paint schemes for f4u corsair
Using the profiles I found in the book as a template, I made some patterns with the intermediate blue that traveled above the insignia and made a few waves, as it were, that would then be met with the sea blue. So I grabbed a pin drill and some copper and lead wiringand started. It was a difficult scheme to apply in practice, and no two aircraft looked exactly alike. I recommend using gloss paint for the exterior colors as it makes for better decal adhesion and minimizes silvering. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. A few F4U-1D were delivered in the tri-color paint scheme of Sea Blue, Intermediate Blue, and flat white. The early F4U's (the Island based Marine units) Had a paint schemed compries of: 1 Insignia white 2 Intermediate Blue ( I think this color is also called "non-specular sea blue", If I am wrong. ACADEMY 2124 - 1/48 VOUGHT F4U-4B CORSAIR. Theyre incredibly easy to use and add an incredible amount of detail to the interior. F4U Corsairs 1944 Published at 800 993 px. The one possible exception to this paint scheme is BuAer 02153. It was taken while VMF-214 was on R&R, between VMF-214s first and 203215559383 Armed with a plan I covered the 1/32 Corsair in primer, and used black-basing techniques to fill in the three main colors and felt like I had accomplished something decent. This kit has been, hands down, the best Ive ever touched. This aftermarket set is designed for: Trumpeter. Link doesn't work. 7) Finally, although its a Birdcage Corsair, the plane has been fitted with the taller tailwheel post, no doubt to improve visibility over the nose. One-way pattern and you can get in a rhythm, Sprayed a Testors Clear Coat layer over the entire aircraft and then used a combination of Flory light and dark washesdepending on the part of the aircraft would be effected by either or both. Gunze Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500, sprayed through an airbrush. In addition to this, I did some areas in a lighter blue to give some overall interest and variation to break up the sea blue but to also simulate staining/fading where maintenance fluids would typically be. Some thoughts hereas we age our eyes go "south" as some of you (most of you) know. Id guess thats why you see pictures with the bar extensions but no red surrounds. Bob escaped with only minor scratches, but Number 10 was deep-sixed. F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town! Free shipping above 99. Vought F4U Corsair Tri-Color Scheme Color Profile and Paint Guide The appearance of U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Defense, or NASA imagery or art does not constitute an endorsement nor is Cybermodeler Online affiliated with these organizations. To see more of Mats work, check out his Tamiya/Italeri Ju-87 Stuka, Trumpeter Me-109F, Tamiya F-51D, Hasegawa c.202 Folgore, Academy P-47, Trumpeter P-40B, or my personal favorite, FJ-4B Fury.). Celebrating 23 years of hobby news and reviews. View Account 0. Although one kit can be finished as an F4U-1D, both kits were finished as F4U-1As. Customer satisfaction 4,2/5. Usually the top of the forward fuselage was finished with flat paint to reduce glare for the pilot. F4U-4 Propeller and Cowling Set True Details. Watch this space. First, I placed the lines themselves, then I masked around them, and finally pulled them up. The few photos I have seen of VF. Im never going to do that again. I think there were two factors that contributed to this. As I did the bottom of the plane (see slide two above) I used too much paint (this is a reoccurring theme here) and actually wiped off parts of the underside multiple times. In a lot of these shots youll see scuff marks on the wings/fuselagelike the Montex Mask overhead shot of the insignia. This resulted in another case of subtractive masking. We do not sell, rent or trade our email lists. I think Ill be reverting back to my normal painting process but I did like the addition of post shading, which Ive not done much of in the past. Learn how your comment data is processed. Technically speaking just take your time, use a magnifying headset to get the details right and as you gain experience you can add details found in magazines, historical documents etcor just wing it. Now you can buy specialty products that do the same thing (at a much higher cost per oz/gram of course) BTWthe H&S Evolution I'm working with is excellent but at some point yesterday I tipped the bowl over far enough and a lot of paint ran down the front of the brush into the nozzle area. In the decades since, dozens of artists, model makers, die-cast companies, and custom decal printers issued innumerable renditions of Boyingtons F4U. The first Corsairs sent to England were all white. I did this not only for the national insignia, but also the plane ID markings as well. Theres really not much to say here in terms of technique, trials, or tribulations. PuFFie, June 26, 2014 in Paint Schemes and Camouflage. Ive used Oramask on every one of my builds where Ive painted markings, thus far, and have not seen this issue before. