concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize
Create your own unique website with customizable templates. How have animals adapted to cold environments? The three major coastal processes include erosion, transportation and deposition. Now you can find what you're looking for wherever it lives. . Because the soft rock is exposed, it is eroded faster than the hard rock. Reasons for Protecting Dawlish Warren: 1. Wrong! Lerne mit deinen Freunden und bleibe auf dem richtigen Kurs mit deinen persnlichen Lernstatistiken. What is the role of transnational companies in Nigeria? Meltwater rivers on land beyond the ice front deposited thick layers of sand and gravels onto outwash plains (sandurs). shale), eroding quicker than the hard, resistant rock (e.g. Consequently headlands . Long offshore islands and coastal inlets are running parallel to the coastline. Full lesson covering the different types of erosion and geology along the coast. This is called a discordant coastline. You know your landforms of coastal erosion. Swanage is located in South England and features both a discordant and concordant coastline (see diagram below) Due to this contrasting geology a number of differences can be outlined. Introduction to the location of the Delta. Safe access points to the shoreline at several points around the edge. The procedure for calculating concordant and discordant pairs compares the classifications for two variables (for example, X and Y) on the same two items. This belongs to: _____. PBworks / Help in height. The rise in sea level can be the result of an increase in water volume or the sinking of the land's surface. Waves can be gentle and infrequent or more significant, more frequent, and more powerful. The soft rock is made of clay and sands, and the hard rock is chalk and limestone. If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. A concordant coastline has the same type of rock. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Re-rerouting a two lane road can cost between 150,000 and 250,000 per 100 m. The collapse of the section of coast supporting the South Devon Main Line Railway in February 2014 cost 35 million to repair, and businesses in the South West lost 60 million. Bull's Head in St Oswald's Bay. They are more common in winterthan in the summer. Let's take a look at some of the different types of coastlines and their role in our geopolitics and global climate. Give the quiz another go and don't forget to read up on this area by heading over to our coasts resources using the topics link at the top of the page. GCSE Geography Coastal landscapes in the UK learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. The first difference between concordant and discordant coastlines is that the concordant coastlines are composed of similar rock types whereas, in the case of discordant coastlines, the rocks are of different kinds. Sustainable development in the Temperate Deciduous Woodland. Sustainable Management of the Tropical Rainforest, Sustainable Management of the Amazon Rainforest. Castleton A tourist honey pot in The Peak District, Case Study Inner City Redevelopment Londons Docklands. If the direction of classifications is the same, the pairs are concordant. The water. Practice Questions: Slideshow 2773107 by chanel Coasts Revision Booklet. They are gentle, flat waves with a strong swash and a weak backwash; as a result, constructive waves build beaches. Discordant coasts forms where geological structure is such that different rock strata of folds are aligned at an angle to the coastline. Concordant coastlines are characterised by bands of similar types of rocks running parallel to the coast. A hard rock type is resistant to erosion and creates a promontory whilst a softer rock type is easily eroded creating a bay. Copyright2007 - 2023 Revision World Networks Ltd. . BBC Bitesize. Concordant coastline 2. This quiz focusses in particular on those features which are caused by coastal erosion. geography revision coastal landforms 264.4K views Discover short videos related to geography revision coastal landforms on TikTok. Part of the Dorset coastline in the UK running north from the Portland limestone of Durlston Head is a clear example of a discordant coastline. A ria coast hosts multiple rias. A concordant coastline is an arrangement of rock strata along the coastline. Discordant coastlines occur when bands of different types of rocks run perpendicular (at 90 degrees) to the coast. The Jurassic Coast is a hugely diverse and beautiful landscape underpinned by incredible geology of global importance. A famous example of a coastline. The fetch, often called the fetch length, is the length of water over which a given wind has blown. guildford school of acting auditions; gilroy google font alternative; cuisinart steamer insert; Blog Post Title February 26, 2018. How did the temperate deciduous woodland get like this? As a result, it does not travel far up it. How reliable are economic indicators of development? How do changes affect the balance of an ecosystem? Gradually the material is moved along the coastline, its . Concordant coastlines form coves, which are round areas of water that have narrow entries from the sea. Concordant coastlines - A coastline parallel to the land structures which form the margin of an ocean basin. the same rock types are parallel to the coastline, with alternating