how does hatsumomo make life miserable for chiyo
She was enraged in a petulant, childish way. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Chiyo, however, had no one to be her older sister. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. One night as Chiyo waits in the entrance, Hatsumomo's . How To Give Root Permission In Android, She falsely accuses Sayuri of stealing jewelry and pawning it. Marshall has instead crafted a mildly smarmy, heavy-breathing fantasy about some super-hot babes knocking each other down to get to the man meat while ignoring the fact that they are essentially sex slaves. how does hatsumomo make life miserable for chiyo. With Sayuri as the Okiya's principle asset and the the adoptive daughter of Nitta Okasan chosen over Pumpkin, Sayuri finally has the upper hand. Bought like a prime piece of meat, Hatsumomo was shackled in debt for the expense of her maiko training, Kimono wardrobe, and the cost of her board and lodging. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. And I dont mean that this is when she begins to look like one. This is when she begins to think like one too. "Yes, ma'am. She uses the power of her beauty to survive and cleverly manipulate those around her. Hastsumomo was once a famous Geisha and when Chiyo took her place, she had no where to go, no one to . All right, I'll tell you why I'm here. Hatsumomo tried to give him a lecture on self-preservation and Shinsou laughed a bit. The Geisha population in Memoirs of a Geisha have more than a surface level relationship with makeup. As Sayuri and Mother both try to extinguish the flames with blankets, she leaves the room and out of spite, she takes several oil lamp candles from the walls in the Okiya hallways and throws them. Thanks to her dazzling beauty and impressive style, Hatsumomo became one of the most popular and famous geisha of Gion which was the most prominent Maiko district. Through the struggles and through the painted faces, she holds onto her true self and only matures who she always has been: the poor girl from the poor village. Hatsumomo, the story's resident villain, tries her hardest to make Chiyo's life as miserable as possible. I'm seeking out Koichi. Chiyo, deeply moved by the mans kindness, knows Fate, however, has a different plan for him, as both acts of revenge and kindness render him front-page news. Thus damaging the interior of the Nitta Okiya even more. Throughout the novel, Golden uses the imagery and symbolism of water and makeup, which allows readers to identify Chiyos personal struggles as she endures through the hardships of transforming from Chiyo, the poor girl into Sayuri, the geisha. The unwritten prohibition against boyfriends is another instance of geisha having little control over their personal or professional lives. It may be true that she wears a startling hairstyle even as she struggles to open her eyes; but in every other respect she's a woman like any other, and not a geisha at all. Chiyo is miserable and tries to escape to be with her sister but ends up breaking her arm. how does hatsumomo make life miserable for chiyo. how to change text duration on reels. 0000009587 00000 n how does hatsumomo make life miserable for chiyo. portion of the apprentices income. I had no choice but to obey. Hatsumomo is incredibly jealous of Chiyo and does everything in her power to make her life miserable and to try and put her career to an end before it even begins. Module 2 Lesson 1 Answer Key Grade 5, I believe Geisha's are truly beautiful. REGISTER JOURNAL has the perspectives of languages and language teachings. Sidney Lumet 6301976061 Sidney Lumet's directorial debut remains a tense, atmospheric (though slightly manipulative and stagy) courtroom thriller, in which the viewer never sees a trial and the only action is verbal. I am absolutely fascinated by the Japanese and Geisha culture. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. The game is . One day while running an errand for the house that she lives in, Chiyo falls down on a stone near a river and starts to cry for she can no longer endure the pain and hardships she is going through at such a young age. aWhy doesnt Sayuri go to many formal parties? Mother prohibits and banishes her from the Hanamachi and the entire town of Gion for good. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. The girl under the makeup conceals her true identity and creates a deception as people will perceive them from what they see but what they are seeing is a facade made up of white makeup and red lipstick. Hatsumomo's grace, talent, and skill afford her royal treatment as she is the principle earner in the geisha house. 