canterbury bankstown council zoning map
New buildings in the Campsie centre will be required to meet a range of sustainability initiatives. A Department of Planning, Industry and Environment spokesperson said the government was carefully considering the need to strengthen planning processes following the ICAC report. this privacy policy to explain how personal information collected on this If you want to terminate your own account, please send an email to Log in now. There is a lot to be excited about. Planning for these Precincts is coordinated by state and local governments, helping ensure infrastructure such as schools, parks, community facilities, public transport and road upgrades is delivered to support . An artists impression of Canterbury-Bankstown Councils new vision for Campsie. I would like to be notified by email of new projects that match my interests, I would like to receive newsletters from Have Your Say, Draft Consolidated Local Environmental Plan and Supporting Studies, Lot Size for Dual Occupancy Development Map, Bankstown LEP 2015 (former Bankstown Council), Canterbury LEP 2012 (former Canterbury Council), Connective City 2036 (Local Strategic Planning Statement), Information and Privacy Commission website, . This includes: How do we use the information we collect? Failure to provide accurate information violates the Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account on our service. Write a written submission and send them to The draft master plan seeks to grow the number of jobs in the centre from 4,800 roles to 7,500 by 2036. Priority Precinct Rezoning: Campsie Station Precinct has been identified as a Priority Precinct. Council will determine the contribution required for a specific development in accordance with the Canterbury Bankstown . The council spokesperson said it had already implemented the recommendations in the ICAC report, which disclosed corrupt conduct by the former councils general manager Jim Montague, and gone further by strengthening its code of conduct. What's On. The draft Master Plan guides where people live, work and play into the future. website is treated. 0000136709 00000 n 0000038508 00000 n Council currently permits multi dwelling housing (also known as villas) in the low density residential areas (zoned R2 land) in the former Bankstown Local Government Area, subject to development consent. regulated by the Information Protection Principles under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The draft master plan seeks to deliver new open space and improvements to existing spaces. The pages that you access within Have Your Say Canterbury Bankstown including how long you spend on each page, Your route through Have Your Say Canterbury Bankstown (the journey of pages and other content that you visit), Any documents, images or videos that you download from the service, The type of browser and version you are using. We provide your data to our analytic providers for analysis. Canterbury was announced as a Planned Precinct by the NSW Government as part of a housing affordability package on 1 June 2017. Map Request Form(currently being updated) and submit it: You can view the maps below, subject to the below conditions: By accessing this website youare agreeing to the following conditions of access: The contents of this website (which includes downloadable material) are subject to copyright and are protected by the laws of Australia and other countries through international treaties. If you want to terminate your own account, please send an email to We, the City of Our website may contain links to other websites. 0000939389 00000 n For more information, visit: The following Terms and Conditions govern the use of Have Your Say Canterbury Bankstown. You For any other purposes that we indicate to you when we request your personal information. Unauthorised use of your password or account must be immediately reported to us. strathfield council zoning map . . Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. (2) The particular aims of this Plan are as follows (a) to manage growth in a way that contributes to the sustainability of Canterbury Bankstown, and recognises the needs and aspirations of the community, Direction 5 of the draft Campsie Master Plan. We are not responsible for your communications or dealings, including payment and delivery of goods or services, with a third party found via our website. This character is supported through our planning controls, which have protections in place for certain development in these areas. EuXMh8bY-#"/UCO~4PfT4Ia^ . We support Inner West and Canterbury Bankstown Councils to review their Local Environmental Plans, including development of their Local Strategic Planning Statements A high-level, principle-based planning strategy developed in collaboration with Councils and the community for the Sydenham to Bankstown corridor When you create an account with us, you must always provide us with accurate information. planning proposal and a copy of the Site-specific Review Joint Panel Report that all information, data, images and other materials are the sole responsibility of the person from whom the content originated; you are prohibited from advertising or offering to sell or buy any goods and services, you cannot transmit Content that contains software viruses or programs designed to change or destroy the functionality of any computer software or hardware; or, you cannot collect or store personal data about other users of the site, you cannot impersonate any person or entity, including without limitation to a, you cannot interrupt or interfere with the site or servers or networks connected to the site, you cannot attempt to gain unauthorised access to the site or other use accounts. The City of Canterbury Bankstown owns and retains all proprietary rights in the intellectual property. J Group managing director Joseph Alha, who has been pushing for years to have the height controls of his Beamish Street properties increased, will be among the beneficiaries of the 20-storey height limits proposed for the suburb under Canterbury-Bankstowns blueprint for the area. Completing the questions below helps us better understand the diverse range of people who contribute their ideas. *Before a planning proposal goes on formal exhibition, it must go through the Gateway Process. We provide your data to our analytic providers for analysis. is to implement the Campsie Town Centre Master Plan and to include Campsie as 0000000978 00000 n 0000021356 00000 n Produce a single set of planning rules for our City by combining and aligning Bankstown LEP 2015 and Canterbury LEP 2012 into a Consolidated Local Environmental Plan. If you disagree with any of the Terms presented in this agreement, you may discontinue using the site immediately. 