bands of different rock types running parallel to the coastline behind it (as opposed to a 'discordant coastline' where the rock types are perpendicular to the coastline, presenting differing rock types to the sea along the coastline). GCSE and A Level Geography Revision. What is the structure of the Temperate Deciduous Woodland? The differing resistance to erosion leads to the formation of headlands and bays. Hilbre Island (Cheshire) is an example of a possible fieldwork location. The LGP encompasses the period of c. 115,000 to c. 11,700 years ago. 2022 kinetico replacement filters, on concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize, williams funeral home st thomas ont obits, Fix Toxic Relationship According To Childhood Trauma Test, Is It Illegal To Sleep In Your Car In Virginia, la crosse aquinas high school live stream, 707 concourse village west housing connect, do you have to transcribe stutters? More erosion at the present (2016-2017) is occurring further east, down drift, in the Barton Golf Course and Hordle Cliff area, as a result of the Barton Sea Defences (the so-called "Terminal . Emergent Coastlines. If the coastline is concordant then the coastline will have the same type of rock all the way down the coastline, because the ropck is running parallel to the coastline. A combination of geological structure and sea level riseproduces the morphology of landforms aligned parallel to the coastline. Create and find flashcards in record time. Waves interact with land through three major marine processes: erosion, transportation, and deposition. formed by the erosion of less resistant Wealden Clays. Correct! English: - Romeo and Juliet (York Notes) 978-1447982234 An Inspector Calls (York Notes) 978-1447982166 GCSE English Literature for AQA . Soft engineering: Beach nourishment is a type of soft approach. Concordant coasts are also known as dalmatian coasts, after the Dalmatian region of Croatia, or Pacific coasts, after the coastline of Chile in South America. The coastline determines everything. A discordant coastline occurs where bands of different rock type run perpendicular to the coast. Less resistant Purbeck limestone and Wealden Clay lie behind the Portland, with resistant chalk further north. The processes have been operating over the last 8000 years. A concordant coastline is where the same rock runs along the length of the coast. Because the waves are so frequent, the backwash has less time to soak into the sand. Geological structure is the characteristics and arrangement of rock units. Type # 1. A concordant coastline produced by the geological structure of folds parallel to the coast. This. But do they serve as anything more than a place to go for a hike or a tan? Less resistant rocks are eroded more than the resistant . It can be reached at low tide by walking from the mainland. Coastlines are formed through the processes of erosion, transportation, and deposition. While discordant coastlines have bands of different rock types running perpendicular to the coast, concordant coastlines have bands of similar rock types running parallel (alongside) to the coast. Discordant coastline occurs where bands of differing rock type run perpendicular to the coast. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Erosion worsens as the waves becomes stronger. Numerous plants and animals have adapted to live along coastlines. If the direction of the classification is not the same . Did you know? The meanings of the terms lithology, concordant and discordant coastlines are apparent throughout the lesson. Where are polar and tundra environments located? It is one of the best examples in Europe of the stages of erosion on a concordant coastline. The differing resistance to erosion leads to the formation of headlands and bays. The Adriatic Sea itself is a concordant landform, consisting of a body of water between parallel ranges. As Thor says, not bad at all. Created up folded ridges (anticlines) and down folded valleys (synclines) aligned parallel to the coast. What are Mumbais social and economic opportunities? We support the next generation of geographers and geoscientists, with inspiring educational videos for secondary school students and teachers. Coastlines will expand as climate change continues. Coastal Erosion. Label two landforms shown in the photograph (2) Coasts - Grade Booster. Along the coastline of Dorset, there are concordant and discordant coastlines. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. What is migration and why do people migrate? For example, this could be a joint in chalk. Many of these types of coastlines were actually formed toward the end of the Last Glacial Period (LGP). What are the differences in global calorie intake and food supply? [5] The arch has formed on a concordant coastline where bands of rock run parallel to the shoreline. Soft engineering: Beach nourishment is a type of soft approach. When the auto-complete results are available, use the up and down arrows to review and Enter to select. The shape of the coastline (which is dependent on its geology) - on concordant coastlines, rocks are parallel to the wave front and therefore rates of erosion are similar along the coastline. Beara Peninsula to the north formed from more resistant Devonian Old Red Sandstone and projects 35 km into the Atlantic Ocean. What are the causes of deforestation in the Amazon? Key