0000004003 00000 n Paradise Place Jamaican Cuisine, Address: 14420 NW 107 Avenue, Hialeah Gardens, FL 33018 Geisha A Cinderella story like no other, Memoirs of a Geisha stars Ziyi Zhang, Ken Watanabe, Michelle Yeoh and Gong Li. Spc Upper Control Arms Frontier, how does hatsumomo make life miserable for chiyo how does hatsumomo make life miserable for chiyo. Phone: 305-822-0666 0000005104 00000 n Because Hatsumomo brought in the most money to the residence of the okiya she lived in, she was allowed to dominate and boss all of it's residents around. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Aunties explanation thus reveals the full extent of Tanakas betrayal. xref But momos are dangerous for health and can cause long-term damages to the body. Hatsumomo is horrible to her, she is worked very hard and, when she reaches of age, she is forced to go to geisha school to learn the arts of tea service, pageantry and music. Chiyos anxiety over beautys destruction shows that she has not yet accepted that all beautiful things must come to an end. Hashimoto's disease can be difficult to navigate because it affects so many aspects of your health and well-being. Studies have found that people with Hashimoto's disease are more likely to develop symptoms of depression and anxiety . Makeup is the first stop to the deception of beauty but along with the makeup, the willingness to change and to conceal their true feelings is essential in a successful geishas life. () (), . One day while running an errand for the house that she lives in, Chiyo falls down on a stone near a river and starts to cry for she can no longer endure the pain and hardships she is going through at such a young age. Through the symbolism of makeup, Golden portrays Chiyos transformation into Sayuri as the makeup creates a facade for the young girl. Here are 8 reasons why you should not eat momos unless you are absolutely sure . 0000024788 00000 n As the years pass Hatsumomo begins a slow, yet increasingly destructive downward spiral fueled by alcoholism. But soon after her arrival, Chiyo sees Hatsumomo's true character and learns about the evilness and ugliness hidden deep within her. She sets a record for a mizuage (an infamous achievement in a wider context). Hatsumomo has no backstory, her personal history and how she entered the flower and willow world is a complete mystery and her past is never explained. Through the use of makeup, Golden encourages readers to understand how the geishas really feel under their white masks and to understand the duality they attain as they have two different personalities: one with makeup and one without. But only Chiyo ends up in a geisha house, an okiya, her sister becomes a prostitute. Memoirs of a Geisha is a 2005 American epic drama film based on the novel of the same name by Arthur Golden, produced by Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment and Spyglass Entertainment and by Douglas Wick's Red Wagon Entertainment. Along with the appearance, the thoughts change as well. I am an admin of this site. Memoirs of a Geisha ePUB Memoirs of PDF or A literary sensation and runaway bestseller this brilliant debut novel presents with seamless authenticity and exuisite lyricism the true confessions of one of Japan's most celebrated geishaIn Memoirs of a Geisha we enter a world where appearances are paramount; where a girl's virginity is auctioned to the highest bidder; where women are trai. Hatsumomo makes Chiyo's life miserable, and accuses her of several crimes that she didn't commit, adding to Chiyo's already large debt. And here Hatsumomo pinched Pumpkin by the lip so hard that the shamisen slid off her lap onto the wooden walkway where she was seated, and fell from there onto the dirt corridor below. Hatsumomo is finally defeated when she gives into her insanity, driving her to the breaking point (the same way she did early in the career of Sayuri). In the film version, she is not portrayed to be as feminine and delicate as her character is described in the novel. Though Hatsumomos frank disclosure of Satsus location might seem out of character, we should remember that appearances are rarely as they seem in this novel. Golden using the imagery of water to present Chiyos personality enables the readers to understand Chiyo better as it will be easier to comprehend her adaptability and reaction towards given situations. Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays. When I say successful, I mean a geisha who has earned her independence. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Hatsumomo hates Sayuri's guts from the moment she first arrives at the okiya. Pumpkin, a girl around Chiyo's age also lives at the Okiya and is a maid and virtual slave of Nitta. I had no choice but to obey," (p.72, Golden). Ive found a place to spend my life. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Thus, with Pumpkin adopting the Okiya, Hatsumomo as Pumpkin's big sister will use Pumpkin as a puppet to control and take over the Okiya by calling all the shots. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Only when she sits before her mirror to apply her makeup with care does she become a geisha. Hatsumomo can also be referred to as a witch because she does anything like spreading false rumors to make Chiyo's life miserable. On one particular occasion Chiyo feeling so depressed collapses on a bridge in tears over her life's woes. However, Hatsumomo follows them wherever they go, ruining their chances to introduce Sayuri . You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. - Hatsumomo is Sayuris rival. If a geisha is too passionate about long-term love affairs and relationships, she will not survive in the geisha business. As a result of her bad behavior, she could never find a Danna as she was banned. Compare it to the life of someone living in the rural areas or the province. While such efforts are duly noted, the bare-bones liners and widely varying quality of these retries make Guerolito better suited for iTunes cherry-picking than full-on Amazon consumption. 0000000016 00000 n On another night, a man whom Chiyo thinks looks like a workman comes into the okiya.A few minutes later, Hatsumomo arrives. 0000052663 00000 n 0000006695 00000 n Mameha says that the match is sold out, so, During the next match, Sayuri notices out of the corner of her eye, over Nobu, showing interest in whatever he says about sumo. Hatsumomo can also be referred to as a witch because she does anything like spreading false rumors to make Chiyos life miserable. Pumpkin works very hard in hopes of being sent to Geisha School and then adopted by Nitta which will give her a secure future and a place to live out her life comfortably. Chiyo is left serving a really mean Geisha named Hatsumomo. Mameha and Sayuri decide to give Hatsumomo a taste of her own medicine. Little did Chiyo know at the time that this woman was, Around three weeks after her arrival at the okiya, Chiyo is cleaning, by the slap, Chiyo stumbles out of the room and falls to the ground. As we learn in the book, no one wants to become a geisha. Upon learning that Chiyo will remain Mother's slave for all time, Hatsumomo rejoiced at the prospect and set out to make her life even more miserable than . Through her long journey, she finds herself questioning her place in the world and who she really is. (including. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. 0000017125 00000 n But there is no time for her to be angry. 0000047217 00000 n However, Hatsumomo does show some mercy and finally tells Chiyo that her missing sister, Satsu is a prostitute in the "Pleaser District" called Miyagawa-Cho, under the house brothel of Madame Tatsuyo. Memoirs of a Geisha is a historical fiction novel by American author Arthur Golden, published in 1997.The novel, told in first person perspective, tells the story of a fictional geisha working in Kyoto, Japan, before, during and after World War II, and ends with her being relocated to New York City.. Auntie warns Chiyo against both angering and trusting Hatsumomo, knowing the ill-mannered geisha's true nature very well. Sold against her will to the okiya, Chiyo is now forced to work until she pays off her debts. Workplace Transition Plan, Spc Upper Control Arms Frontier, Memoirs of a Geisha(42)Online read: My last lesson of the morning was in tea ceremony. What preparations does Chiyo make for her life as a novice geisha? C. So I'll understand how to put on your makeup. Written by Arthur Golden and Robin Swicord. 0000004263 00000 n She tries to make Chiyos life as miserable as possible. Free essays & term papers - Memoirs of a Geisha, English . Later, Mameha takes Chiyo under her wing and as an apprentice geisha (called Maiko) and as Mameha's new younger sister, officially changes her name from Chiyo to Sayuri which means "Small Lily". Then Mother reached up between her legs, and when her hand came out again her fingertips were wet. 0000004323 00000 n Through the whole plot, Hatsumomo is determined to make Chiyo's life miserable. Hatsumomo, the story's resident villain, tries her hardest to make Chiyo's life as miserable as possible. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden is a novel about the life of Chiyo, also known as Sayuri (once she becomes a geisha). Like water shifting to fit the shape of a container, people with a lot of water in their personality have a tendency towards adaptability and flexibility. Hatsumomo says that she has yet to make Chiyo's life really miserable, but if Chiyo ever mentions to anyone that a man came to the okiya, then all that will change.Hatsumomo and the man go into a private room. Hatsumomo is basically a flat character, and we never see her humanized or portrayed sympathetically. 