ffxi drk gear guide 2019
Other than the gloves, Thanks. IX are replaced with Determination. Notes: Tempting although it may seem, do not Dual Wield on Dark Knight seriously. a tiny bit more HP with a negligible hit to DPS. There's so much useful info in hereespecially for new players. Ragnarok suffers from not having a good WS, which is why in later versions of FFXI where it was given a good WS, this relic became the best. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Available after completing the Blade of Darkness. This weaponskill is significantly weaker than Guillotine in damage output, but will provide an aftermath effect which will grant you 10% equipment haste until it wears off. The "Attack Bonus" trait, its naturally high strength, and some of the most ruthless abilities ever make it well worth your while to level. Endark effect. General substat priority is followed with the exception of two Direct Hit melds haha well i'm at work atm and i've yet to unlock it i'm sure i have a decent amount of gear for it from other jobs or can get it atleast. Peaceeee. customizable substats and can be significant boosts to your damage. but the difference in practice is still quite small. Hit X materia plus one Direct Hit IX with Skill Speed. overcap as a result, indicated by red text on the melding screen. Zeni NMs or ZNMs add a ton of items like the Aurum Cuirass set, a new great sword in Nagelring, and a ton of small upgrades that would take too long to list. With an enormous boost to strength, dexterity, accuracy, and attack power, it's one of the best things you could ever have. Using Last Resort, Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, Souleater, and then Guillotine can deal some absolutely ludicrous amounts of damage, and give it ALL to the person in front of you. compatibility with the sets for other tank jobs. Also like Warrior, many are simply not practical for general usage. savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode release. At Lv.20 Ranger becomes an acceptable sub job due its +10 accuracy bonus. I appreciate the in-depth bossing section, as well as the miscellaneous tips you sprinkle in throughout the guide. Plus 100 more through Souleater. If youre a Great Sword junkie like me, this is a really notable case of why you should have both of your weapon skills capped. For one, Bloody Bolts can drain the targets HP for no MP cost, and a lot faster than your spell Drain. Weaponskills for DRK : r/ffxi - reddit A guide to endgame PLD - Nasomi Community FFXI Server Determination and one Critcal Hit meld with Direct Hit, shown here on the weapon Overview of Job Abilities, Traits, and Spells. Remember, it wont work unless the monster actually has TP. Allot no more than 136 points into each substat for optimum :-/ and what grind i need to be on weapon wise to get a decent one? This is also the sub job you will use for any tanking. maximum value on both substats. that won't overcap on Determination as a result, indicated by red text in the This set is the recommended setup for both performance and user-friendliness. The Dragonsong's Reprise (DSU/DSR) Sets, 8. Which Set to Use. Last Resort (15) 5:00 Recast - Increases your attack by 15% and lowers your defense by 15%. These gearsets are for general use at level 90. release. There is no weaponskill which stacks constructively with Souleater, however. Thoughts on this for a defensive hybrid set? An Elvaans high vitality means more survivability, and high HP means higher damaging Souleater. Once you find a target, I wouldnt expect anything less than a swift victory. Head to Giddeus. I would not take the time to cast these spells instead of hitting the mob, the extra STR or DEX generated is not even close to worth the casting time wasted. Back Piece. C- skill means that you will not be able to sacrifice Accuracy gear, producing far less DoT in the long run. However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. I can't wait to check out the rest of your videos. For T2 Odin, refer to this page for battle pattern and rewards. I can almost guarantee this is when youll want to start moving into this weapon proficiency more often than not. The last- and second-to-last steps of the Bozjan Please note: This is only a guide. E skill means that you will have to stack a full accuracy set and eat food which strongly compliments the weapon type. The main issue is Last Resort effect vs Last Resort recast and there is validity to both of those options. Muted Soul - This merit gives you -10 enmity when Souleater is up per level. Bam, an almost instant 60% TP right before your eyes! re-allocating stats on the relic to switch between them. Red Curry - One of the very few attack+150 foods. People typically ask for a recommended meriting order so I try to add one into these, personally I think its super subjective as your needs vary based on what you do, but here's my take: Desperate Blows 5 > Scythe Skill 8 > Critical Hit 4 > Dark Seal 1 > Diabolic Eye 4 > Souleater Recast 5 > Last Resort Effect 5 > HP 8 > STR 5. Alternatively, simply replace one Critical Hit with Determination in Somehow I wasn't even aware of the existence of the item 'Fire Bomblet', shows how mage-focused I've been Ws sets you should min/max depending on race/enemy/ws especially with guillotine. Dont rely on it to save your hide until Lv.30 comes around. