ccsd school board members
Katie was born in SaltLake City Utah in 1990 and moved to Illinois in 2003 where she graduated High School from Altamont Community High School in 2008. Committee members include: Eric M. Bashaw, Anna Marie Binder, Elsie Lavonne Lewis, Joshua Robinson, B. Keith Rogers. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Please contact us with any updates. Board members Lauren Herterich (from left), Courtney Waters, Superintendent Don Kennedy and Chairman Eric Mack attend a Charleston County School Board meeting on Sept. 12, 2022, in Charleston. 2021 Clark County School District. . The other committee members, who are appointed by the superintendent, include: Dr. Kathi-Anne Rozek, Jeremy Lawson, Meredith Freeman, Shelley Berkley, and Javier Trujillo. All members of the Clark County School District Board of Trustees have successfully completed a minimum of six hours of professional development as required by NRS Chapter 386.327. Questions about non-discrimination policies should be sent to Charleston County School District, 75 Calhoun Street. 5100 W Sahara Ave. 2021 Clark County School District. Each Board member appoints two members from his or her District. 702-799-CCSD. UPDATE: (August 26, 2022) Safe Return Plan/COVID-19 Dashboard|Regreso Seguro a la Enseanza Presencial Plan de Continuidad de los Servicios (agosto 2022), Code of Conduct/Progressive Discipline PlansEl Cdigo de Conducta/Los Planes de Disciplina Progresivas. Below is an announcement of a possible quorum at the Mayor's Ball in Farmington, NM. The school board was redistricted in 2022. El distrito desea responder sus preguntas. Attendance Zone Advisory Commission Meeting, Secondary Student Athletics and Activities, Cdigo de Conducta Estudiantil K-12 (PDF), Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA), Assembly Bill 195 - English Language Learner Division, Curriculum and Professional Development Division, Assessment, Accountability, Research & School Improvement, Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES), Reopening Our Schools Implementation Guide (PDF), Trustee Lola Brooks talks about the CCSD Police Department (YouTube), Trustee Linda P. Cavazos discusses SOT Elections. Thursday, February 16. P.O. District 9 - Mark Evans The district, through a grant from DHEC, will provide free COVID-19 and Flu A and B testing for all students and staff, who wish to be tested, during March. Secondary Student Athletics and Activities, Cdigo de Conducta Estudiantil K-12 (PDF), Assembly Bill 195 - English Language Learner Division, Curriculum and Professional Development Division, Assessment, Accountability, Research & School Improvement, Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES), Reopening Our Schools Implementation Guide (PDF), Policy 5139 Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion. Board liaison is Trustee Evelyn Garcia Morales. The CCSD Board of Trustees typically meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. The annual CCSD59Cada ao, cientos de estudiantes de primaria y presecundaria de todo CCSD59 se renen para unir sus voces en una celebracin de la msica. 702-799-CCSD. Wheeler Welcomes Four New Members to Sports Hall of Fame. Beginning on Valentine's Day, Tuesday, February 14, 2023 we will celebrate each of these individuals on CCSD's social media and the district website. Connect with our Recruitment Team today to get the process started. Chairman Ochs was recognized by Governor Gordon in the 2022 State of the State address to the WY Legislature. The Clark County Board of School Trustees is a dedicated group of community leaders who are elected to overlapping four-year terms and represent a specific geographic region of Clark County. The members of Charleston County School District's (CCSD) Board of Trustees are elected in non-partisan elections. This time, they joined staff members to highlight the, Las familias desafiaron el fro para otra noche maravillosa celebrando con el Comit Asesor de Padres Bilinges (BPAC). The board voted 5-4 to pass the initial reading, but the first passage did not . The purpose of this organization is to advocate for the nation's large urban school districts and their children. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Those two incumbent trustees' potential losses could change the dynamics of the board, which as a whole . **PLEASE NOTE:Voting districts are not the same as constituent districts. [5] This officeholder information was last updated on March 30, 2022. Trustee Board Member Katie Williams Katie Williams is a combat veteran and current member of the Nevada Army National Guard. BECOME A MEMBER OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT 21 TEAM. Williams Middle School (North Campus), C.E. Members of the public are permitted to provide public comment on any agenda item requiring Board action after staff presentations and discussion by the Board, but before the Board votes on the item. Officers include a President, Vice President, and Secretary Pro Tem. Committee members include: Kasey Kowitz, Chair, Karoline Khamis, Vice-Chair, Stefanie Clement, Brittney Davis, Laura Deitsch, Amanda Flory, Chilpen Mason, and Bonnie Pruneda. Mrs. Elizabeth (Liz) Corzine President 66 East 5th Street . 