh Recertification Appointment Letter, CF 29D (2/14) -CalFresh Recertification On-Demand Appointment Letter, CF 31 (4/15) - CalFresh Supplemental Form For Special Medical Deductions, CF 32 (6/13) - CalFresh Request For Contact, CF 37 (7/15) - Recertification For CalFresh Benefits, CF 215 (9/14) - CalFresh Notification Of Inter-County Transfer, CF 286 SAR (12/15) - CalFresh Budget Worksheet/Semi-Annual Reporting Households, CF 303 (2/14) - Replacement Affidavit/Authorization, CF 377.1 (9/15) - Notice Of Approval For CalFresh Benefits, CF 377.2 (10/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Expiration Of Certification, CF 377.2A (12/13) -CalFresh Notice Of Expiration Of Certification For Households In Which All Adults Are Elderly Or Disabled, CF 377.2A1 (4/14) - Important Information For Households In Which All Adults Are Elderly Or Disabled With No Earned Income, CF 377.4 SAR (6/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Change For Semi-Annual Reporting Households, CF 377.4A (2/14) - CalFresh Notice Of Change (Non-Citizen), CF 377.4 CR (1/14) -CalFresh Notice Of Change For Change Reporting Households, CF 377.5 CR (11/13) - CalFresh Household Change Report, CF 377.5 SAR (9/13) - CalFresh Mid-Certification Period Status Report, CF 377.6 (8/13) - Information/Verification Needed, CF 377.7A (2/14) - Notice Of Administrative Disqualification, CF 377.7A1 (2/14) - Request For Restoration Of CalFresh Benefits After Administrative Disqualification, CF 377.7B (2/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Inadvertent Household Errors (IHE) Only, CF 377.7B1 (2/14) - CalFresh Repayment Notice For Inadvertent Household Errors Only Final Notice, CF 377.7C (2/14) - CalFresh Repayment Agreement For Inadvertent Household Errors Only, CF 377.7D (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE) Only, CF 377.7D1 (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE) Only, CF 377.7D3 (1/14) - CalFresh Overissuance Notice For Administrative Errors (AE), CF 377.7E1 (1/14) - CalFresh Repayment Agreement For Administrative Errors Only, CF 377.9 (2/14) - Notice Of Back CalFresh Benefits, CF 385 (10/15) - Application For Disaster CalFresh, CF 386 (2/14) - CalFresh Notice Of Missed Interview, CF 387 (5/14) - CalFresh Request For Information, CF 388 (8/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Restoration Approval, CF 389 (2/14) - Notice Of Denial Of Restoration, CF 478 (2/14) - Disqualification Consent Agreement CalFresh Program, CF 842 (2/14) - Claim Determination Worksheet, CF 1239(5/13) - CalFresh Notice Of Approval/Denial/Termination Transitional Benefits, CalFresh Guidelines Insert for Brochures (. Starting June 1, 2019, the CalFresh food assistance program expanded to include eligible older adults and people with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) benefits. 0000156450 00000 n 0000156049 00000 n For more program information and locations visit: Santa Clara County CalFresh Employment & Training. 0000146805 00000 n 0000163266 00000 n Enter your email address in the space provided, then click Submit. 0000133026 00000 n 0000169049 00000 n 1892 0 obj <>stream 0000006113 00000 n For CalFresh purposes, gross monthly income means a households total income before excluding allowable deductions. Revised Date: April 17, 2019 . Heres how to contact the SSA regarding your Santa Clara County CalFresh benefits: The Customer Service Center (CSC) is a single point of contact currently providing services for the following aid programs: To find out about the status of your case or application, or to ask any other question about your case, you can call: If you currently live in the County of Santa Clara and receive CalFresh benefits we have great news! 0000007477 00000 n 63-1251-Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-1300 thru 63-1400, Sec 63-1300 thru 24/7 Nurse advice line. 0000169245 00000 n 0000005096 00000 n As your income increases, your CalFresh benefit amount goes down. Fill Santa Clara Calfresh Handbook, Edit online. 0000003857 00000 n For info on how to complete watch YouTube video, SCCSSADEBS (@sccssadebs) October 1, 2021. 0000161418 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n CalFresh Info Line 1-877-847-3663. Lastly, you can apply In person at any of the Social Service Agency (SSA) offices. 0000154697 00000 n 0000169567 00000 n 0000003366 00000 n 0000166271 00000 n Gross Monthly Income Eligibility CalFresh is for people with low-income who meet federal income eligibility rules and want to add to their budget to put healthy and nutritious food on the table. As you will see below, the table shows the specific date each renewal process has to be completed based on the date of your initial application for CalFresh. You can use your EBT card to get more fruits and vegetables at participating grocery stores in Santa Clara county. 