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos on miniature face painting (mostly War Gamer stuff), I added some additional detail (radio wiring), more decals, some additional panel liner and basically called it done, I amy not be very good at what I dobut at least I'm slow. As for the Marking Color i can use Gunze offwhite and the so called "insignia blue" but what FS number is it? It's not that easy. Goodyear-built Corsairs were designated FG while Brewster-built aircraft were F3A. US Forestry Service pilot Eugene Akers flew this virtually stock F4U-4 Corsair, and was a stunning site to see. Build Length: About five months overall start-finish working evenings and weekends between epic Destiny 2 game play sessions. Corsair Markings and Nose Art of VMF-512. Yes, there's photos of an AU-1 that was painted in a gull grey and white scheme during the sixties, I believe. The engine was painted in Alcad Silver and I washed the cylinders (and engine body) in Tamiyas Black panel liner (liberally). Yes Im well aware of the official insignia changes and that there are frequent aberrations from the official orders and timelines. Enthusiats at your service : at 1001hobbies, we share your passion 1945, however, most aircraft carriers also had on board at least one Marine fighter-bomber squadron equipped with F4U-1C and -D Corsair. Guns, Cars, Planes, Making a good skin for the community . Tamiyas 1/32 F4U-1 Corsair is definitely one of those builds. The gloss quickly faded with exposure to the elements. The same paints are needed for VMF-111 (F4U-1A) but shouldn't there be any differences in tonal variations cause of early and late versions of these colors? I continued to weather the aircraft in spots as I finished it up.most notably from the top gas tank on the fuselage, tires, propeller (salt technique), etc. The one on the first photo is F4U-1, the other picture of the same plane clearly shows that wheel well covers are in the belly color, and both main and tail wells are primed (so it should be salmon): What I would say is you have is you have a very nice wife. After purchasing a book by Michael Claringbould (see References Used below) on Corsair profiles from a show earlier this year I knew I wanted to utilize those more interesting transitions when building a Corsair. It's been a joy to work w/this oneeven the small bits are perfectly set and I have not had to remove much flash at all. If you get a chance to build a model of a plane for the guy who actually flew it, take the opportunity while you can. Big plus. 2) If the plane was re-painted into the graded 4 tone scheme at the depot level (Like NAS Norfolk, Philadelphia, or San Diego), the Non Spec Sea Blue was extended very low on the fuselage sides with just a minimal amount of Intermediate Blue transition. It was written off following a ground accident with another Corsair at NAS Barbers Point, TH. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Academy Minicraft Vought Corsair F4U-4 Kit 1656 NO BOX 1/48 at the best online prices at eBay! F4U-1 Wheels Diamond Pattern Eduard. 24 hours to let them set up and cure. I forgot the Light Gray for the -1 undersides. The weight of opinion sure seems to be an extended application of Sea Blue, but I dont think black is out of the question and I will likely use it when I build a -2 just for variety if nothing else! For example, many of those red borders were painted over before orders came down and others were never painted in the first place. The Chance Vought F4U Corsair is widely considered the most capable of all carrier-based fighter aircraft of World War Two. The incredible detail in this research goes to show that. The F4U-2 arrived at a time of transition within the Navy to what is generally referred to as the Graded 4 Tone Scheme, consisting of Non Specular Sea Blue, Intermediate Blue, Semi Gloss Sea Blue, and White. The no-slip walkways in particular I wanted to show as scuffed and a bit faded, so I went with a dark gray, then attacked it with a wet, stiff brush as soon as the masking was pulled away. Special Paint Schemes Aircraft painted in beautiful and original liveries Airport Overviews . The Chance Vought F4U-1D Corsair is a fighter-bomber developed from the earlier F4U-1 Corsair. Very late F4U-2s, such as Everett Vaughns Shirley June (which may have been the second -2 to have that name) featured the very clearly delineated separation between the Non Spec Sea Blue, Intermediate Blue, and White on the fuselage that we all have in our minds eye when we think of a three-tone Corsair. One thing that is certain is the Darker Sea Blue extends very far down the fuselage sides and the intermediate blue region on the sides of the forward fuselage and engine cowling is very narrow, but its there. On this build I decided up front to abandon this process and try something new. I am Active Duty Air Force and paint F16s as my career, and have done some custom heritage tails lately, and am attempting my hand at painting them in scale form. First up, in the standard 3-tone Navy scheme was the Insignia White. The Lucybelle decals were applied to the -1A kit and the Birdcage decals for Boyington's aircraft added to the correctly built Birdcage Corsair. It took a bit careful placement of the fingers and thumbs to line everything up, ensure everything was level, and not create any finger prints in the plastic. Lets get into it! It stands to reason that carrier maintenance units had stocks of this colour on hand. correct colours for the wheel wells, engine cowling, oleos and the internal sides of the undercarriage doors. The only spot of semi-trouble was the join of the outer and inner wings. The F4U Corsair is one the most iconic fighters of WWII. In time, engineers at Goodyear pushed development of an in-house version intended for the low-altitude dogfighting role based on the F4U-1 - which it knew as the FG-1. Some Night Fighter F4Us were overall Flat Black in Korea. 