Question: What are the different landforms of the Jurassic Coast? The length of perimeter approx 2km. ALEVEL GEOGRAPHY - COASTAL LANDSCAPES | EQ1 : the littoral zone ; offshore, nearshore and backshore. Discordant and Concordant Coastlines GCSE Geography A Level Revision Coasts - YouTube 2:20 Discordant and Concordant Coastlines GCSE Geography A Level Revision Coasts TheGeographyGuy 1.66K. - Internet Geography What is a concordant coastline? Re-rerouting a two lane road can cost between 150,000 and 250,000 per 100 m. The collapse of the section of coast supporting the South Devon Main Line Railway in February 2014 cost 35 million to repair, and businesses in the South West lost 60 million. A concordant coastline is an arrangement of rock strata along the coastline. Practice Questions: Describe the differences between a concordant and a discordant coastline (4 marks) Explain how headlands form (3 marks) Explain how coves are formed (3 marks). Concordant coastlines form coves, which are round areas of water that have narrow entries from the sea. Even London is built along the River Thames, which flows into the North Sea. Excluding the shoreline of Poole Harbour, the Dorset coastline is 142 kilometres (88 mi) long. In the Holocene Interglacial constructive waves pushed the ride of sands and gravel landwards as sea levels rose. The geology of the Isle is complex. The warmer climate that followed melted much of the ice. They are most common where fetchis short. Secondly, erosion of concordant coastlines results in the formation of coves while the erosion of discordant coastlines results in headlands and bays. Coastlines where different types of rock alternate between hard and soft rock are called discordant coastlines and will have more bays and headlands along its length. geography revision coastal landforms 264.4K views Discover short videos related to geography revision coastal landforms on TikTok. This happened over about 1000 years, (very rapid) and submerged coastlines. As a wave undercuts a cliff the cliff retreats. Irrespective of whether the coastline is concordant or discordant, as wave refraction takes place around the headlands and erosion of the bay is reduced, sub-aerial weathering such as corrosion and corrasion begins to . Summer 2 Emerging economies: Asia Studying the emergence of economies in Asia known A concordant coastline is an arrangement of rock strata along the coastline. Meanwhile on concordant coastlines, where layers of rock run parallel to the coastline, cliffs are much more dominant. . Caves, arches, stacks and stumps Weathering and erosion can create caves, arches, stacks and stumps along a headland. Be perfectly prepared on time with an individual plan. This cove is located near the village of West Lulworth and is one of the best examples of a concordant coastline. high and low energy coasts, geology and sea level and how these change a coastline | GEOLOGICAL structure : which create concordant and discordant coastlines ( Dalmatian and Haff ). As mentioned earlier, discordant coastlines form headlands and bays; on the other hand, concordant coastlines form coves. Everything you need for your studies in one place. Ripples are created; these ripples will become waves if the wind is sustained. Lulworth cove where an oval shaped bay has been formed by more rapid erosion of the less resistant clay that lie behind the . Bays and headlands are common features along discordant coastlines. A wave-cut platform is a wide, gently sloping surface found at the cliff's base and extends into the sea. lulworth cove concordant coastline. Terms of use / Privacy policy / GDPR, About this workspace Lulworth Cove is a World Heritage site and part of the Heritage Coastline. (bands) of hard rock and soft rock; many bays and headlands. The outer hard rock is Portland limestone. Coasts are important zones in natural ecosystems, often home to a wide range of biodiversity.On land, they harbor important ecosystems such as . A concordant coastline. What are the three processes that shape the coastline? Coasts are important zones in natural ecosystems, often home to a wide range of biodiversity.On land, they harbor important ecosystems such as . How can we increase the amount of food produced globally? A wave-cut notch is created by erosional processes such . Find this Pin and more on KS4 Changing Landscapes of the UK by Mr Haden. A coastline is an area where land meets the water. Ways destructive waves destroy the coastline . It remains England's only natural World Heritage Site. The shape of the cove is the result of wave diffraction. - Due to the presence of soft and hard rock, differential erosion occurs, with the soft, less resistant rock (e.g. Learn about and revise coastal landforms, whether caused by erosion or deposition, with GCSE Bitesize Geography (AQA). It has a discordant coastline along the east and concordant coastline along the south. What is the structure of the tropical rainforest? A concordant coastline has the same type. However, when the hard rocks punctured by either faults or ridges, inland soft rocks yield to erosion. Weathering and mass movement in river valleys. Taking the low-water line along the coast (or, the baseline), UNCLAS put forth the following: Special exceptions apply to areas like straits, where ships can't help but pass through territorial waters. Concordant coastlines tend to have fewer