0000006872 00000 n Enrolled in a program that doesn't require a high school diploma. OR. On February 1, 2023, a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration with Individual Assistance . There are two kinds of reporting: Change and Semi-Annual, which are described below: Change reporting households are those in which household members are seasonal and/or migrant farm workers, elderly, disabled or homeless. 0000007892 00000 n Currently, there are many restaurants that accept EBT Cards in Santa Clara County, California. 0000154533 00000 n You can call the County of Santa Clara Social Service Agency (SSA) to apply by phone or have an application mailed to you. 0000174939 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % 0000167441 00000 n Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-500 (Cont), Sec 63-503 - Food Stamp 0000002307 00000 n Most households are not subject to the resource limit. 0000164497 00000 n endstream endobj 1751 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[542 1149]/Length 53/Size 1691/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Click here for help logging into your MyBenefits CalWIN account or see the instructions above. 0000144706 00000 n CalFresh Info Line 1-877-847-3663. In general, CalFresh eligibility is available to most lawfully-present immigrants who: California also has a program for immigrants who have not lived here for five years, but have a lawful permanent resident status or qualified immigration status and meet all other program eligibility criteria. Tools. It includes SAR 7 renewal and annual recertification timeline. Intention to reside permanently in the county is not required. 0000004433 00000 n CalFresh Handbook Application 3 Application. 0000169455 00000 n 0000165628 00000 n If you have further questions about CalFresh in Santa Clara County or California EBT Card, please let us know in the comments section below. 0000132985 00000 n 0000005403 00000 n 0000003447 00000 n 0000008550 00000 n All Rights Reserved. 0000171135 00000 n 0000140947 00000 n In Santa Clara County, where over 1,500 people are signing up every month for CalFresh, a temporary 15 percent increase in CalFresh benefits will be available until June 30. Employed at least 20 hours/week. 0000155911 00000 n 0000002617 00000 n Call the California SNAP hotline to learn more: 1-877-847-3663. 0000134225 00000 n 0000005653 00000 n san bernardino county handbook calfresh Bing Just PDF. This is part of the CalFresh Restaurant Meals Program. This restoration of benefits is based on a federal . 0000147317 00000 n It is very important to keep your interview even if you do not have proof of the changes discussed above. 0000166547 00000 n 0000155057 00000 n Your household assets must fall below certain limits. Inland Empire Food Bank. Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-800, Sec 63-805 - Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-900 thru 63-1000, Sec 63-900 thru 63-1002 - Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-1000, Sec 63-1001 thru 63-1102 - Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-1200, Sec 63-1200 thru 0000152789 00000 n 0000005568 00000 n You also are excused from it if you are under 18, over age 49, pregnant, living in a CalFresh household with a minor child, and for other reasons your county can explain. Enrolled less than half time. Follow the instructions and enter your 4-digit EBT Card PIN to complete your purchase. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. 0000160404 00000 n A standard deduction of $225 for a household with 5 members. 0000009347 00000 n Santa Clara County Social Services 1-408-758-3800. 0 Standards for Modified Categorical These households are required to report within 10 days from the date of a change in writing, verbally or in person. United States. 3. Yes. Deductions are allowable expenses that can be subtracted from the households monthly gross income to arrive at the net monthly income. 0000147701 00000 n 0000101509 00000 n Income Definitions and Exemptions 19.1 Earned Income 19.1.1 Definition Earned income is received as compensation for employment. 0000007192 00000 n In Santa Clara County, the CalFresh program is managed by the County of Santa ClaraSocial Service Agency (SSA). 0000141544 00000 n Farmers Market produce is grown locally and freshness is unbeatable! 0000158590 00000 n Business Process. 0000150973 00000 n 0000010232 00000 n 0000170719 00000 n CalFresh Handbook - County of Santa Clara. 