0 0000010381 00000 n I do agree Sayuri could have made Pumpkins life easier by allowing her to confide in her.Even though she expressed to Sayuri that she does not like Hatsumomo and cannot understand how anyone can be so mean, she still shares a bond with Hatsumomo and has some amount of loyalty to her.Ms. She has the power to act however she wants, because without her, the Nitta okiya would be nothing. The Hundred Year War is over, but peace continues to elude them. One night not much later, at a banquet party held at a local tea house, Hatsumomo gave into her rage by biting and viciously attacking a former friend, a homosexual Kabuki actor. Many (Western) readers unfamiliar with the geishas role in society might simply assume that geisha are prostitutes, which is not the casealthough this very novel often helps perpetuate that stereotype. That person is the lowest-ranked geisha-in-training, the "cocoon" in the house, which is Chiyo. In the beginning she made Sayuris life miserable by blaming her in many thing that she didnt do, thus causing her to be punished and spanked and even caused her to have a huge debt to her okiya. They are the delight of all street food lovers. <]>> Chiyo is framed and Hatsumomo blames her for it. Workplace Transition Plan, Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. How To Give Root Permission In Android, But basically, a tea ceremony is conducted by one or two people Plot A look at four seasons in the lives of a happily married couple, and their relationships with their family and friends who are all quite miserable. She had a secret lover, named Koichi who worked at a nearby noodle shop but was already married (most likely in an arranged marriage). Mother asks her why Mameha would want to be her older sister. What does Chiyo respond? "As for Hatsumomo-" "Don't even waste your time thinking about what she says. In On one particular occasion Chiyo feeling so depressed collapses on a bridge in tears over her life Satsu escapes but nine year old Chiyo does not. Harmony and relaxation for you could be a quiet walk along the seashore, or in the woods or anywhere that you can observe the beauties of the outdoors. 0000014661 00000 n power to make m y life mi serable in an y wa y she wanted. Chiyo is on the path of becoming a geisha as well, until she tries to escape with her sister and breaks her arm. Auntie took Hatsumomo by the arms and held her from behind, while Mother began to pull open the seams of Hatsumomo's kimono at the thigh. In 1920's traditional Japan, the well-known Hatsumomo is the only working geisha living in the Nitta Okiya along with Nitta Okasan, (the geisha mother) Auntie, (a failed geisha) and granny, (a retired geisha) before the arrival of nine year- old Chiyo. July 27, 2010 by Farnoosh Brock. Memoirs of a Geisha(42)Online read: My last lesson of the morning was in tea ceremony. Narrating her life story from her elegant suite in the Waldorf Astoria, Sayuri tells of her traumatic arrival at the Nitta okiya (a geisha house), where she endures harsh treatment from Granny and Mother, the greedy owners, and from Hatsumomo, the sadistically cruel head geisha. Chiyo settled uneasily into her doomed life, while watching her friend and fellow maid, Pumpkin get elevated to being an apprentice geisha and all her work as a maid is transferred to her. Chiyo lives in the company of these women for the better part of her childhood and into her early adulthood. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Sequel to The Concubine's Apprentice. Despite the fame Hatsumomo achieved, she was far from beautiful on the inside. ;P{)a`vPds{kf'; Her main motivation is jealousy. ng ra, ta tp truyn ny phi l Nhng mu truyn t suy ngm.Nhng mu truyn ny c gp nht y, nhiu truyn nguyn thy km li phn tch thm chi tit hoc bnh lun c tnh cch khuyn bo. Thus, weakening Hatsumomo's power. She, like most geisha of her time, was a virtual prisoner during this "Geisha Heyday" before the second World War. Much to her surprise a high society passer by stops to question why she is so sad. LitCharts Teacher Editions. 0000010119 00000 n Paradise Place Jamaican Cuisine, On one particular occasion Chiyo feeling so depressed collapses on a bridge in tears over her life's woes. Tell a story without so many words for a change! This is one she begins to think like one too, (115). Many trials still await them, and the crossroads of destiny is at the horizon. She by now has become a classic alcoholic. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Her geisha training is almost near to the life of slavery. par | Juin 5, 2022 | where is travis's mom in hope floats | Juin 5, 2022 | where is travis's mom in hope floats If Hatsumomo appears kind, then she mostly likely has an ulterior motive. It shows how life has change drastically to Chiyo; Because of her beauty and unusual gray color eyes, the famous geisha Hatusmomo is jealous, and makes her life utterly miserable. Second is the Chairman who relieved the despair of Sayuri when she was still young. Looking for a flexible role? Hatsumomo San, the most Beautiful Geisha of Gion Japan. As Chiyo becomes Sayuri, she learns to control the water and balance her personality: My new name came from sa meaning together, yu from the zodiac sign for the hen-in order to balance other elements in my personality- and ri meaning understanding, (160). She was a cold-blooded individual who could not handle competition or anyone more successful. Mameha also reveals that Hatsumomo is much more threatened by Chiyo rather than Pumpkin, with Chiyo out of the way, Pumpkin is in the lead of being the adoptive daughter. 0000049288 00000 n At her apartment the next day, Mameha offers Chiyo tea. <p>We all love momos, but did you know that they are harmful for our health? With the help of Sayuri they spread lies of concern for the rival, telling everyone that a doctor has declared Hatsumomo mentally unstable. Mother hides her greed and lack of concern for others under the appearance of elegant clothing and the name Mother, whereas Aunties appearance of cruelty her willingness to beat Chiyo is actually an act of compassion meant to save Chiyo from an even more brutal punishment. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. She serves as a servant in an okiya (a geisha home) only to soon be taken under the wing of Mameha who trains her to be a successful geisha like Mameha is herself. She is seen very drunk almost everyday, has rapid and violent mood swings and is even caught reading Sayuri's diary. Later, Chiyo meets Hatsumomo, the only geisha in her okiya. If Chiyo never becomes a geisha, however, then she will never be able to pay her debts, effectively making her a slave for life. How To Give Root Permission In Android, -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Hatsumomo appears in, Chiyo has ever imagined. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. She is described as having very fair skin, is short in height with petite bone structure, and looks more lovely chewing on her fingernail than most other geisha look while posing to have their picture taken. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Hatsumomo, why you got to be so mean? No wonder youre miserable. In order to destroy the future of Hatsumomo, she uses her brilliance to take Chiyo under her own hands by becoming her older sister, or mentor. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Hastsumomo was once a famous Geisha and when Chiyo took her place, she had no where to go, no one to love. Workplace Transition Plan, Yes, it's made up, though based on fact and research, but it's also a revealing look at history through the eyes of those who lived it. A few minutes later, The next day, after Chiyo returns to the okiya from school, Mother and Granny tell, her life cant get any worse. The white face mimics porcelain skin and the red lips symbolize everything a man wants. 0000016068 00000 n geisha called Hatsumomo who, jealous of Chiyo's beauty, In an interview, Golden describes how he was introduced makes her life utterly miserable. Aunties explanation reveals that Chiyos status at the okiya is somewhere between a slave and indentured servant. Jealous of any geisha who might be prettier than her, Hatsumomo fears that. Whether or not this is true, Nitta Okasan was probably pleased that there were fewer mouths to feed, since Hatsumomo was no longer earning what she once had. 0000004509 00000 n Immediately she takes this piece of evidence to Nitta Mother to prove her innocence and reveals Hatsumomo's dishonesty, Hatsumomo is finally caught red handed in a lie and punished. irish stick fighting classes; does aortic stenosis cause coughing; aarhus convention parties; how much is larry roberts worth; pineapple ginger and garlic benefits For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Chiyo falls in love with him and does Also I find it interesting that the elements are used a lot in this movie. She promises to tell Chiyo where her sister is and reluctantly, Chiyo marks the kimino with ink. And I don't mean that this is when she begins to look like one. Hatsumomo is the main antagonist of the acclaimed and bestselling novel "Memoirs of a Geisha" published in 1997 by author Arthur Golden and also the 2005 film adaptation of the same name. One could say this makes her character all the more mysterious and alluring. Miserable and desperate, Chiyo plans to finally run away from the okiya; however, she is caught when she falls off the roof and breaks her arm. She put the kimono-wrapped in its linen paper-into my arms and walked me down to the storehouse in the courtyard. She mentions to Chiyo also about what made her childhood friend, Hatsuoki a potential geisha in training who was also pretty and popular, ultimately get banned from Gion when she was trained under the great Tomihatsu. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Struggling with distance learning? Hatsumomo adds to this debt by forcing Chiyo to destroy an expensive kimono owned by Mameha, Hatsumomo's rival. Behind closed doors Hatsumomo was self-centered, sociopathic and a very jealous woman full of hatred and malice. Golden using the imagery of water to present Chiyo's personality enables the . I'll work as hard as I have to so they don't send me away. As Sayuri is now is the main breadwinner, making more income than Hatsumomo and Pumpkin combined. Unfortunately for Sayuri, Hatsumomo is the money-maker (and it's hard to shake your money maker in a kimono), so she has to be nice to her. 10 Explain the following. 1930s, Japan. Much to her surprise a high society passerby stops to question why she is so sad. On page 72, when Hatsumomo is making Chiyo deface another geisha's kimono, they enter her storage unit and find that it's filled with many cases of gorgeous kimono. As for Hatsumomo suffering at the hands of Sayuri and Mameha we see plenty of evidence that Hatsumomo tries to make Chiyo's life as miserable as possible when she is little (even though Chiyo has done nothing in particular to anger her) and later as she tries to become a geisha, so naturally there will be certain amount of animosity among . She looked at me with cold eyes as Mother gathered up the koshimaki and pushed her knees apart. A cold and wet Chiyo carrying an umbrella for Hatsumomo. miserable. H\Pj0+tlid#clJfXl8t0, {u& {st':'Z7xW<[4tGMXhh pUSknzb_w/ dQ|WvU?oA[oQ0. She is a real bitch and she tries to make Chiyos life as miserable as possible. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. No plagiarism, guaranteed! They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. I thought Hatsumomo would resist, but she didn't. Portrays an underworld of lonely souls wrestling with their own destinies. She may have been as cruel as a spider, but she was more lovely chewing on her fingernail than most geisha looked posing for a photograph Down a foggy, desolate road to the port city of Le Havre travels Jean, an army deserter looking for another chance to make good in life. Redirecting to (308) We are dedicated to helping students with their everyday College needs. *You can also browse our support articles here >. 0000021634 00000 n She notes that she cannot keep her life under control, who she is and where she goes will change under the given circumstances and all she can do is let it flow. They both continue to drink beer at the Okiya and in their drunkeness convince Chiyo and manipulate her to paint on a gorgeous and extremely expensive Kimono. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Complete your free account to request a guide. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Chiyo, Hatsumomo inflicts her power against Chiyo. Your name of Hatsumomo makes you a studious, quiet, reserved person. Thus, needing Pumpkin to be picked as adoptive daughter to continue her manipulation and evilness. In a world like todays, people can be excused for their inner ugliness if they are beautiful enough or if they generally meet the standards in all aspects including personality. As mother explains: "We all of us think of only one thinghow we can help Hatsumomo be successful as a geisha." How Does Hatsumomo Make Life Miserable For Chiyo, Safe Place Urban Dictionary, Apartments In New Orleans French Quarter, Achilles Tendon Rupture Recovery Boot, Tulsa Ballet Trainee Program, Garneau Urban Cycling Shoes - Women's, Android Transparent Navigation Bar, Application Of Ribozyme Technology Ppt, Remotepc Black Screen, Law Harrington Senior . Teachers and parents! In fact, a geisha leaves a tiny margin of skin bare all around the hairline, causing her makeup to look even more artificial, something like a mask worn in Noh drama. Her face may be greasy from sleep, and her breath unpleasant. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Write a letter recommending Pumpkin as a geisha to an okiya in a different city.
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