bays and headlands. What are the different types of weathering? This means that these waves transport beach material back into the sea, lowering the height of a beach. If the coastline is discordant then the rock type will change as we go up the coastline, An example of a discordant coastline is swanage BBC Bitesize Geoguessr Google Maps Gapminder . How has demand for water in the UK changed? . Correct! Coastlines are constantly changing, with sea levels rising or falling, and it is no different with submergent coastlines. What factors affect population density and distribution? Lulworth Cove is a World Heritage site and part of the Heritage Coastline. Examples of discordant coastlines are Bantry Bay and Dingle Bay found in Ireland while an example of a concordant coastline is Lulworth Cove. Portland limestone erodes very slowly, retreating landwards by marine undercutting and collapse to form a straight W-E coastline. At points where the Portland is weaker, erosion hasbroken through and then rapidly eroded out the softer strata laterally, creating a series of coves, e.g. Nie wieder prokastinieren mit unseren Lernerinnerungen. The rock types are typically of . The relatively gentle profile of the beach with a steep ridge at the top of the beach means that the backwash soaks into the sand or slowly drains away. As we mentioned earlier, this tends to shift the coastline further inland. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. Both concordant and discordant. Headlands and Bays 2. The following are facts about destructive waves. The differing resistance to erosion leads to the formation of headlands and bays. Little Hilbre Island (Cheshire) by Google Earth / ESRI, Imagery 2016 Getmapping plc, Map data 2016 Google. They have a mainly circular orbit, a .. gradient. Although now a coastal village, Happisburgh was once some distance from the sea, parted from the coast by the parish of Whimpwell, long since eroded away. The three marine processes that shape the coastline are erosion, transportation, and deposition. Changing rates of rainforest deforestation. Coastlines where the geology alternates between strata (or bands) of hard rock and soft rock are called discordant. A hard rock type such as granite is resistant to erosion and creates a promontory whilst a softer rock type such as the clays of Bagshot Beds . concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize Call us (+254) 722 22 99 44 Email Our Laboratories Nairobi & Mombasa washington sports club glover park Home Services concordant and discordant coastlines bbc bitesize Micro-Biology Services Agri - Services Instrumentation Division Environment Division Petroleum Division Emergent coastlines can pop up after tectonic activity, where the land is being pushed up by the tectonic plates. A concordant coastline with resistant Portland Limestone forming a protective stratum parallel to the sea. Coastlines are very important to people because they have many uses, but mankind is also placing coastlines under severe threat. At the mouth of the River Oder near Szczecin, Stettiner Haff formed where sand ridge connected islands, leaving river to emerge through three narrow outlets. Tectonic forces produced by the collision of African and Eurasian plates compressed Carboniferous Limestone during the Alpine Orogeny 50 million years ago. The Dorset Coast contains a range of landforms including Durdle Door, Lulworth Cove . Shake Hands With Beef Girl, How has the growth of Lagos caused inequality? B Gradually the . Concordant and discordant coastlines. What is the location and importance of Rio de Janeiro? pg. Links to wider reading and an introductory video. How has rainforest vegetation adapted to the climate? The low-energy wave spills into the bays as . As the wave approaches a coast, its progress is modified due to friction from the seabed, halting the motion of waves. Where are the areas of water deficit and surplus in the UK? Joints,Dips and Faults in terms of rocks. How do weather and climate affect river landscapes? Sustainable development in the desert The Great Green Wall. pg. the same rock types are parallel to the coastline, with alternating bands of different rock types running parallel to the coastline behind it (as opposed to a 'discordant coastline' where the rock types are perpendicular to the coastline, presenting differing rock types to the sea along the coastline). docx, 24.88 KB. It is a valuable habitat for birds and plants eg a wide array of wading birds like the avocet. 5 July 2020 / in AQA GCSE Geography , Coasts , Landforms of Coastal Erosion / by Anthony Bennett A discordant coastline is where the geology alternates between strata (bands) of soft and hard rock. Thus, a concordant coastline refers to a coastline that is made up of the same kinds of rocks and arranged parallel to the coast of the sea or ocean. dxterity stock symbol / nice houses for sale near amsterdam / nice houses for sale near amsterdam A concordant coastline is an arrangement of rock strata along the coastline. Coastlines where different types of rock alternate between hard and soft rock are called discordant coastlines and will have more bays and headlands along its length . Concordant Coasts Concordant coasts form where geological structure is such that different rock strata or folds are aligned parallel to the coastline. As a result of the coastal feature, the depth of