866.580.8727 +1 602.748.4565. I intended to build one as a gift and just happened to have two of them stashed away so, I decided that Id build one for myself as well! The one seam I had to work on was the underbelly but using Mr. Surfacer 1500 and a variety of sanding sticks did the trick. What i really notice here is too much "wear" (most will be hidden so I'm not going to "un-wear") and how the paint wears off the hard edges as we handle our models. I did not do that here. I then purchased a Brassin cowling to give some detail to the engine cowlingsparticularly the engine cooling flaps. Up against a lot of resistance to round-the-clock operations, having to write the rules as they went along, and stuck with a temperamental, first-generation Radar, VF(N)-101 managed to Plow the Road and make things easier for the up-and-coming F6F-5N squadrons to follow. worth the wait. You can actually decant the spray cans into your airbrush jars. View our, What a clear and concise instruction set right down to the custom color mix. For the steps that follow, the majority of painting was done with Hataka Orange Line paints thinned with their proprietary thinner at about a 50/50 ratio. I don't recall seeing the F4U in an Atlantic I or II scheme, but it's possible. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This diagram was adopted and sexed up with a colour version in Dana Bells book, but this is still the authoritative document: Definitely an interesting and thorough look at -2 colors. New tool New parts New decals. on Dr. Strangebrush Goes On the Bench with the Chaps from Down Under, on The Dragon 1/35 SdKfz 234/4 Panzersphwagen. The Tamiya Corsair is a fine model. All-in-all, Im quite happy with how these builds turned out. I didnt want to resort to chemical means and risk affecting my just completed paint work. I drilled four holes in every cylinder; Two for the two spark plug wires, and two for whatever that cross-tube is (I should knowprobably did knowbut didnt care to remember what its called). Create a free website or blog at Wouldn't be the first time, the modern photos of the Blue Angels Bearcat you see floating around are of an F8F-2 which the Blue Angels never flew. Nevertheless, as told by Warren Thompson in his book F4U Corsair Units of the Korean War, on Sep. 10, 1952 Capt. I plan on using the scheme from BarracudaCals' "F4U-1 Corsair Part 1" for the FG-1D from the USS Cape Gloucster. Once I was satisfied with the primer coverage on both models, I let them sit for approx. In early 1943, he deployed to the South Pacific and began flying combat missions in the legendary F4U Corsair fighter. Construction of my second 32nd Birdcage has begun. Sorting out the interior colours of the Corsair is particularly tricky. I spent hours visualizing how I was going to pull this offand ended up using a LOT of tape (youll see), Plasti-tak, had to repaint the entire fuselage and parts of two wings and generally spent an inordinate amount of time mixing paints to get some semblance of an overall paint scheme that didnt include too much, or too little variations and hues of blue. Between August 1950 and December 1952, the light carrier Sicily supported strikes into North Korea by F4U . They have a lot of ready-made sets based off actual kit decals, as well as several sets of standalone markings. I am wondering if this is actually the case. You can see the resultsblotches/tonal differences, etc. For the most part, the pattern was the same on both aircraft (18 and 831) when it came to the engine cowling and outer half of the underside of the wing. The trick here is to use thin paint and to slowly build up layers. Change). This kit didn't offer any cockpit so I decided in this first phase that I would attempt to build one from scratch. For the F4U-1 Birdcage Corsairs, photos taken at the time show the cockpits being a very dark colour, most probably black. I still had a problem to fixmy top wing halofied stencil. I shoot pics in RAW format and roll up the exposure in Photoshop to get the details to pop. I was trying to get some original aluminum and the anti-corrosion paint to show on the Corsair as weathering after I painted on the final color schemes. The German authorities made attempts to get the pilot to explain how to fold the wings so as to transport the aircraft to Narvik. The next time I applied air there was this Jackson Pollack blast-mist of green spray paint that covered these parts in spotsI chuckled, used a little thinner to make the spots less conspicuous and moved on. The majority of both kits were built straight out of the box, with the exception of adding Quinta Studios interior 3D decals. This Corsair photo exactly matches the paint scheme of our plane as it was displayed at one of David Tallichet's restaurants. Much of this comes from aviation historian and author Dana Bell, who is a specialist in paint schemes, and has spent countless hours in the National Archives, conducting original research on the Corsair paint schemes. Under the command of Chick Harmer, VF (N)-101 was present for the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot, and its complement was able to complete its combat tour in the F4U-2, achieving 5 kills, and without losing a single pilot. The three color scheme was dark sea blue and intermediate blue over white. Now that I know that is is common practice amongst us to have more than one type of aircraft I was wondering haow many different paint schemes the F4U Corsair had? The Corsair it crashed