5100 W Sahara Ave. Charleston County School District (CCSD) Black Educators Affinity Group (BEAG) hosted its first-ever Black Wall Street Vendor Fairon Saturday, February 25, 2023, at Burke High School. Connect with our Recruitment Team today to get the process started. Charleston County School District recognizes and celebrates CTE Month to raise awareness of CTE's role in preparing students for careers and college. The purpose of this committee is to provide input on the distribution of the district's 1998 bond funds. Meetings of the Board of Education are held twice each month, usually on Thursday evenings at 8:00pm. CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCSC) - Winners have been declared in the 16-person race to fill five Charleston County School Board seats, and all three incumbents lost. All meetings can be viewed live stream a on the day of the meeting. During its monthly meeting on Tuesday, the board welcomed two new members, honored some distinguished teachers, and approved a new pay scale for its food services workers. Are you interested in a Teaching or other Licensed Professional position? The district also nominates members of the committee. . with CCSD Board Members Lisa Durgin, Chair Ann Ochs and Larry Steiger. Explore Explore . Each member of the Board serves for three years. Board of Trustees members are elected countywide in non-partisan elections representing constituent districts as follows: two members from Districts 1 and 2, three members from . The next regular board meeting is scheduled for March 13, 202 3 at 6:30 PM. All Rights Reserved. 2023. Departments Show submenu for Departments . Written public comments may be submitted to after the agenda has been posted and at least 8 business hours prior to the scheduled start of the meeting. Allowed File Types: jpg, png, gif, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, pdf, Secondary Student Athletics and Activities, Cdigo de Conducta Estudiantil K-12 (PDF), Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA), Assembly Bill 195 - English Language Learner Division, Curriculum and Professional Development Division, Assessment, Accountability, Research & School Improvement, Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES), Reopening Our Schools Implementation Guide (PDF), Policy 5139 Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion. . The Cobb County School District is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our . Are you interested in a Teaching or other Licensed Professional position? School District 21 prides itself on its Professional Learning Community and its rich tradition of professional collaboration, high levels of professional development, and family-like atmosphere. 2020 District Teacher of the Year Finalists, CCSD BOT Student Outcomes Focused Governance, Office of Services for Displaced Families, Multi-Tiered System of Supports Information (Spanish), Multi-Tiered System of Supports Information, If you have a question about school choice, contact, If you have a question about registration, email, Military Magnet girls basketball marching toward history, ST. ANDREW'S CONSTITUENT DISTRICT No. 2021 Clark County School District. These are typically held on the third Thursday of the month at 7.00 PM at the District 21 Community Service Center and Administrative Office, 959 W. Dundee Road, Wheeling, IL. Board Agendas . A fast and easy way for parents and students to check their grades, assignments and class schedules. Citizens who wish to address the Board in person may do so by signing up via a, Citizens can submit public comments electronically using this. Box 1199, Highway 64, Old High School Road. Gertie S. Ford, MS, Chair843-906-0101 (mobile) expires: 2024, Ms. Jennifer Young, Vice Chair(843) 214-0061 (mobile) expires: 2026, Pat Cline(843) 238-8721 (mobile) expires: 2024, Jeff Fine(843) 557-7839 (mobile) expires: 2026, Leon Stoney Green(843)532-8561(mobile) expires: 2024, Dr. Karen Simmons(843) 637-5802 (mobile) expires: 2026, Monica Smith(843) 670-0922 (mobile) expires: 2026. The school district said Thursday it doesn't comment on pending litigation. 