water around a coast varies. Large particles like boulders are pushed along the bottom of the river bed/sea by the force of the water. Its 100% free. Development, population change and the demographic transition model, Strategies for reducing the development gap, How can the growth of tourism reduce the development gap? Specifically looking at the differences between concordant and discordant coastlines. Why Is Biodiversity Critical To Life On Earth? Awesome, well done! pptx, 1.58 MB. Consequently headlands and bays form along discordant coastlines and whilst headlands remain exposed to the force of the waves, bays are sheltered. The coast, also known as the coastline or seashore, is defined as the area where land meets the ocean, or as a line that forms the boundary between the land and the ocean or a lake. It has a discordant coastline along the east and concordant coastline along the south. Practice Questions: Slideshow 2773107 by chanel Adapted from BBC. Concordant coastlines tend to have fewer bays . This results in the formation of headlands and bays. Erosion. The gradual breakdown of rocks due to . Lines of islands separated by narrow sea channels parallel to the coast (sounds). The Earth has around 620,000 kilometres (390,000 mi) of coastline. Concordant coastline Uncordant coastline Variable coastline 8. On discordant coastlines, differential erosion may occur, where bands of hard and soft rock outcrop at right angles to the sea. How is a cold environment interdependent? This belongs to: _____. As our Earth warms, glaciers melt, causing the sea level to rise. . The image below (figure 2) is taken at Durlston Head, which shows the bay (yellow) and the headland (red). As mentioned earlier, discordant coastlines form headlands and bays; on the other hand, concordant coastlines form coves. It's a way of having all my information in one place. Extended writing tasks 2 a half term. If you've been to the beach, you've been to a coastline! Originally a band of resistant Portland . South Dorset Coast Dalmatian coastline Formed by faulting and rising sea levels since the end of the last ice age West Cork, Ireland 1.Discordant Coastline 2.Rias Rock strata meets the coast at 90 degrees in parallel bands Weaker rocks (limestones) have been eroded creating long, thin bays (rias) in-between the mudstones and old . Discordant These are where rock strata or structures are aligned at an angle to the coastline. For example, this could be a joint in chalk. One of the topics looked at in GCSE Geography is the features that are found on a coastline. Emergent coastlines happen when either the water level has fallen or the land has risen. Concordant and discordant coastlines Caves, arches, stacks and stumps Caves, arches, stacks and stumps are all features of a weathering or erosion process at different stages. What are the social and economic opportunities associated with the growth of Rio? A concordant coastline is an arrangement of rock strata along the coastline. The discordant coastline runs from Studland Bay to Durlston Head as the geology changes from clay and sands, to chalk, to clay and . Can the risks of volcanic eruptions be reduced? Lulworth Cove is a classic example of a 'concordant coast' - i.e. Erosion worsens as the waves becomes stronger. A coastline is anywhere where the land meets the water. Discordant coastline - Source As soft rock, such as glacial till, is more susceptible to erosion it erodes more rapidly than more resistant rock such as chalk. It's a way of having all my information in one place. Have you ever gone for a stroll on a beach? The image below shows how the refracted wave becomes increasingly parallel to the shoreline. Describe the characteristics of destructive waves (3) Coasts - Grade Booster. Soluble materials dissolve in water and are carried along. A concordant coastline comprises bands of different rock types that run parallel to the shore. Published by at February 16, 2022. While there are fjords all over the world, the most renowned fjord coasts are in Norway--and in fact, "fjord" is a Norwegian word. high and low energy coasts, geology and sea level and how these change a coastline | GEOLOGICAL structure : which create concordant and discordant coastlines ( Dalmatian and Haff ). What is the location and importance of Mumbai? The Earth has approximately 620,000 kilometres (390,000mi) of coastlines and they are not just a barrier between land and water; they are also important natural ecosystems. 0. lulworth cove concordant coastline. Coastlines where the geology alternates between strata (or bands) of hard rock and soft rock are called discordant coastlines. What feature is left behind as the cliff retreats? Along the coastline of Dorset, there are concordant and discordant coastlines. Concordant coasts are also known as dalmatian coasts, after the Dalmatian region of Croatia, or Pacific coasts, after the coastline of Chile in South America. Along the coastline of Dorset, there are concordant and discordant coastlines. BBC Bitesize. How is urban planning improving the quality of life for the urban poor in Rio de Janeiro? These act as agents of erosion because their backwashis greater than their swah. The water, with an endless supply of waves, whether pounding or gentle ripples, is constantly changing coastlines around the globe. About 40% of the global population lives within 100km of a coastline.