into was in the Sea Gray over Light Aircraft Gray scheme. There is a photo of that plane in CV archives. Note: My son bought this for me as a fathers day present more than a year agoit would become my first 1/32 kit in 45+ years and the fifth model since i returned to the hobby after those 45 years. Next, I sprayed a layer of AK Interactive Worn Effects chipping fluid. Hobbycraft. The model represents a plane from VMF-214 Black Sheep squadron in July 1951. F4U-1A Cockpit Quinta. Tamiya calls for AS 20 (Insignia White) for the undersides but it doesn't look like a white paint.. more a very light grey. Theyre thin, prone to tearing or settling down less than straight or silvering even as all the decals around them lay down perfectly. Next it was time to spray the overall scheme. indeed impressive research, thanks for providing the forum link and the paint scheme. VA, how the heck did I miss that? He was released shortly after the surrender of Japan, and a few days before the official surrender documents were signed. The few photos I have seen of VF(N)-101 aircraft display this very high degree of blending between colours. Semi Gloss Sea Blue is actually a darker hue than Non Spec Sea Blue, and Navy BuAer specs call for most of the wing upper surfaces to be painted this colour (F4U, F6F, SB2C, TBM, etc.). I guess i'll try MMP-062, MMP-071 and MRP Insignia White then. FOR SALE! Careful of the overspray, and be sure to let the air out of the paint before you use it. This gave me extra drive to make it as nice as possible. 4) If you look closely, you will see that the armored glass has been removed. US Navy (1794-now) I really tried to do something different with the paint scheme and spent a considerable amount of time masking for the markings as well as the . Skip to Content. U.S. warplanes would retain this marking until 1947. Thanks to Aptivaboy, I was able to get in touch with Bob and we had some very good conversations about the early Corsairs. Many portrayed it as his personal plane, though he never flew it in combat, let alone with such markings. And thats what Tamiya did when engineering this models enginethey connected the fitting of engine, cowling, exhausts and fuselage as perfect as you can get it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ive parsed as best as I could and ultimately went with what seemed both possible and most visually interesting. So my question remains the same: I'm planing on building VF-17 and VMF-111. Almost all were finished in the overall glossy Sea Blue scheme. Analysis of some crashed examples of F4U-1s indicates black, while the factory Erection & Maintenance Instructions called for Dull . This is well beyond my expertise. . for my corsairs i tend to use gunze and mrp colors, The MMP colors for the 3 color scheme are. The earlier F4U-2s featured a very high degree of blending of the Non Spec Sea Blue with the Intermediate Blue. His writing has appeared in The National Interest and other news media. Over that went some Tamiya XF-4 Yellow Green, which does a great impression of yellow zinc chromate. I then laid down the first layer of mask, sprayed the white, and then went back to cover the areas that would remain white to spray the blue. Bob Brunson demonstrated a skill for instrument flying while in advanced training, and was eventually assigned to VF(N)-75, under the command of Gus Wilhelm. Hes one of the few surviving Birdcage Corsair pilots. In January 1943, units were ordered to paint bar extensions to either side of the insignia, and then to surround the entire affair with a red border. For the varnish, I used VMS Matte varnish. Externally they were indistinguishable from those of the Navy. Put on the mask and redid the stencil for the wingand then did the fuselage and the numbers. Bob just turned 94 and is sharp as a tack and still in good enough health to appreciate the kind of work we do. Many readers of will also have not seen some of the more standard schemes where there are irregular transitions between the colors especially the Intermediate and Sea Blues. If you want something exotic, there are some interesting schemes for F4Us and FG-1s that participated in the 1969 Soccer War between Honduras and El Salvador. The Vought F4U Corsair is an American fighter aircraft which saw service primarily in World War II and the Korean War. They began an affair that lasted three years, and her pet name, Lucybelle, adorned the original Corsair. I applied the decals directly over my paint work without sealing the paint/spraying a gloss layer. I'm a night shift nurse and was trying to hurry to get back to work. We are an authorized Harder & Steenbeck reseller. Good info. Thanks mate. That saidyou can still add detailsspecifically wiring. Boyington had appointed Lucy as the executor of an allotment for his children from a previous marriage, and by 1945 the deposits added up to some $15,000. Its been a busy several months with work, life, and modeling but following my build article of the. One of the useful aspects of the Vought F4U Corsair's long career is that it can be used to illustrate three decades of U.S. Navy color schemes and markings. Airbrushing Basics Diluting and Spraying Acrylics Chipping w/ Gunze Silver, Polishing Clear Parts Testing Mission Models Paints Airbrush Cleaning, Me-109 V-Tail Build Macchi Saetta Desert Scheme Fw-190 V-18 Build, Micron Masking Tape Harder-Steenbeck Infinity Spraying Mission Chrome, And my personal favourite: Matching the Needle Size and Dilution to the Job at Hand.