16 CCSD Board Meeting All Day. Current Board Chair Mrs. Ochs - 2019 All Wyoming School Board Board members voted 5-4 Monday night in favor of a proposed policy . About. The winners for the Charleston North Area's two open seats were Courtney Waters and Kristen French. Because so much work happens behind the scenes, "it's very. BY FREDA MIKLINGOVERNMENTAL REPORTER On Nov. 2, voters in the Cherry Creek School District will elect new school board members from director districts D and E. Incumbent Kelly Bates and challengers Jen Gibbons and Schum Navarro are running for director district D. Kristin Allan, Bill Leach and Jason Lester are seeking the position of director CCSD holds first school board candidate forum . Residents of the district are invited to attend and speak. Williams Middle School (North Campus), C.E. Any written comments received after the deadline and prior to the meeting adjourning will be uploaded to BoardDocs within the appropriate item on the next business day. Questions about non-discrimination policies should be sent to Charleston County School District, 75 Calhoun Street. CCSD celebrates its namesakes: Helen Anderson Toland CCSD invites parents to Family Academy workshops CCSD Magnet programs continue to take top honors We Are CCSD Infinite Campus A fast and easy way for parents and students to check their grades, assignments and class schedules., Charleston, SC 29401 | Phone: (843) 937-6300, Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School, C.E. To minimize distractions, no additional speakers may sign up once the Board President has introduced the agenda item. UPDATED - Schedule for voluntary COVID-19 and Flu test clinics in March UPDATED - Schedule for voluntary COVID-19 and Flu test clinics in March The purpose of this panel is to examine and make recommendations for financing the costs of new construction, design, maintenance and repair of school facilities. Dr. Ken Clouston is recognized as 2022 All Wyoming School Board Member. The purpose of this commission is to bring school zoning recommendations to the full Board. El, CCSD59 joins top percentage of Illinois districts with financial award, CCSD59 se une al porcentaje superior de distritos de Illinois con premios financieros, CCSD59 has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States (GFOA) for financial reporting during Fiscal Year, CCSD59 recibi el Certificado de Logro de Government Finance Officers Associations of the United States (la Asociacin de Oficiales de Finanzas del Gobierno de los, Families open the book on math with their students, Las familias abren el libro de matemticas con sus estudiantes, Michelle Benages, Math Coordinator for CCSD59, beamed with pride watching students eager to share their knowledge with the groups that visited the junior high buildings, Michelle Benages, coordinadora de matemticas de CCSD59, se mostr orgullosa de ver a los estudiantes ansiosos por compartir sus conocimientos con los grupos que visitaron, PHOTOS: Families join together as BPAC celebrates Lunar New Year, FOTOS: Las familias se unen mientras el BPAC celebra el Ao Nuevo Lunar, Families braved the cold for another wonderful evening celebrating with the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC). School board trustees in the Clark County School District (CCSD) and Washoe County School District (WCSD) are compensated $750 a month or $9,000 a year for their service, while trustees from smaller school districts earn either $4,800 or $3,000 annually. Board members tell ABC News Four that the expectation is for a narrowed down list to be reviewed by the march 13th CCSD Board of Trustees meeting. Board Agenda/Policies. Students at West Ashley High School are receiving hands-on learning all while doing the teaching. The Early Childhood Education Pathway at West Ashley High School allows students to earn college credits while preparing them to be early childhood educators. Charleston could have new superintendent in July. Board Members . Board Members - Central Columbia School District Home District Buildings & Grounds Safety Meeting Information Buildings & Grounds Staff Business Office Annual Notices Asbestos Notification Attendance Breakfast and Lunch Program Discipline Drug Free Policy Gifted IDEA 2004 Notice Integrated Pest Management Military Recruitment in Secondary Schools (Rachel Aston/Las Vegas Review-Journal) The CEO of the health insurance provider for Clark County School District teachers says he has a "very high . Board members are elected by the community at the annual school district election and budget vote held on the third Tuesday each May. Members are elected by district. Charleston County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or any other applicable status protected by federal or state law. The Clark County School District is seeking highly motivated employees who are committed to helping students thrive. The Clark County School Board of the future could add two politically appointed members and a student representative, but the concept of a hybrid board isn't warmly received by its current members. Central Consolidated School District. Get to know your Board of School Trustees and learn about upcoming board meetings. Note: Emails sent to a Board member may be subject to disclosure under the Nevada Public Records Act (NRS Chapter 239). Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. School board members are largely unpaid volunteers, traditionally former educators and parents who step forward to shape school policy, choose a superintendent and review the budget. It is no different forHay una tradicin de emociones a finales de mayo y principios de junio que rodean el final de cada ao escolar. Williams Middle School (South Campus), Charleston Development Academy Public Charter School, Laing Middle School of Science and Technology, North Charleston Creative Arts Elementary School, St. James-Santee Elementary-Middle School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). All Rights Reserved. The School District 21 Board of Education holds monthly meetings of the entire School Board. Comments (-1) Meet the seven elected members of the current Board of Education. A ll CDC and State COVID-19 mitigation directives must be followed. He started the next month, after leaving his prior position as deputy superintendent of Orange County Public Schools in Orlando, Florida. The public also elects constituent school district representatives in their area who establish attendance zones for the local schools. No es diferente para, Inscripcin y archivo del boletn informativo electrnico. The mission of the Public Education Foundation is to mobilize community and global resources to support and impact public education through initiatives, programs, and promising practices designed to improve student performance and advance quality educational opportunities for all children. Board elections are held the first Tuesday in April on odd-numbered years. Las Vegas, NV 89146. CCSD and CCF would work to appoint parents, board members, faith groups and other community organization members to groups called Innovation Commissions. 5100 W Sahara Ave. Three trustees District C representative Linda Young, District B representative Chris Garvey, and District A representative Deanna Wright are not eligible to run for reelection due to term. Upcoming Meetings. Current Board Chair Mrs. Ochs - 2019 All Wyoming School BoardFormer Board Chair Dr. Fall - Golden Bell Award, Email Us The Eagles face Denmark-Olar in the South Carolina High School League A title game on Saturday, March 4, 2023. The Community Consolidated School District 93 Board of Education is dedicated to supporting the District's mission by setting goals, developing policy, monitoring progress, and evaluating performance with a focus on the achievement and best interests of all stakeholders. CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - After a first-of-its-kind election Tuesday, the Charleston County School Board will likely emerge with eight out of nine seats filled by new members. Les encanta liderar, quieren ser educadores algn da, les apasiona planificar eventos o conocer, PHOTOS: CCSD59 continues tradition of Veterans Day ceremonies, FOTOS: CCSD59 celebra el Da de los Veteranos, Veterans Day is designed to recognize living veterans who served their country both in times of war or peace, and is an important day of, El Da de los Veteranos est diseado para reconocer a los veteranos vivos que sirvieron su pas tanto en tiempos de guerra como de paz,, CCSD59 families celebrate start of fall with annual festival, Familias de CCSD59 celebran el inicio del otoo con un festival, CCSD59, like cities around the area, rang in the start of the fall season over the weekend with the second Fall Festival held at the, CCSD59, al igual que muchas ciudades de la zona, marc el comienzo de la temporada del otoo durante el fin de semana con el segundo, PHOTOS: CCSD59 welcomes back traditional calendar students, FOTOS: CCSD59 da la bienvenida a los estudiantes del calendario tradicional, Many CCSD59 students and families reconnected on Thursday as the district was able to greet students on our Traditional Calendar for the first day of, Muchos estudiantes y familias de CCSD59 se volvieron a conectar el jueves cuando el distrito pudo recibir a los estudiantes de nuestro calendario tradicional para, CCSD59 Awarded Certificate of Financial Excellence for 39th Consecutive Year, PHOTOS: Students thrive as summer programming concludes, There is a tradition of emotions in late May and early June that surround the end of each school year. 324 Fairway Ave Chillicothe, OH 45601 740-701-7892 I'm responsible for the day to day operations of the Transportation Department which . Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA, Charleston, SC 29401 | Phone: (843) 937-6300, Ashley River Creative Arts Elementary School, C.E. View All. CCSD in partnership with CCSDs Transportation Services and First Student, Inc. celebrate and appreciate bus drivers every day, but especially on National School Bus Drivers' Appreciation Day, Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 9:00 AM All Rights Reserved. The Board of School Trustees recognizes that its deliberative process benefits greatly from public input and perspective. Postal mail: Central Consolidated School District, Office of the Superintendent, Attn: Administrative Support Specialist, P.O. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. 702-799-CCSD, National School Breakfast Week, Mar. Members are Kenia Morales, Jenna Robertson, Julie Vigil, Abi Wright. The purpose of this organization is for members of school boards from throughout the state to work together on education issues that impact all Nevada schools and students. Search . Since 1946, District 15's Board of Education has made a commitment to serving the community. Preparing Today's Students to Become Tomorrow's Leaders . The East Cooper, North Area, Peninsula, and West Ashley Districts were replaced with Districts 1 through 9. Board liaison is Trustee Linda P. Cavazos. Chillicothe High & Middle School; Chillicothe Intermediate School; Mt. Regular meetings of the Board of School Trustees are held the second and fourth Thursday of each month beginning at 5:00 p.m. and Work Sessions are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Questions about non-discrimination policies should be sent to Charleston County School District, 75 Calhoun Street. All students progress in school and graduate prepared to succeed and contribute in a diverse global society. Parents . 2023 Work Sessions & Regular Board Meeting Schedule (PDF). It is no different for, Hay una tradicin de emociones a finales de mayo y principios de junio que rodean el final de cada ao escolar. Board meetings are held monthly, usually on the second Monday of the month, 7:00 p.m., at one of the schools in the Cherry Creek School District. His termination, however, comes just months after the same board extended his contract through Jan. 15, 2023. CCSD New Hire Onboarding Departments Drop opener Academic Division Accountability, Research & Grants Athletics Audiology and Deaf/Hard of Hearing Business Services Communications Compliance and Legislative Affairs Events & Venue Management Financial Services Food & Nutrition Services Human Resources Instructional Technology Maintenance Open Records Preparing Students to be Successful for Life, Preparando a los estudiantes para tener xito para la vida. SCH POL SERGEANT Clark County School District, 2019: Joseph M Cellura: SCH POL SERGEANT Clark County School District, 2020: William R Barton: CHF COLL CAR EQUI Clark County School District, 2020: $0.00: Paul Luke Puschnig: GENERAL COUNSEL Clark County School District, 2021: $0.00: $0.00: William R Barton: CHF ACADEMIC OFC Clark County School . Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA The winner is nominated by a peer because of their determination to go above and beyond for our students. By Maura Turcotte view all news. On behalf of CCSD, we would like to congratulate all of the teachers who have been selected as their school's Teacher of the Year! Lauren Herterich was elected to represent downtown . These groups would, in turn, get the . The school board serves a population of approximately 75,000 residents that covers nearly 24 square miles. Board of Trustees Show submenu for Board of Trustees Resources Show submenu for Resources . 5100 W. Sahara Avenue Williams, who was elected to the board in November 2020, declined to comment Thursday. Learn more about CCSD's five-year strategic plan and get updates on our progress. Three Clark County School Board trustees Linda Cavazos, Irene Cepeda and Danielle Ford have filed for re-election, hoping to extend their time overseeing the Las Vegas-area school district of more than 320,000 students. Each individual wishing to speak during this period will be given 3 minutes to address the Board. The purpose of this association is to promote, control, supervise, and regulate all interscholastic athletic events and other interscholastic events in Nevada's public schools. Contact Your Board Member By Phone 702-799-1072 By Mail Administrative Center 5100 W. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89146 By Email Note: Emails sent to a Board member may be subject to disclosure under the Nevada Public Records Act (NRS Chapter 239). The Clark County Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected to four-year terms. The purpose of the committee is to make recommendations to the Board regarding content and materials that are contained in sex education units. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. *PLEASE NOTE:Charleston County School District's Superintendent serves as the Executive Secretary for the Board of Trustees. FACEBOOK; INSTAGRAM; TWITTER; YOUTUBE; PODCAST; . 