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. If possible, time it between switching targets. Since you have high strength too, that just makes it insane. Trade the cherry to the??? Your two-hour ability is pretty useless here, even in a problem situation. Items like Defending Ring are near impossible to get and items like Resentment Cape can be used in certain areas. weapon from the fight, use it with Direct Hit melded in the third slot. FINAL Drain II (62): Drain II acts like drain, but with a twist! Knight. A 2.40 GCD set is also provided for those who . Some Dark Knights favour Scythe, some favour Great Sword; each has their own advantages and disadvantages and both are very capable. High DMG whilst still retaining a fairly low delay. This New and Returning Players guide goes over some early gear progression for players that have recently just hit level 99. Sniper Ring, Woodsman Ring, Life Belt, Swift Belt, Peacock Charm/Amulet and Haubergeon are some of the few very good equipments that you will be keeping all the way to lv75 become available. Minimum IL options enabled. This job is a "learn by doing" job for sure, you yourself need to figure out how to fit in a dread spikes between pulls without losing any DPS uptime, or when is appropriate to stun vs just allow things to go off so you can squeeze out more damage. Take the item to Mighty Fist and then talk to Raibaht. Singlehit weaponskills have the risk of completely missing; producing no TP return and no damage. If you have 2 Marches in your tank party you can shed off another 9%~ in equipment haste for more enmity. This job-race combinations strength is rivalled by no other, and is super lethal. And if thats not enough to make you sub this, you get Meditate at Lv.60. (Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide - FFXIAH Other pieces have middling use, some are good accuracy swaps, some are good for Apocalypse sets, but overall they don't stand out. Should probably have one for pulling in case you have to anyway. This set loses about 1.5% DPS compared to the 2.50 and 2.45 sets, and is On this page, you will find the best gear and best-in-slot items for your I actually have Lycurgos for RUN and I considered building around that but ultimately I ended up doing Dolichenus and Decimation. Again, it lasts five minutes with a one-minute recast, and again, it will double recasting time on spells. FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide, VI-2. Weapon Grade: B- No powerful available weaponskills severely limits the damage potential of the weapon. These are shown on the rings, Except now you can absorb the targets TP every minute. gloves with a synced CRIT+DET piece as well is a negligible DPS loss. On the bright side, like most other damage-dealers, you can solo, or do Besieged and Campaign to get some experience. Chances are, if you want to grab hate, you could easily hit yourself up with Last Resort or Souleater anyway. Happy to elaborate, i just need time to type it up. DRK endgame gearset help - Nasomi Community FFXI Server A truly menacing job-race combination. maximum value on both substats. Another downside is these levels are where most damage-dealers get quite expensive. Speaking of Souleater, the next piece is your AF headpiece. Items like Neck, Earring, and Waist, and Ranged can vary entirely based on play style. These sets are specifically for The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate), abbreviated Maybe your LS will have some use for this sub, but I've been playing on Eden for a long time now and have used this playstyle almost never. Bad news first, this is where a lot of jobs get seen as obsolete, and is also where a ton of other damage-dealers get stuck. Macro the Dexterity rings for melee then swap for Strength during a weaponskill. threshold with the same substats can be substituted at no loss. But as a Dark Knight, taking 1 or 2 less damage should be the least of your worries. Otherwise, Dark Knight isnt so bad. If you are not at full HP this simply works as a normal drain spell, so make sure to be capped off on HP in order to gain the bonus max HP. If you can, picking up a crossbow can really help. This can be heavily abused for strong burst cycles when paired with Souleater. and our Drain scales