0000003377 00000 n Contributors should also be aware that their posts may remain online indefinitely., Reaffirmed Councils priority to advocate for investment in Canterbury Hospital and a commuter car park, Identified underground floor space to be used for a limited number of retail and community uses, Strengthened our sustainability measures and review the buildings identified for heritage investigation, Made changes to the areas identified for densification and improved the transition between buildings, Provided additional information about floor space ratios, The community strongly support sustainability initiatives, The community support improvements to active transport infrastructure, Need for more community infrastructure and investment in State infrastructure (particularly Canterbury Hospital), The community generally support increase in local jobs. A reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 within a Land Zoning Map should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4. (2) The particular aims of this Plan are as follows. Speak to us in your language.Community members can leave a voicemail in their language, and a Council representative who speaks their language will call them back. The Canterbury-Bankstown area is a local government area (LGA) in New South Wales. The primary goal of this plan is to deliver the defined levels of service in the most cost-effective manner to meet both current and future needs of the community. The masterplan that includes injecting more than 6000 new homes into a sustainably built south-west Sydney precinct along a new Metro line has already sparked calls from Labor for a halt on big development but Mr Alha questioned the plans viability and said the suburbs growth had been stalled. To access your personal data and rectify any inaccuracies within that personal data; To request the erasure of your personal data residing with us; To request your personal data in portable, machine-readable format; and. Name: Canterbury-Bankstown Counciltopographic map, elevation, terrain. Alternatively, you can order printed maps from us. strategic centres. Oversee a budget of $68. Council is seeking further feedback on the Revised Draft Campsie Master Plan. Lest We Forget, 104-year-old veteran face of Anzac day campaign, Challenge to spark creativity during lockdown, Chester Hill bridges in for huge upgrades, CBCity opening extra funds to community groups, CBCity undertakes biggest survey on life post COVID-19, 'Huge demand' for new click and collect library service, CBCity delivers on promise for upgraded boat ramp, Have Your Say or say Gday to Mayor Asfour, CBCity forgotten in fight against domestic violence, New rain garden - a leap towards cleaner waterways, Party time as Ramadan Nights wins top award, GRANTS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT THROUGH CRISIS, First Council using Artificial Intelligence to improve recycling behaviour, Discover new opportunities at first virtual careers plus expo, New legislation makes cat de-sexing mandatory, Smart camera trial to improve safety and congestion, Award honors heritage and environment hero, Free "Outdoor Gyms". with the Local Planning Panels recommendations. *only dedicated bike lanes, doesn't include roads with a bike lane | 84 comments on LinkedIn Without a master plan, growth in Campsie will occur in an uncoordinated way. Panels recommendations can be viewed here: The master plan will develop planning controls to improve the quality and sustainability of the Centre and create a great place for people to live, work and visit. 0000691485 00000 n Refining the Master Plan, including consultation, Monday 14 February 2022 - Monday 28 March 2022. 66, Rickard Road, Bankstown. Please note all submissions received by Council are not confidential and may be made available to the public through the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. This includes your email address and demographic information provided by you on the registration form. By accessing and using this site, you are choosing to accept and comply with the Terms presented throughout this agreement as well as the Privacy Policy and Moderation Policy. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. *{HZYO?S0&~r0zFo0-V#H[gj/L*z 2b0.{pwfr-rWl Linked sites, affiliated services or third party content or software have their own Terms that you must comply with. 1.2 Aims of Plan. Development of Master Plan and ongoing engagement. 0000021676 00000 n Creating an account helps us better understand your needs and the needs of the community. Use the online mapping service by clicking on the button below. Communicate information to you about engagement opportunities, events and other initiatives; and. 0000001996 00000 n A copy of the For further information please see. Change zones and building envelopes at key development sites along main roads and other employment lands. Land Parcels (Default) Land Reservation Acquisition. 0000006901 00000 n We will deal with all requests for access to personal information within a reasonable timeframe. GPS Coordinates 38. Enter your email address below. Want to influence the future of Campsie Town Centre? Waste Collection Areas . Creating an account helps us better understand your needs and the needs of the community. This site is owned and operated by City of Canterbury Bankstown using software licensed from Harvest Digital Planning (The HiVE). Campbelltown City is located in Sydney's south-western suburbs, between 30 and 55 kilometres from the Sydney CBD. Percentage attribute indicates the percentage by area of the locality within each LGA. The master plan also establishes actions to ensure diverse, affordable housing types for all households, tenures and demographics. landowners who addressed the Panel and planning proposal applicants in line Each post will contain your username and any publicly available reports from consultations. In addition to the Outcomes Report, Council staff will also be reviewing written submissions received. Some features of this website may not work correctly. J Groups proposedplans for Beamish Street.Credit:J Group. 350 983. 2.2 Zoning of land to which Plan applies 2.3 Zone objectives and Land Use Table 2.4 Unzoned land 2.5 Additional permitted uses for particular land 2.6 Subdivisionconsent requirements 2.7 Demolition requires development consent 2.8 Temporary use of land Land Use Table Note Zone R2 Low Density Residential Zone R3 Medium Density Residential Find out more Customer Service Officer Apply Refer Temporary Full Time (Feb 2024) Supportive and collaborative environment Search. Canterbury-Bankstown Council has previously consulted the community over a blueprint to increase the density of the suburb from 24,500 to almost 40,000 people with more than 15,000 dwellings in total by 2036, while making the area more environmentally sustainable, affordable and connected to the Cooks River. 0001063840 00000 n We are refining the Revised Draft Master Plan (draft Master Plan), and we would love your feedback before the Plan is
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