10 BOARD OF TRUSTEES VACANCY (Unexpired term ending November 2026), CCSD and Charleston Metro Chamber team up to grow diversity, equity, & inclusion training opportunities, CCSD Black Educators affinity groups sponsors Black Wall Street, Jacquelyn Carlen becomes CCSDs Interim Chief Financial Officer, UPDATED - Schedule for voluntary COVID-19 and Flu test clinics in March, Career and Technology Month Students with passion for children earning credits towards an Early Learning teaching career, CCSD celebrates school bus drivers on Bus Driver Appreciation Day, Focus on CCSD -February 2023 Online Edition, Charleston County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or any other applicable status protected by federal or state law. The Clark County School Board heard an update Thursday from THT Health, which insures about 34,000 people licensed professionals and their family members. 10 Board. I enjoyed my Administrative Position as the Transportation Director at Laraway CCSD 70c July 2022. A public comment period will be offered immediately prior to the adjournment of the meeting for members of the public who wish to speak on matters that are within the jurisdiction of the Board but not listed as an action item on the agenda. 2023 CCSD Board Meeting All Day. After a 90-day listening tour throughout our community, the Board of Trustees and my team set our five-year strategic plan, Focus:2024 Clark County School District Your board member Your Email Subject Message Upload Details on South Carolina H 4043 (South Carolina 2023-2024 Regular Session) - A Bill To Create The North Charleston School District And To Abolish Constituent School District No. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. The Recording Secretary is employed by and acts at the direction of the Board. 6-10, CCSD celebrates Music in Our Schools Month. By November 2024, all seats will serve four-year terms. District 1 - Heidi Hensley District 2 - Claudia Butts District 3 - Linda Davis District 4 - Dr. Patricia Yager District 5 - Tim Denson District 6 - Dr. Mumbi Anderson (Board Vice-President) District 7 - Dr. LaKeisha Gantt (Board President) District 8 - Nicole Hull, J.D. The sub-committees . Board member Sherry Richardson is currently under investigation by the attorney general's office for allegations that her family's business profited off a school-funded project while she was. Chairman Ochs was recognized by Governor Gordon in the 2022 State of the State address to the WY Legislature. Beginning with the November 2022 election, Board members from voting districts 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 shall serve terms of four years, while voting districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 shall serve terms of two years each. This is the disclaimer text. . Carroll County School District Board Members School Board Meeting Schedule . Although each trustee represents a different region, they are dedicated to ensuring the success of every student in the district through clear, concise direction to the superintendent. English. CCSD and the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce have teamed up to offer district staff members the opportunity to participate in the Chambers new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Certificate Program. This year most meetings will be held at the Chestnut Grove Administrative Center, 62 Old Middletown Road, New City, New York. Sex Education Advisory Committee 2020 District Teacher of the Year Finalists, CCSD BOT Student Outcomes Focused Governance, Office of Services for Displaced Families, Multi-Tiered System of Supports Information (Spanish), Multi-Tiered System of Supports Information, CCSD BOT Student Outcomes-Focused Governance, Board of Trustees Members and Direct Contact Information, County Board Districts and Constituent Districts Map, In-Person and Electronic Public Comment Registration, Board Training With Council of Great City Schools, Board Committees Reporting to Committee of the Whole, Charleston County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or any other applicable status protected by federal or state law. Board members are responsible for school district management and policy-making. . CCSD's Board of Trustees is comprised of nine single-member election districts that correspond with the composition of Charleston County Council election districts. Secondary Student Athletics and Activities, Cdigo de Conducta Estudiantil K-12 (PDF), Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA), Assembly Bill 195 - English Language Learner Division, Curriculum and Professional Development Division, Assessment, Accountability, Research & School Improvement, Family and Community Engagement Services (FACES), Reopening Our Schools Implementation Guide (PDF), Policy 5139 Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion. The Trustee liaison to this organization ensures that other Trustees, acting in their capacity as FCC licensees, are aware of legislative and regulatory issues affecting Vegas PBS, and assists with joint lobbying activities with Southern Nevada Public Television. Geo resource failed to load. 603 Lexington Street Carrollton, MS 38917 PH: 1.662.237.9276 . CCSD's Board of Trustees is comprised of nine single-member election districts that correspond with the composition of Charleston County Council election districts.