well and can be used as a strong magic nuke option at 75 even, allowing Drk to play a hybrid backline style not entirely dependent on physical damage. You have a fair amount of dexterity too, so landing hits isnt a major problem either. You should also be working on the quested WSs for every weapon you can use on DRK. Other than the gloves, Warrior is the sub job you will use while leveling before Samurai comes into play. As with the 2.50 set, you can run a slightly faster speed for comfort at the Don't forget you can Stun/Weapon Bash pesky moves like Pecking Flurry or Cocoon. The weapon, hands, feet, earring, neck, and wrist listed must be exact, but and Critical Hit replaced with Determination). Also I'd recommend everyone use a parser program like Scoreboard, Kparse, Parse, or Deeps to keep track of their accuracy and a general idea of how you are doing damage wise compared to others. item level 375 sync by queuing into Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage) with the This gives Meld one Critical Starting with your AF boots at Lv.52, the only good thing about them is the Mind stat. Warrior with Berserk and Axe belt and Dragoon with Jump, haste (5%) and a small attack boost from the back equipment. Good guide. Endark is a great boost to your accuracy and attack, so get some fast cast to start the spell, as much dark magic skill as you can find, and get in the habit of doing this spell. Notable Weaponskills: Rampage (DRK level 56). Knight or other tank jobs, while 2.50 requires slightly less effort to keep Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I'm not even a DrK but I just wanted to applaud you for this write-up. Weapon Grade: B- And with their moderate intelligence pool, thats no joke. Finally, you begin the arduous task of getting AF and limit breaking quests done. [+] Veydal1 Offline Posts: 78 By Veydal1 2021-05-18 13:34:17 Link | Quote | Reply These are all great points. won't overcap on the chosen substat as a result, indicated by red text in the The reason being, it doesnt add anything to your overall damage over time or anything else for that matter. This is popular to use with Drain II ensuring you get a unresisted HP boost before you go out to Souleater something. If fully merited you have high uptime on this (3 minute duration, 5 minute recast) and it's +20 accuracy. desired GCD speed is perfectly adequate. Notes: Tempting although it may seem, do not Dual Wield on Dark Knight seriously. I personally think this is a good choice for a category 1 merit, allowing you to get to your next big souleater WS a minute earlier, or if your lucky enough with enough backline you can ride the whole souleater duration. Once you get Guillotine, accuracy becomes the prime choice for meat-eating Dark Knights. In practice this weapon is just not very good compared to other relic weapons available. Ridill can bring the power of your Dual Wielding up a notch, but the DoT will still be far inferior to using a Scythe or Great Sword. (Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide - FFXIAH Drain II at Lv.62 will actually work well at the start of fights, since you can actually drain. Average HP allows your Souleater to deal vicious damage, while your vitality means you dont have to worry all that much about being killed from doing so. CRIT+SKS piece if you wish to run a 2.45 GCD rather than 2.50. It looks really awesome and is probably the most worthwhile piece of AF you can get. 2.45 should feel more familiar to those experienced with Dark a cost of about 0.3% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. Since I don't have Scourge atm, doing double dark with scythe seems to get me kills faster than using a GS when solo cping. It provides increased acc as a job ability along with a evasion bonus. As a Tarutaru Dark Knight, you enjoy a wicked MP pool and intelligence in which to use it. The guide is basically my attempt to make the information easier to digest and locate with convenience and also serves as a self-reflection of what I've learned in the past 1-2months. This is such a strong spell and learning to use it correctly is integral to being a useful Dark Knight. I personally work around the idea of having: Haste spell (15%) + Victory March (+11%) meaning you need 24% Haste (FC/2 = 1% haste for recast purposes) to cap your recast. Another cool use is Tonko and Monomi, which are cheaper alternatives to using Prism Powders and Silent Oils. A poorly-played Dark Knight can just die a whole lot or just be a crippled damage dealer. You can mould yourself into any kind of Dark Knight you want from this point, since you have decent of every stat. Remember that you have Weapon Bash as a fantastic ability to stop the mob from hitting you or unleashing a strong WS/spell.
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