0000172447 00000 n Excluded Resources Resources which are not counted are the home and surrounding property, vehicles, household goods, personal effects, resources with an equity value of $1500 or less (excluding financial instruments), and resources with a cash value that is not accessible to the household (such as irrevocable trust funds, security deposits on rental property, etc.). Outreach materials are available and can be accessed on the Disaster CalFresh Outreach Materials webpage. Households that fit the description in section 1 above will need to report the following types of resources: Liquid Resources Includes all funds readily available to the household such as cash on hand, money in checking or savings accounts, savings certificates, trust deeds, notes receivable, stocks, or bonds, non-recurring lump sum payments [which includes retroactive payments, funds held in an individual retirement accounts (IRA) and funds held in accessible Keogh plans]. Santa Clara County Social Services Agency. Reasonable accommodations available. 0000007228 00000 n 0000154881 00000 n 0000155327 00000 n Contain a member who has been disqualified from participating in CalFresh because of an Intentional Program Violation, Have a head of household does not comply with, Have any member of the household has been convicted of certain categories of drug felonies. The program issues monthly benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. 0000165535 00000 n 0000060905 00000 n CalFresh benefits can be used to purchase: Yes. 0000007607 00000 n 0000160010 00000 n 0000005154 00000 n Once there, you can perform a variety of tasks as listed above, including: If you do not remember your login credentials, follow the instructions below: If you do not remember your username, click on the Forgot Username? link, as shown below. Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-400, Sec 63-401 thru 63-405 - Food Additionally, we will review the CalFresh renewal process in Santa Clara County and what you need to know to successfully complete SAR 7 or recertification. 0000167867 00000 n 0000172019 00000 n Watch the historic video. Here are the most frequently asked questions about CalFresh in Santa Clara County. 0000003693 00000 n Semi-Annual Reporting Requirements 24.1 Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) Households As a result of Senate Bill (SB) 79, California eliminated Change Reporting and all CalFresh households . Furthermore, even if some members of the household are not eligible, those who are may be able to get CalFresh benefits. 1752 0 obj <>stream Food may be purchased at any grocery store or farmers market that accepts EBT cards. Certain non-citizens such as those admitted for humanitarian reasons and those admitted for permanent residence may be eligible forCalFresh benefits. Students can apply themselves, but we highly recommend using one of the following sign-up assistance programs where trained staff/volunteers can help guide you through the process. 0000043782 00000 n Back to Top. 1$2,148 For more information, contact the ROTLINE 408-918-4640. 0000166917 00000 n 0000159571 00000 n The CDSS will regularly post updates regarding CalFresh's response to disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, and severe storms on this webpage. regulations, please contact the CDSS program directly. Dependent Care A household shall be entitled, with respect to expenses for dependent care, to a dependent care deduction for the actual cost of payments necessary for the care of a dependent if the care enables a household member to accept or continue employment, or training or education that is preparatory for employment. You will receive an email with instructions about your username. We will first explain the recertification process, then we will explain how you can complete the process online. Once you are on the homepage you will need to locate the Sign In button, which is usually at the top part of the site (see image below). dok[{wPA SL> w6!ftc~H.0mkp9c4C'j;8HG"@k[J g=w -QR 63-509 0000004519 00000 n The table below shows the maximum CalFresh benefits for households with zero income. 0000003916 00000 n In this post, we will review everything you need to know about CalFresh Santa Clara including CalFresh eligibility, how to apply for benefits, How to renew your benefits, MyBenefits CalWIN login help, and SSA contact information. If they also have a member who has a disability or who is 60 years of age or older, the resource limit is $3,750. 0000164663 00000 n If approved, a monthly dollar amount is placed on a debit-like card to help you add to your monthly food budget. Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, Div 63, Chap 63-000, Sec 63-001 thru 63-099 - Food 0000007750 00000 n 0000006718 00000 n Heres thelist of Santa Clara County SSA office locations that handle CalFresh applications and benefits. The Santa Clara County Office of the Public Defender is comprised of approximately 240 employees, including 121 attorneys, 30 investigators, 31 paralegals and 58 clerical and support staff who are committed to providing quality legal representation to our clients.
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